Inner Sacred Union/Hieros Gamos Group Transmission Call W/Raphael & Jelelle Awen 4/7

By Jelelle Awen

Inner sacred union (hieros gamos) is the awakening of the lovers contained in your soul (drawn from the Divine Union Pairbond source field) and arising into expression in your life, embraced by your heart and contained in your body. Inner sacred union bridges you to the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within, the sun and the moon, yin and yang….to find integration inside you.

Hieros Gamos opens up an ongoing healing and clearing of polarized and toxic relationships within you between masculine aspects and feminine aspects. You move into a soul-guided process of unifying polarities that have been more separated within you, in our collective consciousness, and in 3D/karmic relationships.

As you connect to your ‘inner lovers’ this allows for deepenings and openings in the experience of inner balance and harmony, and unplugging from/moving on from parental relationship templates/previous relationship partner dynamics and Matrix relational programming that may have been internalized. Previous hurts, harms, and rejections wounds from previous relationships also come to resolution, completing the suffering pattern drawn on the outside.

This inner sacred union healing ground of initiation then prepares you for and draws (and allows for transaction within) a nourishing Divine counterpart sacred union with a beloved mate on the outside.

In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, April 7th at 5:00pm -7:00pm WEST (Lisbon, Portugal/UK); 12:00pm EDT (New York)….Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer an exploration into inner sacred union.

During this call, we will share about:

– our own personal journeys and process of healing and opening out our inner sacred union expressions both together as a couple and individually.

– We also offer how the Divine Self Embodiment healing process of conscious access to parts of yourself and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper embodiment of your inner sacred union as it allows a bridge to your inner masculines parts such as Inner Protector, Gatekeeper and Inner Punisher…and your inner feminine parts (younger such as Inner Child/Teenager to Inner Mother/Crone) as well.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we will play our 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and create a bridge to your inner masculine as he wants to show up in the moment and your inner feminine as well. We invite them to attend a ‘dance ball’ and to dance together in the moment if they are ready. During this dance, we open up connection between them and also reveal places that feel stuck or conflictual between them.

Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene join us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of sacred union love.
Raphael will channel from his sacred masculine mate heart and Jelelle from her sacred feminine mate heart any messages/guidance/codes of support that flow through them for you. We also repeat affirmations/recodings as a group that provide a new coding of inner sacred union experience within you and with your mate.

Here is an inner sacred union guided meditation video from Raphael and Jelelle’s Deepen 2022 video series which we recommend watching prior to the call:

This group call is part of our ongoing Sacred Union w/self, others and the Divine virtual transmission group call series with transmission calls being offered every two weeks on Sundays until the end of June. We will then expand and deepen this in an inner sacred union group call for women on April 21st with Kasha and Jelelle…focusing on the specific processes and experiences for women. It feels like this will allow some polarities to heal between the genders as well and new codings to come in. More info about the series at

We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this group call. If you donate to attend/receive the recording of this circle, we will send you a free PDF, plus the audio book files in Jelelle’s voice, to take in as a support for it.
You can receive these frequencies live with us (highly recommended) or take in the recording afterwards.

If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us (this is totally optional). Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other women and men on the call, which is a powerful activation of its own!

This group is open to the public and to any woman and man over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).

You can offer your donation for the call in one of four ways:

1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It’s instant, zero fee to transfer money between members. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you’d like to sign up. Include your email if using wise:

2. If you are Canadian, you can use Interac e-transfer. Our email for transfers is and account is under Marvin Vriend. It’s also instant and without service fees to sender or receiver.

3. via our shop at using stripe (Credit/debit)

4. Paypal at (include your email)

Here’s a timezone converter:…

New Book Release: Under The Bloated Banyan: Our Sacred Union Journey From False Light To True Love by Raphael & Jelelle Awen

By Jelelle Awen

Today is the day our book baby is born! As we waited for final approval from amazon, we thought it might be on our 15th wedding anniversary on Thursday, and then on Good Friday, yet, it turned out to be Holy Saturday, the day in between Yeshua’s ‘crucifixion’ and resurrection….which feels perfect somehow!

