Energy Update: Gaia/Schumann Spike Pattern On The 17th Continues

By Jelelle Awen

Energy UPdate: Continuing the pattern of Gaia/Schumann resonance spikes around the 17th of the month, we’ve been experiencing that today April 17th (at least in this hemisphere) with spikes up to 84 HZ for eight hours and counting…..


This is the third month in a row that we’ve had significant surges in Gaia’s base frequency around this date from the norm of 7.83 HZ. Last month, it went up to 150 HZ at one point! The one on February 17th lasted 24 hours and went up to 67 HZ.

Some have connected this Gaia activity around the 17th with the Q-anon consciousness (17th letter of the alphabet) and the disclosure process that is going on in 3D/lower 4D of some very dark realities and timelines. It definitely feels possible as this political matrix is very ripe for ongoingly moving out of secrecy, distortion, and manipulation…and into more love, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness. Increasing vibrational frequencies support the revealing of all that is in shadow that needs healing and love.

You probably felt this frequency increase in your physical body today such as in a tiredness and sleepiness you can’t quite explain. And also increased intuition/clarity even with some brain fogginess. I didn’t notice it for a little while as I got such a deep transmission of very grounding tree codes yesterday. Being in Gaia yesterday feels like it really helped ride this wave and calibrate to the NEW vibe of Gaia. It feels like the trees transmit this new signal as the magnetic poles continue to shift and change too in response to it. Trees feel like they help anchor the new grids.

Whatever ways you can ground with Gaia is helpful to calibrate to the new baseline here….plus raising your frequency through ongoing trauma processing from this life and other lifetimes to keep unanchoring from those stuck fear frequency places rooted in 3D woundings.

Be curious how long this one lasts!

Here is a guided meditation to activate your ascension chakras, which includes the Gaia root system one, very helpful during this Gaia spikes:

You can read all of my previous and ongoing energy updates here:…/energy-updates-with-jelell…/

Jelelle Awen
1:1 sessions available to connect to the parts of you that most need your love and attention! More info here:


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