The Professional, The Provisional & The Profusional

The PROFESSIONAL is one who declares openly that they have the know how and the care and the full time commitment to something. They promise expertise mixed with care and full commitment. They operate in a world of scarcity and competitive edge, hoping to gain our trust.

The PROVISONAL is the more relaxed one who declares that they’re doing their best. They’ll make do, hopefully. They operate in a world of “I’m in, at least until a replacement can be found.”

The PROFUSIONAL is one who is pouring forth love so abundant, it’s overwhelming. The care and the expertise that is flowing from them is both personal and transpersonal, connected to the source field of all knowledge and all discernment. They operate in a world connected to the superabundant source of all life. The results they produce can be more than you thought you were looking for. Their declaration of credentials is embedded deep in their being, before words are spoken. You only go to them when you’re ready for a deep shift and complete with other phases of growth and learning.

I like the profusional, personally. 😊 They’re the ones I want to be around. They’re the ones that nourish. They’re the ones I want to model after.

Yeshua was a profusional. When followers who were clearly both drawn and hesitant towards him said, “I’ll be right there, Yeshua, just as soon as I’m done looking after my dying parent,” Yeshua replied, “Let the dead bury the dead, you come follow me.” He read this person’s higher timeline, called out their ‘nobility’ that was in service of staying small, and offered it to them. He sorted out their draw to him, not allowing them to suffer in a half-in, half-out place.

That’s the confrontation of deep overwhelming love and possibility. It always includes a letting go of something to embrace a larger something. We all chose this world of choice. We’re already exercising this power of choice in every moment. It just wants to be turned now in its direction towards love, rather than from love.

Our choices are what regulate the amount of love we can take in and digest at any given time. There are valid reasons why we would need and want to slow things down, and this is where sacred choice comes in. Lack itself was created by love as a way for love to come to know itself, so there is no judgment on a necessary slower timeline. It could be said of everyone of us, that we are in a kindergarten relationship with love’s infinite potential. The veil is necessary.

Yeshua liked to push the boundaries, however, to explore beyond the safe and the known. He taught that the Kingdom of Heaven (the true ‘more’ that you seek) is likened to a man who happens upon a pearl of great price while walking through a field, who after beholding it, buries it in the field, then proceeds to go out and sell all that he has, so that he can return to purchase the field that contains this pearl.

We’ve all done this before. We’ve gone after something. Gave up other things to get that thing. Think about when you fell in love. Your ‘wanter’ will need to come back online, and be dusted off from its journey in the halls of the non-dual invalidation of the healthy ego. You’re going to need an ego to play in this game. You’re going to need to have needs, and be able to care for them, if you will ever be in the overflow of care and love for others in this profusion.

The cool part of all this is that in this higher heart motivation, the most truly ‘selfish’ motivation, is transmitted from the scarcity world of ‘my benefit at your cost’ to the world of ‘whatever is in my highest interest is in actual alignment of all others, because at root, there is only one of us.’ ‘Self’ is not only redeemed from the sinful picture of being separate from God, but celebrated and calibrated as the divine itself expressing in flesh. Your embodiment of all this is your divine reunion. It’s your ‘pearl of great price.’

It will ‘cost’ you, but it will be felt to be a pittance compared to the superabundance that you realize in yourself, and for the one-self of The All that we all are.

I lead and participate in a specific world of profusion. A specific soul family playground that requires preference. We all had to choose deeply and risk and give up other things to be a part of it. I’m inviting you to feel if what I lead is part of your pearl of great price.

There’s one thing you won’t have to give up to participate and that’s your sovereignty. You’re going to need to truly own that more than you thought you did actually. Only one in possession of their autonomy is able to surrender it into a setting while healthily retaining it. It’s the only safe way to go ‘all in’.

We’ve all seen the long played out unhealthy surrender of people’s autonomy onto pedestalized gurus who proved unworthy of our higher self projections onto them. We’re getting beyond that phase now in our collective consciousness.

What’s your ‘next’? If you were to gather up your investments, pool them into a fund, what, and who and where would you spend it on?

I encourage you to find that worthy place. Let yourself dream of it. Feel and love every voice inside of you that says it’s not possible. Know that their resistance is key and the portal to you transmuting your world to the new world. Take a next step in that direction. See how that step fuels the next. It makes you interesting, powerful and beautiful. It all looks so good on you!


Raphael 💚

This pic was part of Jelelle and I’s visit this past week to the Templar Castle and the later Church overlay onto it in Tomar, Portugal.

When we took these pics, we were both stunned by the transmission of our leading edge with a message that says “despite your questions, yes, you really are this big!”

