When Suffering Becomes The Comfort Zone For Parts Of You (Video)

By Jelelle Awen

Sometimes the comfort zone is actually the ‘pain zone’.

Parts of you/soul aspects get used to suffering on some level, in the physical body (illness/disease/inflammation), or the emotional body (post traumatic, depression, anxiety, fear reactions) or the mental body (negative mind set, false belief systems, suffering/shame thought spirals) or the soul and energy field (karmic looping, ‘entity attacks’, ceilings in awakening, disconnection from soul purpose.) Or, in relationships (codependence, being/allowing abuse, flatness/deadness, etc.) Or in ALL of these in different phases and stages.

Pain/suffering is meant to be a temporary ‘warning sign’ and an invitation to use it as a portal of self discovery and healing WITH the Divine. It is not meant to be a ‘finally resting place’ or dimension or frequency for which we can live and thrive, although certainly the 3D Matrix makes it feel like that (which takes many distractions and drugs of all kinds and continuous toxicity to keep barely alive.)

And this suffering actually becomes safe and comfortable to these parts of you. It becomes ‘home’. The only thing they have ever known.

I imagine to the version of ‘you’ reading this right now that may seem strange or counter intuitive, yet I have seen/felt/witnessed this so many times in others and in my own parts, esp when we drop into the consciousness frequency ‘below’ the persona ego “I” voice as we do in sessions.

Parts of you may feel very, very deep down…at a core level…that they do not deserve love. That they are not worth love. That they are not EVER going to truly be free of pain and suffering. That they do not trust that love will ever NOT turn into pain and loss.

I would offer, in fact, that we ALL have parts that feel that way…until we connect with them consciously to feel what has been comfortable for them, the dark places they reside, the void places they retreat to, the medications they use to numb out their feelings (including spirituality).

And there they stay…..in suffering, in hell realms, in karmic suffering loops of unworthiness, shame and disconnect…… until, as our Divine Self (compassionate, non-judgemental, supported, hopeful), we invite them to come into our heart, come into the light, come into safety, come into starting to feel the SEEDS of goodness and love from within. Until we start to consciously negotiate with these stuck parts…there is just no way they can actually shift and move in a lasting and transmutative way.

They will resist. They will come up with excuses. They will go into victim mode/blame, looking on the outside for ’causes’ and for ‘cures’. The inertia to remain in stuckness, in suffering, in pain is SO deep and vast, as it is fuelled by collective consciousness and the Matrix programming/conditioning.

It can be tricky to feel and reframe the excuses into invitations to move into something new and hopeful, something beyond the fear. It can be challenging to track all the diversive strategies that can come up in the resistance to feeling, to healing, to ascending, to embodying your Divine self. To experiencing and receiving LOVE.

I am still surprised sometimes by the resistance that comes up in parts of people to receiving love, to seeing themselves as Love and to becoming love for parts of themselves. Yet, I also understand it and am compassionate about it, as I so felt the same resistance in parts of me for many years and soul aspects too (some of which I share about in my new book memoir with Raphael, Under The Bloated Banyan).

Yet, ultimately, to resist love is not natural and is what I’ve been offered by the Divine is the root cause of all suffering. When parts of you resist love, they are resisting THEIR very essence AS love.

That feels worth repeating:

Resistance to love is the root cause of ALL suffering.

In this brief video that I filmed coming out of Divine meditation space this morning, I offer more about this dynamic within and also a meditation bridge to Divine Mother’s heart lifeline to any parts of you in suffering and supports your Divine Self to be there for them. Inviting these parts of you to join you in Divine Mother’s higher dimensional Sacred Garden space with healing pools. It is posted above.

1:1 and couples sacred session space to feel and bridge to these parts in suffering and make a soul turn toward love are available with me and/or Raphael…more info at soulfullheart.org/sessions


Sacred Feminine Upgrade Codes: Feeling Your Fear As You Move Into LOVE

by Kasha Rokshana

“There’s a lot of fear…”

Tears fall as I feel this with parts of me this morning, feeling what seems to be on deck for this coming year, feeling all that’s happened this year and could happen in the next one. Just naming it, feeling it as a fear pocket being shown to me helps move it more into love and openness, especially as I hold the parts of me who have been churning inside around it.