And today is also perfect to release it as Raphael and I are having a sacred marriage vow renewal ceremony together with our beloveds…to name our intentions in deepening commitment to each other and to our commission (co-mission) of continuing to bring our Divine Self Embodiment consciousness offering to the Earth Plane/Gaia ascending for those soul family members who are resonant with it.

Our book called, Under The Bloated Banyan: Our Sacred Union Journey From False Light to True Love, is now my fifth self-published book and my first co-written with my beloved Raphael. This book has had quite a journey to being born in its current form! I first published it with just my writing/my side of the story in 2013, still feeling in some deeper trauma processing around what I share in it about the former cult-like spiritual group and teacher I/we were involved with (for me nearly five years and I was a facilitator of the work as well). It felt just too vulnerable at the time for parts of me while the group was still active and there was still so much controversy and energectic push back going on about speaking out against it from former friends/followers and my former teacher…so I ended up unpublishing it.

Then, I published my story again in 2018, feeling more settled inside with parts of me around the release of it, as the group had been collapsed for three years at that point after members FINALLY woke up to the abuses going on and fired the teacher/leader of it and collapsed the non-profit altogether. I had been able to process the completion with a couple of my former friends at that time, which seemed to help as well.

Yet, again, it didn’t feel quite right timing and easy inside to have my story (which is mostly from actual journals that I kept at the time) ‘out there’ so I retracted it again from public purchase. Both times I felt a sadness inside too as I had received feedback from people that sharing my story in such a vulnerable way touched them deeply and helped them in their own recovery from similar toxic, yet enlightening experiences with narcissistic groups/relationships.

So, then, about five months ago, Raphael and I were guided by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene to write the story of our sacred union journey over the last 18 years, including the time before we ‘officially’ came together while we were in the group. They offered that it would be a deep service to do this for others, the Christ-Magdalene lineage, and for ourselves/parts of us as well, to share it as a template for what is possible for those who have signed up for the Divine union marriage alchemical journey.

Raphael tuned into the parts of him (Marvin and Wayne) who had been through the several year journey shared about in this book, and wrote about leaving a long-term marriage and Christianity for which he received some pushback and his bravery in choosing his emotional healing and his soul awakening over duty and obligation. He also shares about holding the conscious memory of attraction to me and our Divine Union (as sometimes the masculine partner does) and he brought a few attractions to me before I was finally ready to respond to them (lots of emotional maturing to do on my side to be ready of it and him!).

Now, it feels time finally to share this story, which really hasn’t ever been just MY story I realize, which is why parts of me were uncomfortable to share it alone. Now, it includes Raphael’s parallel experiences in tandem with mine. It is so interesting to see how the choices and challenges we faced as individuals seem to constantly mirror each other, overlap and coincide, often entering and dissolving relationships with others at the same time…….until finally we are ready to choose a shared relationship and timeline together.

And, it is still stunning to feel, once we did, how our true and deep and Divinely guided/supported love dissolved ANYTHING false in our world right away. Within three weeks of our first date. We were accused by our former teachers of ‘faking a sacred union’ and of ‘going too fast’, ‘being codependent’…all of which we probably were in the beginning. Still, it was easy in another way to say ‘yes’ to being together and ‘no more’ to the ultimatum thrust on us of breaking up or staying in the group, which we were increasingly feeling had unnamed abuses and toxicity going on.

It is still shocking to parts of me, literally takes my breath away, to feel how quickly and completely our previous worlds (including my home geography eventually!) fell apart and away once we came together. This is often a signature of a Divine Union counterpart bond and also is the good will and genuine care/love/support for each other (absence of abuse, inability to lie to each other) that has been there between us from the very beginnings of our friendship turned romance. This kind of union calls you to be completely devoted to it, inside and out, as you feel how it is your means of expressing service and your soul purpose in the world.

