Lammas Message: Feeling The Harvest & The Loss Of The Awakening Journey

by Kasha Rokshana

It’s a potent time now with Lammas (mid-summer) today, the Supermoon, and Lion’s Gate all upon us.  It feels like a day where these energies are converging and bringing up some deeper pieces to feel of desire/despair, letting in/letting go, gain/loss while we experience another big clearing and shift.

One big thing I’m digesting myself today is about our personal and collective evolution. It’s so easy some days to feel as though the personal shifts and inner work aren’t really drawing the desired outcomes. Instead, there’s a cost to our personal growth and awakening that is just as real as the highs that come from the healing and new discoveries. Our inner work brings about an outer harvest, yet in that process of harvesting there is also a need to surrender to the threshing floor – the place where the wheat is separated from the chaff. Where what you need to bring along with you on your next leg of your journey is carried with you tenderly, yet what can’t or won’t come along with you must be let go of.

So many parts of us may prefer to feel the celebrations of our awakening journeys and rightfully so… they’ve earned that next place of awakening and opening of the heart and your awareness. You as a soul have earned that next place of alchemy and depth of relationship within and without. Yet, there is usually a grieving process that comes along with all of this as awakening also means aligning more with your soul and the Divine… and not always with others around you or with your current life circumstances such as they have been. It’s all up for reevaluation on the journey of your evolution, and this is what makes it a vulnerable journey overall.

It takes great strength to be willing to feel it ALL… the textures of love and what it wants to illuminate for you. The shifting sands of your personal truth and where it wants to take you. It’s all very alive and yet, it’s truly a hero’s journey in a way with so much to let go of while also letting in.

I’ve been connecting a lot with the Divine and also my Sirian Lion galactic aspect, Ineerah, about this process and how I’ve felt personally so impacted at times by needing to follow my heart and soul and yet also be with the cost of that. Ineerah has shared with me time and time again how they have experienced the pain of this themselves as a star being race that has been through Ascension and how much they support us as we sort out our own ongoing journey.

The Divine has been supporting me to just feel my aching parts and also my opening heart as my own personal journey continues to unfold as part of a very powerful yet small community of beloveds. I feel a celebration with the Divine of my personal strength while also feeling wrapped in the warm love glow that I now know so well from being truly vulnerable and needy with the Divine. I feel soaked in love while also drenched in tears in moments and it’s truly beautiful.

So wherever you are today on the scale of letting in or letting go or everything all at once… you are loved, your heart is being felt, and your soul is undoubtedly leading you where you most need (and deserve) to be if you can gather up all that is within you, to continue to trust love itself and the path it is lighting up for you.

Blessed Lammas to you!



Painting by Nichol Skaggs


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Stand Up For The TRUTH Of Love: Lion’s Gate Message

by Kasha Rokshana

The lions of Sirius open the gateway of truth, courage, standing UP. 

Here is a message that came from my Sirian galactic aspect, Ineerah, to share with all of you:

“It is a most vulnerable time on Gaia. So much is burning up, collapsing, dying. Truths are bursting forth and the effort to cover them up is like trying to stopper holes in a canoe while in the middle of a lake. The truth goes deep and the reactions to it are even deeper…

You cannot stop the flow of what’s moving. This is a truth of how humanity has been held and led for many of your ‘centuries’. In fact, humanity, though young by galactic standards, is emerging past the stage now of needing so much from the ‘outside’. Empowerment is arising in individuals, even with the fears that are understandably held by parts of them too. 

Many of you are souls that remember in the very cells of your being, what it was like to go through collapse here on Gaia and on other planets or star systems and galaxies too. Many of you come from galactic bloodlines that are activated by your current circumstances and this is what’s meant to happen. This is what’s holding you together during a time when outside forces would rather you stayed torn apart and confused, and this is what’s beginning to inform your next choices.

You’re here to stand for the truth of love. What this means to you personally is where this takes root for you as individuals. Meaning, you may not understand how to stand up for what is moving globally and collectively, yet, you’re coming to terms with where you must stand UP in your own life, to compassionately take care of yourself or advocate for the wellbeing of others. 

You aren’t here to coddle or make anyone’s life more comfortable or easy for them by stepping on your own truth, which will always serve to deteriorate the relationship at its core anyhow. You also aren’t here to coddle or caretake any part of you that is choosing to stay stuck in fear when they have more to offer and become than staying in those frequencies.

