It’s Ok Not To Be OK: Feelings As A Portal To Your Multidimensional Self

By Jelelle Awen

It’s OK not to be OK….putting down the masks of OKness or being positive all the time. Being vulnerable to show what is really going in your heart. Sharing your tears, your fears, your concerns, your pain with those who can feel you. Being real with what parts of you are feeling and reacting to in every moment. This self permission space allows the feelings to BE, to be felt, and eventually to heal.

Why do we need to receive this self permission to feel? The 3D world operates on the suppression of vulnerable feeling. Analyzing feelings rather than actually dropping into the emotive ground of them. Numbing and drugging our feelings with ‘anti-feeling’ drugs such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, etc….relating to our emotions as if we need to go into battle with them. As if they are diseases and illnesses that need a cure. As if they are evidence of our brokenness.

Your feelings offer a story, an important telling of what parts of you have experienced in 3D reality and what may remain emotionally undigested. They tell a soul story too…often from other lifetimes even, BIG emotional charge there sometimes, that is waiting for bridging and to be felt and held and responded to.

Your feelings provide a portal to deeper understanding of yourself in this life..and in other lifetimes too. They are a portal to your multidimensional experience of reality in so many timelines going on all at ONCE.

There is so much social lack of acceptance around feeling ourselves and being REAL about what our feelings are. Even in spirituality, there can be so much focus on the light and the positive that transparency and integrity (that come from being REAL about what you are feeling) get lost and covered over. Abuses of self and others occur then in ‘spiritual circles’ with emotionally immature teachers perpetuating toxic cycles from using spiritual frequencies to cover over their own woundings.

It’s OK not to be OK…..if you had been told this, offered this in childhood rather than the 3D message of “Get over it. Don’t be so sensitive. Stop crying”…you could have naturally learned how to hold space for your feelings and the parts of you that feel them. Instead, parts of you learn to protect and defend your feelings. To turn the judgement of your feelings inward and develop a punishing energy (an Inner Punisher) that carries the message inside of your unworthiness.

Then, you are called eventually to become the loving and accepting parental energy (fuelled by the Divine) that you probably did not have. Your pain calls you to this. Your pain offers where there still remain places inside that need your love.

The most amazing high frequencies of bliss and joy find MORE room is made for their arising when the deeper pains are being felt. When no feelings are being denied, there is no energy going toward suppression, no energy toward transcendence of feelings. Then, this energy is freed up and your heart space opens for yourself, for these parts of you that need you, and bliss can flood in again eventually finding rich, grounded soil in your open heart.

Trusting the flows AND the ebbs, the natural cycles of closings and openings. Trusting and being curious about the reasons that your tears exist, the reasons that your pains exist, and the mirror they are offering you OF you. The Divine, especially Divine feminine frequencies, WANTS you to feel yourself and all that calls your heart to respond to it. Divine love supports this process of not being OK, being real about it, and the dive in exploration of it too.

The Divine wants the pains of the 3D experiment to be felt and moved as more of Its essence can be let in…..which is actually YOUR essence as Infinite Love returning to you as a felt reality the more and more you are willing to feel what is real.

Here is a guided meditation to transmute traumas by feeling them with love:

Jelelle Awen
1:1 sessions available with SoulFullHeart Facilitators RaphaelGabriel and Kalayna :

Join Raphael Awen and I for our monthly group transmission live or to receive the recording on Saturday, October 12th at 10:00am PDT for $15 CAD donation. We will be offering teachings, meditation, and a sound healing with crystal sound healing bowls to help activate your light body, bring in any galactic/ascension codes in your ‘field’ and raise your frequency. More information here:

Or here:

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about 1:1 individual sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group transmissions, four day gatherings in Victoria, BC, writings/books, and videos, visit

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