I so hope you enjoy this first chapter/book of our sacred union journey, which we are now feeling to continue into what feels like two more books offered over the next three years. A sacred union trilogy capturing the phases, the ups and downs, the letting ins and letting gos, of what has truly been a bliss mess ride, yet always feeling held in a bubble of Divine love protection and marked absence of traumatic experiences (after the initial ones!)

Under The Bloated Banyan is a title that came through many years ago and represents the ‘bloat’ of these false light/false God groups and offerings that are offered under the banyan tree (the sacred tree where Buddha found his enlightenment.) So many of which offer deep teachings/gifts in their own ways and esp. in the beginning honeymoon stages, and yet are inevitability hijacked by the leader’s unfelt shadow motivations/aspects and the Matrix agenda/karmic field. These false light offerings/teachers are being exposed, disclosed and collapsing more and more as we outgrow the need for them…esp when we dedicate ourselves to healing our birth family/generational/incarnational trauma and engage in integrative shadow work with parts/aspects of ourselves.

Although, truly, this is not a story about ‘surviving a cult experience’…yet, really, it is and has always been, a love story. A love story about two counterparts reuniting again. A love story about discovering our deep devotional love for and with the Divine beloved. A love story about truly coming to love all parts of ourselves and soul aspects too.

You can purchase this book as a PDF on our shop (including instructions on how to read it on your kindle app/devices), or as in e-book and print editions through amazon. We would love to invite you to write a review if you feel moved and guided to after reading and also to share your thoughts, feelings, reactions, resonances with us here, via PM on Facebook, or email at

Links to purchase and excerpt to read from the first chapter are here at

Amazon link (it is available in all major Amazon markets/countries so go to your amazon country link to purchase):

And special thanks to Kasha Rokshana, who helped edit this book and designed the beautiful cover image for it. She has been a true champion and advocate for sharing this story (including the two previous versions!) and it feels like it wouldn’t be happening now without her love and passion for it to be out in the world!

Thank you for taking it into your heart and soul,


Jelelle Awen

And Raphael’s writing on this release:

“I am one proud papa to have this heart and soul baby born in the world!

Our story begins in a group that we were eventually ‘kicked out of’, but in truth, it was life, love and the divine itself that ‘kicked’ us out.

What we left with, largely unbeknownst to us at the time, was a Christ child, in embryonic form gestating in our bond. We took it from the light side of the egregore/usness of the beloved group we were a part of. It was like a baton that was passed on to us. We also took a great wound with us that would challenge us and lay our hearts bare, and eventually reveal a much deeper calling.

This story is a great revealing for me of a much deeper heart and soul calling to own and inhabit my own calling. I was allowed to feel and experience so much during these four years covered in this book, that I believe will be part of a key awakening for the men and women who resonate, who share this same calling, who share this same soul family lineage.

I truly hope my story and our story stirs deep within you, a recognition of the specialness and uniqueness of your own sacred calling that begins right from where you are right now. It couldn’t be more divinely appointed. That’s how I feel your and my life story.

It would touch me deeply not only to have you read it, but to hear how it landed and what it stirred for you, even better if you could share it publicly, (even anonymously if it’s understandably too much of a coming out for parts of you).

What a gift it is that this baby was born on this day as Jelelle and I had also planned this day many weeks ago as a day to gather with our current closest beloveds for a wedding vow renewal ceremony!

Thank you, Jelelle for your intense focus these past weeks to handle all the rigours of self publishing! Thank you most of all for being with me into where we go now!

May this story touch you like no other!



False Twin Flames Vs. Divine Union Counterparts: Digesting The Twin Flames Universe Docs

By Jelelle Awen

I was drawn to watching the second doc series about Twin Flames Universe on Netflix (first one was on Amazon Prime that I also took in), a highly controversial group that is mostly online offering Twin Flame reunion ascension courses, groups, coaching, etc. They came across my radar a couple of years ago when someone I was facilitating in sessions mentioned them and mixed experiences with them.

One of the biggest things I felt as I digested the three part series and the many interviews with former members was a sadness at how the Divine Union Counterpart pairbond reality at the higher dimensions has so often been hijacked by the false light to be used in ways to facilitate control agendas.

