Upgrades! Getting Into Position To Serve Love

By Jelelle Awen
Tightness and even pain in the top of my head, forehead, and neck for the last 12 hours….spent mostly sleeping and drifting while sound bathing to ASMR tracks from Lokos Youtube Channel. When I could move into consciousness, thoughts seemed to ‘hurt’ my head even more to have them or think them. There was no space for them there, even as my dreams were active and lively.
This is what UPgrading can feel like. I could sense my crown, third eye, pineal gland, causal chakra (back of the head) and throat ALL going next level. This personal upgrading process right now is supporting the moving of my leadership/teaching expression and service of love from almost exclusively virtual and remote these last two years into the physical. This is why we are moving back to the Vancouver, Canada area in a little over two weeks. To offer SoulFullHeart sessions, retreats, groups IN person feels like the greatest gift of opportunity to serve love and for me to grow personally as parts of me have tended to be more comfortable in the virtual spaces….as feels true for many hybrid human/star BEings here.
It can be challenging to see and feel upgrades in this way of connecting them to your bigger picture AND the grander process going on here of Ascension. Being in physical pain is distracting, it is densifying, and even spacious thought can be difficult. Surrendering to the discomfort, going/withdrawing within, and riding it out (which usually means going unconscious) allows the process to unfold with less resistance from other parts of us.
I could hear and see Star Family in some moments, sitting as usual around the big round table on our light ship. The message they offered me and others was to ‘get into position.’ I took this to mean that we are being invited to find the physical geography that suits us, supports us, and allows us to go into our next level of service here. This was also about WHO is around us as our most intimate beloveds and connections. Soul family resonance inspires us to ‘get into position’ to serve love as they mirror our highest self back to us through loving support.
Getting into position is also about being in an even deeper place of self communion and understanding, self love….to feel and love the parts of you that are doubtful, skeptical, questioning, and still anchored to 3D thinking/conditioning about the ‘truth’ of your awakening and ascension. Feeling their position and offering them a much more expansive place within your heart space invites these aspects to come along WITH you….easing inner polarities.
An exciting time/phase of next level UPgrading is available to us….each of us able to activate ourselves in this as we ‘get in position’ to receive…..and to serve.
More about parts/Metasoul aspects here: soulfullheartwayolife.com/parts
Jelelle Awen
1:1 sessions with me for women available to empower YOU, bridge within, and go next level. Info above….
Image is Dream Digital Art By Android Jones 14
Jelelle Awen is a Parts Work/Metasoul & Galactic Aspects/Sacred Union Teacher & Facilitator, and Ascension Guide. She is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life awakening/healing process and community. She has written four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about bridging and ongoing individual/group sessions over zoom with her for women and other SoulFullHeart Facilitators with men and women, events/retreats, videos, books, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.