I mention relationships to you now, both inner and outer, because these are the foundations of how you relate with yourself and the entire world. They are what colour and inform your choices, more often than not. Standing for your own integrity is often vulnerable, can become very messy, and takes a great deal of strength and willingness to go inward as well as a willingness to acknowledge and feel where you have impacted others and yourself. 

Without this effort however, you choose to align more with the disintegrity of a system that seeks to control through fear, which is the one you were raised by, and the one you’ve both consciously and unconsciously kept going. Sadly, many of your systems do indeed operate through fear rather than collaboration, genuine care and compassion, and hold together meaningless laws and ‘morals’ dictated by books and textbooks with no heart warmth. Through your individual choices, this gets to shift. 

You are here to ROAR and we support you in that, as you dispel the spell of fear-driven consciousness and life-robbing choices. You are here to choose love over fear in ALL the ways that means. Your ROAR, just as ours has had to be for our own sake and Ascension, is one of ‘clearing the room’ and revealing truth, yet also of mourning, being with the loss of the goodness of what was, yet choosing also the courage to continue to move forward. 

We are sensitive, as always, to all you are becoming and letting go of becoming too. We feel your deconstruction, the fervent demolition at hand of what was that is no longer needed. We are present to all of you, especially at this time while the Gateway is open, and we offer you much love from our lion hearts to yours. 


Ineerah, Galactic Ambassador from Sirius, with Kasha.”


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Star Seed/Star Family Activation Guided Meditation: Video 14 – Deepen 2022 (Video) | Raphael & Jelelle Awen

In this fourteenth video of our 31 day video series called Deepen 2022, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Co-Creators Raphael and Jelelle Awen share about the star seed and star family activation process that happens over time as your Gatekeeper opens up access to feel and heal your visitation/abduction experiences, your inner child 3D traumas, and Matrix unplugging.

We talk about how important it is to ground into the galactic consciousness in our soul to experience healing in an embodied way connected to our emotional bodies. And to also access your OWN star family and light language transmissions rather than looking to outside sources to activate for you in a way that can be transcendent and part of the False Light.

With the current Matrix narrative (V and C), there is a strong need and importance to unplug our Reptilian self and become an ambassador to any other galactic aspects that need that (including those connected to the “Negative Alien Agenda”.) Healing this polarity within your Metasoul allows more grounded, balanced, and less polarized response to the events happening now.

In the guided meditation, you connect with your Gatekeeper and Divine Mother & Father to create a white light safety bubble as you go in to connect with your Star Seed. Your Gatekeeper also creates a bridge to feel if your Star Family Ambassador would like to come forward to meet with you or an aspect that is plugged into the Matrix that wants to be seen by you.

Here is a video for connecting with your Star Seed and Star Family
From Jelelle’s Deepen 2019 video series:

Here is a guided meditation video to music with Jelelle to connect with your Star Family:

Here is a video to experience an Arcturian Healing Chamber to music:

You can watch each video in the Deepen 2022 playlist on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel here:…

For more information about the Deepen 2022 series including a full listing of the content covered over 31 days and information about two Deepen 2022 group calls on January 16th 30th, visit

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit

We also invite you to join us for free membership on our private, online community SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks for sharing, asking questions, and connecting with others engaged in the series:

For more information about a free consultation call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators Jelelle Awen, Raphael Awen, Gabriel Amara, and Kasha Rokshana, visit

We are offering this series free of charge, yet we would be so grateful if you offered an energy exchange/donation to us for the value you receive in this series. You can donate through paypal: or at

From Stone Circle To Crop Circle: Messages & Seeds Of Divine trust & Ongoing Support

by Kasha Rokshana

On Monday, Jelelle, Raphael, Gabriel, and I set out for our second visit to Avebury Henge, the largest ancient stone circle in the EU, which we had been planning for a while. We had planned an overnight trip together so that we could take our time at Avebury and then see what arose for the next day. None of us were very clear on what we wanted to do or were being guided to see, we just felt that Avebury had more magic to offer us since our very first trip there at the beginning of our time in the UK.


