Energy Update: Deep Rest Needed As 3D Timelines/Lifestyles Collapse

By Jelelle Awen

HIGH energy frequencies coming in every day this week….not so much from any SOULar activities or geomagnetic storms or flares as things are quiet in that area. The energetic frequencies feel more like just PURE light flooding in…..that is available when we allow it into our energetic fields and into our Higher Hearts too. You may feel mega sleepiness as this light comes into every living cell. You can feel this drowsiness as the light increases your frequencies and invites any overworked 3D or masculine aspects to REST now.
You could call this ‘being tired’ or ‘feeling exhausted’, yet, really, it is an invitation to rest on a much deeper level than 3D lifestyles usually allow. Or as I have come to call them, “3D Deathstyles”. There is often so much going OUTward and so much doing that true and deep rest is not made space for.
The buzz of all this activity in 3D life often covers over the despair and depression and sense of meaninglessness that is vibrating on the emotional body and Metasoul level. When all finally stops and slows, these feelings come UP then to be felt and ‘dealt’ with as they cannot ultimately be denied or resisted. The Metasoul timelines/lifetimes bleed through too when outbounding slows down.
A higher vibrational life makes space and room for rest. It is flexible and responsive to your emotional body, your physical body, your chakras… is in tune with all these bodies and in flow with them and their current states.
A lower vibrational, more 3D anchored life feels rigid, it is ‘happening to you’ rather than you happening to it. It requires a certain level of what can feel like near constant OUTput without anything coming in to fill you back UP again. It leads to burnt out and depletion and resentful giving and self sacrifical service.
These lower vibrational timelines may be collapsing for you now, along with the relationships that previously held them together. The anxiety and tensions that provide often the fuel for them may be burning up (such as worries about money). Higher frequencies of light cause this collapsing as you let them in MORE and are open/willing to the shifts and changes that this brings on the inside AND the outside.
Anything running on the previous 3D fuels just can’t sustain as you continue to awaken and ascend. Your 5D self coming into your body needs different fuels and the main one is SELF LOVE that then flows out to others to share and exchange and transact. Your light body starts to need/require super foods, light and high water content foods, foods that are free of killing frequencies from eating animals. Your chakras need your regular attention and clearing/cleaning of them as they activate into ascension chakra vortexes. Here is a guided meditation with me to connect with Mother Mary/Divine Feminine energy and seems to cause most people to fall asleep/crash nap!
These energies get your attention and INVITE you to adjust your lifestyles and choices and actions to them. Starting from within and your inner relationships with all parts of you moving into more love and care…..then extending outward to reflect this self loving balance in everything you see, do, and are engaged with.
The Divine Feminine/Mother invites you into this deep rest on every level right now…..into the arms of Her loving embrace can your weary inner masculine start to let go, drop the vigilance, drop the intense doing, and discover balance anew. She provides a bridge to this very visceral sense of rest and renewal so you can BEcome this more and more!
MUCH love to you as we continue to find our inner and outer balance!! ~
Jelelle Awen
We can feel through your current lifestyle choices and begin the negotiation to shift them on the inside first during 1:1 90 minute bridging sessions. I have some available session times next week M-F for women over 35 years old for $55 USD min. donation. And my beloveds/facilitators (Raphael Awen, Gabriel Heartman, and Kalayna Colibri) do too if you are drawn to meet with them! More info


Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Jelelle offers a 90 minute one on one bridging session with her over zoom for $55 USD min. donation with women and with Raphael for men, along with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators as well…more information here. Visit for more information about sessions, videos, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.




6 thoughts on “Energy Update: Deep Rest Needed As 3D Timelines/Lifestyles Collapse

  1. Reblogged this on Living An Inspired Life and commented:
    This so resonates with me! I awoke this morning and noticed that I had an etheric monitoring bracelet on my left wrist. When I asked my higher self about its purpose, I was told that I work myself too hard spiritually. My spiritual team wants me to slow down and take a break once in a while, but they also realize that it is not like me to do so. They are monitoring me for stress levels so that they can pull me up and out to the healing chambers whenever necessary. Thank you to my team for loving me that much. 🙂

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