Divine Union counterparts are very real and valid, as I have experienced myself with my beloved Raphael for the last 15 years in deep and committed reunion together. Yet, I do differentiate this from the false twin flame paradigm that is so popular in spirituality. In false twin flame (particularly as advocated in this group) there is justification of suffering/codependency/abuse/stalking/not respecting personal boundaries, and overall a fear-based grab at the ‘twin flame’ person as your ultimate lover so you need to just ‘live with’ whatever matter of way they treat you. Any means to be with them is justified for the ends of ‘completing each other.’

This is problematic enough in terms of healthy transaction grounds and embodied emotional maturity (which is the real gift of mirroring offered in a Divine Union counterpart bond, plus resolution of karmic patterns together) yet it gets very messy when you have false light leaders who use control, manipulation, group think, false abundance hooks and leaders who seem to be motivated NOT by love yet by making money and fuelling their own self image.

I do trust in the higher realms of the soul that these experiences are chosen by all followers and teachers for lessons and learning. I esp came to this sense having gone through and reconciled my own mostly false light experience and intense shunning experience w/a spiritual group/teacher many years ago when Raphael and I first started dating, which also taught me so much about the type of teacher/healer/space holder/community leader I want to be and don’t want to be. There is quite the collapse and revelation during this phase of Ascension going on of such false light structures and teachers as we ‘outgrow’ needing to go through this particular crucible anymore.

It is saddening to feel the power that is given away to these leaders who do not deserve it, the suffering caused to all….and the exploitation of the very deep draw they have to be in sacred union experience. The longing to be in union with the Divine is what I kept feeling as well was at the root of it…the Divine orphan aching to be ‘claimed’ again.

True divine counterparts have a ground of goodness and good will between them, cannot abuse each other or lie/deceive each other (certainly not taking out restraining orders on each other like in the doc!), and even if they can’t transact to be together due to personal choices, there is a sense of love and acceptance between them around this.

The ultimate purpose of the Divine Union Counterparts coming into reunion is to serve love with the Divine (not falsely claiming to BE god) and offer the template of moving out of separation and into union for others. It is not for personal gratification (other than what is healthy experienced as love with other), ‘hot sex’, making lots of money, having influence over others, etc.

All relationships are sacred, however, and teach us so much about love, worth, and mirrors of separation/union.

We share more about this way of transacting in Divine Union counterpart bonds in our Sacred Union virtual transmission circles offered monthly for men/women, just men and just women (with one coming up on 2/18) with more info at

I shared more about the Divine Union Counterpart pairbond source field and journeys to it with Raphael here:…/journeying-to-the…


Jelelle Awen

Hello, I’m Jelelle. I’m in a long-term Divine Counterpart bond; a Divine Union & Ascension Teacher/Parts Work Facilitator and a spiritual writer. To find out more about me, have a look at my website or book a session with me.

I am the author of four books about emotional/spiritual awakening during Ascension, including Free To Be 5D: Navigating Ascension From The Inside Outavailable on Amazon.

You can follow me on Facebook here.

The Multidimensionality Of Being A Woman

By Raianna Shai

There are so many buried emotions that live within the feminine. So many lifetimes of suppression, persecution and judgement have colored our souls leading us now to either feel small and unworthy or constantly fighting against feeling this way again. Both of these frequencies keep us from being in our full bigness and empowerment as women – and instead allow these pains to keep us from embodying peace and divine love within.

I’ve noticed a theme in the collective lately, even in the last few years of hating men. Ranging from a distaste to true disgust. This always bothered a part of me as I have known so many wonderful and caring men in my life. Yet in a recent process of mine I was looking back on my teenage years and remembered a time that the boys in my high school acted in a way that made the girls feel belittled, judged and truly demeaned as if the only thing we had to offer were our looks. When going back to this time I felt more rage than I have ever felt in my life. It was coursing through my veins to the point of shaking and cursing.

