Energy Update: Digestion Of Eclipses/Lions Gate As SOULar Winds/Geostorms Come IN

By Jelelle Awen

A stream of fast SOULar winds (close to 500 km/sec) are blowing and came into Gaia’s magnetic field during the late hours of Aug. 15th and on into August 16th. Green Auroras burst in the arctic skies as active geomagnetic storms are coming in too, according to As always with geomagnetics and increasing SOULar frequencies, you may be feeling them in your physical body as light headedness, interrupted sleep patterns, nausea/indigestion, headaches and body aches. You may also just feel a good kind of surge of renewed energy and passion for creativity and service of love….and a desire to ‘dig in deeper’ to your own awakening process.
You are STILL probably in recovery and digestion from the Eclipse season and Lion/Lioness Gateway portal of the last few weeks! These energies brought a visceral feeling possibility of unity abundance with them….whatever that means to you and your soul. You may actually have been gifted with some tastes of the abundance of your higher timeline…….manifesting in new and deepening soul connections, sacred union romantic relationships, improving geographic and home shifts, and money abundance that is more connected to service of love for you.
You may have received the collapsing of things that are NOT as based in abundance for you (which is about love, trust, and surrender). Expressions in your life that are more based in survival mode, fear-based safety and comfort, are in transition…with rumblings of conflict, frustration, even rage as the truth of your unhappiness and discontent that parts of you have held comes bubbling up. This could show up in perhaps sudden completions in jobs/careers/businesses and more 3D-based relationships. Overall, more CLARITY came to you during this last month about what your soul most wants and what you don’t. The transition phase and choice point steps to your higher timeline is becoming clearer.
The three eclipses worked especially on the physical body, offering detoxes to release denser frequencies in order to let in MORE light. Eating cleansing foods, lighter foods, such being lighter in the body felt more in alignment with these eclipse energies. While the Lion’s Gate seemed to invite a kind of inhabitation of the human body and the joys of it. These energies encouraged feasting and even light partying…..even eating of denser foods if wanted and needed. The Lion energy had a decadence to it and celebration of all that is abundant too. Celebrating a coming together in unity, in community, in sacred union….to energize the higher timeline expression of these soul-based bonds, celebration of your tribe forming inside and out.
ALL of these energies seem to offer that what has been emotionally and energetically anchored in 3D density frequencies of fear, trauma, and separation is coming into our heart space awareness to feel and transmute to higher vibrational love frequencies. Memories of childhood traumas express as a traumatized vibration that your Protector can help you feel and let go of…….along with traumas (with sticky karmic roots) from other timelines/lifetimes being accessible to you through journey to them where you can change the timeline outcome with your Metasoul aspects that live in them.
There is more here about the Protector/Gatekeeper and other parts/Metasoul aspects:
Our transformation into sacred humanity continues, with the recent energies bringing us to our personal NEXT LEVELS….def. getting a stronger sense of what that means for us. Hold trust in your heart for the overall remarkable process that is happening here and the LOVE for which it is held. Allow the compassionate witnessing of the process and the objectivity that this brings. Receive the gifts that come when you let go of what is based in fear!
Much love to you as we ride these waves of love together!
Jelelle Awen
1:1 bridging sessions available with me and other SoulFullHeart Facilitators during this time of intense digestion and transition! More info here:
Photo taken of the early arctic auroras by Jani Ylinampa on August 16, 2018 @ Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland

Jelelle Awen is a Parts Work/Metasoul & Galactic Aspects/Sacred Union Teacher & Facilitator, and Ascension Guide. She is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life awakening/healing process and community. She has written four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Visit for more information about bridging and ongoing sessions virtually over zoom and in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, events/retreats, videos, books, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.

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