These words, “there’s a lot of fear,” tumble from my mouth and as I say them out loud, the words “there’s love here” come as well. I realize then how similar these two statements are when we say them, how similar they feel in our mouths, in our breath, as they move from deep inside of us to be expressed.

“There’s love here” is what has been offered to me by my beloved guide, Mary Magdalene, who I’ve been connecting with in sacred surrogacy for a while now, and also from the Divine Beloved who then squeezes me, holds me tight as these energies are transmitted, seeding within my feminine healer’s heart. I feel so supported in my love embodiment as I feel these energies surrounding me, so anchored in my propensity to ultimately return to love, always, even when fear is still moving through and needs to be validated as well.

I feel this as a vital theme as we head into 2024 and a powerful opportunity for upgrades on a soul, heart, and body level. Shifting from fear to openness, then to love and allowing this to be an ongoing process too, holding it all with so much self-care and compassion yet also challenging yourself and your parts too. Being willing to feel it all can feel like a tall order, yet the invitation is always to take it one step at a time. 

Join me and Jelelle this coming Sunday, Dec 17th, as we explore the theme of sacred feminine upgrades in this coming year and what they seem to mean and be inviting. We so welcome you to come and take part, sharing what it is that feels like it wants to upgrade for you too. The ‘womb room’ of these women’s calls is always a warm one and so beautiful to be a part of! You can find more info here: soulfullheart.org/events




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

The Inner Daughter Process Of Feeling Claimed & Loved

by Kasha Rokshana

As women, we all want to be chosen, claimed, initiated, and above all, deeply loved.

Even if parts of us feel scorned and in pain and claim this is NOT the case… underneath the denial of these desires is the ache for more than what they’ve been given and for an answer to all they’ve felt unworthy of receiving, let alone dreaming of.

As women, we don’t just experience these desires in our ache for a masculine mate to meet us there. We also feel these desires in our ache to be claimed by our caregivers, authority figures, and most importantly, our mothers and fathers. 

Many of us did experience some kind of claim by our parents or guardians, yet it was so often mixed in with their own pain living in parts of them, of not being met in their own desires to be claimed by those who parented them. Or it was altogether an experience of being left abused, confused, neglected.

We weren’t shown that our aches could be met, or taught how to answer them within ourselves, or especially taught that these aches are really about a desire to return to a feeling of being claimed deeply by the Divine, as the sacred daughters we are… which our souls SO remember the experience of. 

Such sacred daughters are we in fact, that we have nothing to prove to earn this claiming. We have nothing to change about ourselves to be embraced by our Divine Parents. We have mirrors to look into, but with support and care, and those parts of us who have denied themselves access to true love can be felt as this process is offered us by our Divine Parents. 

Yet… our birth parents have often had no way to show us this, to overflow from their own realizations and embodiment of this truth. Instead, they overflow to us their embodied self-criticisms, their sense of unworthiness, their fears, and their longings that have never truly been answered.

Divine Mother especially has been so important for me to bring my parts to who have felt these missing pieces, these pains of not being truly claimed as a feminine daughter. Under Her loving gaze and in Her loving arms I feel the puzzle come together, the cob-webbed corners of my soul and gifts swept up and rediscovered in due time, the nectar of nourishment that only She can provide, even during the darkest times. 

Sometimes, She presses into my wounded places, bringing waves of intense inner processing with parts and soul aspects as I venture back into my shadowland to retrieve another long lost diamond. At other times, the intensity is dialed down and the love waves and balms are much easier to feel and let in. The Kundalini rushes up from the base of my spine and I feel at home in myself, in my feminine body, all in Her midst. I feel inspired, enlivened, and whole. I feel more solid in my reasons for being here, no matter the adversity, and I feel supported to keep FEELING it ALL.

