Healing Inner Punisher/Shame Loops To Come Out Of Smallness and Into Your Vastness

By Jelelle Awen

The pain comes from being small. From learning to act small and conform to the smallness around you.

The suffering comes from their projection of smallness onto you and the acceptance of this that then becomes your reality….and theirs too. It is a co-created agreement to be and remain in smallness. The smallness is the 3D agreement of filtering. It makes up the veil of amnesia and the belief in it keeps the veil in place.

The pain comes from the long term fusion to/belief in this sense of smallness AS the truth of who you are. It comes from the forgetting of the truth of your VASTNESS.

Parts of you form to support this smallness picture. These parts of you repeat the message of it over and over in self punishing tones and voices within you. The unworthiness message battles your body, your emotions, your spirituality, your choices, your thought patterns….whatever can be picked on or is vulnerable to attack.

This punishing frequency forms layers of protection and guardedness over your innocence. Over time, your innocence becomes covered over with shame and feelings of wrongness and unworthiness to receive love.

Your trust in life, yourself and the Divine gets layered over with distrust, esp as you draw more circumstances and relationships that reinforce this smallness picture.

Your sense of goodness about yourself becomes buried over with unworthiness and self hate.

These parts of you feel then that they ARE unworthy, are shameful, are wrong by their very nature. So much suffering in this usually unconscious looping of the punisher part and the corresponding reactions of shame in the younger parts of you.

This is a well oiled and fuelled system inside designed to keep you small, created to cap your growth, and reinforced to maintain itself. It is designed to keep you protected, even if it is limiting.

There is not some evil force of aliens or demons or negative entities that keep this personal hell in manifest form from within you. This is not being done to you BY others, even as it can very much feel that way.

The others in your life (the ‘outside’) that invalidate you and reinforces this smallness picture are there only to offer you a reflection of this inner polarized state for it continue to come into your awareness….over and over again if necessary until you wake to it as being sourced from INSIDE of you.

This is a self-created smallness that your soul chose for good reason….until it is the time and phase to complete it. ONLY you can realize when that time is and ONLY you can end it.

You end it by bringing love to ALL the parts of you that have felt so unworthy, including the parts of you that punish, judge, attack, and shame you. You separate from these parts in order to have a relationship WITH them and not just become them in their routinized reactions.

THIS creates an increasing sense of your goodness, of your worthiness and….of your VASTNESS. This inner love ambassadorship to ALL frequencies inside of your BEing connects you to the truth of your bigness again. To your innate goodness again. To your innocence again.

Who ARE you?

You ARE Infinite Love in human form….Divine Self essence in a human body……arising into your bigness expression for the service of and because of LOVE. ANY picture less than that is ripe to be loved into this infinite love realized manifestation state again.

Welcome back to the VASTNESS of you….love can show the way!! ~

Message from your Divine Self,


Jelelle Awen

Join me for a free intro (30 min over zoom) and 1:1 sessions for women (and with Raphael for men) for support in this divine self embodiment path in person (here in Central Portual) or over zoom with THREE types of sessions now available…..Divine healing, self healing, and embodiment healing sessions by donation of 55-100 euros sliding scale, truly based on neg. and what you can afford…soulfullheart.org/sessions

Here is a guided meditation to connect with your Inner Punisher-Shame dynamic:

Posted a video of me reading this writing as well on my feed and here on you tube:

Healing Perfectionism With Divine Love

By Raianna Shai

Perfectionism is expressed by many different parts of us, in varied ways and for so many reasons. I’m sure many of us can relate to the constant need to control the outcome or appearance of everything we do. The fear of doing something wrong or being judged for it is running in the background of our minds even in everyday, simple tasks. We often feel tension and anxiety when something unfolds in a way we did not expect or control. Maybe it comes up when you have reactions you don’t want to have, or there’s conflict you wanted to avoid, or you chose to do something that you realize others would judge.

Perfectionism is often used as a way to protect the most precious and vulnerable parts of us which has been so needed in certain phases of our lives. Overtime it becomes so ingrained in us from messaging by society, matrix coding from as far back as birth, personal desire to appear a certain way, and to avoid judgement and loss. But it gets to a certain point where it prevents those vulnerable parts from growing into their bigness and recognizing that they don’t need that protection to the same degree anymore.

