Emerging, Renewed, From Retreat & Recovery In Gaia’s Arms

by Kasha Rokshana

This retreat to Nature has been a retreat into myself, collapsing and letting go of so much that I didn’t realize I was holding, that I didn’t consciously realize I wasn’t letting the Divine in on, and that I didn’t realize was creating a widening chasm inside between what I felt I needed to do or become and what I wanted to do and become. I feel more ‘awake’ now in a soul sense and yet in deep sleepiness too as the rest and recovery from what has been true about life and service for parts of me continues to heal and transmute.

Over the last 5 years I’ve shared many words of poetry, offerings of Divine love as I’ve personally experienced it, and many transparent writings about my personal process. In the beginning of that, there was tenderness about sharing. As the years went on it became about something else though, maybe more ‘ego-based’ at times, but always with the intention of helping, supporting, offering love to others in the mix as well.

It’s humbling to take a step back and look at all of this, especially while also feeling the pain of what’s moving in the world of shadows and light known as ‘Gaia’. It’s humbling to let nature hold you while you feel it all out with the heart rather than figure it all out with the mind, wonder what your place of contribution to the NEW truly is, and remember that absolutely every piece felt on a heart and soul level IS the contribution.

The yelling-matches, virtually and not, can do something but won’t do everything. The self-righteous energies catalyze something, but eventually run out of ground as they don’t truly let the Divine/love itself in. Conflict has its place but also has to find its resolution through curiosity. Truth revelations are inevitable. The acceptance of them in the mainstream is not. The only way that I can feel we can move through these humbling times is to truly be with ourselves in them, surround ourselves with resonant others, and explore the themes emerging in the world from within our own inner worlds where we can take responsibility for our part in the play out of the current human shadow show.

I feel so grateful for these months immersed in beautiful Northern Portugal, for the clarifies that are still dawning and moving through, and the rebirth of the grace within to hold it all.

I’m sharing a photo from a hike with my beloved Gabriel, where we took in the vast expanse of the valley we’ve been camping in for the last couple of months. I felt the hugeness of the beauty we’ve been surrounded by and the Divine love codes downloaded through the mountains, trees, and flowers.

Really looking forward to experiencing what emerges next as we move on from here and feel into what SoulFullHeart, and all of us, become next.



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Lammas/Lughnasadh Energies Support Feeling What’s Real, Letting Go Of What Was

By Kasha Rokshana

The festival of Lammas was yesterday, which is celebrated at the halfway point between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. It is the ‘first harvest’. And it also, as with all festivals, seems to represent a death and rebirth of its own…

There’s something about letting in all we’ve harvested from life as we once knew it. We are letting old ways ‘die’ now and be cut down like overripe grains in a field. We are being guided by Divine energies that want to help us with this process, which is ongoing, of letting go of what was, being with what is, and letting in what’s now becoming possible beyond the dystopia which is also very real at the moment.

When grains are harvested, they are threshed. It’s a pretty aggressive-feeling process of literally ‘separating the wheat from the chaff’. What was actually artificial in our ways of life and ways of being, interfacing with the world around us, is on the threshing floor and all we can really do in the midst of that is surrender to the process…

You see, this way of life we’ve all been accustomed to of hyper-autonomy and even anonymity afforded us by typical Western lifestyles where we live within concrete and/or drywall, pressing the Gaian elements and surrounding energies as far away from us as possible so parts of us can feel ‘safe’ and ‘in control’, is dying. Parts of us strategizing ways to avoid the lessons of life and even venturing into discomfort to see what growth and healing lies on the other side of it, are the parts being very challenged right now.

We’re being supported, invited, and even pushed into really looking at the ways in which we’ve settled within our once sacred cocoons. We’re being invited to recognize where we haven’t really let anyone in deeply or taken the risk for real intimacy within and with others, let alone real intimacy with Gaia herself and what she mirrors for each of us.

On this ‘threshing floor’, we are being shaken of our artifice, layer by layer, and it’s time to take the space needed to truly feel how this is impacting us, feeling what’s REAL, and navigating our lives from there.

Nothing like choosing a camping lifestyle to really help with this process for me personally right now. There is so much I can’t control and there are moments where I feel parts of me very uncomfortable with this… yet also, almost at the same time, I feel my soul awakening and compensating somehow for this, helping me hold space for the process and linking me up to very needed Divine energies within and without. It helps of course that I’m not alone here and doing this with beloveds who I love and trust. That makes all the difference in the world.

Wherever this ‘threshing’ process is taking you now, know that you are so loved, so held, and actually being asked to LIVE even when you feel like you are dying.