Well, it turned out to be a major gateway into the new for us… the deepening invitation into Divine alignment and trust as we make our way into our next phase in Portugal. It was sweet, tender, comforting, and grounding to touch the stones… not so activating as it was the very first time we visited. We are more calibrated to these lands now, it seems, and we’ve definitely gotten the soul discoveries, awakenings, and healing experiences that we came here for and to serve love from.

On Tuesday we were on our way to what we thought would be our next destination visiting Uffington and the White Horse etched into the hill there… but then came an intuition from Jelelle to check out Crop Circle Connector. We had been hoping and praying that since we were staying where crop circles usually show up this time of year, we would be able to go to one while in the area… well, as soon as I checked online, there was a crop circle waiting for us about 34min from where we were! It felt surreal at first, yet the reality of the adventure, the brand new experience, set in quickly and everything inside of me felt excited and ready.

Shaw Hill Crop Circle – the one we visited

Finding the coordinates for the circle took a bit of effort, and when I did finally find them, there was a tiny ache of doubt in my heart that they would work out in the end. Even though they seemed ‘verified’, there was a small fear that for us, for some reason, they wouldn’t work, and the magical experience that we all wanted to claim wouldn’t come true.

Well, that’s sort of been my experience of life lately, even though I’ve had such deep trust in the Divine and in life that has truly led me through many challenges and into very new experiences, synchronicities, and a magical rediscovery of my very own soul. So much tension has had to move through my physical body, manifesting in pain that had me in tears. Completely locked up were my muscles, fascia, joints. I’ve very consciously been holding this process of moving from tension into trust… a trust that has to go deeper than ever, as the unknowns of living in the growing intensity of peaking global fear and reactivity as the Matrix continues its collapse needs to be navigated.

I felt my Star Seed all lit up though as we entered the field, and I knew she knew that our connection to Star/Inner Earth Mu family would lead us to it, even when doubts would creep in.

I eventually started walking directly behind Raphael who I could feel had a strong intuition he was following on where to go. I could feel my god-baby self toddling along behind his, ready to discover magic. Sure enough and soon enough, we arrived… and that feeling was like a WOOSH of energy passing over the body! Relief, validation, and a reminder that trust and intuition are key, all waved through and over me at once.

The gently lain crop looked like ocean waves and rivulets rolling through in perfect harmony. They were bent but not broken. An outer will had been applied to them, but they had collaborated and not fought against it. Harmony, yes, that’s a great way to describe their energy.

When we entered the centre point, there was a toroidal, spiraling pattern created by the gently bent crop. It culminated in the absolute centre where the energy was strongest. We all paused to sit in a circle around it and feel what we were being offered in the moment. My Inner Earth Lemurian aspect, Myren, came forward with a message to share about the sweetness and innocence of desire for magic and the trust that actually can feel quite natural. Trusting the guidance while also taking care of yourself, feeling yourself, along the way.

Crop Circle glow!

I felt her and my Star Family, especially the Pleaidians who it feels like helped create this circle, validating the experience of doubt and tension along this ongoing journey of unplugging from the Matrix we were born into and are meant to help collapse with love. I felt them honouring the leap-of-faith that is required to remain here on this planet while also reaching for the higher-dimensional experiences we also need to continually let in. I felt how much love and support we are all being offered, always, and how they leave these works of art as a transmission and reminder of that ongoing support.

It’s comforting to feel that, isn’t it?

I feel all of this and so much more still integrating from the experience… the codes offered by such a creation are both subtle and obvious, as they go into us on so many levels at once! It feels as if they offer us all such personal messages that we need to hear and feel, yet also they offer such global and collective ones that can be interpreted in many different ways.

We have access to such healing and love, and we have only to ask for the support to help us let it in as it seeds something new from deep within us that can only grow, bloom, and spread with proper care.

Love to you, with you, always…


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

You are Not Alone: Message From Your Soul & Star Family W/Jelelle Awen

During the hardest hours,

The deepest densities,

The most difficult moments….

THIS is when we will MOST be there for you.

Awakening you to your bigness,

and your capacity for love.

Answering the doubting questions

from parts of you that have

such strong fear and resistance.

When you feel like you have failed,

made mistakes, allowed and even done harm,

cannot ever be forgiven…

we will remind you that

you are succeeding in your mission,

are learning valuable lessons,

AND are already forgiven.