Perfectionism for myself has been so strong my entire life. I strived to be a perfect student, perfect friend, perfect girlfriend, perfect daughter, perfect community member. And slowly but surely I’ve come to unwind this ingrained desire to avoid any and all judgement and conflict. Much of this has been rooted in the idea that I’m not good enough and that I’ll lose everything I love so much. The moment we separated from the Divine, we were given an underlying feeling of guttural and tragic loss of our home frequency of love and connection. So much unworthiness stems from that loss and everyday we try to prove we are good enough to the divine in some way, shape or form.

Freedom can be found in the moments when all parts of us are nourished and aligned: heart, body, mind, soul and spirit. When we allow ourselves to let in true divine love, we are then able to realize that we can truly do no wrong from the perspective of the Divine. This is really the only place we can find unconditional love and acceptance. When we let go of expectation, obligation and self consciousness – we find liberation.

Freedom for me was felt in the picture I’ve attached to this post. That week I felt the words from the Divine rumble through me when she said “You are my everything”. The energy and truth of these words started to unlock this strong hold parts of me had on the idea of not being good enough. We truly are everything to her – everyone of us and in every way. In the moment of this picture I stepped away from something that was bringing me tension and took in beautiful nature and sunset codes with my beloved Kasha and every part of me felt nourished and aligned.

Freedom is found when we take the time to remind every part of ourselves, even the ones that are hard to love, that they always have been and always will be good enough. Even when there’s room to grow, even when there are regrets, even when the future is unknown – they are good enough and more. And the more we see this bigness in ourselves, the more we can see and feel it in others. And from there, the love spreads like wildfire.

Raianna Shai


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and website designer of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Meet Your Inner Ursula Guided Meditation: Video 23 – Deepen 2022 (Video) | Jelelle Awen & Kasha Rokshana

In this twenty-third video of our 31 day video series called Deepen 2022, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Co-Creators Jelelle Awen is joined by SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator Kasha Rokshana as we explore Sacred Feminine Embodiment over the next five videos. Kasha and Jelelle have held many women’s group calls together exploring these topics through teachings, guided meditations, and taking in sharing from female participants on the calls.

In this video, we share about your Inner Ursula, who is a false feminine/wounded masculine hijack by the Matrix, and is named after the Evil Sea Witch Character in the Little Mermaid movie. We share about how Ursulas show up in ourselves and in our lives (through the women in our lives) with the lower frequency energies of manipulation (both subtle and overt), competition, judgements, vindictive/bitterness, controlling, and more.

The inner Ursula heals as you become a love ambassador toward her and create a bridge for her to experience Divine Mother forgiveness, become unplugging from the Matrix programming, and arise into her authentic expression.

In the guided meditation, you invite your Protector/Gatekeeper to lead you again into your ‘womb room’ down in the lower levels of your Castle. You connect with your inner Ursula there and start to get a sense of how she is plugged into the Matrix esp via your womb and if she is ready to unplug yet. You and Ursula are then invited by Divine Mother to submerge in her healing pool in a cavern nearby the womb room.

Here is a link to the descriptions of women’s group calls with Jelelle and Kasha and links to purchase the recordings: https://www.soulfullheart.org/womengroupcalls

You can watch each video in the Deepen 2022 playlist on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZWeBviA18Y&list=PLNmrHdaQSAvJPnLzbEKl4OsQBXBYw2XwI

For more information about the Deepen 2022 series including a full listing of the content covered over 31 days and information about a Deepen 2022 group call on January 30th, visit https://www.soulfullheart.org/deepen2022

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit https://www.soulfullheart.org.

We also invite you to join us for free membership on our private, online community SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks for sharing, asking questions, and connecting with others engaged in the series: https://soulfullheartportal.mn.co/feed

For more information about a free intro call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, visit http://www.soulfullheart.org/sessions

We are offering this series free of charge, yet we would be so grateful if you offered an energy exchange/donation to us for the value you receive in this series. You can donate through paypal: http://paypal.me/jelelleawen or at https://www.soulfullheart.org/shop

From Self-Created Smallness To Embodying Your Vastness

The pain can come from being small. From learning to act small and conform to the smallness around you. The suffering comes from their projection of smallness onto you and the acceptance of this that then becomes your reality….and theirs too. It is a co-created agreement to be and remain in smallness.