Divine Father has been so vital to my sacred daughter inside as well, in order to feel a template of mateship claim on top of being claimed as a daughter. His arms have held my heart and my parts through so many difficult phases and His hands have guided me through some intense periods of awakening. His support of my feminine spine has been just as important as Mother’s, as has his watering of my feminine heart.

My Inner Daughter process has been vast, deep, and involved the necessary movement out of relationship with my own birth parents and family. It’s been necessary to let go of other forms of the ‘false mother and father’ as well and to get very real about what is most nourishing for this essence within me and what simply isn’t. This is one of the most challenging truths to realize and reconcile with, as it can be a lonely road. Yet the void is filled up by the Divine when and if you and you parts feel ready to let in that energy and level of claim. 

✨Join me and Jelelle Awen as we explore the Inner Daughter connection and deepening process in a group call for women this coming Sunday, Nov 27 at 5pm WEST (Lisbon/London), 12pm EST. ✨

You can find more info here. It’s by donation to join us or receive the recording and you can donate via our shop or PayPal.

Looking forward to having you there with us if you do feel to join and explore this precious process for yourself.


Kasha ♥️


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Truly Being LOVE During These Dark Times

by Kasha Rokshana

Spiritualized/False Light love is idealized love. It allows the heart and head to be buried in the sand, not willing to face what’s actually real in the world, not willing to set necessary boundaries, not willing to speak your deeper truth — especially to yourself — and not willing to live into the invitation of that truth, which can be a lonely road at times and fraught with challenges too.

It also doesn’t allow for the necessary processing of what’s truly happening in the world around you, let alone within you, and those worlds are always connected.

The agenda of the Great Reset is out in the open. It’s scary as hell and also held by the Divine. It’s necessary to see facts and FEEL them too without pretending that if you ‘love and light’ it all or ignore it, the problems go away. In the same way you can’t ‘love and light’ your dissonant relationships and hope they transform… and that’s vulnerable too, to feel how truly alone you may need to be for a time.

Real love is not ideal. It’s not fairytale-based and is in fact laced with darkness. It’s a darkness needed to help you wake up and the waking up process is SO held and deeply honoured, yet not caretaken or coddled. The darkness of love is what encourages us to see and feel what’s real and what supports us through that process. It is Dark Mother helping us burn and awaken, ushering us back into our hearts for our own sake first, and then in overflow of that heart renewal to others.

I feel a gentleness in my field from the arms of the Divine as I take in all of the information I am via documentaries and the like. I feel a cognitive dissonance as I try to reconcile the information, yet I also know in my heart we are meant to walk all of this out with LOVE in our hearts. It’s the same love with which we can let go of those dissonant relationships I mentioned, especially as parts of us become so filled up by it that they can no longer settle for anything less. And these same parts then become receptive to what’s moving in the context of the world around you too, the tensions and movements, all.

Seeing and feeling this agenda really does spark a level of fear and deep sadness and I feel all our sacred human hearts are meant to feel it… our souls know this agenda and also know this is what we came here to live through and work to get to the other side of, despite perhaps not managing to do so in other lifetimes – and I feel that this is what is hardest to feel. All those lifetimes of tragedy and collapse and death without rebirth. It’s happened on a galactic level and also during lifetimes on Earth such as in Atlantis, for example.

Awakening to all of this and more is NOT easy. How could it be? Sometimes love’s intensity is needed to move us into the next place of digestion of that and into our next level UP. Awakening is about waking up to it ALL, even the fearful and awful things, so that we can come into reconciliation of that darkness within and see the true light beyond the false one. To see and feel what real love is about, which is definitely challenging at times but always growthful and in the end, worth every single thing you had to feel with parts of you and Metasoul aspects in other lifetimes too.