It was a feeling I haven’t allowed myself to feel often in my life, for fear of hurting others or being judged for the intensity of it. But after so many years of this anger being suppressed I finally had a safe enough container inside to let it all out toward this specific memory. What came after was a realization that much of this energy came from the “killer queen” who feels like an archetype that many women have within them to some degree. She has formed from lifetimes of the feminine being treated as lesser than the masculine and not being able to express our gifts. Not even coming close to being cherished and honoured for them.

And yet, we chose this for a reason. We chose to live out and express this feminine/masculine dance and to hopefully heal from it and move into something brand new. I feel the need for humanity to go through this cycle of a pendulum swing from the masculine being in power, to the feminine reclaiming it’s power. Both extremes come at a cost yet I can see the other side of it. What comes next is true collaboration, respect and care between the masculine and feminine. A bond so yearned for and desired that it can’t help but unfold exponentially within each of us and then collectively. I feel this is something all of our souls have been waiting for.

Jelelle led a group call about the inner mother/matriarch that I feel really ties into this theme. As Kasha mentioned in her recent post, the inner mother has had to express as more masculine because of the lack of true masculine support on the outside. In her heart she wants to be able to lean in and discover who she really is as a woman. I feel the more shadowy matriarch energy too in the anger towards the masculine, often drawing more of that wounded masculine energy in her frustration and anger.

As we feel and heal the inner mother/matriarch we begin to understand more of who we are as women and the frequencies we’ve chosen to live in – inside and out. We’ve inherited so much from our birth mothers and mother figures in our lives that getting to know this part of us is key in unlocking what is truly ours to hold. And eventually, we can move through the anger and into a place of forgiveness for self and the masculines we’ve experienced in our lives. Coming back into peace and self love, only to draw more of that on the outside.


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Womb Healing & Activation: Women’s Group Call, Sunday, Aug 21| Jelelle Awen & Kasha Rokshana

The womb is a powerful space of creativity, alchemy, stillness, and a bridge to our ancient and pure Sacred Feminine empowerment origins. Our wombs can hold the seeds of creation, gestation, and birth of our Divinity in human form. 

However, our wombs have become filled instead with pain/trauma layers and also been hijacked by the 3D/4D control Matrix so our access to the pure power essence of our womb is often covered over and not fully activated. This hijacking also impacts what we experience within our wombs during often painful and debilitating ‘programmed’ menstrual cycles. Our wombs can be filled with false mother/false god frequencies; Patriarchal/wounded masculine energies; transmuting other people’s energies as empaths; ‘aborted’/still gestating/blocked creative projects and expressions; and suppression of our truth.

In a two-hour women’s group call on Sunday, August 21st at 5:00/17:00pm WEST (Lisbon/London)/12:00pm EDT/9:00am PDT, SoulFullHeart Sacred Feminine Teachers and Facilitators Jelelle Awen and Kasha Rokshana will explore womb healing and activation through sharing our personal journeys and also experiences in supporting women through our SoulFullHeart quantum healing process. We will share about how through a personal relationship with our wombs, even having her give us a ‘name’ and opening up journaling/dialogue with her, and supported by a recoding with the Divine Mother, we can heal these false and wounded layers to move into activation of this powerful force within us and connect to the Cosmic Mother Womb.

During this call, we will co-lead a guided meditation to connect with your womb space in a visceral and emotional way that will open up new access for you to feel what She holds and feels. You will most likely be able to ‘hear’ the voice of your womb and, therefore, the voice of Divine Feminine wisdom or Sophia. We will also visit Mother’s Garden, a fifth dimensional space offering profound sacred feminine healing, where Divine Mother and other guides such as Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene will provide activation energies and codes for healing, clearing, and unplugging your womb. We will also repeat affirmations as mantras together to recode our wombs individually and together as women.

You can receive these frequencies live with us (highly recommended) or take in the recording afterwards. If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us (this is totally optional). Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other women in the call, which is a powerful activation of its own! 

This group is open to the public and to anyone over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give ($11 USD/$15 CAD is the usual amount people offer us).