Much love,



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess. Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Inner Earth Lemuria Transmission: Navigating The Edges Between Your World And Ours

by Kasha Rokshana

These edges…
Not neat and clean
Sometimes jagged and difficult
Surround the transition back
To the Motherland, our Mu
That we knew and cherished
Loved and held
As it held all of us.

All needs provided
The needs of all.
All desires provided
The desires of all.
Symbiosis ruled as a rule
And the letting go of our ends
Of tug-of-war attempts from others
Was of utmost importance.

In this harrowing time
On this globe of Gaia,
In this time of trepidation
To even leave your homes
To even let in your rightful intuitions
To even remember what you are truly worth…
You’ve forgotten what it’s like
To truly

You’ve been told you need
Provided by ‘leaders’
Who care even less for themselves
Than they care about you
Or The Whole of who you are
And the The Whole they actually are part of
With you…

You’ve been told by ‘caregivers’
Who have often not truly cared,
For they themselves have not known care,
That you need them,
Need what they give you,
Need what they tell you,
Without acknowledgement
Of your ability to learn and discern
For fear they will be unseated
And their false power coming from
False senses of love
Will overturn.

Child of Mu…
These edges between what is now
What has been
And the world you have the power to create,
Are terrain that needs preparation
To traverse and overcome.

If these edges,
Sharp and real as they are,
Are met with the love of your being
The being that resides in you…
The being that is alive in every cell,
In every inch of skin,
In every divot and dimple,
In every corner of your soul
And its infinite edges of growth,
Dissolve they will
Back to the source from which they came…
That same source and great river mouth
Of infinite universal love flow and creatorship,
From which all of who
And what
You are,
Was created.

Despair not
For hope is key
And trust more important.

We of Mu
Await you.
We support your consciousness blooming
Your Love Self remembering
And your divinity aligned once again
With all that you’ve always truly been
That ‘they’ can never
Take away from you.

Inner Earth Lemuria


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Divine Alignment Through All Necessary Darkness

by Kasha Rokshana

“Thy harmful will be done”…


‘Thy will be done’ doesn’t feel like enough these days as a declaration of surrender to the Divine within and without. There’s a lot of harm going on in this world. There always has been, yet it’s all become amplified and the veils have been dropping at increasing rates around what’s been hidden. 

The Divine is aware of the great harm and pain unfolding. It holds us with a desire for our well-being, yet won’t caretake us in the process. We’ve asked, consciously and unconsciously, for an upgrade to our planet and our consciousness and we’re in the throes of getting just that. In order to move into more light, we have to see what hasn’t had light shed on it. We have to care, deeply, about the state of things… ALL things. From everything that’s happening in all areas of our personal lives, to the torture and killing of animals and other humans, and to the insidious nature of our governments, medical systems, and other ‘powers that be’. The Divine has a hand in it all, from the painful expressions of it, to the dismantling of it, to the co-creation of what we really do want going forward.

In order to collaborate with the Divine within and without, to express our deepest form of surrender to what’s unfolding and NEEDS to unfold, we have to admit to ourselves that Divine will needs to cause harm in some form. It needs to destroy to helps us rebuild. This is not without our mourning and grief for what was and for the loss of lives and ways of life also being honoured and made space for, however. We aren’t expected to transcend all of our pain and just let the Divine do its thing. No… we’re invited to aid in the destruction and recreation of a world that needs dismantling…

To move beyond polarity and division, we need to see it. And in order to see it, it all needs to be allowed to reach its peak. We get to hold on to the side we feel most resonant with, yet we also get to learn how to open our hearts to ALL sides… because the battling and arguing is meant to get boring and tiring. 

To move beyond being controlled by a Matrix that, innocently enough, we have ALL contributed to in its creation and perpetuation by refusing to see what’s real, especially within. The great ‘cults’ of culture, in birth family, friend groups, spirituality, and even whole cities and countries, need to be seen. Not all are ‘bad’, yet all need us to feel our sovereignty, ultimately, and choose consciously what we want and who we want to be around, now more than ever.

To move into the Ascension that we all want to move into, to co-create New Earth… to feel, in our humble worthiness, our equality with all great teachers who have come before us like Yeshua, St Germain, Anna, Mary Magdalene, Buddha, Kuan Yin, etc… we are invited to feel ALL of our personal rumbles around this process and the arrogance that has taken the place of the humility in reaching this mountain top of Divine Alignment and embodiment.

