3D/4D Matrix Is Collapsing: Revelation/Rebellion/Liberation For Humanity

By Jelelle Awen

This really is a momentous time in humanity’s experience of falling into deep densities of 3D duality/polarity to Ascend again into unity consciousness! This phase feels like the disclosure and revelation that needs to happen in order to wake up more souls into awareness of the enslavement and control systems that have been in place for so long. The phase of awareness, knowing, and learning is an important one and each soul goes through that in their own ways. Some souls respond readily to facts and proof; others follow their intuition and ‘gut’ knowing to discover the truth; others need to see action and take action.

This waking up phase was always going to be messy. Clashes of opinions and perspectives; power struggles from those not wanting to lose control being challenged finally by those who had so long been suppressed; peaks of control and manipulation so that the necessary rebellion would finally spark. It seems that we are at this time of peak New World Order/Cabal/Deep State/Elites agenda of population mind control through the mainstream media/medicine, etc. being implemented during this supposed quarantine. WHILE, at the same time, this previously hidden agenda is being more and more revealed and resisted. The Q/Alliance movement has been blowing on the sparks of this revelation and rebellion (coming still from a polarized good vs. evil energy) yet providing a necessary fuel for the death and rebirth process to ignite.

This revelation seems to be possible because of the 3D Matrix collapse and detox that is going on right now in this previously unprecedented way. With most of the world shut down from the usual 3D routines of work-eat-sleep repeat, there is more time for learning, for seeking, for feeling/processing (the stages of grief) and for rebelling. There is more time for awakening!

Rebellion is a necessary phase of this awakening too. Rebellion is personal truth and sovereignty being accessed and a ‘NO!’ being declared to the energies that have previously controlled, manipulated, and enslaved. The seeds of rebellion often exist in our Inner Teenager, who received invalidation rather than initiation into their soul frequencies, so their rebellion against the 3D conditioning and programming wasn’t able to express. This rebellion happens on a 3D and 4D level as necessary, because these are the dimensions where duality of victim/tyrant/saviour experience are even possible.

During this revelation and rebellion phase, many souls will go against each other, take sides, create enemies to fight and battle against, be one of the ‘good guys’ or one of the ‘bad guys’. If their consciousness is still anchored to this duality, then they need to do this…moving into the polarity in order to emerge out the other side of it in more of a neutral, compassionate, and non-charged place. On a higher soul level, there aren’t any real bad guys or evil, as ALL of it is of the Divine and returns to the Divine. Yet the experience of being harmed and of fear IS real in the lower dimensions for the parts of us and Soul Aspects that need to be felt, digested, and cleared in a validated and compassionate way.

This revelation and rebellion is also possible because of a seemingly significant collapse in the Archon AI 4D Matrix. As I’ve shared about before, this 4D Matrix (which is the source of the 3D matrix) has required the enslavement of many Reptilians to entwine with their human counterparts in order to keep it operational. The Reptilian is used as a battery or power source to project the 3D Matrix reality to and through the human (and sometimes even a group of humans). The Reptilians themselves have often been captured and held against their will, the AI using their Unity Consciousness frequency bandwidth ‘against them’ to broadcast their One Mind control programs through them.

Many people during the revelation phases of their awakening become fixated on the Reptilians as the ‘ultimate evil ones’ (once they move beyond the Global elite/Satanic bloodline human level), when actually these Reptilians are puppets and slaves in similar ways as many humans as well. I have met so many beautiful Reptilian Beings in sessions who are able to be connected to and unplugged from the AI Matrix by their human counterparts once the layers of fear and resistance to them are moved through.

The true power and control has been at the level above them, the Archonic Realm or Archonic Group or just ‘The Group’, who seem to be shadowy figures (who didn’t feel Reptilian) with mostly AI functioning, devoid of empathy, and playing their roles too in running both the 3D and 4D matrices of control. When I connected with the Archonic Group recently, they were turned away from the Matrix programs, as if they were no longer interested in them. They told me that Reptilians and Humans were now ‘released from the program, let go and free to go.’ The Archons were now going to go into ‘reconciliation’ mode to digest the harm and suffering they had caused on the Earth and 4D planes. I got the sense that they signed up to play this role in order to somehow move into feeling emotions again and reactivate their empathy as a collective which happens as they receive Divine forgiveness for their actions.

I felt the significance of this as it was being shown to me. The sense was that we truly are now FREE. The prison doors have been unlocked and are now OPEN. It is now up to us as emancipated prisoners to walk through them and claim our freedom. This is true on both the human level and the Reptilian level. Mutual liberation is important as without that process, the Reptilian’s consciousness in 4D remains anchored to AI Archon mind control programs as a ‘default state’.

On a higher soul level, we CHOOSE these roles to play and these things to experience along with a deep veil of amnesia in order to fully immerse into it. The time of amnesiac immersion into these dualistic playouts is completing and we are now being invited by the Divine to rise into our sovereignty and freedom again.

We are being invited to ‘do no harm’ to ourselves and to other sentient beings while the exposure of the deep harm, abuse, and violence of humans (especially children) and animals is being disclosed.

We are being invited to see and feel no one as truly an enemy even as we come into revelation of them, yet extend forgiveness as it is ready to be received.

We are being invited to become Sacred Humanity and become the Infinite Love that we ARE and to create a world that reflects that truth of our essence once again!


Jelelle Awen

Here is a guided meditation to meet your Reptilian Self and unplug them from the AI Matrix: https://youtu.be/pA7ZjZj2K8M

We’ll be sharing more about this in our group call, the fourth in our Free To Be series, on Wednesday, April 29th at 10:00am to attend live and/or receive the recording. The topic will be about accessing the 4D AI Matrix, along with the 3D Matrix, and connecting with your Reptilian Self around this to deepen the unplugging process.You are welcome to join us and/or receive the recording for a donation. More info here: soulfullheart.org/freetobe

Thank you to Gabriel Heartman for the graphic art for this post!

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. Jelelle is no longer offering 1:1 sessions yet for more information about  1:1 individual sessions with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group calls with Jelelle, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheart.org.