The smallness is the 3D agreement of filtering. It makes up the veil of amnesia and the belief in it keeps the veil in place. The pain comes from the long term fusion to this sense of smallness as the truth of who you are. It comes from the forgetting of the truth of your VASTNESS.

Parts of you form to support this smallness picture. These parts of you repeat the message of it over and over in self punishing tones and voices. The unworthiness message battles your body, your emotions, your spirituality, your choices….whatever can be picked on or is vulnerable to attack.

This punishing frequency forms layers of protection and guardedness over your innocence. Your innocence becomes covered over with shame and feelings of wrongness. Your trust in life and yourself gets layered over with distrust. Your sense of goodness about yourself becomes buried over with unworthiness and self hate.

These parts of you feel then that they ARE unworthy, are shameful, are wrong by their very nature. So much suffering in this usually unconscious looping of the punisher part and the corresponding reactions of shame in the younger parts of you. This is a well oiled and fuelled system inside designed to keep you small, created to cap your growth, and reinforced to maintain itself. It is designed to keep you protected, even if it is limiting.

There is not some evil force of aliens or demons or negative entities or abusive spiritual teacher that keep this personal hell in manifest form from within you. This is not being done to you BY others, even as it can very much feel that way. The others in your life that reflect and reinforce this smallness picture are there only to offer you a reflection of this inner polarized state for it continue to come into your awareness….over and over again if necessary until you wake to it as being sourced from INSIDE of you.

This is a self created smallness that your soul chose for good reason….until it is the time and phase to complete it. Only you can realize when that time is and only you can end it.

You end it by bringing love to all the parts of you that have felt so unworthy, including the parts of you that punish, judge, attack, and shame you and others. You separate from these parts in order to have a relationship with them and not just become them in their routinized reactions.

This creates an increasing sense of your goodness, of your worthiness and….of your vastness. This inner ambassadorship to all frequencies inside of your BEing connects you to the truth of your bigness again. To your innate goodness again. To your innocence again.

Who ARE you? You ARE Infinite Love in human form….arising into your bigness expression for the service of and because of love. Any picture less than that is ripe to be loved into this infinite love realized manifestation state again.

Welcome back to the VASTNESS of you….love can show the way!! ~

Message from the Divine, Star Family Guides/Aspects, Angelic Aspects, ALL of your parts that ache for something NEW that is based in love……..


Jelelle Awen is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador and Co-Creator/Teacher/Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Healing, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about 1:1 individual sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group calls, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheart.org

Loving The Spiritual Warrior Into The Spiritual Ambassador

Since the Solstice/Eclipse I found myself flying high in the sky to then falling toward the ocean like Icarus in the Greek myth. An outer trigger that constellated another layer of my wounded masculine and feminine.

It illuminated the ways in which they are both still working out their relationship to each other. As my own ascension and maturation process continues, I reach more subtle areas of my wounded and shadow selves. Then the subtle becomes more obvious and like an elephant in the room.

The awareness I felt was that parts of me still look outbound for validation rather than inbound and from me and the Divine. Before this SoulFullHeart work, I would respond to this awareness by trying to ‘improve’ myself or take care of my ‘shit’. This only brought in more frequencies of self-judgement rather than self-compassion.

Through connecting to my inner world of parts and Metasoul aspects, I have become more clear about who I, Gabriel, is as the ‘eye of the storm’ sort of speak. I am becoming more clear of my Essential self, that Me that is the spark of the Divine.

As I connect to that energy more, I can start to see the architecture of my wounding more and be able to hold the parts of me in vibration and pain. I am the Ambassador of my own ascension. My trailing edge wounds are a part of who I am. I cannot go very far without them. Their ascension is my ascension.

So in I go. Feeling. Reflecting. Compassionating. Loving. Owning and Growing. This is the path of Spiritual Ambassador, not the Spiritual Warrior. Even the warrior is held in Love and not in spite. It has enumerable gifts that are the fuel of our devotion to Love for all humankind and for ourselves as human souls.

For more on this topic of 4D Warrior to 5D Ambassador I highly recommend today’s call with Raphael and Jelelle Awen. They will be bridging these energies through teaching and a guided meditation to bring in more compassion, forgiveness, and self-love. It will be available as a recording as well. To get the details go to soulfullheart.org/freetobe2.