You can offer your donation via our shop at or and we will send you the zoom link to attend and the recording afterwards. If you purchase via paypal, please include your email in the note section so that we can send you the zoom link and the recording afterwards.

Hope you can join us for this powerful exploration into the sacred feminine womb!


Jelelle and Kasha

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess. For information about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group call events, writings/books (including Jelelle’s latest Free To Be 5D), and videos, visit

Sacred Feminine Embodiment Guided Meditation: Video 19 – Deepen 2022 (Video) | Jelelle Awen & Kasha Rokshana

In this nineteenth video of our 31 day video series called Deepen 2022, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Co-Creators Jelelle Awen is joined by SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator Kasha Rokshana as we explore Sacred Feminine Embodiment over the next five videos. Kasha and Jelelle have held many women’s group calls together exploring these topics through teachings, guided meditations, and taking in sharing from female participants on the calls.

In this video, we share about what we mean by Sacred Feminine Embodiment, which includes healing the masculine frequencies within us, the template/modeling from our birth mothers, hijacking of our womb/sexual power expression, unplugging from the Patriarchal matrix, and connecting/letting in Divine Mother. We talk about how challenging it is to feel the authentic feminine essence within us as she is so often deeply protected, hidden, and covered over by layers and layers of masculine expression.

Through a process of negotiating and getting to know your inner masculine (including your Inner Protector and Gatekeeper), you are able to open up access to your inner feminine through initially connection with a younger feminine such as an inner child/inner teenager. Yet, eventually, your sacred feminine essence flows through more and more as you also become the embodiment of the Divine Mother.

In the guided meditation, you journey once again to your Castle and ask your Inner Protector/Gatekeeper to join us there. Your Inner Protector/Gatekeeper shows you to where they have most likely hidden your inner feminine. You begin to connect with her, inviting her to join you outside the Castle in Divine Mother’s Garden and to take a bath in cleansing waters in the garden.

Here is a video with Kasha and Jelelle from the Deepen 2019 series to connect with Sacred Feminine Healing and Divine Mother:

Here is a link to the descriptions of women’s group calls with Jelelle and Kasha and links to purchase the recordings:

You can watch each video in the Deepen 2022 playlist on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel here:

For more information about the Deepen 2022 series including a full listing of the content covered over 31 days and information about a Deepen 2022 group call on January 30th, visit

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit

We also invite you to join us for free membership on our private, online community SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks for sharing, asking questions, and connecting with others engaged in the series:

For more information about a free intro call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, visit

We are offering this series for free of charge, yet we would be so grateful if you offered an energy exchange/donation to us for the value you receive in this series. You can donate through paypal: or at

Post Supermoon: Invitation From Divine Mother Into Deeper Connection With Her

By Kasha Rokshana

Feeling Divine Mother strongly this morning, especially as we exit the full/super moon (and its mixed energies). Feeling Her vast and deep heart that is always active and present, Her embrace, Her stillness even when She must stir up storms within and without.

Feeling how She invites all of us into deeper trust in Her… in Her shadows and light, in all purposes She holds beyond what we can comprehend in every moment. She is always gently yet also firmly encouraging us to go inward and move forward, with a profound love that many of us have no reference point for from this lifetime or many others.

It’s Her realness I’m leaning into this morning, as I feel my own vulnerable fears and tears that live in parts of me and Metasoul aspects at times… the feelings of going forward with a momentum fueled by so much Divine trust, while also letting in the heartbreak of letting go of a world we all once knew, that I have had my own attachments to, that is all now burning up and crumbling into Divine ashes. It’s not enough to trust the Divine without also feeling the pain that comes up in our hearts… the pain of our inner world letting go to let in, but also the pain of the much larger world that is also crying out for Her love and, as we are all Divine ourselves, for our love too.

I’ve felt over and over again the leaps of faith that the Divine invites me into and the arms them outstretched to catch me as I also catch myself. I feel how this is the invitation to the whole world… to let burn what needs to burn, to let play out what needs to play out, even as we also need to speak out when we feel to… to cry the tears that need to be shed… to let go, even of what or who was once considered beloved if the resonance is not deepening.

