Natural Feelings Of Weariness As You Choose Love Over Fear

By Jelelle Awen

It is natural for you and parts of you to feel tired in this moment. To feel tired from this transition into the new for which it seems in moments SO many souls are still in the old. To feel tired from creating bubbles ‘around you’ in so many moments and ways as you try to bring your high vibe frequency to environments and others that block, distract, and resist them. You may feel tiredness from many years of seeing, being, and feeling reality so differently from mainstream consciousness and even those beloveds around you. Weariness and tiredness may be pushed UP for you right now with these intense ascension energies that keep bringing us waves of growth.

I have definitely felt this weariness in parts of me many times over the years. For those of us who have chosen this transition, time in this now, and especially to lead and show the way through it….. there can be an inherent weariness in the momentum it takes, the inner push that still has trust and grace…the ENERGY we need to tap into in order to lead AGAINST so much oppositional fear energy without going to battle. Rather than pushing against or fighting or contending, it is so NEW to be inviting with love and to be vulnerable in that invitation…..over and over and over again and feeling it land in some hearts and not others….mostly NOT others, yet the numbers are growing slowly it seems.

It is easy to go to battle actually as this we have known as a species and is our comfortable legacy….unfortunate inheritance of this current 3D timeline. It is easier for parts of people to go to rage, to tap into the OUTrage in the collective consciousness and push it out at others, compare and contrast to others, put others down, and judge without love too…I feel many doing this as they move through this phase of their leadership into the New.

Or, it is easier to go to the mind and to analyze and dismiss or transcend feelings and being vulnerable and just focus on the cosmic aspects and bliss states of ascension. Ah, yet, it is so understandable and I feel vast compassion for us from the Universe, our higher self, guides/aspects, star family as we sort this all through!

Over and over, I’ve received the message from these ‘higher’ sources….. “We are so in awe of you and your species and what you are doing and being right now! This is SO challenging what you are bringing and showing and feeling in the face of so much oppositional energy. There is so much to heal, so much to face, so much to BE with. Your tears and your fears are sacred and precious and we ADMIRE them greatly! Do not feel less than us or compare to us. We are here to inspire you, yes, and serve you to arise. Yet, we are LEARNING from you with great curiosity in our hearts around how you will walk this out. And, we are here always for you when you need us!”

Sharing this message with you in this moment is providing a rush of love inside of me to extend to you too. I and parts of me feel more rest coming in as I DO feel the support that is there for me and for us all. I feel the trust that lives inside of me from so long being challenged and challenging myself and getting the response of love every time.

I choose love. I choose love in this now. I choose to share and BE real. I choose the HONOR of leading myself in this way and for those souls who feel a resonance with this and me, I feel grateful for your coming along on this journey with me. I choose my heart and the healing and feeling of it above all else as its energy is what leads into the unknown and holds the other frequencies that need its attention and care.

I feel the energies that are here to support this choosing of love and have been ramping up for many years, especially in the last months. The choice of love is becoming more visceral, acute, and real for so many more and I feel the possibilities that this opens up every day!

I choose love… about you?

Jelelle Awen
If you’d like support during this transition and feeling space with and for parts of you, we provide 1:1 bridging sessions and group sessions…more info at the link above

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