Healing Inner Punisher/Shame Loops To Come Out Of Smallness and Into Your Vastness

By Jelelle Awen

The pain comes from being small. From learning to act small and conform to the smallness around you.

The suffering comes from their projection of smallness onto you and the acceptance of this that then becomes your reality….and theirs too. It is a co-created agreement to be and remain in smallness. The smallness is the 3D agreement of filtering. It makes up the veil of amnesia and the belief in it keeps the veil in place.

The pain comes from the long term fusion to/belief in this sense of smallness AS the truth of who you are. It comes from the forgetting of the truth of your VASTNESS.

Parts of you form to support this smallness picture. These parts of you repeat the message of it over and over in self punishing tones and voices within you. The unworthiness message battles your body, your emotions, your spirituality, your choices, your thought patterns….whatever can be picked on or is vulnerable to attack.

This punishing frequency forms layers of protection and guardedness over your innocence. Over time, your innocence becomes covered over with shame and feelings of wrongness and unworthiness to receive love.

Your trust in life, yourself and the Divine gets layered over with distrust, esp as you draw more circumstances and relationships that reinforce this smallness picture.

Your sense of goodness about yourself becomes buried over with unworthiness and self hate.

These parts of you feel then that they ARE unworthy, are shameful, are wrong by their very nature. So much suffering in this usually unconscious looping of the punisher part and the corresponding reactions of shame in the younger parts of you.

This is a well oiled and fuelled system inside designed to keep you small, created to cap your growth, and reinforced to maintain itself. It is designed to keep you protected, even if it is limiting.

There is not some evil force of aliens or demons or negative entities that keep this personal hell in manifest form from within you. This is not being done to you BY others, even as it can very much feel that way.

The others in your life (the ‘outside’) that invalidate you and reinforces this smallness picture are there only to offer you a reflection of this inner polarized state for it continue to come into your awareness….over and over again if necessary until you wake to it as being sourced from INSIDE of you.

This is a self-created smallness that your soul chose for good reason….until it is the time and phase to complete it. ONLY you can realize when that time is and ONLY you can end it.

You end it by bringing love to ALL the parts of you that have felt so unworthy, including the parts of you that punish, judge, attack, and shame you. You separate from these parts in order to have a relationship WITH them and not just become them in their routinized reactions.

THIS creates an increasing sense of your goodness, of your worthiness and….of your VASTNESS. This inner love ambassadorship to ALL frequencies inside of your BEing connects you to the truth of your bigness again. To your innate goodness again. To your innocence again.

Who ARE you?

You ARE Infinite Love in human form….Divine Self essence in a human body……arising into your bigness expression for the service of and because of LOVE. ANY picture less than that is ripe to be loved into this infinite love realized manifestation state again.

Welcome back to the VASTNESS of you….love can show the way!! ~

Message from your Divine Self,


Jelelle Awen

Join me for a free intro (30 min over zoom) and 1:1 sessions for women (and with Raphael for men) for support in this divine self embodiment path in person (here in Central Portual) or over zoom with THREE types of sessions now available…..Divine healing, self healing, and embodiment healing sessions by donation of 55-100 euros sliding scale, truly based on neg. and what you can afford…soulfullheart.org/sessions

Here is a guided meditation to connect with your Inner Punisher-Shame dynamic:

Posted a video of me reading this writing as well on my feed and here on you tube:

Choosing Your Soul Turn

By Raianna Shai

When you enter a fork in the road, you have two choices that lie in front of you. Follow the known, or follow the unknown.

The known is safe and comfortable, full of suffering patterns that your soul has become so accustomed to. It may not be everything you’ve dreamed of, but it’s a straight and narrow path to survival and what you’ve been told is possible in this life. It is understandable and just as sacred to choose this path.

But what if your soul is calling out for something different. To choose something you’ve never tried in any other lifetime. To go behind the boundary of the known and take a leap into the space of possibility.

Many parts of you might struggle with this option. They crave the feeling of safety and knowing everything will be okay. That’s where the bigness of you can hold them and bring them to a place inside that is always safe for them. Meanwhile, you have the freedom to explore this vast unknown.