During the hardest struggles,

the darkest nights,

the most painful moments,

we will help you remember that

you have so bravely chosen

to seed the light into

the deepest of shadow lifetime after lifetime.

When you feel most alone,

in the void of social space

between 3D and 5D,

losing relationships,

setting boundaries, bringing your truth…..

we are here to BE with you

and support you unconditionally.

Reach out to us as your soul family,

as your safe haven,

as your tribe

and we will respond immediately.

Return to us and

you will find home here

with us and with the Divine


We Love You,

Your Divine Soul & Star Family w/Jelelle Awen

More information about 1:1 sessions, group call events, online community portal, books/writings at

SoulFullHeart Weekly Museletter: Connecting And Healing With Star Family

Boom! What a galactic week it has been! Deeper connections and profound clarities about the arising disclosure and contact with our Star Being brethren and family. It was a week that was catalyzed by Dr. Steven Greer’s recent CE-5 documentary, Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind. A must watch in our humble opinion. There is also the launch of the next Free To Be series beginning this Wednesday, May 20th! You can read it here

Featured this week is a piece from Kalayna Solais. In it, she digests her experience after watching the documentary in which she connected to a deeper layer of herself known as the Star Seed. So much pain of separation as well as the joy of reunion can be felt in such a process:

As I sobbed, I felt my soul’s ache. I felt the pain of what it’s really been like to be in 3D. I felt it for myself and I felt it for others. I felt the repression… the suppression of truth, the rejection of real love. I felt tired, so tired, of stark polarities being played out and even worshipped by those who can’t see or feel it all, and those who just simply don’t care. My eyes were closed to allow sensations to be heightened. If my eyes had been open, they would have been searching for my Star Family beloveds instead of feeling them. They love to enter through the heart and answer our calls. They may not always materialize in the physical but they are there. They are always… always there.

The next ‘Free To Be’ group call series begins this Wednesday, May 20th @ 10am PDT. Through this Free To Be Two series, you will feel empowered to think about and feel through the practical steps to walk out at this time, including a focus on money transition to soul purpose livelihood. You will also feel the social area of your life and connect to the ‘black sheep’ and socially rejected part of you who wants to step out into their truth in a new way. You’ll receive more sense of the 3D Matrix/Cabal collapse that is going on in order to unplug from it and deeper galactic support/activation from your star family. And finally, you’ll realize your potential to BEcome an Ambassador of Love and 5D Bridge into the New Earth to others and other parts of you as well.

The first call of this series will be an overview of how the current money system is a 3D Matrix program that is in transition to being about energy exchange based on soul purpose expression. You can offer a donation at any time and receive the recordings and also the link to attend any of the future calls live if you can or want to. More information at 

In this week’s edition of our Museletter, there is a guided meditation from Jelelle Awen to connect with your Arcturian self through a sound healing chamber. Really powerful! There is also the recent Energy Update from Jelelle along with a message from the Arcturians through Jelelle’s Arcturian self known as Binkh highlighting their desire to assist each of us on our Ascension journey. 

There are many new articles and audio blogs this week from SoulFullHeart Facilitators/teachers Raphael and Jelelle Awen, as well as SoulFullHeart Facilitator Kalayna Solais and facilitant/collaborator Gabriel Heartman. There are energy updates, personal process digestions, and ways to look at and feel what is happening on the 3D, 4D, and 5D consciousness levels.

Check out our ‘Quotes of The Week’ section for some quote cards you can save and share! If you can, please do tag us whenever possible.

If you are interested in a session, we begin with a free consultation for 30-45 minutes over Zoom with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for you to learn more about the SoulFullHeart Process, what happens in sessions, mutually determine if the process is a fit for you at this time, and if so, which Facilitator to work with in sessions. Visit for more information.

Thank you so much for your interest in and support of SoulFullHeart Healing!

You can offer a donation to SoulFullHeart via PayPal here:

You can subscribe to our Museletters here:

Check out the latest Museletter here.

Why We ‘Roar’: An Activation From Our Sirian Star Family

by Kalayna Solais (and “Ineerah”/Sirian aspect)

“Together we join
through ourselves
in unison of voice.
Each call moves forth
from the heart
as we link together
to feel the creation of the next magic moments.

We ‘roar’
and our ‘roars’ have great impact.