I feel the Divine Mother especially coming through now, to offer this reminder about love and the return to Her. She reminds me of how turning to Her isn’t always a gentle-feeling process and can be quite fierce and fiery, but that She always cares and always wants to hold our questions with us, hold our tears with us, and remind us that we are here to experience and explore the meaning of that. There is so much at stake in our worlds as we turn to Her, yet Her and Father are all we have left as a way to understand what’s truly going on as we pour out our hearts in the form of tears…

So much love to you and all parts/aspects of you,

Photo is of me by the Atlantic Ocean a couple of weeks ago in Nazaré, Portugal, where you can feel the churning energies in the world showing up as the big waves that occur there. You can also feel the energies of Atlantis as you tune into it. Very much a death and rebirth message. ✨


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

All Seven Chakra Meditation & Sound Healing Series (All In One Compilation Video) | Jelelle Awen

By Jelelle Awen

All Seven Chakras: Chakra Meditation And Sound Healing Series

Per request, this video is a compilation of all eight videos that I recorded in my daily Chakra Meditation & Sound Healing series last week. The 1hr 20 minute video includes a sound transmission from a 432HZ tuned bowl with a specific resonant note playing that corresponds to each chakra: the root chakra, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.

I also offer a meditation to tune you into each chakra along with affirmations/recoding for each one. You can read about each individual chakra through the descriptions of each video on my FB feed or in the playlist at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNmrHdaQSAvIB4KbRnnqNSZ20DgfN1Jdh

In the final part of the video, we tune into all of your chakras as I’m playing all the sound bowls that activates/clears/opens all of your chakras. I particularly focused on playing the Root Chakra (E note) and Heart Chakra (F note) as the grounding into our heart space is the base from which we can most effectively open out all others.

This video would be great to play as you are falling asleep as well, just letting the codes come through as you drift into theta/delta states.

I’m grateful for the Divine inspiration that guided me to offer this series and for the inspirations that come in the future that serve love within me and with you as we embody our I AM on all levels.

More sound and voice healing transmissions to come, esp now that I have my handpan!


With Love,

Jelelle Awen with Divine Mother

More info about free intros/sessions, group call events, books/writings, online community, and videos at soulfullheart.org.

The macrame jewelry I’m wearing has been lovingly made by Enchanted Well Creations: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/EnchantedWellCreate

Root To Crown Chakra Opening: Chakra Meditation & Sound Healing Series (Video) | Jelelle Awen

By Jelelle Awen

Root To Crown Opening: Chakra Meditation And Sound Healing Series

As I share this final video in the series, I can feel how I have been changed by it, by showing up each day to journey into the Divine retuning/recoding of these precious energy centers. I’ve been connecting to and working with the chakras for many years now, yet I feel like they arose anew for me by feeling them/seeing them as the Divine does. So much love for both the capacity that they can express and also for the densities/blocks/plugs they may still contain!

I can feel how you may be drawn to one particular video and chakra for a time….and then moving organically onto another depending on what phase you are going through. Or perhaps listening to all of them at once, which we will offer a video soon for that.

I’m grateful for the Divine inspiration that guided me to offer this series and for the inspirations that come in the future that serve love within me and with you as we embody our I AM on all levels.


In this final video in my chakra meditation and sound healing series, we tune into all of your chakras as I’m playing my 432 HZ tuned crystal sound bowls that activates/clears/opens all of your chakras. I particularly focused on playing the Root Chakra (E note) and Heart Chakra (F note) as the grounding into our heart space is the base from which we can most effectively open out all others.

The meditation that comes through me invites you to open up to each chakra and feel the blending of them as well, along with some light language coding. As you move into embodiment of your sacred humanity. Of your Divine essence. Of your Infinite Love essence.

Thank you for being and joining me on this journey. You are SO loved.

This is the eighth and final video in a series that I’ve been offering over the last week, tuning into each chakra while playing my sound bowl that activates them, channeling whatever messages come through from Divine Mother/Father through my human heart to yours.

I’ve been sharing this chakra series on FB, IG, and our SoulFullHeart Experience YouTube Channel. I’d love to hear and feel your movements, reactions, and processes that come up in response to this series.

You can watch the entire series in a playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNmrHdaQSAvIB4KbRnnqNSZ20DgfN1Jdh


With Love,

Jelelle Awen with Divine Mother

More info about free intros/sessions, group call events, books/writings, online community, and videos at soulfullheart.org.

The macrame jewelry I’m wearing has been lovingly made by Enchanted Well Creations: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/EnchantedWellCreate

Black Moon Lilith Amplifying Polarities, Inviting Soul Healing

by Kasha Rokshana

🌑Black Moon Lilith Energy Update: Lilith is a powerful energy of Dark Mother and one that is up right now, stirring pots and amplifying what needs to be felt and exposed, both within you and in the collective. Dark Mother in general is a huge part of our Ascension, yet feeling a specific face of Her is often a supportive way to feel ourselves and feel Mother’s heart holding us all.

Before I even realized that we’re currently in a powerful Lilith Dark Moon phase, I had been connecting to my own polarities inside of me that still live in my Metasoul in other lifetimes, especially in priestess timelines and also in my Gatekeeper (a soul aspect that it seems we all have, who is the keeper of our veils and Akashic Records access, you could say). A recent Metasoul aspect that I met asked me to call her ‘Lilith’ and at the time I didn’t know why. Now it feels like she was drawing my attention to these current energies and how they played out in her lifetime as well.

I’ve felt how in recent sharings I’ve gone a bit more into edgy energies that aren’t really me as ‘Kasha’ and now that I’m starting to take them back inward and feel what these reactions have been about, I can feel not only my own personal Lilith influence in my soul, but also a precious and tender aspect of me that is my Inner Orphan. This is still a deepening and unfolding process for me that I don’t have total clarity on at the moment, but it’s a big one with pain coming up to be felt that I thought maybe had been resolved, which is also an aspect of what’s moving with the Lilith influence right now.

Lilith is significant for women because she represents sovereignty and autonomy. She encourages us to say ‘no’ to patriarchal energies and influences, yet when she’s taken in solely in this way, it can become hijacked by pain in our Metasouls that then comes out with anti-masculine energies or even anti-feminine energies too. That may seem a bit backward, yet there is often quite a bit of sisterhood karma-drama between women who feel like kindred souls and this can definitely become amplified with reactivity and even a longing for a depth of female connection we once knew in our Metasouls until it was hijacked by Cabal energies and other dark influences.

As I took in information others have shared about the Lilith Dark Moon, I realized that the Cabal chose this time specifically to bring up the recent Roe v Wade issue that’s come up, which has absolutely brought out more polarity during what has already been an amped-up month in some ways energetically. Taking a step back from my own reactions to so many things lately, I can feel how my soul is still learning to trust in these revelations and movements, to see what’s being exposed with as little judgement as possible, and to move beyond needing to be polarized and reactive in order to start not only seeing the bigger picture, but letting it in and living in it. 

The pain of the feminine womb has been real and we all feel it. We all feel our sisters both inside ourselves and outside too, rumbling and shaking with desire for their empowerment, for the feminine to arise and be revered as truly sacred. This is tricky ground to walk at times, as the feminine arising means she needs to also find out what she is not or no longer wishes to be. This is a sacred and personal process for all women and also for the feminine in men and for those men who have chosen to be in deep mateships with women. There is no ‘one size fits all’ way to feel and live into this process, but rather we are invited to feel and experience our uniqueness, address the messes we make inside and out, feel our impact on those around us with an open(ing) heart, and lean back into the dynamically flowing love of Divine Mother who holds our whole process of re-discovery with deep love and compassion.

I feel even in the necessary ferocity from a face of Mother like Lilith, so much love and care. I also feel how She has been projected onto and even used as a reason to be in a near-constant battling energy rather than moving into more Love Ambassadorship. I feel grateful for what she has helped stir and amplify within me so that I can see it and become intimate with it, what she has stirred between my beloved Gabriel and I for us to look at and feel together, and what she invites us into for our own empowerment. 