Join me for a free intro (30 min over zoom) and 1:1 sessions for men (and with Jelelle for women) for support in this divine self embodiment path in person (here in Central Portual) or over zoom with THREE types of sessions now available…..Divine healing, self healing, and embodiment healing sessions by donation of 55-100 euros sliding scale, truly based on neg. and what you can afford…

Your Unhappiness Is Key To Your Happiness

By  Raphael Awen

If you’re not unhappy, you’ll never come to know true happiness.

Twenty years ago, I had ten big desires brewing inside of me, that all felt so out of reach. Today, I’m actually living in the fulfillment of all ten.

In some ways, at 62 years old, I’m happier than I ever imagined I’d be and in some ways, I’m not.

If you’re curious and drawn to some real transparency, please allow me to explain, but only if you’re truly wanting to dare to own your own sacred journey, as well as your deeper desires.

If you’re here and reading this, I feel it’s safe to assume that you’re connected to a deep common denominator in each of us to grow and expand. That’s why I’m writing and reflecting on this, actually, to keep on growing.

A quick list of the 10 really big desires I had brewing back in 2004 were as follows:

To escape the world I had created in a profitable niche world in my 30 year long painting contracting business. It was too easy and felt like a trap in many ways.

I wanted to leave the city I had spent the last 40 years in, but that felt so far out of reach.

I wanted to get out of debt financially.

I wanted to express my soul purpose and live in a much deeper sense of mission in my life, with more influence and connection with my world around me.

I wanted to be really intimately connected with a soul mate romantic bond inside of that mission.

I wanted to travel and live somewhat nomadically, and be in a much deeper connection with nature inside of that romance and soul purpose.

I wanted to get beyond a very limited sexual expression and repertoire which was all I’d ever known.

I wanted out of a 23 year marriage as well as my lifelong relationship with Christianity, both of which were reaching the end of their natural life cycle inside.

I wanted to learn how to live inside of the superabundance of the universe where I didn’t ‘work to earn a living’.

Each of these desires spoke to something really true of my soul. Looking back, it’s quite striking to feel how each one of these desires has been fulfilled when 20 years ago, each one only felt like a dream, where the entire self-help Tony Robbins like phase of my consciousness where ‘You can manifest the life of your dreams’ was no longer anything I had much steam for inside of me.

The dreams felt more and more taunting to me as I couldn’t see where and how I could move towards them. All I could feel was a sense of my life powering down in many ways, and my impulses to protect what I didn’t want to lose kept making me feel more trapped and more in despair of ever realizing these elusive dreams.

It’s an even stranger thing to realize that from the vantage point of 20 years ago, I’m both more fulfilled today than I’d ever imagined and I’m also not.

All of these desires were quite external to my internal world, which wasn’t nearly as in focus at the time. Many of the desires were strategic hopes of not having to enter my personal internal hells to find this imagined external heaven. What life and my soul gave me was a mission much deeper than the one I was superficially, externally, dreamily focused on, and that was to begin to truly feel and heal long avoided terrains inside of me.

Parts of me back then imagined in all those dreams, if I were somehow ever to make them more than dreams, if I actually realized them, that I’d be guaranteed to be outside of a world of deep challenge, of any experience of fears and insecurities, that I’d have life by the tail somehow, at least on my terms. I would be in expansive heart and soul fulfillment somehow. The dreams were like an imaginary world to cycle in, to escape into. In many ways, they felt so safely impossible, that parts of me didn’t actually worry about what it would be like to actually move my life from where I was then to where I wanted to be.

I didn’t really have a travel plan or a relocation plan because I didn’t see myself traversing that gap between my reality and my desires, until I began unavoidably falling into that gap.

I feel many men and women are right there now, falling into that gap, into that primordial void space. We are in deep cycles of death and rebirth, where not only individuals, but also entire cultures and ways of being in the world are reaching the end of their intended life cycles. We’ve received a sobering terminal illness diagnosis that feels quite unavoidable and convincing. Change is coming. Time to prepare, but how?

Where my unhappiness lives in me today is realizing this expectation or even demand that I’d be happier than I actually am was some kind of expectation of being saved or removed from life itself. My soul, and your soul never actually expected that life here in physical form would be free of deep challenges, or immune to unhappiness.

Your and my soul knew then and knows now that the propulsion system and digestive system of our growth always includes a ‘wanter’. No wants, no appetites, no unhappiness…; no real life.

Your and my present ‘skin in the game’ of carrying unfulfilled desires is what makes us interesting, useful and capable of deep joy, reverence and meaning. Without new desires showing up on the shores of your deepest fulfillments to date, you are withdrawn from life and love itself.

The biggest purpose at the core of the universe may be love itself wanting to come to know and feel itself, to unveil itself to itself. If that’s accurate, then you and I, as manifestations and expressions of that love itself, best gear up and ‘fear up’ (in a healthy way) of giving ourselves over to love’s cycle of despair, turning to yearning and then fulfillment and preparing to do it all over again. If love ever decides it has come to the end of its infinite learning and growth and to rest on its laurels, then we can be sure that heaven will be somehow beyond the risks of boredom and atrophy, that have and would surely plague and haunt us at this and previous phases of our consciousness.