We ‘roar’ to call in the New
We ‘roar’ to clear the old…

We ‘roar’ not to frighten
but to embolden ourselves,
to call on the sacred strength
for boundaries
for growth choices
for remembering our worth.

We ‘roar’
feeling the love of the higher dimensions
and the grief of what is let go
to move ever higher.

We ‘roar’ to remember
to learn,
to teach.

In this phase,
we offer our ‘roar’ to you…

We join our sacred voices
with yours
as you declare ‘no more’
and with your world
you’ve co-created.

We join
offering our peaceful hearts
that had great pain like yours…
that also learned to let go
of fear
of war
of a need to be hidden…
of a need to be arrogant
of a need to do more
than just BE
and connect…

We join
and we cry out in ‘roars’
yet softer
than those you’ve known,
and this memory
of your power
as sacred humans,
is the one we hold for you
reminding you
that you will return here
and the process is Now.

You are loved…
and you cannot avoid
the gift of this rediscovery…”



Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

Galactic Activation Group Transmission 5/22 Over Zoom Or Receive Recording

By Jelelle Awen

SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator and Galactic Love Ambassador Jelelle Awen hosts this virtual group over zoom to provide a transmission of galactic awakened frequencies to you. You can receive these frequencies live with her (highly recommended) or take in the recording afterwards. If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with Jelelle what you experienced during the transmission and receive feedback/next steps of integration from her.

The focus of this group on May 22, 2019 at 10:00am PDT is to assist you in the ongoing integration of galactic activation codes. Jelelle will guide you in a meditative space in which you can connect to your Inner Protector/Gatekeeper, energy field and ascension chakras and download whatever codes are ‘waiting’ for you there. She will transmit light language frequencies to connect you to whatever star family energies are ripe for activation.

This one will be focused on tuning in whatever ‘galactic activation’ looks and feels like for you at the phase of your awakening. It could be very specific connection with a star BEing guide or Lemurian aspect….or an overall deeper sense of star family connection in general. Or activation/practice of light language OR all of these things. Most important to these connection is your Star Seed aspect…..or healing inner child, to provide a bridge of curiousity and exploration.

Many galactic awakening codes are coming in through cosmic energies such as SOULar winds, CMEs, eclipses, lunar phases, and also through increasing vibrational frequencies of Gaia’s resonance. These codes can be challenging to integrate if unfelt fear and undigested traumas are still in your emotional/physical/energy bodies.

This transmission allows for an illumination of those codes and expanded heart space esp. to receive and integrate them. You receive from Jelelle a template for a 5D sacred human with a more fluid receptivity to these activations and galactic upgrades, while being grounded in her body and emotional body. The group transmission is a wonderful bridge if you are interested in a 1:1 bridging session with Jelelle or another SoulFullHeart Facilitator. More info here:

We recommend watching and engaging in this ascension body meditation with Jelelle prior to the transmission:

Also recommended is this guided meditation to meet your Star Seed Child and your star family:

This group transmission is open to the public. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy exchange of $11 USD/$15 CAD minimum donation. You can offer your donation here: or here: (please choose USD in the drop down box.)

We will send you the zoom link to join us when we receive your payment. Group will last a max of two hours depending on those that want to share their experiences and ask questions.

You can also still offer a donation of $11 USD/$15 CAD to receive the recording of Jelelle’s first group transmission to unplug from the 3D/Lower 4D matrix. More info here:

Contact us here on FB or at for more information. More information at

Letting In Gaia And Sun Codes

By Jelelle Awen

A bit of a spike in the Schumann/Gaia resonance frequency today after quietness for the last few days. The surge lasted for about four hours and looks to be moving UPward again as I am writing this….

shm (1)

After a powerful bridging session today with a very brave woman who really signed up to transmute a lot of fear into love this life, I went for a walk to our local regional park with my dog Koda to connect with Gaia. Saxe Point is walking distance from our beautiful new house, right on the coast here in Victoria, Vancouver Island, Canada. The park is on the water with a wonderful patch of forest there too.

I sat on a cliff overlooking the water and let the sun codes wash over me. The codes are different here than in Mexico and the sunlight is not as bright, hot, and activating. They are more soft here, caressing, inviting. Both are powerful in their own ways. I connected to the CME energies from yesterday, which felt penetrating yet fading.