This choice point can come in so many forms. Ending a suffering loop, shifting a deep relationship, leaving or entering a geography, choosing a new form of alchemy. Each of these comes down to the choice of stepping out of one stream of consciousness and entering another.

These potential moments of soul turn often come to you unexpectedly. A contract that you’ve agreed to for so long has suddenly run out and now it’s time to sign up again, or try something new.

Six years ago I made my biggest life shift yet, choosing to enter into a completely new way of life and start becoming conscious of the family of parts inside me. Joining my soul family in SoulFullHeart was an incredibly soul led decision, yet there was still so much fear and uncertainty about what might lie ahead.

So far it has brought every aspect of soul expansion you can imagine – reunion, separation, joy, fear, love, pain, beginnings and endings. And boy has it been ALIVE. The soul turns I’ve made in these years have been ones I didn’t know were possible or that I would ever even desire. I have become the woman I’ve always wanted to be – less afraid of her truth and bigness, leaning into intimacy in relationships, opening herself up to her own form of leadership, no longer accepting what isn’t enough.

There’s so much more to go as there always is but I’ve learned that the moments I fear the most in this unknown, are the ones that bring me the most gifts in the end – so long as I walk through the fire, and not around it. The more you trust your soul and the divine to catch you, the more you can support your parts and all the fears that reside within them. Magic will happen if you let yourself live into something you haven’t previously known. That is BRAVE and that is LIVING.


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Reunion is…

By Raianna Shai

Reunion is a
Wonderfully terrifying

Shaking the ground
Beneath our

Asking us to
Unchain ourselves
From the shackles
Of our past

Yet to be
Vulnerably intimate
With it
In tandem

The fears are alive
With a depth of desire
That guides our souls
Through fire and hope

We rest in the
Of falling up
Or floating down

Yet the
Yearning of our hearts
Will guide the way
To a new knowingness

That our time
Has been divinely appointed
And soulfully chosen

And all that we are
All that we move and feel
Has been written in the stars
Since our two souls split
Forever aching to reunite

So here we are
Trembling yet strong
In our purpose

To bring our two halves
Together as one
And heal a deep divide

Reunion is a
Wonderfully terrifying


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Healing The Persecution Wound: No Longer Allowing Toxic Inner & Outer Relationship Dynamics

By Jelelle Awen

Deep clearings recently of the persecution wound that lives in us all as we’ve had so many lifetimes of holding frequencies of healing, light, and love for the collective. Seeding light in the darkness. Holding the higher codes of union remembrance from higher timelines on the Earth Plane…millions of years in Lemurian golden age, the golden age of Atlantis before the fall….and golden ages on other planets and in other galaxies.

The persecution wound seems to come up in personal (esp. birth family) and in service relationships most strongly. The feelings/reactions/triggers that can come up in parts of us around being misunderstood, not seen, hurt or abused, rejection, ‘kicked’ energectically, feeling shame and unworthiness pushed up. That strong instinctual urge and trauma response in ‘being attacked’ to defend ourselves, to fight, or to flight.

And sometimes we need to go many ‘rounds’ into this dynamic with a soul who has signed up to hold this persecution mirror for us (often reinforced by the ‘narcissist program’ as I call it). We need to go into repeated attempts to clear the karma there, to transcend beyond the ‘roles’ of persecutor and victim into the open field of love where no wrong can truly be done from one to another.

I’m feeling personally a soul turn completion of a sacrificial pattern with souls who have played the persecutor role for me (sometimes very literally in certain lifetimes). My soul tendency is not toward fighting or defending myself yet rather toward large hearted forgiveness and desire to arise into the new grounds.

This can be a good thing for an ambassador/healer/teacher….yet, my soul aspects and parts this life and others have given too much in the sense of over holding, care taking, extending myself…a sense of making up for the light and love of the Divine that I can connect to if others are struggling to feel that themselves.

