You Are Being Reborn: Message On Easter

By Jelelle Awen

You are ARISING from the ashes of your purposefully burnt up life, choosing the match, the heat, the way in which your now feeling false world will burn.

You are being REBORN from that which has been cast off, birthing out from that which is true as the only real thing that can remain.

You are RESURRECTING your form out of a dying and collapsing reality, claiming a new way of BEing as your sacred humanity.

You are serving love as your greatest purpose, feeling in every moment how you can BE THIS MORE.

You are moving beyond fears of an unenLIGHTened soul, accessing your awakening soul’s courage and desire for UNION.

You are opening and healing your Higher Heart, Personal Sun, and Gaia Ascension Chakras through PURE love, letting in your 5D sacred human template.

You are co-creating a NEW Golden Earth possibility, feeling in every moment how you can BE THIS NOW.

You are awakening from the deep sleep of the forgetful soul, remembering the LOVE from which you came and already ARE…..


This is the writing I share every year on this Easter….Blessings and MUCH love to you on this celebration of Christ Consciousness Arising, Divine Feminine illuminations with the recent FULL moon energies, and our ongoing Ascension together!!




This is a day celebrating ultimately the process of death/rebirth and ALL that it offers in the willingness to let the false/fearful die and be let go in order to resurrect into a new, more Divine expression. This is beyond religions yet more of an ongoing invitation to surrender to become the phoenix that arises out of the most necessary ashes!

I feel the genuine love of Yeshua and in his Christiel form too on this day…..beaming his heart out to all of us in admiration and invitation!

From our hearts and souls to yours, we offer you so much love and resonant support on this brave journey into the NEW. Thank you for joining us in whatever ways and means you ARE.

much love,
Jelelle and SoulFullHeart Community

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