We all have big choices to make and need to be sober about them. We will need to cause hurt and harm at times as we take care of ourselves and find what most resonates. We will need to align with the sometimes harmful will of the Divine as we break down and break open, always in growth, and always on our way through this sometimes rather gruesome Ascension process. 

With much love,



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Sacred Lessons From Gaia: Personal Reflections On Earth Day

by Kasha Rokshana

There are always reminders and mirrors of our purity and our need to go inward too, reflected in Gaia. 

Every lesson I’ve learned about stewarding Her and Her creatures, from being stung by a scorpion in Mexico or being bit by dogs, to being gently caressed and lulled by Her sounds, scents, and breezes and visited by gentle birds or given permission to approach Her animals… have all been a reflection for me of where I AM, how present I’m choosing to be, and how humble I am in Her wild midst.

She teaches me of the goodness in wildness too, of being untethered in my soul’s bigness expression and how to healthfully self-protect or withdraw from harm. 

She has brought me back to my heart, over and over again, and given me and my parts/soul aspects so much space to cry and scream or laugh and play. She holds space with such a wide and deep embrace, that I can’t help but sink into it… or to go to Her trees, Her waters, Her ancient standing stones, Her hills or mountains, Her creatures of all kinds. I find inspiration in Her to return to wonder, to curiosity, to creativity, to service, to the heart of my Sacred Humanity.

I feel on this ‘Earth Day’ dedicated to Gaia, a sacred invitation from Her to go and BE… to connect with Her and within. To let Her invest somehow in YOU while you exchange love and gratitude with Her.

Let Her hold you in your fears, your grief, your longing for the new world inner and outer. Let Her send you synchronicities that remind you of how loved you are by the Divine that She is a part of, as are you… Let Her enfold you in Her energies that expect nothing from you but desire to be in LOVE with you if there’s room for that within you…

Happy and blessed Earth Day!


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Letting Go Of Illusions To See And Feel What’s REAL Inside And Out

by Kasha Rokshana

Illusion must dissolve so reality can resolve.

These are the words that come to me as I feel my own ongoing process of healing, Ascension, and service, yet also as I feel the global process happening now for the same.

The illusions dissolving for parts of me are so multi-layered and multi-dimensional too. I feel facades melting down from how my feminine parts have related to the masculine and to romance and even to their own spirituality. For them and for me, this is a whole other level of growth, of fading childhood and moving into true womanhood from the inside out. I feel my masculine parts seeing and feeling how they’ve related to my feminine ones, either with some sort of suppression and punishment-type frequencies, or, even with caretaking/enabling instead of genuinely caring for and feeling them.

These inner dynamics are reflected in my outer reality, in my relationship with men AND women, and what moves between myself and those I’m closest to or even those I’m meeting for the first time. Sometimes the reflections are subtle and sometimes they are so big that it takes a while to really look at all of the machinations involved!

I feel all of my parts having deep and precious realizations of how they’ve related to life itself too, the different levels of emotional and spiritual immaturity that is moving away from being bubbled-off about actual reality now. I don’t feel any self-judgement as I name and own this ‘immaturity’, as it feels like we all have that and are working it, just at different levels and in unique phases of growth too.

Without a doubt, we’re ALL being faced with our own immaturity now. We’re experiencing outcomes and consequences that come directly from what we haven’t been ready or able to SEE let alone FEEL inside of ourselves, let alone in the systems and ways of life that we have allowed to continue and live through us. It’s quite a shift we’re experiencing into an underbelly of humanity’s shadow that has always been there, yet while enamoured and involved with the illusion overlaying this underbelly, we haven’t been able to truly see and bring love to what has been true all along.

There is a whole upgrade needed in human consciousness that is still being worked and isn’t actually a given, at least not en masse, yet it’s the reason why we’re here and why we’re being invited to soberly see what’s real. A big part of this is definitely the need to feel the value of deep inner work and allowing love to support us in that. This is a bit of a thing for the parts of us who have worked so hard to stay above board and somewhat bubbled-off from what the reality around us is constantly offering us all. They, especially the Inner Protector, have often had to do this in order to protect the preciousness, purity of essence, and innocence within that can be so greatly impacted by seeing and feeling the world in the state it’s in currently… and our roles within that.

This is what changes our inner worlds as much as our outer one, through the deepening of our inner intimacy and self-love and overflowing that to our relationships and encounters on the outside. This is what shifts and heals the inner Matrix so that any attachment to the one(s) on the outside can move into something new and our experience of it can change for the better as well. It’s not a process that can really be taken on with much lightness at times yet it IS held with so much love, always, and the support we need is right here with us to move us fully into the NEW.