It has almost been a ‘survivor’s guilt/unworthiness’ piece where my Divine access is given away without enough personal needs criteria, esp in lifetimes where personal needs weren’t even considered or connected to (such as being a nun or priestess). Being a bridge to the Divine is an aspect of this, of course, and yet being that without a personal cost to me and being in humble worthiness/advocating for self is a piece I am healing this life.

I am now tuned into that I can forgive in the higher levels as I feel Divine Mother’s heart of compassion flow through…and yet can’t transactionally allow into my life those who cannot take accountability for the harm they have caused (sometimes going into amnesia about it even happening), who continue to project dark agendas without looking at their side/go into curiosity around where these are sourced from, who don’t feel genuine remorse over harms caused, who gaslight or invalidate feeling impacts of my parts or their own, and who aren’t continually surrendering into Divine guidance and trust as best they can and have access to.

I am bringing my truth in directness with care and offering mirrors/challenges as needed in response, yet I am also complete with holding space for this often toxic dynamic in myself or soul field, in service work, in personal relationships/community, or for the collective. It has been a blessed gift to me to have these experiences and I’ve learned a lot, even when difficult and painful.

I also felt a deep love ambassador process recently by bridging in meditation to a Grand Inquisitor energy in the karmic field….a Gatekeeper/Punisher who is reinforced and supported by the Matrix energies. This Inquisitor immediately expressed remorse and asked for forgiveness and as he received it, he started to transmute from all bloody, dark and heavy….. to wearing golden robes of light with all blood washed away. Waves of forgiveness from Divine Mother flowed over us both and he started transforming into masculine discernment and truth telling without need to persecute or expose anyone. And I felt a release of wounded feminine feelings of being hurt or harmed by this energy.

With this movement, I could feel how this Inquisitor had been ‘showing up’ over the years in different ways to get my attention (originally in the form of my parents), so that I could reconcile my relationship to this shadow, which is also within my own soul field too. None of us has truly only been a victim or only a persecutor nor parts of us either.

It feels like there is a big turn happening for the awakening and ascending masculine in this way…both in men and in the inner masculine in women. The old patriarchal grounds of being the exposer, the inquisitor, the edgy truth telling, the tyrant, the abuser..they are falling away as Divine Father offers a template of truth telling to men and women that is direct yet with care. Provokes what is needed and yet doesn’t do damage. Leads with transparency and authenticity while being sensitive to impact on all.

The truth of our being AS love reveals itself as the polarities heal. As the fear moves into love. And sometimes as we no longer allow the repeated cycles that don’t serve us or others to continue (if they aren’t meant to).

ALL of the experiences in relationships are sacred, both the bliss and the mess. Felt as portals of self discovery, they open out into growth and deeper feeling experience of BEING love in humbly worthy sacred human form.


Jelelle Awen

More info about 1:1 sessions with me to feel/heal/complete difficult relational patterns from within and with others to move into more union experience of self love flow outward at soulfullheart.org/sessions

Meditation to connect to the punisher-shame dynamic within you (inner persecution) here: https://youtu.be/kBG0OFQAdYc?si=uuIIJRwL_8rpZpXC


Sacred Feminine Upgrade Codes: Feeling Your Fear As You Move Into LOVE

by Kasha Rokshana

“There’s a lot of fear…”

Tears fall as I feel this with parts of me this morning, feeling what seems to be on deck for this coming year, feeling all that’s happened this year and could happen in the next one. Just naming it, feeling it as a fear pocket being shown to me helps move it more into love and openness, especially as I hold the parts of me who have been churning inside around it.

These words, “there’s a lot of fear,” tumble from my mouth and as I say them out loud, the words “there’s love here” come as well. I realize then how similar these two statements are when we say them, how similar they feel in our mouths, in our breath, as they move from deep inside of us to be expressed.

“There’s love here” is what has been offered to me by my beloved guide, Mary Magdalene, who I’ve been connecting with in sacred surrogacy for a while now, and also from the Divine Beloved who then squeezes me, holds me tight as these energies are transmitted, seeding within my feminine healer’s heart. I feel so supported in my love embodiment as I feel these energies surrounding me, so anchored in my propensity to ultimately return to love, always, even when fear is still moving through and needs to be validated as well.

