About Us


The journey of awakening and ascension, moving from 3D consciousness to 4D and higher, of integrating the emotional body with your spirituality, is non-linear, spiraling, and ever-deepening. Ascension from 3D consciousness to transitional 4D to 5D and higher invites you to embody your soul/Higher Self consciousness into your body.

Undigested traumas in your emotional body/psyche and unhealed karmic wounds from other lifetimes/timelines can anchor you to third-dimensional (3D) consciousness. This anchoring of undigested trauma leads to emotional pain and suffering loops, physical disease/illness, toxic/codependent relationships, stuckness around expressing your soul purpose service of love here, and much more.

In offering a process path through SoulFullHeart, we honor that each soul’s experience is unique while providing a means to navigate the murky grounds of awakening with some ‘heart rails’ offered by our process. SoulFullHeart is a highly catalytic, quantum healing process and paradigm that provides a direct and efficient way to digest these traumas and integrate, unify, and transmute your emotional body and soul field through connection with parts of yourself such as the Inner Protector, Inner Child, Inner Mother/Father, and more. 

You also experience a conscious and meaningful connection with your Metasoul/other lifetime aspects for karmic healing, soul gift exchange, galactic consciousness awakenings, and quantum shifting of timeline outcomes. Your energetic body and chakras also receive an upgrade into light body frequencies with a conscious connection to your Ascension chakras, dissolving of any objects/blocks with love, and collaboration with your Gatekeeper aspect to tune in.

SoulFullHeart is a consciousness, an energy, that allows for a higher dimensional experience of life in which tones of Infinite Love become more and more your daily, embodied experience in ALL areas of life. Embracing the SoulFullHeart process offers profound and life-altering experience of your heart and soul consciousness through relationship with aspects or parts of yourself, others within community, the Divine (in both dualistic and nondualistic forms), the nature of reality, the environment/nature/animals, and your physical body. Consciousness in each of these areas is awakened through radical paradigm shifts, catalytic sessions, and methodologies that can be used for the rest of your life and in serving others.

Ongoing sessions offer a ‘drilled down’ and specific approach to your ongoing parts and Metasoul aspect work and are responsive to ongoing life situations that come up.​ The process encourages you to hold parts of yourself and their reactions/discoveries/digestions outside of session space as well, with a deepening sense of their inner world coming alive for you. SoulFullHeart Facilitators currently offering 1:1 sessions are Jelelle Awen with women, Raphael Awen for men & women, and Kasha Rokshana for women. We offer a free 30-45 minute intro over zoom and 1:1 sessions are negotiable with usual minimum donation of 55 euros for sessions with Raphael or Kasha and 77 euros with Jelelle.


The SoulFullHeart Process is the result of fifteen years of personal process work for the SoulFullHeart Facilitators with parts of ourselves, serving others in session space, and witnessing hundreds of souls engage in an emoto-spiritual parts process over the years. Along the way, we’ve been inspired by and engaged deeply with some other modalities, yet the SoulFullHeart Process is completely unique in its design and implementation. We offer a specific ‘how’; a definitive way and means to connect with, integrate, and heal the 3D conditioning that we have all received, navigate the often very challenging transitional 4D consciousness states, and embody more 5D consciousness/Higher Self. This process is based on what we have heard and felt most frequently as the needs, desires, frustrations and interests for those on the Ascension path.

SoulFullHeart Facilitators are guides in this journey. We live this process as our way of life, are deeply engaged with it, and personally feel the 3D/4D/5D aspects in ourselves that we will be helping you identify and feel too. We are intimately familiar with the SFH process and how and when to offer you the many resources that we have in our extensive library of writings and videos. As Facilitators, we cannot do the work for you, yet instead provide guidance, support, and reflections as you go. Your relationship with us as Facilitators provides a template for relating with another person where you are leaning into their guidance in moments while also claiming your own sovereignty. The true teacher in your life is YOU. You are your own healer. SoulFullHeart facilitates, empowers, and supports your remembering and embodiment of this.

SoulFullHeart invites you into the deepest terrain of your being…from your roots to your wings, from your childhood to past-life incarnations, and offers transformational change at the most fundamental levels. Beyond a self-improvement program, therapy, and most spiritual practices, SoulFullHeart offers negotiation with the parts of you who are in the most resistance and protection, which allows for deep layers of transformation, awakening, ascending, and remembering that which you really ARE as Infinite Love.

None of your intense feelings and the traumas that they are sourced from are bad or evil or negative….rather they are a portal….offering you an opening to endless discovery about yourself and soul as you move into wholeness unity again as a key aspect of the ongoing Ascension process!

Read more about sessions here.

We highly recommend reading Jelelle Awen’s book Free To Be 5D: Navigating Ascension From The Inside Out as an overview of the SoulFullHeart process.

Our Story

Raphael and Jelelle Awen met in an emotional and spiritual healing group that was based in Ashland, Oregon in 2004, which is where we learned about and experienced parts/subpersonality connection. We began dating in July 2008 and also left the group together at this time, experiencing both a provide dark night of the soul together as we were in soul mate reunion bliss. We were married in March, 2009 after moving from California to Vancouver, Canada. We began offering space holding and spiritual teaching about parts work, Divine Feminine and Masculine connection starting in 2010. SoulFullHeart was born in 2012 with initial involvement from Gabriel and Kasha as facilitants and eventually as Facilitators and co-founders.

We eventually moved from Canada to Mexico in 2014 as a community, living on a remote, off-grid ranch as we felt a Divine call to live more simply and deconstruct our 3D-based money earning as painting contractors/business owners. We grew many organic vegetables and also experimented in cobb building while we were on the ranch. In 2016, we decided as a community to move into the city of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in order to earn money and offer SoulFullHeart more easily online. We have been offering our writings and videos and space holding sessions virtually and in person with increasing resonant response and exposure since then.

Raianna Shai, Gabriel and Jelelle’s daughter from their former marriage, joined the SoulFullHeart community in July, 2017 as a facilitant and also as Collaborator focusing on web site design and upkeep. From October 2018 until September 2020, we were all called to move back to the Pacific Northwest to connect with the awakening corridor of souls along the New Lemurian coast there and to ground in SoulFullHeart as a local offering along with virtual/remote offerings.

We felt the call to Avalon for many years and finally moved to Glastonbury, UK in September, 2020 where we settled for 10 months as a community. As of September 2021, Raphael, Jelelle, Kasha, Raianna and another community member, Bianca Magdalene, live in central Portugal about one hour from the city of Coimbra. 1:1 sessions over zoom are currently available and in-person sessions and seasonal group gatherings group in Folques, Portugal.

More information about Raphael and Jelelle here.

There are many ways in which SoulFullHeart offers a different picture than what is currently popular or mainstream. If you wish to learn more about this healing path and way of life, please visit www.soulfullheart.org for additional writings and musings based in personal process and discovery from different SoulFullHeart teachers/Facilitators and facilitants (clients).

If you have any questions or would like to request sessions or interviews with a facilitator please email soulfullhearts@gmail.com and you will be swiftly and heartfully responded to!

Love and blessings,

SoulFullHeart Community – Raphael and Jelelle Awen, Kasha Rokshana, Raianna Shai and Bianca Magdalene

Please visit our website to read more about us and the following articles:

About Jelelle Awen

About Raphael Awen

About Kasha Rokshana

About SoulFullHeart

About SoulFullHeart Sessions

About Parts And Metasoul Aspects

SoulFullHeart YouTube Channel with all of our videos

Contact Us at soulfullhearts@gmail.com or via our website at soulfullheart.org