I feel how much power there is available to all of us at this time, as we become clearer about who we truly are as the layers continue to burn and fall away. I actually feel how there’s more power available when we embody our feminine as women without concern or attachment to the outward expression of it. Lilith just IS feminine empowerment and love, and even though the lore around her has her showing up as an angry and fighter-like energy, I can feel how much more depth of feeling and wisdom there is to tap into that can take us beyond being polarized and instead into immense love, and forgiveness, for ALL.




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Connect To Divine Mother Guided Meditation: Video 21 – Deepen 2022 (Video) | Jelelle Awen & Kasha Rokshana

In this twenty-first video of our 31 day video series called Deepen 2022, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Co-Creators Jelelle Awen is joined by SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator Kasha Rokshana as we explore Sacred Feminine Embodiment over the next five videos. Kasha and Jelelle have held many women’s group calls together exploring these topics through teachings, guided meditations, and taking in sharing from female participants on the calls.

In this video, we share about the importance of your connection with Divine Mother, the forms/faces you may experience her in, the false mother/hijacked Divine Feminine, and your Divine Daughter. We share about how an intimate, vulnerable relationship between your Divine Daughter and the Divine Mother supports your sacred feminine embodiment as you heal this life trauma from your Mother/daughter experience and from previous lifetimes.

We also talk about the False Mother Matrix or the hijacked Divine Mother frequencies since Atlantis fell, what it shows up as, and how it can be unplugged from so that you can experience the Divine Mother within you and AS you.

In the guided meditation, your Gatekeeper connects to your Divine Daughter in whatever forms she shows up as to explore her relationship with the False Mother. Divine Mother comes forward then and invites your Divine Daughter to come into her magical garden and submerge into a healing pool with her.

Here is a link to the descriptions of previous women’s group calls with Jelelle and Kasha and links to purchase the recordings: https://www.soulfullheart.org/womengroupcalls

You can watch each video in the Deepen 2022 playlist on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZWeBviA18Y&list=PLNmrHdaQSAvJPnLzbEKl4OsQBXBYw2XwI

For more information about the Deepen 2022 series including a full listing of the content covered over 31 days and information about a Deepen 2022 group call on 30th, visit https://www.soulfullheart.org/deepen2022

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit https://www.soulfullheart.org.
We also invite you to join us for free membership on our private, online community SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks for sharing, asking questions, and connecting with others engaged in the series: https://soulfullheartportal.mn.co/feed
For more information about a free consultation call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators Jelelle Awen, Raphael Awen, Gabriel Amara, and Kasha Rokshana, visit http://www.soulfullheart.org/sessions

We are offering this series for free of charge, yet we would be so grateful if you offered an energy exchange/donation to us for the value you receive in this series. You can donate through paypal: http://paypal.me/jelelleawen or at https://www.soulfullheart.org/shop

Sacred Feminine Embodiment Guided Meditation: Video 19 – Deepen 2022 (Video) | Jelelle Awen & Kasha Rokshana

In this nineteenth video of our 31 day video series called Deepen 2022, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Co-Creators Jelelle Awen is joined by SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator Kasha Rokshana as we explore Sacred Feminine Embodiment over the next five videos. Kasha and Jelelle have held many women’s group calls together exploring these topics through teachings, guided meditations, and taking in sharing from female participants on the calls.

In this video, we share about what we mean by Sacred Feminine Embodiment, which includes healing the masculine frequencies within us, the template/modeling from our birth mothers, hijacking of our womb/sexual power expression, unplugging from the Patriarchal matrix, and connecting/letting in Divine Mother. We talk about how challenging it is to feel the authentic feminine essence within us as she is so often deeply protected, hidden, and covered over by layers and layers of masculine expression.

Through a process of negotiating and getting to know your inner masculine (including your Inner Protector and Gatekeeper), you are able to open up access to your inner feminine through initially connection with a younger feminine such as an inner child/inner teenager. Yet, eventually, your sacred feminine essence flows through more and more as you also become the embodiment of the Divine Mother.