I feel this as a vital theme as we head into 2024 and a powerful opportunity for upgrades on a soul, heart, and body level. Shifting from fear to openness, then to love and allowing this to be an ongoing process too, holding it all with so much self-care and compassion yet also challenging yourself and your parts too. Being willing to feel it all can feel like a tall order, yet the invitation is always to take it one step at a time. 

Join me and Jelelle this coming Sunday, Dec 17th, as we explore the theme of sacred feminine upgrades in this coming year and what they seem to mean and be inviting. We so welcome you to come and take part, sharing what it is that feels like it wants to upgrade for you too. The ‘womb room’ of these women’s calls is always a warm one and so beautiful to be a part of! You can find more info here: soulfullheart.org/events




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Choosing To Live

By Raianna Shai

It’s a fine line to balance your healing between deep inward feeling and outward clear currency. To dive deep into emotion means to be so honest and transparent with yourself that each part of you gets to feel every single thing that comes up for them. Whether it’s fear, joy, grief, peace, sadness, relief… it’s all so sacred and needs to be felt in its full capacity.

There’s a common fear in that deep dive though that you’ll never make it out of the heavy emotions. That you’ll be stuck in this void of depression and sorrow – trapped in your own inner hell. What I’ve discovered for myself is that not going to these places also causes a hell inside. Constantly invalidating and pushing down these feelings that will always be there until they’re addressed, felt and loved. When they aren’t felt, they come out sideways through reactions that we don’t totally understand. In anger, frustration and feeling inadequate or unworthy.

This is where the other side of the line is so important. There needs to be a bigger energy in the space to hold these deeper feelings. The divine, your higher self, something that can be even just a little bit bigger than the hopelessness. Something that brings air to the container that you’re holding for these parts of yourself. As this bigger energy holds these deeper emotions, a clarity and confidence starts to arise.

From there we find sobriety, truth, transparency and a deep claim of our parts and our relationships to others. In my recent process I’ve felt a mix of my inner teenager, shadow queen and inner punisher and how they all relate to one another. I learned how much my inner punisher and shadow queen were both suppressing and being suppressed, unable to express their truth to me and others.

As I deeply felt all three of these parts I started to feel a release and relief. Clarities started coming through, more truth was allowed to come out, more air entered into my entire being and all the despair and sobbing in that process became so worth it. I’m still in progress with this but so many layers have shed already.

We can try and go under or over the feelings all we want but the ONLY way to move it is through. Allow the feelings to take you on a journey, to change you from the inside out. You end up becoming so connected to your parts that you will do whatever you can to provide them the love and relief they desperately need. Choosing this depth of feeling is choosing to finally LIVE. And each time I make that choice to live and not let my soul or heart die, I become that much more whole and connected to my soul purpose.

I hope that you decide in this moment to choose to live ♥️


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Dear Inner Teenagers…

By Raianna Shai

Dear inner teenagers,

I love you all so much for the range you can express from angry, frustrated, and misunderstood to sensitive, passionate, and caring. You have held both our deepest desires and deepest fears, keeping our hearts alive and on fire.

There may be times when other parts suppress you or judge the way you are, but that’s what we’re here for. We are here to help you heal your wounds created in adolescence and beyond. To remove you from the frontlines of life and tuck you in where it’s safe to just be you. We are here to help you mature into the creative and compassionate beings that you are in your core.

We are also here to learn from you and receive your gifts. You offer a perspective that ignites curiosity and claim of what’s real in the world. You are consistently trying to find the heart of everything. The heart of truth, love, fear, and even life itself. I have often found teenagers to be the most questioning of the status quo and the false picture of perfection that “adults” seem determined to hold together.

Then there’s the vulnerability. You wear your hearts on your sleeves without even trying which can cause pain and suffering without the true leadership that comes from our higher selves holding the space for you. We have to listen to you, feel you and help you heal so that we can help each other feel complete. And in your healing, we find our inner kings and queens that should truly be leading our relationships.

We are here to help you shine!

The souls who wish to heal you ♥️


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Feeling & Healing By Allowing Grief

by Kasha Rokshana

Healing through grief is so vastly different from coping with grief. 