I feel Her encouragement, now more than ever, to let go of any ‘false gods’ which include ‘false mothers’ and ‘mother-figures’… authorities that once felt trustworthy, birth parents that you have now outgrown in consciousness, friendships that serve your smallness and not your bigness.

All of this, as She is well aware, needs time and space to process and yet, there is a cost that can accumulate as you waver in your resolve while parts of you who are afraid to let go of what is known, continue to lead your life’s decisions and indecisions.

Mother has so much patience for it all, yet will also offer us a prickly nest as needed… to help us fly, at last. To help us truly see and take ownership of our own journeys, no matter what the hills and valleys are that we may face on the way.

Join Jelelle Awen and I this Sunday, May 2nd @5pm BST for a women’s group call focused on healing the false mother wound to let in Divine Mother. We have both had such deep journeys in our own processes around this and look forward to helping you activate, deepen, or reboot your own connection to Divine Mother in whatever face, form, or energy you need Her to show up with the most right now.

You can donate via our shop:

or PayPal:




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

When The Light Enters

by Kasha Rokshana

Daylight breaks on sleeping limbs
And soul heartbeats that slumbered
Until they felt the sun…

Heavy clouds part, clearing the din
Of unknown, yet felt, soul themes
Here to be reconciled…

Healing begins
When the parting clouds
That once covered
The heart of trauma
Ask for the light to enter
And illuminate the new way…
The way something within
Has wanted to claim,
Yet hadn’t found the courage for.

We all have these clouds,
And also
This light that shines through an inner,
Very personal Sun.

We all have these moments
Where daytime opens up
And supports the resting
Of the long, Dark Night
And the recollection of why,
And what for.

Each process of in and out
Held so solemnly,
So brightly,
Within the arms of Divine love…
The support of Divine parentage
Inviting always forward,
Encouraging next steps of healing
Of Ascension.

Perhaps all you’ve sought,
Dear soul with fragments, parts, and pain…
Is another way to feel the solace of a world
Resolving inside,
Inviting new growth edges
That call a You forward
As yet unknown.

And so it IS…
The break of day
The coming of Spring
The dawning of your Love Light
Unto and through your inner world
Always affecting and impacting,
Always calling out
For the more you are,
The love you came here to BE,
And the wealth of everything within.

Be well,
Yet even better,
Be love…
In the sincerest way
You’ve yet remembered HOW…
Today, in this moment,
And always. ❤️

Love ~ Divine Mother (with Kasha) 🌹


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Imbolc Codes Offering A Bridge To Inner Realms & Womb Space

By Jelelle Awen

Blessings during this sacred passage of Imbolc!

We are honoring today the beginnings of Spring and also of being in the halfway, which can feel like a void space to many of us….like a pregnant pause before the next is revealed. We are between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox….with the Divine Feminine face and form known as Brigid holding the space to feel this with us.

The energies of Brigid to me when I connect to Her are always about bridging…..the higher realms to the inner ones; the shifting seasons to each other; the deaths to the rebirths; the passages of the past to the ones upcoming. She offers this in ever transmuting ways, yet her fire element is honored on this day as a powerful alchemical force of transformation as you surrender to it.

I also feel Brigid offering a bridge to our wombs and second/third chakras on this day as Imbolc means, “In the belly”. Connecting with our womb space for women offers so much…..a transmission of stillness, depth, power, creativity, and aliveness. We can connect here to future birthings and water the seeds of them.

I experienced these transforming and bridging energies last night during our AMAZING monthly women’s group call in which we journeyed into the tender realm of the inner masculine and inner feminine dance within us. Twenty women joined Kasha and I live for this experience, with others signing up to receive the recording later on. Kasha and I shared about our personal journeys into this exploration through the SoulFullHeart process and also offered teachings around how we have seen and experienced the inner masculine and inner feminine show up for this often very polarized relationship within (due in large part to the templating we received on the outside of relationships.)