Gabriel Heartman is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator and Collaborator.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartorg.com for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

‘Sacred Sisterhood’ Is Emerging More As Part Of ‘New/5D Earth’ Transition

by Kalayna Solais

I wrote down some feelings of Sacred Sisterhood a few months ago when a new wave of ‘sacred sisters’ was just emerging onto my shores, in my heart and soul field, and in the flesh no less! This was not just about my growing INNER sisterhood, though that is always deepening and being felt more and more… this was about feeling the resonance of other women around my age and beyond that too, feeling us coming together more in realness, uniqueness, yet also a desire to heal and be healed and not leave any part of us or Metasoul aspect behind in the process.

I’m feeling something today about women learning to actually see each other and love each other deeply and how this seems to be happening within my beloved SoulFullHeart community and possibly elsewhere too. There is something to be said for the ‘restriction’ of not being able to go outward and do many outward things right now and feeling, then, the new portals to going inward – going YINward – that I feel is helping us all go to our next levels of feeling why we’ve had a hard time holding deeper friendships and being with other women as women. We’ve been invited to continue the journey of looking within and seeing each other as sacred mirrors of the continued inner work. We’ve been invited to feel the triggers yet actually find some stillness around them too, feeling the parts and Metasoul aspects in other timelines where they could be coming from, which then leads to a more open heart towards each other.

I hear women claiming ‘realness’ when they’re being harsh and even abusive, fusing to their Inner Punishers or other energies in their soul timelines and lashing out as a way to off-gas what actually isn’t about the other person at all. I hear women claim ‘Well, I am just direct and blunt’ when I can’t feel how this directness has heart or care in it for the other person. When I hear words like these, I can feel their Inner Matriarch who is in pain about never being met with actual realness, vulnerability, and care themselves and quite often they’ve also taken in these abusive frequencies, even from the maternal line in their birth families. Underneath this is often a pain of being the biggest soul in the room, who hasn’t ever felt truly initiated into their soul gifts or deeply seen for them either. It’s also an energy that covers over the more vulnerable energies and parts inside that just want to love and want the battles to be over so they can play and connect more with others, like with the Inner Child or even the Teenager once she has finally had some air.

In my deepening relationships with women in my life who have been very consciously working and feeling all this and more within themselves, what becomes new is the way in which it can all be shared… all the nuances of feelings and reactions. These parts don’t have to be any less ‘real’ or even more vulnerable and open than they’re ready for yet, yet they do get to be held now and seen in a new way, acknowledging that these energies they hold that often feel competitive and push away at the deeper love and intimacy that’s possible are NOT their whole story or all that they have within them.

I’ve been so pleasantly surprised (and not!) to feel how much deeper my relationships with these other women can go once we have done the work to be able to hold realness, feel reactions, share them, and also acknowledge the impact of this in every moment. The result of these exchanges is more love, not less, that gets to be shared; more seeing of each other and each other’s uniqueness and gifts; more compassion than was transactable between us before, for now we know more about each other’s backgrounds, stories, and ongoing processes.

This, to me, is a sacred template emerging for Sacred Sisterhood. It’s always in exploration. There are no rules and sometimes messes are made. Abuse is a thing of the past, though sometimes exchanges are intense if necessary. There’s a personal sense of accountability for your own energies and process and there’s a desire to be transparent and deepen the intimacy ground.

This all feels to me like the new ground going forward that’s possible in ALL relationships of all kinds if the time and space are taken to go inward, to lean into work such as this, to dig into those deeper wounds and find gold, and to begin, ultimately, to seed the ground of what New Earth/Golden Earth/5D Earth relationships get to look and feel like! There can only be BLISS as this moves and deepens our healing and the yield of 5D Earth/Sacred Human consciousness within you and in your relationships makes it all worth it. The practice ground for this is always within, yet when these sacred friendships emerge on your radar, this is a chance to really apply all you’ve realized and seek out all you’ve most wanted to experience but were afraid to ask for with another.

Much love!

Kalayna ❤


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, collaborator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.



Inner Punisher Triggers/Projections During This Coronavirus/3D Matrix Collapse

By Jelelle Awen

Levels of contention, disagreement, and making each other ‘wrong’ are really peaking at this time of unknown transition during the Coronavirus slowdown. These energies of contention have long been the case in 3D mainstream media, politics, religions, etc. Yet, the arguments right now, even amongst awakening and spiritual people that are more oriented to higher timelines, are surprisingly degrading down into exchanging personal insults, accusations of being ‘hijacked’ or ‘influenced’ by dark forces, not ‘getting it’ and not really being awakened and so on. Even amongst those who believe in and are creating the same timelines together (such as the Q movement), are attacking each other with infighting and putdowns and ‘calling each other out for being fakes’ becoming more common.