Grief isn’t honoured enough. Take the space you need to go quiet, to reach within, to be with the parts of you that are hurting and to lay in the lap of the Divine as you weep or even as you rage out. The grieving process isn’t always lived into with intention, for we’re not encouraged in this matrix world to truly let it in and let it move through organically.

Grief is actually the key, you see… the key to getting back to your heart. The key to unlocking the door to the deeper corners of your soul and opening you up to more awakening experiences, especially around Divine love’s holding of you and everyone/everything on this planet. It’s more powerful than turning towards transcendence or making a concerted effort to ‘move on’, especially before you feel truly ready for that.

Grief is powerful medicine for your revival, though it feels like the darkest death. It comes in waves, can knock on (or knock down) your heart door at any time, and has lots of patience for that ongoing process. It waits with open arms for you to lean into it and truly be with it, as the opportunities open up for you to do so.

As I feel through the heart of our Oneness cord that links us all in this sacred human family, I feel tears of grief for what and who has been loved and lost in my own life as well as the loss and suffering of so many others. I feel waves like this and hold them as sacred. I feel any part of me who feels hopeless at times and know that so many parts of so many other people feel the same way. 

And then I feel how loved we are, how held we are. I feel Divine Mother and Father holding out their arms to lay in or in invitation to come to them with anger waves too. I know in my heart that this is the answer…. Just being willing to feel it, not solve it, not try to answer it with analysis or practical steps. Just feeling it and feeling it ALL as sacred.

I can feel how especially during this Samhain time of the veils being quite thin, that there is extra powerful access to grief… lifetimes of it, actually. There is access to loved ones who have passed, access to deeper digestions of past relationships of all kinds, and access to the grief that lives in your soul from losses suffered in other lifetimes as well. There’s also a lighter side to the grief, where powerful access to joy and true happiness can be lived into as the rest is truly felt through… as you slow down enough to allow love into those understandably tighter spaces within where fear of feeling can live. 

So much love to you during this time as you drop bravely into feeling whatever is calling you to feel it. My beloveds and I are here to support you through sessions if you’re drawn: soulfullheart.org/sessions 




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Tipping & Turning Point In Awakening

By Jelelle Awen

This is a tipping and turning point for so many awakening souls it seems, especially as we emerge out of the 10:10 portal (“1” of new beginnings and the ‘O’ of the void space) and into the eclipse passage and then through 11:11. This is a potent time of year for death and rebirth and for tensions held at the cellular level to be revealed and resolved.

This year feels even more heightened with peaking Matrix/war/Great Reset agendas, personal sufferings/traumas, housing/survival based struggles, money tightness and scarcity, relationship issues/completions/break ups, false light/teacher community abuses and collapses, body illness/symptoms….ALL of it coming up against a place of intolerance to fear and our Divine self/sacred humanity embodiment. Anything fear based and in shadow is wanting to be transmuted by and with love.

I’ve felt an upgrading process going on for myself recently too, illuminated by a visceral and cellular trauma clearing at the physical and emotional levels triggered by a real life situation here. I really had to BE with these energies and emotions, allowing them and feeling directly the part of me who was experiencing them, using them as a portal, and offer a loving and compassionate heart space for this part to sink into.

After some necessary guttural tears (those that come from deep in the gut, deep from the womb), digestion with Raphael, and an ambassadorship to the source of the pain (in ‘other’ form yet still just a reflection of me), I feel another degree in my seat of centered self, in goodness in my life and in a current flow of increased service. A fear knot that was drawn this life yet comes from a soul source (as always) is dissolving as I respond to the tension that needs my attention.

I wanted to share some wisdoms/soul guidances that came through me and in collaboration with other bright souls in intros, sessions with me and during our community gathering in the last couple weeks…you can feel what resonates for you too:

– Sometimes you need an ‘outer home’ that represents heaven, beauty, and is a truly safe sanctuary for you. You need this for a phase of time to remind you of what is possible. And, then, sometimes this home is ‘taken away’ from you, sometimes suddenly and in a way that can leave some trauma (in this case it was during a sudden flood). This is actually a reminder and a recoding that ‘sanctuary is within you’, ‘safety is within you’, ‘beauty is within you’. Feeling the parts of you who have focused outward and feel trauma when this ‘home’ is taken away, you can invite them into the sanctuary of your heart.