We also went into a meditative journey to invite your inner masculine and inner feminine to attend a Ball with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene in which they were the honored guests….bridging a unity consciousness frequency to them to whatever degree they could experience that. There were then many beautiful and vulnerable sharings from four women on the call for us all to learn from and take in!

We also have a lively conversation going on as follow up in our private women’s group on our SoulFullHeart Portal if you’d like to join us there:

You can purchase the recording of the call for women by offering a donation at or via the shop at and we will email it to you.

Our next group call will be on Sunday, February 14th, Valentine’s Day at 5:00pm GMT….a transmission of Sacred Union codes with me and my newly reconciled beloved Taliesin! More info on that coming soon….

Love and blessings on Imbolc from Avalon!
We are getting together as a community to honor this day, whatever wants to be shared of our inner processes, and to move into the New!

More information about 1:1 sessions, future group call events, writings/books at

Healing False Mother To Let In Divine Mother: Women’s Group Call July 5

By Jelelle Awen

When I shared on social media previously about my upcoming women’s group call tomorrow where we will be feeling into healing the Motherhood wound/False Mother to let in Divine Mother, a question came up around, ‘who is the false mother?’ Exploring the answers to this question is where we will go within the call space….as it is truly unique to each woman and her Metasoul experience/lineage as well.

In general, the False Mother is any projections/archetype/’lineage’ and legacy/birth family line and other lifetimes experiences/karma that block and limit access to experiencing and letting in the energies of the Divine Mother. False Mother can show up in ‘presentations’ and packages of Divine Mother that are used in strategic and dogmatic ways, such as in religions, some spiritual practices, and even in New Age offerings. These energies can have a warrior energy to them, be seductive or overly pious, and fused to other lifetime archetypal expressions such as Priestess/Witch/Sorceress/Shaman.

False Mother usually feels impersonal, transcendent, non-relational, even punitive/punishing in frequency. False Mother can show up even in Goddess worshipping practices in which you tune into and even ‘obey’ the “Will of the Goddess.” False Mother is also something you are looking to on the ‘outside’ rather than experiencing from the inside in deepening ways.

These False Mother energies are actually usually coming from the lower 4D wounded/unhealed masculine energies and the AI Matrix. A Matrix is actually a womb yet the 3D/4D control Matrix has been about programming, conditioning and conformity and distorting light/love into a false version in order to keep many souls ‘stuck’ at a certain tier of consciousness. In a way, the Matrix has also been a False Mother to parts of us and soul aspects as well.

As the Matrix continues to collapse and the wounded masculine heals, there is more opportunity to connect with the pure and authentic energies of Divine Mother. The False Mother frequencies become revealed from within (such as those expressing in your Inner Mother), in relationships (with birth family feminine caregivers and in your Matriarchal family line), and in your Metasoul experiences.
As you identify, feel, and heal these false mother frequencies, you then experience the REAL Divine Mother of PURE unconditional love, compassion, authenticity, range of expression (from still to fiery as needed…..from deeply compassionate to unsentimental, etc.), passion, and template for embodiment within your sacred feminine human body.

You feel then the Divine Mother within YOU and come that much more into embodying Her AS you. As Divine Mother has told me so many times, “I am you and you are ME. Now, let THAT in!”

We will explore this more tomorrow in my monthly women’s group call over Zoom at 10:00am PDT through teachings/sharings with me, a guided meditation to connect to your Inner Mother/False Mother within through a bridge with Divine Mother, and personal sharings for those women who would like to. We will tune into the loving sisterhood circle created during the call to generate more of the Divine Mother energy.

You can attend and/or receive the recording by whatever donation you feel to give via or More info at and

You can purchase the recording of any of my previous women’s calls where we explored Healing the Sisterhood Wound, bridging to Divine Mother (two calls), Sacred Feminine healing, healing the inner masculine and more at the same links as above.

I also recommend my new book Free To Be 5D, where I describe much more about the False God/Mother/Light Matrix and how it expresses and the SoulFullHeart process to heal from it: