Your Inner Child/Star Seed As The Seat Of Your Merkabah

By Jelelle Awen

Your light body vehicle is waiting for you. It is shining, glimmering, vibrating with energy, and pulsing with life. It is a reflection of YOUR life force and essence at a high frequency. In this now, our light bodies are ‘in the shop’ getting upgraded, getting ready for many multidimensional journeys to come.

The fuel for your Merkabah is LOVE. It is light. It is the joy, magic, and innocence that comes forward and through as you heal the trauma from and with your 3D Inner Child. This Inner Child transforms to your Star Seed through this conscious connection with you, revealing your Star Seed essence, as the experience of abductions (which were actually visits with your Star Family) come up and are healed.

Your Star Seed’s energy is what powers your Merkabah and their freed-up curiosity to FLY and to journey. Healing of your Inner Child and your Star Seed (abduction wounding/abandonment from Star Family) is not just therapy or a psychological practice….it is critical and KEY to the ascension process.

You BEcome your Merkabah as your emotional body unanchors from 3D reality through the healing of the aspects/parts/energies that still live and resonate there. The Inner Protector, Inner Punisher, Inner Mother/Father, Inner Teenager are the 3D parts that we identify as most anchored there. These parts remaining undifferentiated creates a ‘drag down’ on your frequency.

Your light vehicle looks and feels like what is right and best for you. There are no rules about what it looks like, specific forms and shapes that it needs to take. You may see and feel it as the usual sacred geometric form such as in the picture I shared. You may see it as a space ship. You may see it as a many petaled lotus flower.

It is as intimate as your fingernails, your hair, your skin. It is not actually outside of you, yet generated from WITHIN your higher heart especially and projected from there. The higher heart vibrates at this place to generate it with the more love that can be received and let in, the more parts of you can let in love, the faster it can then ‘spin’.

The places you journey….the galaxies, the dimensions, the timelines, all exist from INSIDE of you and originate from this place as well. They are states of consciousness. Your inner space program and process launches from this ground!

Aurora, my Star Seed child, is healing to 5D Crystalline Child essence and likes to take a seat on my lap in my pulsing, rotating Merkabah. There is a symbolic feeling in this of our connection to each other, Aurora and I, and all the healing we have done together over the years of her pains and traumas from abductions and before that my Inner Child and her experiences from my mostly painful 3D childhood-teenagehood.

I am BEcoming my Merkabah. It is becoming constructed and formed as my sacred humanity is arising. One part at a time becoming integrated and unified into the wholeness of my Arising ISness and I Amness. This is a beautiful process.

And, it awaits us ALL at whatever level and ways we can let it in!!

Here is more about connecting with your Star Seed child as a bridge to Star BEing contact:…/preparing-for-contact-with…/

Here is more about parts/Metasoul aspects:

And here is a guided meditation to meet your star family, Inner Child, and Inner Protector:

Jelelle Awen
More about Star Seeds and the Inner Child healing and our process offered through sessions at the link above.

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