As an ambassador of love, I have been guided to ‘go into’ some of these battlegrounds even as they make me feel uncomfortable. These battlefields are so often, in our modern age, the comments sections of posts on social media and other places online. I have been stunned breathless at times at how cruel, degrading, and insulting people can be to each other. It hurts my heart to feel it as so often there is a deeper pain and fear there in the person that isn’t getting felt and CAN’T be with so much outer focused protection, defence, and judgemental energies going out.

I was feeling this too as a peak time for triggering the collective Inner Punisher/Critic frequencies and the Inner Punisher within each of us. The Inner Punisher is often ‘stuck’ in the polarized energies of judgement without love, which is often an internalized protection created to ‘fend off’ and acclimate to very judgemental energies coming toward them in the 3D experience, especially if it came from parents and birth family. The Inner Punisher is essentially a part that forms as a survival strategy and defense/protection in 3D. Empaths/sensitives/star seeds tend to have Inner Punishers that focus the judgement inward in extreme self criticism, self doubt, and low self worth rather than focusing it outward on others.

The Inner Punisher’s energy actually shifts to compassionate discernment as they are connected to in a conscious way through the SoulFullHeart process. I have experienced hundreds of previously ‘dark and judgy’ Inner Punishers shift into the noble, humble, and beautiful energies of intuitive discernment once they are ‘forgiven’ for their previous judgements and pain they have caused. Once this part of you is seen and loved with a compassionate heart by you, they can shift into being a vital member of your ‘inner’ team.

The current circumstances are triggering the Inner Punishers it feels like because the 3D/4D Matrix programs us to judge ourselves and others at a very young age. So much in 3D has been fueled by these judgemental energies. When part of us judges us or others, it immediately lowers our frequency. There is also necessary truth seeking and questioning going on right now for those in 3D and those moving into deeper levels of 4D Disclosure awakening. Clarity is being sought and informational sources are being looked to outside of the mainstream offerings. When that is primarily happening toward outside sources, there is less embodiment of your inner truth, your soul’s knowledge, and your own intuition. Yet, outside sources CAN mirror this inner knowing if they are looked at in that way.

If a Punisher part of someone is looking to an outside source though for THE truth, there will be an inner revolt going on, a personal sovereignty boundary that is breeched, an inner and outer rebellion, if you will. Feelings of resonance or dissonance with that outside source can create quite a lot of reactions inside for the Inner Punisher, who isn’t sure how to digest it. If that outer source of information is ALSO fused to their Inner Punisher (which is often the case it seems), then Inner Punisher meets outer Punisher and that is a recipe for contention, infighting, and judgemental projections both inside and outside. The Punisher Truthteller actually elicits feelings of shame and unworthiness in those who are taking in their truth…their energy is often angry, righteous and doesn’t see any other view than their own.

If you are taking in someone else’s truth and you are triggered into feelings of shame or unworthiness or even feeling ‘stupid’ for not knowing something or believing something, part of you is most likely reacting to the Inner Punisher in someone else. Your Inner Punisher may also be reacting to the Inner Punisher in someone else which brings up feelings of fighting and defending. Outside sources more anchored to higher frequencies can activate inspiration, inviting you to explore and land in YOUR own truth, yet not make you feel BAD or wrong about yourself.

Energies that make you question yourself in a judgmental way are rampant right now. For some souls, this is effective to help them start questioning life and reality. Yet, for those who are very sensitive to energies, the empaths/star seeds/healers of the world, these judgemental energies are difficult to navigate. I feel that I have to carefully track how much of these energies I take in as, while I am curious to feel and take in the timelines going on right now in the collective (again as an ambassador of love I feel it is important that I do so), I don’t want the information at the ‘cost’ of feeling judged and ‘kicked at’ as I no longer have these punishing energies inside of me.

