Healing Inner Punisher/Shame Loops To Come Out Of Smallness and Into Your Vastness

By Jelelle Awen

The pain comes from being small. From learning to act small and conform to the smallness around you.

The suffering comes from their projection of smallness onto you and the acceptance of this that then becomes your reality….and theirs too. It is a co-created agreement to be and remain in smallness. The smallness is the 3D agreement of filtering. It makes up the veil of amnesia and the belief in it keeps the veil in place.

The pain comes from the long term fusion to/belief in this sense of smallness AS the truth of who you are. It comes from the forgetting of the truth of your VASTNESS.

Parts of you form to support this smallness picture. These parts of you repeat the message of it over and over in self punishing tones and voices within you. The unworthiness message battles your body, your emotions, your spirituality, your choices, your thought patterns….whatever can be picked on or is vulnerable to attack.

This punishing frequency forms layers of protection and guardedness over your innocence. Over time, your innocence becomes covered over with shame and feelings of wrongness and unworthiness to receive love.

Your trust in life, yourself and the Divine gets layered over with distrust, esp as you draw more circumstances and relationships that reinforce this smallness picture.

Your sense of goodness about yourself becomes buried over with unworthiness and self hate.

These parts of you feel then that they ARE unworthy, are shameful, are wrong by their very nature. So much suffering in this usually unconscious looping of the punisher part and the corresponding reactions of shame in the younger parts of you.

This is a well oiled and fuelled system inside designed to keep you small, created to cap your growth, and reinforced to maintain itself. It is designed to keep you protected, even if it is limiting.

There is not some evil force of aliens or demons or negative entities that keep this personal hell in manifest form from within you. This is not being done to you BY others, even as it can very much feel that way.

The others in your life (the ‘outside’) that invalidate you and reinforces this smallness picture are there only to offer you a reflection of this inner polarized state for it continue to come into your awareness….over and over again if necessary until you wake to it as being sourced from INSIDE of you.

This is a self-created smallness that your soul chose for good reason….until it is the time and phase to complete it. ONLY you can realize when that time is and ONLY you can end it.

You end it by bringing love to ALL the parts of you that have felt so unworthy, including the parts of you that punish, judge, attack, and shame you. You separate from these parts in order to have a relationship WITH them and not just become them in their routinized reactions.

THIS creates an increasing sense of your goodness, of your worthiness and….of your VASTNESS. This inner love ambassadorship to ALL frequencies inside of your BEing connects you to the truth of your bigness again. To your innate goodness again. To your innocence again.

Who ARE you?

You ARE Infinite Love in human form….Divine Self essence in a human body……arising into your bigness expression for the service of and because of LOVE. ANY picture less than that is ripe to be loved into this infinite love realized manifestation state again.

Welcome back to the VASTNESS of you….love can show the way!! ~

Message from your Divine Self,


Jelelle Awen

Join me for a free intro (30 min over zoom) and 1:1 sessions for women (and with Raphael for men) for support in this divine self embodiment path in person (here in Central Portual) or over zoom with THREE types of sessions now available…..Divine healing, self healing, and embodiment healing sessions by donation of 55-100 euros sliding scale, truly based on neg. and what you can afford…soulfullheart.org/sessions

Here is a guided meditation to connect with your Inner Punisher-Shame dynamic:

Posted a video of me reading this writing as well on my feed and here on you tube: