Energy Update: Schumann Spikes, Kundalini/Reptilian Upgrades As Matrix Collapses

By Jelelle Awen

Energy Update: Energy Update: Just woke up in a ‘here, NOT here’ state of mind fogginess that is the sign of upgrades and activations going on. Checked the Schumann/Gaia frequency….and yes, of course, fluctuations and spikes have been happening over the last two days. As Gaia is so intimately connected to humanity’s consciousness heart and brain waves, it is not surprising to see this reflected in Her patterns too of increasing frequencies, as I’ve been sharing about more lately.

And, with the Matrix collapsing on the 3D/4D Levels, there is MORE expansion for Gaia too. It’s like Her frequency has been contained (and abused and polluted) into the Matrix hologram and is NOW becoming cleansed, released, and expanded. All this 3D detox of fossil fuel activity is like a fast for Her AND for us that leads to more capacity to move into our light body versions on all levels.

I’m feeling these upgrades going on in the moment especially in the crown, third eye, and causal (back of head) chakras. This is a place of much ongoing pain for people and you may have been feeling pain here (and the lower back) the last few days. This is where we are connected into our Reptilian counterpart/selves, entwined with them in such a way to keep the Matrix programs running. These connection points are being flared up, healed and cleared as we unplug from the Matrix on 3D/4D levels.

Major Kundalini energy surges happening in the moment…up and down the spine and back again as the ‘serpent’ energy in the Reptilian self is able to flow again…so the human gets activated as well. I’ve also wondered what Kundalini energy really IS and I’m feeling now how connected it is to our Reptilian self, as if it is THEIR higher dimensional energy when it can flow into and through us too. Kundalini allows for SO MUCH less mental activity and busyness, for more flow and spaciousness, for more sense of unity consciousness connection, for more trust and letting go.

As I’ve been connected with Ranca today, my Reptilian Self in many shifting forms over the last five years, She is in a glorious place in the moment of feeling her species being liberated and awakened out of their enslavement. She is celebrating her brother and sisters who are becoming unplugged, as we got to be a bridge for in the group call yesterday with dozens of humans/Reptilians that showed up to experience that (and many others in the ethereal as well.) This unplugging is going on in the quantum field of Now space as the Matrix programmers/architects walk away from their Matrix creation to allow ALL to be free as the new directive from the Divine. The love virus is doing its thing to deprogram and disrupt the usual mode.

Ranca’s Kundalini and energy surges are flowing and pulsing now….She is transforming into Her dragon form. The Reptilians seem to move into dragon form as they are freed from the Matrix. Shifting in and out of it, which Kuan Yin and Yeshua showed all of us in the meditation yesterday. Humanity seems to mostly love and admire dragons….a way of connecting and honoring our Reptilian selves it feels like. If we love dragons, yet as ‘mythical creatures’….. perhaps we can come to love this aspect of our soul as well and stop projecting evil onto it?

If you’d like to connect to your Reptilian Self, NOW is an opportune moment to do it:

You can purchase the full recording of the powerful group call we did yesterday…which includes 45 minutes of teachings, a guided meditation to connect with and unplug your Reptilian Self and more in-depth individual sharings through offering a donation at or via paypal:

Gaia is rising, our Reptilians are flying, and humanity is going through a death and rebirth to emerge out of these ashes like a sacred human phoenix!

Jelelle Awen & Ranca!

Join us for our new round of Free To Be Two Group call series for six weeks starting on May 20th and/or receive the recordings! More info here:

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