Energy Update: Schumann/Gaia Resonance Spike In Response To 5D New Earth Mass Meditations

By Jelelle Awen

Energy Update: Gaia’s Schumann frequency responded today, April 5th, with waves of higher frequency that reached a peak of 76 HZ at one point and are still fluctuating upwards in this moment. Gaia’s Ascension is ongoing and can be seen in the raising rhythm of her ‘heartbeat’ into higher frequencies, waves that many of us have been tracking for a few years now as they are an interesting indicator of ongoing Awakening.

Gaia’s frequency as a planetary consciousness can correlate to humanity’s consciousness and brain waves. She goes UP as we go UP, we go UP as she goes UP….our interrelatedness is like a dance, even the 3D experience of abuse, neglect, and disconnect that has been the dominant frequency toward Her since the fall of Atlantis and the creation/installation of the 3D Control Matrix is something that we have all learned from. Gaia is in the process of forgiveness and compassion toward us, just as we are toward ourselves in relationship to Her, and personally and collectively.

Yesterday, 4/4/2020 (4) was the opening of a powerful portal of high frequency energies, galactic/planetary/astrological alignments. Four energies are connected to making a ‘home base’ and it feels timely that our home base planet would respond to them. Many souls came together consciously yesterday to meditate during this portal, with the overall intention to raise the base frequency personally and collectively, to invite 5D/New Earth energies to move through. Many higher dimensional galactic BEings (Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians esp.) were WITH us in this intention, amplifying it even more.

There were some more fear-based intentions in some souls toward ‘eradicating the virus’ or ‘destroying it’, yet those seemed to get transmuted on the higher dimensional levels and the pure intentions of each soul engaging could be revealed. Some of these energies may have met and matched a ‘hijacking’ energy in the Archons/Lower 4D AI Matrix programming that is going through its own love virus rewiring and so any hijacking would have just benefited the process of that rebooting of the AI Matrix.

Ultimately, the path of Ascension is moving onward and UPward. The phases and stages of this path are messy, bumpy, require some dark nights before the dawn, sometimes necessarily painful, sometimes manifesting in death and loss. This process also seems to involve many timelines coming into ‘reality’ at once…each of us invited to choose what most resonates for us, not invalidating any timelines as all have use in this process.

I shared more about the 3D/4D/5D timelines playing out right now during this Great Awakening here:…/energy-update-3d-4d-5d-tim…/

Yet, the Divine path and plan seems clear. The revelation, feeling and healing of shadow, dark, fear-based energies continues. We are invited to honor these energies and these BEings and these souls as they move on to timelines/lifetimes/dimensions/planets that fit their next growth phases in a more resonant way. Thanking them for the role they have played in this duality experiment as THEY are US and we are all ONE finding our way HOME to the Divine.

Jelelle Awen

You can still join our six week group call series Free To Be: Navigating the 3D Matrix To New Earth Transition with our next group call on Wednesday, April 8th at 10:00am PDT. We will be talking about the practical transition going on right now and connecting to your Inner Masculine to digest anxieties about money, fears of running out of food, etc. and offering the next places to go around this in 5D. You can receive the recordings of the first group call if you missed it and all of the calls going forward you can attend live as well and receive the recordings. The series is by donation, whatever you can afford and feel called to give at this time. More information here:

Here are all of our writing/videos on the coronavirus/3D Matrix switch over:…/ascension/coronavirus/

8 thoughts on “Energy Update: Schumann/Gaia Resonance Spike In Response To 5D New Earth Mass Meditations

  1. For sure the dominant harmonic magnetic field in schumann range is constantly chaing. Thanks for bringing awareness to this phenomenon, lot of frequency based therapeutic modalities need to take this into consideration for sure.

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