Energy Update: Strong Star DNA Activations And Star Family Connections

By Jelelle Awen

Wonderful frequencies today for going in, especially if you have been busy all week, on the go, and working. If you’ve been serving love, you need the recharge of higher frequency connection to recalibrate and move out any toxicities that you took in that weren’t yours and yet needed to come in and out your heart space.

Galactic activations are just SUPER strong in the last two weeks. Activation of our star DNA is happening at an accelerated rate. We are remembering our multidimensionality in this activation and also that much of our genetic code is not human. So many of us are ‘hybrids’ in this way with roots and origins in so many distant and not so distant stars.

If you are less able to feel this galactic connection, it may be that your focus is rightly on your emotional body, this life integration. Or on unanchoring your 3D self that much more from the traumas of the past that still need to move and let go. Or, there could be abduction wounding undigested and not accessed, yet still in your field, as I suspect is true for so many of those souls ‘ahead’ of the collective curve in ascension.

Connection with your Protector can allow for this opening to remember and feel the trauma that these experiences can cause your Inner Child and other parts of you. These were meant as nourishing soul family visits and calibrations to help you BE here as an ambassador. Yet, our 3D fear-based filtering conditioning labels them as ‘against our will’ and, to parts of us, it can certainly feel that way. More about parts

Embracing ALL, even this wounded reality from these visits that felt like abductions, is what opens UP the access to your galactic self again. BEing curious about your roots as connected here and to your purpose manifestation is critical to feeling of these woundings. Embracing all that you have judged as ‘alien’ or ‘negative’ or ‘wanting to take over’ opens up the communication lines again to your star family.

Standing in Gaia’s orbit on a light ship with my star family around me during a meditation visit this morning, I can feel the majesty of Gaia and of us too. I can feel how the phase of disclosure is progressing. There may be coming some temporary ‘shut downs’ of 3D everyday life systems in order to reboot the whole thing into a higher frequency. This may include some temporary shut down of social media platforms such as Youtube, Google, Facebook, etc. This may include shut down of banking systems too. This is not meant to induce fear, yet to show that it is ALL up for regrounding into new sources of love for which it was originally offered and intended. You will receive specific guidance on how to prepare and navigate this as you ask for it.

I felt such reassurance of our progress in what we came here to BE and do. That ALL is progressing as it should and is meant to, even when it seems as if it is NOT. Connecting to, embracing, and eventually accepting our Star frequencies AS a human, within our bodies, integrating this into ALL parts of us allows for this deeper foundation of trust and surrender to arise as we become our galactic selves.

We are held and supported with much love by many loving BEings around the galaxies. And we can experience this in a very personal way….in our hearts, in our souls, in our coming into WHOLENESS in ALL ways from within.

Love, love, love to you……my fellow starseeds in bloom! We are rising into love!!

Jelelle Awen
You don’t have to do this alone!! Please DO reach out if you need/want support, bridge to your own inner guidance systems, deeper access to your stories/places to go/next movements. Link above to learn about a 1:1 bridging session with me for only $55 USD min. donation for 90 minutes or a free intro session with a facilitator to explore our affordable programs that offer individual AND group experience/connection.


Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of three books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Jelelle offers a 90 minute one on one bridging session with her over zoom for $55 USD min. donation…more information here. Visit for more information about our NEW SoulFullHeart process programs, group calls, videos, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.


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