These energies flying around do offer an opportunity to connect with your Inner Punisher and the part of you (usually an Inner Child) that feels shame reactions from them. This meditation helps you to connect with your Inner Punisher and Shame: https://youtu.be/3XvxkuX9YYs

True Divine essence doesn’t judge you or others or condemn or punish. The Divine, especially the Divine Mother expression, is holding much love for humanity as go through our Valley Of Shadows Of Death process to emerge into the light. Connect with Divine energies that feel supportive, loving, and compassionate and they can support you to find your own truth grounding in your soul’s path and process. These loving Divine energies can begin the process of inner forgiveness and activation of inner knowing that can help your Inner Punisher transmute and heal.


Jelelle Awen

You can still join us for our ongoing six week group call series Free To Be: Navigating the 3D Matrix to New Earth Transition. Our next group call is this Wednesday, April 22nd at 10:00am PDT in which we will discuss navigating relationships during this time, including sharings about the Inner Punisher and meditation to connect to your current relationships and shift to 5D sense of them. You can receive the recordings of any group calls you may have missed and the zoom link to join future ones at any time by open donation. There is more info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/freetobe

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. Jelelle is no longer offering 1:1 sessions yet for more information about  1:1 individual sessions with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group calls with Jelelle, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Inner Punisher And Shame Healing Guided Meditation: Video Seven Deepen 2020 Series W/Jelelle Awen

By Jelelle Awen

In this seventh video of my video series called Deepen 2020, I (Jelelle Awen, SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator) talk about the often intense and largely subconscious relationship between an Inner Punisher part and a corresponding shame reaction in another part (usually an Inner Child or Inner Teenager). This dynamic of Punisher and shame creates a suffering loop that can lower your vibrational frequency, draw MORE judgement/shame from others in relationships, and diverts wisdom into judgements rather than discernment/intuitions felt with love.

I share about my own deep process to heal this Punisher-Shame loop inside myself (which was an internalized dynamic from my caregivers) and how I no longer experience these frequencies inside myself. I talk about WHY this dynamic exists and what the purpose of the Punisher-Shame loop is and it’s this investigation that allows you to ultimately offer compassion towards the parts that are involved in it.

In the guided meditation, I bridge to your Inner Punisher with Mother Mary and Yeshua, who provide a compassionate and forgiving energy of illumination and love to this part of you who can start to feel their essence as discernment and wisdom. We then tune into the part of you that is responding and triggered into shame in response to the Punisher’s judgement. We offer love to this shame-filled part so that they can start to feel their TRUE essence of innocence and goodness again.

Here is a guided meditation to meet your Inner Punisher, which is a good place to start before doing this video: https://youtu.be/SXlufQ_WBUU

Thank you for joining me in this video….as we move into Deepening energies together…..one beloved part of us at a time!

You can watch each video in the Deepen 2020 playlist on my SoulFullHeart Experience YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNmrHdaQSAvLjwm17eBBTRhE3dbezYJdu

You can watch videos from my previous 33 Day Deepen series from 2019 here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNmrHdaQSAvLiLpw1qSOmQE-tsqhGSAD3

Money donations are so appreciated and received with gratitude as an energy exchange to support me and SoulFullHeart to continue providing free offerings such as this video series.

You can donate through paypal: paypal.me/jelelleawen or become a one-time or regular patreon donor: https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart

This video series serves as an introduction and bridge to the powerful SoulFullHeart quantum healing process and cutting-edge way of life experienced and offered through 1:1 sessions with Jelelle for women and women and men with Raphael Awen and group calls/events/writings and more. For more information, visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Healing The Violence Inside To Become A Beacon Of Peace

By Jelelle Awen

Fear can live in your bones, in your DNA, in parts of you vibrating at trauma frequencies in your emotional body. Fear can live in your Metasoul in many timelines, in your aspects that are warriors, victims, and the range in-between.

This fear comes out in ALL kinds of ways and expressions.

It comes out in tensions, panics, and anxieties. It projects and closes down/blocks open-hearted experience and transaction with others. It brings your frequency lower. Parts of you may shiver and quiver with it, sinking to a place where things seem untrustworthy, hurtful and harmful, non-vulnerable, dark and shadowy.

We are ancient with fear, beyond time ingrained and trained. We are gestating embryos in our mother’s womb swimming in fear fluids. The 3D matrix has been built and run on fear fuel, fed and maintained by violence – both within and outward – violence is the lowest vibrational frequency of fear.

So many eat fear every day through animals that have been killed. Violence has become entertainment, so many souls on an IV drip of violence coming in, numbing them or eliciting outrage at the INjustice, which is just more violence in a shifted form.