– Inner masculine and Inner feminine dynamics are being illuminated in relationships that have been limiting in some way. Not necessarily abusive or outright toxic, yet rather the more subtle kinds of misalignments, outgrowing previous soul contracts, and lack of resonance in awakening that can take years to fully be ‘done’ with. The masculine feels so much pressure, tension, control, inadequacy, and protection over the growing sense of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, and hurt in the inner feminine who just wants MORE and isn’t able to get it in the bond esp as he retracts away.

His need to be needed hits her want to be wanted and a polarization occurs, collapse of vulnerability and intimacy. Inside and outside, this is a tense place to live long term and eventually it runs out of ground as mercy and compassion leads to completion on the outside and resolution on the inside.

– The cycle of suffering itself becomes the addiction, not the outward behavior of abusing food, alcohol, work or in relationships. The loop of the inner punisher (working out of a hijacked need of self protection) judging and controlling the inner child, which crushes them into a shame place, an unworthiness place, and a hurt place. Which just leads the Punisher to up the ante on the suffering loop, drawing life circumstances and relationships that amplify and reflect this. Feeling and connecting with both parts of the looping, coming in between them with compassionate self love, allows this cycle to complete on the inside and outside.

– There is increased desire coming up to offer service to others and follow soul purpose. This is meant to activate in an overflow of love as you awaken or parts of you can become too isolated, too self absorbed, too oriented to ‘self’. Service to others in a clean way (not false light/ego gratification or for money-motivation or to control/have power over others) can only arise as the inner and outer personal relationships are healing from traumas, protections, and projections. Moving from trauma bonds to resonant bonds.

True service is a reflection of the depth of intimacies in your life, not a compartment for which you ‘show up as a professional’. In the overflow of nourishing relationships (inside and out), you are able to then overflow that love to others in service WITH them as a mirror of the goodness possibilities.-

– At some point, the ‘parts work process’ has to drop away so that the Divine Self embodiment can occur and deepen. It is a temporary bridge, very helpful for a time, yet can be crutch to the degree there isn’t deeper Divine surrender and leaning in. Even beloved mentors and teachers (including me of course) can only hold a mirror, not be substitutes for deeper going into your own embodiment initiations in which your soul ‘takes over’ from there.

And I received this wonderful testimonial this week too,

“Thank you for everything Jelelle! I am feeling MUCH better and can eat again and have already put 4 pounds back on and not feeling nausea. I am so thankful for you!!! You helped me a lot and I hope my testimony will encourage others to go to you for help. – Beth

If you are drawn to a free intro call over zoom, 1:1 session over zoom or here in Portugal and ongoing mentoring support, with me, Raphael (for men), or Kasha (for women) PM me/us and there is more info at soulfullheart.org/sessions

You are also invited to join us for a healing cycles of suffering group call on Sunday, October 15th in which we will dive into some of these areas, plus offer a meditation/sound transmission journey. Info about offering a donation to attend/get the recording at soulfullheart.org/events.

Pic of me was taken on the lovely cliffs at Nazare, at the central Portugal coast, a place of beloved soul activations and remembrances for me

Validate Every Part Of You (Video)

by Kasha Rokshana

It’s so important to validate every feeling you have, as they lead you into such deep connection with different parts of you and into such transformation of your life inside and out as well. 

It can feel like a lot to feel sometimes, and a lot to digest, yet making space to be with what’s real for you/your parts/your heart and soul is truly where it’s at and in my experience, it leads to more openings within and with the divine as well. It can also lead to more openings with others who truly resonate… and help you sort out/let go of the relationships that don’t. 

I hold space for women who want to engage deeper in this process and it’s such an honour to do so! Visit soulfullheart.org/sessions for more info on free intro calls and 1:1 sessions which are for a negotiated rate. 




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.