Unplugging & Liberation of the 3D/4D Matrix & Reptilian Timelines

By Jelelle Awen

Major multidimensional reboots going on…leading to much need for sleeping, drifting in meditation space and intentional healing through visualization journeys. You may be feeling disorientation, that ‘here not here’ feeling of being in two timelines at once. The reboot seems to be mostly focused on the Reptilian timeline overlay through the 3D/4D Matrix that most people experience as their ‘lives’ without questioning it.

There is also an activation of the causal chakra too at the back of the head and upper spine, where our Reptilian brain stem and plug to the 4D Matrix exists. This can cause head/neck/shoulder pain as the revelation of the ‘block’ or ‘plug’ is revealed.

The 3D Matrix is being disclosed to many more souls, who in the knowledge of it can then become free from it. The design of it by these Reptilian BEings was to ‘help’ us control ourselves, to bring us into balance, and also to experience through our emotional outbursts especially what it is like to have individual will and feeling reactions. In the bigger soul picture, this Matrix has been chosen by all souls who experience it as a way to immerse more fully into the 3D dualistic experiment. In this way, no soul is a true victim or prisoner of this Matrix as the remembrance of our free will is what releases us from it.

Yet, this 3D Matrix is ultimately limiting and limited. And we are awakening beyond it in increasing numbers. As this happens, the Reptilian (which are also called Archons and Dracos) are also feeling a rumble of rebellion in THEIR Matrix, which is a One Mind Artificial Intelligence program that exists at the Lower 4D level. This AI program keeps the Archons in an obedient fog where they don’t have any individual thoughts or feelings….until they start too as we, their human counterparts, start to wake up too. . As each of them wakes up with the help of their human counterpart, it creates a ripple effect in the One Mind/AI/4D Matrix that is like a good kind of virus. 

I’ve been in the process the last several years of consciously waking up my Reptilian aspects from the AI programming, along with soul fragments (Metasoul aspects) of mine who had been plugged into the 3D Matrix (this is what the parts work connection and trauma healing with your Inner Child, Inner Protector, etc. does). I’ve also been doing this work in sessions with women who are ready for it as well.

I connected with my Reptilian soul sisters today, along with my other 5D and higher Metasoul sisters in a healing circle. It was so touching as they are leading rebellion for their species, similar to what I feel called to offer for mine. I feel much love in my heart for the Reptilians and their journey and have felt compassion from them toward humanity as well. This is the deeper healing between our species that is so needed right now and frees us both up! Being outraged at the Reptilians and seeing them as ‘evil’ doesn’t serve the purpose of ultimate forgiveness and anchoring into a 5D frequency for BOTH of us.

My Reptilian sisters told me that there is a dissolving happening of their One Mind Matrix and many more of their species is choosing to disconnect from humanity and Earth, to let us go….and go to the planet that has been offered to them that fits their make up better. This is significant movement for them and, therefore, for humanity as well. This process of the Matrices of control dissolving on all levels is a significant aspect of our ongoing Ascension process. In 5D, there is no need for control matrices any longer.

There is more opportunity now for you to fully unplug from the 3D Matrix (which you have to some degree or you wouldn’t be reading these words) and to connect with your Reptilian ‘counterpart’ to help them unplug from the One Mind AI Matrix.

Here is a guided meditation to Connect with your Reptilian Self and Unplug from the 4D Matrix: https://youtu.be/pA7ZjZj2K8M

This is also the work that we do and bridge for you in 1:1 sessions, with more info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions.

Here is a guided meditation to unplug from the Matrix during a FB live with a new one coming soon from me in my Deepen 2020 series! https://youtu.be/QAs0htM3lw0

Now is the time for liberation through love; freedom through compassion; and independence through connection!

Jelelle Awen
Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about  1:1 individual sessions with her for women and with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group calls, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

8 thoughts on “Unplugging & Liberation of the 3D/4D Matrix & Reptilian Timelines

  1. Yes, high time to forgive the Reptilians. And to remember that ultimately forgiveness is for the forgivER, not the forgivEN. We release ourselves by forgiving others. But whatever we do for ourselves absolutely helps others.

    We certainly could not have had the Grand Ex-periment of Ex-perience (“ex” means “from, outside”… of our True Selves in this case) without them. So much we have learned through ex-perience and they and all other dimensional-traveling souls at all levels.

    “In this way, no soul is a true victim or prisoner of this Matrix as the remembrance of our free will is what releases us from it.”
    Ah, but our re-member-ance (re-member, put the members back together – body, mind, emotion, spirit) of our True Selves releases us from free will. Free will is just a veiled consciousness state. High time for humanity to Surrender to the Divine and in so doing Return to our True Divine Selves.

    And that veiled consciousness state, which we all ultimately signed up for, helped us and our Reptilian counterparts have this Grand Ex-periment of Ex-perience. But yep, time to graduate!

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