The good news is that unless we were ready to start seeing reality for what it is and has been, we wouldn’t be in the place we are now. Where we are now, even in the thick of the pain of it all, is a necessary step to our evolution, our true Ascension, and our reunion with the Divine within and without. We’re living through a time of tidal waves that are bringing so much to the surface, as they are meant to do. It’s up to each of us how we choose to relate to the process of being with the Disclosure that has been unfolding and will continue to unfold well into the future, feels like.

We are all in this together, though at times we feel so very separate. For that separation too is a powerful illusion that is up to us to move through, back into the reality of love and unity, from deep within.

Illusion must dissolve so reality can resolve… by letting what’s real open up the heart to feel.


Kasha ❤


I am once again offering free 45min intro calls for women who are interested in the SoulFullHeart process/way of life/community and how it may serve you at this sacred time. I also offer paid 90min sessions for women who feel ready to dive deep into their inner worlds: soulfullheart.org/sessions


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Starling Murmurations Unity Transmission

by Kasha Rokshana

I had the honour of more communion with birds yesterday evening, when I headed off to the Avalon Marshes to take in the murmurations of the starlings and enjoy the company of other beautiful bird friends. The transmissions were deep and are still landing in me this morning…

Before the starlings appeared, there was a sweet robin in a nearby tree that caught my attention, or rather, blatantly asked for it.

This little robin hopped to an even closer branch when it saw that I was giving it attention and offering an exchange of love. I did my best robin impressions (never done that before) back to this little one, mimicking its sounds. It seemed to like my efforts though I imagine I was off-key!

He/she showed me pictures of the starlings coming into the sky and I felt him ask me if I was there to see them. “Many humans come to watch”, he said. “I like to come and see the humans. This is when they pay attention to us”.

When the starlings entered, I felt immediately their unity consciousness codes that they offer. They aren’t here by any coincidence and we aren’t captivated by them by accident or as an ornithological hobby… I felt that each bird has its own consciousness yet they find deep unity and when they move as one, they create such beautiful shapes that are truly other-dimensional. They model a very high frequency of unity that IS possible for humanity… Yet I really got last night how this destination is still perhaps a ways off, as unity at the moment seems to still come around in opposition to this or that, rather than just being unified in love and moving with love because that’s what our consciousness level and maturity as a species is ready and able to do…

When the starlings came to rest in nearby reeds, their sounds which were a bit of a cacophony to human ears had also a deep transmission to it. I found myself sitting down and closing my eyes, almost in spite of myself, and going very still just to let in and listen. As the bird-watchers dispersed after the ‘show’ was over, I felt like the message was really just beginning to land. They offered their demo of what unity can look and feel like, and now they were sending out a frequency in star/light language of their own.

I felt how these birds are NOT 3D birds. They come from an even higher frequency and dimension than that and I feel like that’s why we are so taken by them, even in spite of ourselves. Their evening symphony as they rested after their flight was like a ‘party’ amongst themselves and also a transmission that I still feel is going in!

We ARE capable of stepping up into our next level as Sacred Humans. We have an awful lot still to feel and heal, yet, the process is underway, even in all its messiness at times, as be the support from Gaia is always available. All creatures want to be let in, want to exchange love with us and offer us many codes and messages along the way. ❤️


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Changing The Climate Within

‘Climate’ feels like a very powerful word at the moment. It denotes and connotes so many different things.

Environmentally, the Western US is engulfed in ash (almost literally when you look at satellite images, and especially if you live there). The speculation and information of the causes fuel other fires that reside in the body politic.

Socially, climate is a reference to the energy of a tension or ease within a collective. Right now, from the media’s point of reference, the temperature is rising for discord and chaos as the winds of polarity spark their own political wildfires.

Globally, a pandemic of fear (whether real, produced, or both) is shifting the climate of what was once considered ‘normal’. It has changed how we relate to, and hold, our deep need for sovereignty, freedom, and well-being.

Many are being told what to believe and feel is right and true. We are being asked to ‘take a stand’ and ‘have a voice’. The energy may be intense, or it may be invitational. Camps are being formed, strategies laid, and lines being drawn.

Others are looking for truth and understanding. What is real and what is false? A deep desire to just get to a rational bottom of what the hell is really going on. This group is pushed and pulled in many ways. Some get more confused, others get more clarity. Do they join a camp, or form another one all together?

In the end, how these external climates affect your internal climate is the process that matters the most to me. I can say that unequivocally for myself, but that may not be true for someone else who is mired in thicker external circumstances.