Lifting UP beyond violence begins from within. It starts with becoming aware of the battles within, the harm done from one part of you to another…a Punisher Part of you beating up younger parts of you until shame floods your BEing with the suffering patterns and loops this creates.

Loving the Inner Punisher energy and learning WHY it is like this….you weep, then, at how this punishing-shame frequency is just learned and necessary and not really who you ARE. You feel how it has served to make you small, to help you fit in, to keep you ‘capped’ and plugged into 3D life. You are ready to be lifted out of it to transmute the punishment to discernment and intuition with love. To heal the shame into innocence again.

As this inner violence heals, you can come, more and more, from non-violent frequencies in response to others. You become less tolerant to violence in any form…..even sensitive to the subtle frequencies found in comparison, contention, and judgements made with love withheld.

You lift UP, then, as you stop eating, watching, BEing violence and become MORE love. You shift your focus from violence outside of you and discover, find, and feel where it lives inside.

You become, then, a beacon of peace.

BEcoming a beacon of peace is the openness to feel the violence, the battles, the clashes inside.

BEcoming a beacon of peace is more space being cleared in your emotional body to make room for your higher heart, your angelic heart, your Christ Consciousness heart, your Mother Mary heart….made of Infinite Kindness, Infinite Peace…..with no longer any need for fear!

BEcoming a beacon of peace is unplugging from the 3D matrix that has fed you fear your whole existence and experiencing what it is be truly free of it.

You ARE a beacon of peace….as you become it from the inside out!

More about parts/Metasoul aspects here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/parts

Here is a guided meditation to meet your Inner Punisher: https://youtu.be/SXlufQ_WBUU


Jelelle Awen

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about 1:1 individual sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group transmissions, four day gatherings in Victoria, BC, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Loving UP Your Body-Vessel

by Kalayna Solais

It has become so important to love the body beyond any measurements, beyond any sense of “not good enough”, beyond any shame once held by parts of you about looking this way instead of that way.

For years parts of me have judged and battled with my body and body image. They have especially struggled with accepting my legs, which have always been bigger, and my tendency to yo-yo a bit in my weight.

Parts of me have judged themselves for eating emotionally, for continuing to make food mean ‘love’ somehow. They have struggled so much over the years with relating to food more so as survival and even something not as necessary as we are taught it is.

Even in this world of spirituality and Ascension consciousness, there is a tendency for parts of us to judge the body for not yet being ‘light body’ worthy or for going through the many changes and shifts it needs to go through as we continue to transition into crystalline forms.

The body reflects the emotional reality, always, and this manifests in so many different ways, giving us so much valuable information to be with and digest.

These judgements come often from an Inner Punisher part inside of you that is concerned about sticking out, about you inhabiting your leadership, about Ascension on all levels.

For more about the Inner Punisher, here is a video from Jelelle where she also leads a guided meditation to connect with this part of you:

They criticize and poke because it means love to them somehow. It helps them feel empowered, ironically, because in the judgements of self is a defense against judgements from others. A preemptive strike within that hurts you first before someone else can hurt you. Wow. It might sound convoluted but if you really feel this one, it’s very true, and often unaddressed or felt through with love and self-compassion. The Inner Punisher does not respond well to more punishment… this energy can only transmute with love.

Here is a guided meditation co-created by Gabriel and I, narrated by Gabriel, that you could use as another tool to connect with this part of you:

This part is so ingrained in our 3D Self that it’s become natural to feel the punishment that becomes a white noise in our lives, always sort of there yet so naturalized we hardly notice how much it’s bringing our frequency down. This is so one of the major pieces that needs to shift into love in the 3D Self before this Self, this version of you, can really start to integrate and move into higher frequencies consistently.

I’m sharing this photo today because it hallmarks a new beginning for me and an outing too.

I no longer want to subscribe to the adage of needing to look a certain way and I don’t want parts of me to feel this way about themselves either.

I no longer want to hide how my body looks because it doesn’t comply with typical beauty standards.

I suspect my body will continue to go through more changes through my own personal Ascension process and to truly be IN it without feeling like I have to force it to be one way or another in order to be worthy of anyone’s love let alone my own, is my deepest intention in this moment.

Our bodies are part of our Ascension journey… to honour and love them UP, even as they are now, is so, so important.

Much love to you and YOUR beautiful vessel too! ❤


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart.