1:1 Sessions

(L to R) SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators: Raphael Awen, Jelelle Awen, and Kasha Rokshana Raphael Awen meets with men in free intro calls and sessions; Kasha, and Jelelle meet with women. SoulFullHeart Teachers and Facilitators offer the SoulFullHeart Process through free intro calls and 1:1 sessions over zoom and in person in the Central, Portugal region. Sessions are 55 Euros/USD equivalent minimum donation for 90 minutes.

Visit soulfullheart.org/sessions for more information


Intro Calls

​We are honored that you are feeling into getting support and healing on your awakening journey with us through the unique SoulFullHeart process. Experience of the SoulFullHeart healing process and way of life is offered through 90 minute 1:1 sessions virtually over Zoom or in person in Central Portugal.

​We highly recommend taking in more about the SoulFullHeart process through sharings from us to get more sense of what we are offering, feel into your resonance with it, and see if you are drawn to explore deeper in an initial and possibly ongoing sessions. You can watch the many videos on our SoulFullHeart YouTube Channel including the recent Deepen 2022 video series, read writings on our blog, visit our social media pages (links in the footer below), and read books by Jelelle Awen. We especially recommend reading her book Free To Be 5D: Navigating Ascension From The Inside Out. Attending and/or listening to our monthly group calls (one for all and one for women) provides a deeper and more intimate experience of the community that is at the core of SoulFullHeart. 

​Prior to scheduling a 1:1 session, we offer a free 30-45 minute intro call with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator. Intro calls are available with Kasha Rokshana, and Jelelle Awen for women; and with Raphael Awen for men.

​Intro calls allow for a calibration to our energy and what we are offering in the SoulFullHeart process in the specific way that we do. We find that the Inner Protector/Gatekeeper aspects (inner defensive energies) appreciate the space to talk before diving into the more vulnerable drop-in meditation space that happens in the session. Intro calls are particularly useful for those who are wanting to have ongoing, multiple sessions over a period of time.

In the intro call, we talk with you to get a sense of your awakening journey, where the areas of pain/desire are in your life, and where we might go with you in a session. We get a sense together of which Facilitator would be best to serve you in this current phase of your healing and Ascension process and if sessions are right for you at this time.

We also discuss briefly your responses to the questions below that you send to us prior to the intro call, which you can email to soulfullhearts@gmail.com or submit via our contact form. 

* What drew you to SoulFullHeart and to request a session and how do you feel the process could help you?
* What is your biggest pain/suffering about in your life?
* What is your biggest desire for yourself in your life?
* Tell me something about your awakening journey and how it has been for you

Suggested Reading prior to the intro call:

About the SoulFullHeart Process, Our Story and Vision

​Suggested Viewing Prior to the intro call:

Guided Meditation with your Inner Protector

​When you contact us about an intro call, let us know if there is a specific facilitator you would like to meet with and we will see if they are available, otherwise we will choose one based on your responses and their availability. A Facilitator will be in touch with you via email to schedule the session with you.

​1:1 Session: 

There is so much to navigate and feel with the ongoing Ascension and awakening process accelerating and deepening. Sessions with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator offer an illuminating and inspiring look at your journey, your process, and your life. Coming from the truly unique SoulFullHeart Way Of Life perspective and way of life, we provide a bridge to digest what you’ve experienced in your awakening and life so far, locate where you currently are, and identify possible next steps for your highest timeline manifestation and embodiment of your Divine Self. 

In the first part of the session, your Facilitator will talk with you about current situations going on in your life that are causing you pain or suffering, what your desires are, and​ also get a sense of your general well being, relationships with your family, romance, and experience of awakening. Through this conversation and the previous intro call, they will have a sense of where you might go in your drop-in meditation together.

For the next 45 to 60 minutes, your Facilitator then takes you on an effective and powerful meditative journey with them to connect with your Inner Protector, Gatekeeper or other parts, and/or a Metasoul aspects/lifetimes in order to start creating a bridge to these parts/aspects. This is a collaborative journey between you and your Facilitator. You are leading the way into an altered state of consciousness that gives you clearer access to your subconscious, to beyond-the-veil reality of other lifetimes, and to previously suppressed shadow aspects. 

You will ‘drop into’ the energy of whichever part or Metasoul Aspect you are working with in a natural and easy way feeling their energy and even speaking and answering questions as them/from their voice. This drop-in offers a highly effective means of healing and digesting deeper traumas, identifying polarized dynamics and realities inside of you, and accessing soul themes/karmic play out patterns that are usually not currently conscious to you. There is always something NEW that comes out of this!

The experience of being felt/seen/heard by your Facilitator at multidimensional and deeply empathic levels allows for the transmutation of trauma and fear/resistance with love and for the deepening experience of yourself as a love ambassador to all parts/aspects of yourself.

After having a free intro (which is recommended), you can purchase a session with your SoulFullHeart Facilitator for usual minimum donation of €55 Euros/USD equivalent for Jelelle, Raphael and Kasha for 90 minutes through our shop page using stripe (debit or credit card) or via your Facilitator’s paypal or wise account. We are also wanting to move away from PayPal transactions eventually and invite you to check out the Wise online payment platform (We prefer it for so many reasons!)​

Ongoing Sessions: 

​Ongoing 1:1 sessions are available with SoulFullHeart Facilitators after having an initial session with them. We recommend the pace of once a week at maximum and at least once a month on an ongoing basis (with 2-4x a month being optimal for transformation and consistency.) You can purchase additional sessions at whatever rate/pace works for you in coordination with your Facilitator through our shop or Paypal or Wise.

​Remote sessions over zoom are meant to be for a limited period of time, not for years as in traditional therapy, and ultimately as a bridge to experiencing SoulFullHeart consciousness and the healing process in person with us here in Central Portugal by eventually attending one of our seasonal Gatherings on every Equinox and Solstice. Meeting all of us and others sharing the way of life, experiencing SoulFullHeart in person allows you to ground in what you’ve been opening up through remote sessions and to make choices about next steps of alignment with us or whether to complete the process. The process is ultimately best served, experienced, and deepened in person, although much can be bridged and initiated remotely for a phase of time. Being with us in person also opens up the opportunity of energy healing as well.

​As you deepen in the process over time in regular sessions and community involvement with us, you experience these benefits and more:

* fewer relationship challenges and more vulnerable intimacy inside of yourself and with others

* lightening up and cessation of heightened emotional states such as depression, anxiety, and suffering and yet more allowance to hold space for emotions from parts of you that need you 

* unplugging from 3D Matrix and False Light programming and conditioning

* overall renewed body and energy vitality and health

* more clarity and embodiment of your soul purpose; transitioning your money earning/livelihood

* deeper and more consistent anchoring of your consciousness to Higher Vibrational/5D frequencies of Divine love, joy, compassion, and forgiveness WITHIN your body 

* more nourishment in ALL areas of your life, especially in romantic relationships, soul purpose expression, and soul family community

We look forward to connecting with you!


Raphael, Jelelle, and Kasha

Note: We record each intro call, individual session and monthly group call that occurs over Zoom to share with you. In addition, we will occasionally share the recordings amongst SoulFullHeart Facilitators for internal training and quality control purposes ONLY. These recordings are never shared publicly or with anyone else. If you prefer not to have your sessions recorded, please let us know.​

Contact us or email soulfullhearts@gmail.com with any questions and inquiries.



“I’m so glad I felt the Soul nudge, got over my resistance and jumped into sessions with you, Jelelle! You have such a warm, amazing, non- judgemental, Loving Presence and Awareness from which you collaborate this healing space! I also love how I don’t feel like a “client”. It’s a much bigger and more loving fluid space than that. And I wasn’t expecting that! But it’s a True Treasure.

I’m really feeling blessed by the collaborative nature of it! Your creation of it that way Invites my own emPowerment. And I don’t feel smaller, diminished, invalidated or even shamed, like I have felt with other types of work/facilitators.

You carry forth such a deep wellspring of Loving Curiosity & Compassion! That feels like such an excellent model for what I can offer my own parts of Self.”

​Jennifer Oikle- November 8, 2023

“Thank you, Jelelle for your loving and genuinely caring responses. I’m still sitting with the tenderness and pure heart opening from our last session. Meeting the young, awkward, self-conscious, previously shamed aspects was deeply Soul cleansing and restorative. I am also appreciating the rare and priceless gifts flowing through…resting in the goodness. Thanks again for holding space and most importantly for committing to your own inner work over the years. Through the heart, I’m able to see and feel the depth, and it’s all beautiful and inspiring. I know that your intimate space and purity of intentions are true, despite all of the surface changes and unknowns. Infinite Love!”

Anaeli Sofia – November 9, 2023

​”These last 6 years of sessions have been so empowering, deep and heart opening. So many walls have melted, deep pain has been felt and transmuted, parts have upgraded when they’re ready and my outside world has transmuted because of it.

I’ve grown from a shy, caretaking and self conscious girl to a confident, compassionate and open woman with a desire to serve all that I’ve learned. There’s nothing quite like getting as real as you can in a safe container with a space holder and the divine. So grateful for this warm and deep room!” 

​Raianna Shai November 11, 2023

“As a former client of SoulFullHeart session space- this is true service and I’ve been humbled by this work over several years. I love seeing the resurgence of session space holding, and, as always, I happy to give testimony to this community and my many and frequent sessions in the past. May the Divine rise and shine on our sacred journeys.”

​Marci Faith, November 11, 2023

“My energy went up after the session with you, Jelelle. I felt very joyful and light. I also notice a greater desire to connect in general and a greater freedom and desire to play. I also notice a greater desire to connect in general and a greater freedom and desire to play. I started guitar lessons this week and my soul felt in harmony. I also met with a friend who is has a playful nature. We made plans to watch movies together. I am noticing a great increase in compassion towards children also.”

​Jessica Eleutheria, October 22, 2023

​”Thank you for everything during our session, Jelelle! I am feeling MUCH better and can eat again and have already put 4 pounds back on and not feeling nausea. I am so thankful for you!!! You helped me a lot and I hope my testimony will encourage others to go to you for help.” 

​Beth Buckley, October 12, 2023

More testimonials at https://www.soulfullheart.org/testimonials