I feel compassion and understanding for that. It is a fucking deep state of soul soup we all find ourselves in. This is serious shit, yet it can be given air, and even joy, from within but that is a dedicated practice and choice to rise above the fray, IF that is what you really want.

It may feel impossible from the evidence that is presenting itself to a part of you who can only see the external climate and circumstance. I get that. I can’t convince it otherwise. I am calling to the You that does want to create and BE in something different on the inside. That, from my soul’s perspective, is how real change can effectively and quantumly be evoked and embodied.

The Magna Carta of true sovereignty lies within. It is hard to let that in amidst everything that is blowing in your direction. I want something new for myself, for you, and for the world. It has to start with each of us. We must create our own pandemic and wildfire of Love from inside. Imagine then what is truly possible.


Gabriel Heartman is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator and Collaborator.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

Saying Goodbye To Tree Friends

The trees here in BC/Vancouver Island are just stunning. This is just a smaller park here in the city of Victoria compared to the monoliths further inland.

This park has been a sanctuary and a space-holder for many processes and openings. Kasha and I went back one last time to say goodbye to these friends we have made in the last two years back here in Canada.

They permeate and penetrate the soul in the most profound way. They leave you feeling supported and held in the next going on places. The wisdom and grace of their being speak volumes without words. I am bringing a little pinecone with me as a reminder of their majesty.

I feel new tree friends and guides calling to me in Glastonbury, but these particular ones will always have a place in my heart, just as the California trees have in my deeper past.

Collecting tree friends is a good practice for us all. They bring us back to our stillness and strength. Our Gaian roots. I feel them wishing me well on the next leg of my journey and just have to transport myself here anytime to take in their love at any time.

Thanks for all the memories, Victoria. You have a special place in my heart. ❤️


Gabriel Heartman is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator and Collaborator.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartorg.com for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

All Current ‘Death/Rebirth’ Cycles Are Necessary For Awakening, Disclosure, Ascension

by Kalayna Solais

So many souls are exiting the planet at this time. They’re leaving legacies as they go and inviting investigations into deeper and deeper truths as well, especially when their deaths are suspicious. They’re choosing (even if it looks like they didn’t choose because their lives were ‘taken’) to leave during this time especially when more of the underbelly of our culture and the underground machinations of our human world are coming to light. They’re not coming along for the ride on this plane for the rest of our current phase, and are choosing instead to assist through another. I really get this sense of how it’s all about strong soul choices and being drawn to transition into an energy that is able to assist with disclosure, which is a huge part of our global awakening and ascension, and the process of digesting it as well.

To me, this is what ‘death’ is meant to offer, whether it’s a death and rebirth cycle in your own life and healing process, or a transition into another phase as a soul without a physical body. Both shed a consciousness that isn’t needed in the same way anymore. Both require space for mourning and grief for those impacted by our soul’s choice, and in the case of a life phase change, our parts need this same space to mourn and grieve what was lost so they could truly be found, felt, and healed. 

What we’re experiencing globally right now is death and rebirth and the awakening that affords us all. It’s both beautiful and terrifying as our parts digest it all and our Metasouls ping around the unfolding because it’s so similar to what they’ve experienced in other lifetimes of war and collapse. 

I feel that some souls right now are awakening into polarities and it’s just as sacred as awakening out of them. Energizing what you are and are not, even if it’s not taking into account the whole picture, is a play out of your individuality journey and sometimes you’ll find yourself in contention over this and maybe this is new. Maybe it’s good that parts of you are advocating for something they feel is righteous or a Metasoul sister or brother of yours in another lifetime is walking out and trying to resolve some karma through YOUR lifetime. This is necessary for a phase and IS an essential part of awakening and ascension for many. This is what then leads to more desire for peace inside and out, but a peace that doesn’t cost you anything and instead is authentic and organic and so deeply rooted it can’t really be shaken.

Awakening beyond the polarity picture is NOT often easy, especially with how much contention there is around and inside of you, until you can find the genuine desire for this to shift in your inner world. There are numerous parts to work with if you want peace and deep inner love flow that overflows to others. There are numerous Metasoul aspects to work with too, who also need this experience of something new, without the same cycles of recapitulation of endless battles and war over differences that aren’t even real at the end of the day.

This is the gift that death in the physical and in our healing and ascension phases offers… illumination that leads to awakening. This phase on our planet in this ‘year’ called ‘2020’ has offered us all so much to feel into when and as we choose to. It’s a sacred time of messiness and chaos leading us to whole new ways of being if the steps can be taken from within.




Kalayna Solais is a Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator & collaborator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about FREE consultation calls, space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.