In the guided meditation, you journey once again to your Castle and ask your Inner Protector/Gatekeeper to join us there. Your Inner Protector/Gatekeeper shows you to where they have most likely hidden your inner feminine. You begin to connect with her, inviting her to join you outside the Castle in Divine Mother’s Garden and to take a bath in cleansing waters in the garden.

Here is a video with Kasha and Jelelle from the Deepen 2019 series to connect with Sacred Feminine Healing and Divine Mother: https://youtu.be/yyVjwqEUZos

Here is a link to the descriptions of women’s group calls with Jelelle and Kasha and links to purchase the recordings: https://www.soulfullheart.org/womengroupcalls

You can watch each video in the Deepen 2022 playlist on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZWeBviA18Y&list=PLNmrHdaQSAvJPnLzbEKl4OsQBXBYw2XwI

For more information about the Deepen 2022 series including a full listing of the content covered over 31 days and information about a Deepen 2022 group call on January 30th, visit https://www.soulfullheart.org/deepen2022

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit https://www.soulfullheart.org.

We also invite you to join us for free membership on our private, online community SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks for sharing, asking questions, and connecting with others engaged in the series: https://soulfullheartportal.mn.co/feed

For more information about a free intro call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, visit http://www.soulfullheart.org/sessions

We are offering this series for free of charge, yet we would be so grateful if you offered an energy exchange/donation to us for the value you receive in this series. You can donate through paypal: http://paypal.me/jelelleawen or at https://www.soulfullheart.org/shop

Being Part Of ‘The Great Arising’

by Kasha Rokshana

“You are the Great Arising. 

It is different than the Great Awakening. 

It’s what happens as you move into the Higher Heart space as you awaken. It is the embodiment of your Divine Self (as you step through and into the process of this embodiment).

There’s nothing here to achieve. Yet, there is so much MORE to arise into, rooted always in the heart.”

~ Divine Mother

I feel this invitation and its many layers this morning in particular. This morning, that like many recent mornings and perhaps mornings throughout human history, will lead into a day which for many will feel like suffering to some degree. For such is the state of the world both inside and out… the hiding, the fighting, the pushing and pulling. 

I feel how the cries of the world can seem cinematic in moments and can feel like it’s something happening ‘out there’ rather than anything I am (or any of us who live in a more removed/remote space are) personally involved in so much. The gravitas though of feeling what’s moving through the world and what my own soul has experienced of the world is not something to put away for too long. The invitation calls and I go… and I’ll be going into it deeper still.

I feel the love and grace of the Divine reminding us all that no matter what it is we feel ready to feel in our own inner worlds or in the outer one, we are infinitely held. It’s the letting in of that holding that can truly be the challenge. And the letting in of the Divine’s tears for all of us as it feels us and holds us in its heart is the sort of stuff that blows the heart wide open.

As the sun rays float through my window in this moment as I write this, I’m reminded too of the beacons of hope and love that we all have the capacity to become. This sort of embodiment is not transcendent but deeply alchemical and alive, offering us invitation after invitation to keep feeling what needs us in our inner worlds while feeling connected still to the outer. 

I’ve not ever been able (in this lifetime) to transcend feeling. The bigger piece here for my process has always been about opening up to feeling others deeper and not only myself and my own parts/soul aspects. The compassion from myself to others is ever-deepening, especially when boosted by Divine invitation, inner movements, and holding space for others, which all remind me again and again of how important the inner work is, but also how important the overflow from that inner work is.

To truly arise as Sacred Humans, this process has its downturns and upticks, its wobbles and its straight lines. It’s a chaotic mess at times and extreme bliss at others. It’s the holding of hope and love, expanding out into true forgiveness and compassion toward self and others, and it’s the most humbling thing I’ve ever witnessed and experienced. 

We ARE the Great Arising, as Mother offers. We are expanding beyond ‘awakening’ and moving into much deeper things that in some ways haven’t been lived into by humanity yet. 

As our souls and hearts arise together as one in each of us and all together, we experience what is becoming so possible to truly embody…


Kasha & Divine Mother

Photo is of my altar which I light every morning for meditation/Divine & inner connection time!


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.