Life Changes Bring Chances To Feel What Needs To Heal

by Kalayna Colibri

divine hand

In these moments, on these days, there isn’t much to do but surrender to the tornado and trust that you WILL land somewhere soft and grassy… these times of upheaval actually press us upward AND onward, while encouraging us to go inward.

The preciousness of parts of you can be forgotten in the everyday shuffle and the ongoing dreamings of what you want to experience, be, have next. The emotional and spiritual pain and distrust that they hold can become buried, even in a life that is genuinely good. The gift of these ‘tornado times’ is that they can surface and be felt again, healed deeper, brought with you to that new place the Divine so wants to take you and IS taking you, even if you can’t feel the surrender or see the ground beneath your feet at the time…

This is the ongoing offer, invitation, love we are granted and flooded with. This is what is represented by intense weather patterns that do somehow shift around something inside of us and also reflect the storms inside of us.

As hard as it can be and often is in these moments of poignant and pure feeling, there is always a Divine hand being held out for us to grasp onto, that encourages the authentic YOU to hold a hand out for the parts that are struggling in their fears and suffering in their pain, seeing and feeling the worlds – their worlds – that are collapsing in so many ways, while they reach out for a ‘more’ that they need reminding is not only possible, but already here…

In this bittersweet time of movement… of upswing and downturn… we learn to shift the gears into place, taking all of our precious cargo of self and soul with us. Bringing it all to that ‘Promised Land’ within, that does want to take us to all that we most deeply want and work to feel worthy of. 



 In SoulFullHeart, we are now offering a free 30min intro session where we will talk with you about the process in more detail and feel with you where we could go together. If you’re curious about that, you can visit our website for more information: and/or contact Gabriel Heartman or Raphael Awen to schedule one with one of them. 



Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart facilitator for women around (and under) the age of 30, energy healer, indigo-crystal bridge, soul scribe, and poetess. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

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