Lifting The Veils And Unplugging From The Matrix On The Inside

By Jelelle Awen

In this recent article (, I offer my intuitive sense that the veil of amnesia that we placed over ourselves as a species is now lifted. The veil being ‘gone’ means that the Universe/Divine Source is really supporting the awakening and remembering of our souls. We are receiving much support for the merging of our multidimensional self with our healing and awakening higher frequency human self to arise into the NEW 5D or sacred human. The veil we all chose as souls so we would ‘forget’ our roots and truly submerge into the experience of forgetting so that we could eventually remember is gone because so many more of us are now CHOOSING to remember.

It also feels like Gaia herself has ‘shaken off’ the veil, along with the 3D matrix co-created by 4D darker polarized BEings (called Archons, etc.). The matrix that has been and created and formed our 3D experience here on Gaia (mostly through capping our sense of personal empowerment and access to our soul gift expression) either has many, many holes in it right now or is completely gone. Feels like as more and more conscious disclosure happens on a ‘mainstream’ level, the more the matrix will be ‘deactivated’ as more souls wake up and disconnect from it. Some people have offered that the matrix will continue to exist for those souls that still choose it, yet on a parallel timeline then from those of us who are awakening and unplugging from it.

We ultimately CREATE these veils, these matrixes…we are not victim to them as we are (in the higher sense) great creators of our reality, the ONLY creators of our reality being fractals from Divine Source which is the ultimate creator. No one can ‘rule’ us or ‘govern’ us or ‘enslave’ us. Even Ethereal BEings such as angels and spirit guides cannot ‘force’ us against our will and wait patiently for us to ask and want and need their assistance. They want for our CHOICE, as does the entire Universe. They wait for our claiming of their angelic and higher frequencies INSIDE of ourselves so they can merge their consciousness with us.

3D conditioning has ‘taught’ us and programmed us that everything OUTSIDE of us has the power. Fourth Dimensional (4D) awakening consciousness offers us increasing feelings and experiences that we are all powerful from the INSIDE. As we claim that more and more, each of us going within to find and feel and heal, then this extends to the outside reality.

As we release ourselves from the slavery inside, so we experience a freed reality on the outside. As we teach ourselves a new mentality, so we experience a new paradigm and looser mental grip of rational mind reality on the outside. As we reprogram ourselves and all aspects of us, so we experience a NEW program based on PURE love as the operating source.

The veils start ultimately from the inside, the matrixes exist from the inside….and as we awaken, we lift the veils from the inside. We disconnect from the matrix on the inside, feeling and healing all the hookups to the matrix, all the plug ins that CREATE the matrix as our lived in reality. These plug ins are often subconscious agreements with others in relationships, especially birth family, who are actually often soul family members who have agreed to go into much denser frequencies with us to ‘play this forgetting game’ in order to remember and grow. As we remove the plug ins of codependence from these relationships, our birth family can choose to wake up along with us (if that is their path) or continue on in the 3D reality. We agreed to forget together and it is unknown if we agreed to wake up together until the moments come for those choices to be offered and made.

Lifting the veils starts from within even as we benefit from the shifts happening in the cosmos and in the solar support and in the waves of PURE love. All of these beneficial frequencies can only come into us if we are consciously healing our heart and soul to let them in. With this going within, we can truly soar in the cleared ‘skies’ of the shiny 5D reality where LOVE forms the substance of ALL things that we experience and we REMEMBER that love that we ARE.

Jelelle Awen is an emoto-spiritual teacher, soul scribe, wayshower, multidimensional bridge, lover of love and co-creator and facilitator of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions with her, group calls, videos, community, etc