I was in awe of Gaia’s beauty in that moment and I felt the stirring of my Metasoul aspect who lives in Inner Earth. Her name is Reina and I have been connecting with her for the last year. She is a wise women for her people, who were originally Lemurians who went underground when Atlantis fell. They have been living in vast Inner Earth cities since then. Reina’s consciousness merged with mine and we appreciated the warmth of sunlight and the sensation of breeze on our skin. She reminded me to be appreciative of being on the surface of Gaia, to soak in Her goodness whenever I can, and to respect and be in harmony with Her. After connecting with Her, I went home and passed out for a deep, rich, and wonderful nap where it feels like we did more connecting beyond my conscious mind.

I’ve been asked why I call Her “Gaia” rather than Earth. I feel Gaia is Her consciousness, which is ascending just as ours is. I feel Gaia represents Her Divine Mother expression and aspect as well. Divine Mother in planetary form as Mother Gaia. Gaia acknowledges that She is a living, conscious, sacred BEing. Earth feels more like Her 3D name that she moving out of….

I downloaded some more messages from Reina that I’ll be sharing soon, especially related to frequencies that have been coming from Inner Earth recently and how they are impacting Gaia’s magnetic field. All for the purpose of ongoing ascension and awakening! All for the purpose of love!

This is a quick guided meditation I did at a lake near here offering Lemurian frequencies and light language….I feel to do one in Saxe Point soon too!

Pics are of the codes I let in today….in this one of me I can see Reina’s features coming through mine!


Jelelle Awen
1:1 sessions to experience parts of yourself and Metasoul aspects from your soul too! More info here:

Upgrades! Getting Into Position To Serve Love

By Jelelle Awen
Tightness and even pain in the top of my head, forehead, and neck for the last 12 hours….spent mostly sleeping and drifting while sound bathing to ASMR tracks from Lokos Youtube Channel. When I could move into consciousness, thoughts seemed to ‘hurt’ my head even more to have them or think them. There was no space for them there, even as my dreams were active and lively.
This is what UPgrading can feel like. I could sense my crown, third eye, pineal gland, causal chakra (back of the head) and throat ALL going next level. This personal upgrading process right now is supporting the moving of my leadership/teaching expression and service of love from almost exclusively virtual and remote these last two years into the physical. This is why we are moving back to the Vancouver, Canada area in a little over two weeks. To offer SoulFullHeart sessions, retreats, groups IN person feels like the greatest gift of opportunity to serve love and for me to grow personally as parts of me have tended to be more comfortable in the virtual spaces….as feels true for many hybrid human/star BEings here.
It can be challenging to see and feel upgrades in this way of connecting them to your bigger picture AND the grander process going on here of Ascension. Being in physical pain is distracting, it is densifying, and even spacious thought can be difficult. Surrendering to the discomfort, going/withdrawing within, and riding it out (which usually means going unconscious) allows the process to unfold with less resistance from other parts of us.
I could hear and see Star Family in some moments, sitting as usual around the big round table on our light ship. The message they offered me and others was to ‘get into position.’ I took this to mean that we are being invited to find the physical geography that suits us, supports us, and allows us to go into our next level of service here. This was also about WHO is around us as our most intimate beloveds and connections. Soul family resonance inspires us to ‘get into position’ to serve love as they mirror our highest self back to us through loving support.
Getting into position is also about being in an even deeper place of self communion and understanding, self love….to feel and love the parts of you that are doubtful, skeptical, questioning, and still anchored to 3D thinking/conditioning about the ‘truth’ of your awakening and ascension. Feeling their position and offering them a much more expansive place within your heart space invites these aspects to come along WITH you….easing inner polarities.
An exciting time/phase of next level UPgrading is available to us….each of us able to activate ourselves in this as we ‘get in position’ to receive…..and to serve.
More about parts/Metasoul aspects here:
Jelelle Awen
1:1 sessions with me for women available to empower YOU, bridge within, and go next level. Info above….
Image is Dream Digital Art By Android Jones 14
Jelelle Awen is a Parts Work/Metasoul & Galactic Aspects/Sacred Union Teacher & Facilitator, and Ascension Guide. She is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life awakening/healing process and community. She has written four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Visit for more information about bridging and ongoing individual/group sessions over zoom with her for women and other SoulFullHeart Facilitators with men and women, events/retreats, videos, books, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.