I want more. You want more. This connects us like nothing else does. Your and my rewards and fulfillments can’t actually be kept to ourselves. My big piece of the pie doesn’t mean a smaller piece for you. If one of us figures it out, it’s actually figured out and plainly available for each of us. There’s no patent office to file your proprietary and personal claim on your fulfillment, or your ‘life hack’. This is because there is on a deeper level, only one of us in this illusory game of the ever appearing separate self.

Love needed the staging of the sovereign individual, the separate self, a birthing of its own image, likeness and stature, billions of times over, to prove its point that the whole show is a love show, including the deepest polarities and ‘evils’ and ‘devils’ we are faced with.

The despairs, the evils and the devils are all wanting nothing more than reconciliation with love. Every trauma and despair within you is a portal to the more that you are self-assigned here to seek.

The separation fears and traumas are all vital to learning and growth. The happinesses turning to more wanting needs to be factored in. You are this big of a being.

I want it all. I want it for me. I want it for you. I want it for love.

That’s my new desire and dream. I’m looking for more connection with more dreamers. Let’s get transparent with one another. What hasn’t worked? How can that inform what’s wanting to take form now?

What new ways of life and love want to express in this reunion side of the separation equation?

Are you willing to get honest and real? Because until you do, while you’re still part of the game, and love’s game and ever worthy, wherever you are, you’re just kind of boring and uninteresting to me. I’m not really drawn to you. On a higher level, I’m in awe of you, that you’re soul would take on such levels of disconnect and unfulfillment to transmute for love in time, but until this soul turn of reunion turns a corner in you, there’s just not a lot of any kind of a personally interesting game to play with you.

We both ever and only have equal worth and intrinsic value, but we’re just not on the same page. The game of separation and difference and polarity is still here, but only really to stage more reunions, and more learning.

I want to be a part of your despairs and your dreams, because when I’m allowed into that, I’m allowed into more of me, more of love itself, more of the divine’s sacred evolution.

Much love,

Raphael 💚

For more on my journey from those 20 years ago, check out Jelelle and I’s book: ‘Under The Bloated Banyan – Our Sacred Union Journey From False Light To True Love’ You can read more about it here:

I’m also posting some longer writings like this one on if you’d like to connect with me there. This post can be found here:…/if-youre-not-unhappy-you-ll-never…

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

Choosing Your Soul Turn

By Raianna Shai

When you enter a fork in the road, you have two choices that lie in front of you. Follow the known, or follow the unknown.

The known is safe and comfortable, full of suffering patterns that your soul has become so accustomed to. It may not be everything you’ve dreamed of, but it’s a straight and narrow path to survival and what you’ve been told is possible in this life. It is understandable and just as sacred to choose this path.

But what if your soul is calling out for something different. To choose something you’ve never tried in any other lifetime. To go behind the boundary of the known and take a leap into the space of possibility.

Many parts of you might struggle with this option. They crave the feeling of safety and knowing everything will be okay. That’s where the bigness of you can hold them and bring them to a place inside that is always safe for them. Meanwhile, you have the freedom to explore this vast unknown.

This choice point can come in so many forms. Ending a suffering loop, shifting a deep relationship, leaving or entering a geography, choosing a new form of alchemy. Each of these comes down to the choice of stepping out of one stream of consciousness and entering another.

These potential moments of soul turn often come to you unexpectedly. A contract that you’ve agreed to for so long has suddenly run out and now it’s time to sign up again, or try something new.

Six years ago I made my biggest life shift yet, choosing to enter into a completely new way of life and start becoming conscious of the family of parts inside me. Joining my soul family in SoulFullHeart was an incredibly soul led decision, yet there was still so much fear and uncertainty about what might lie ahead.

So far it has brought every aspect of soul expansion you can imagine – reunion, separation, joy, fear, love, pain, beginnings and endings. And boy has it been ALIVE. The soul turns I’ve made in these years have been ones I didn’t know were possible or that I would ever even desire. I have become the woman I’ve always wanted to be – less afraid of her truth and bigness, leaning into intimacy in relationships, opening herself up to her own form of leadership, no longer accepting what isn’t enough.

There’s so much more to go as there always is but I’ve learned that the moments I fear the most in this unknown, are the ones that bring me the most gifts in the end – so long as I walk through the fire, and not around it. The more you trust your soul and the divine to catch you, the more you can support your parts and all the fears that reside within them. Magic will happen if you let yourself live into something you haven’t previously known. That is BRAVE and that is LIVING.


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

The Ever-Unfolding Journey of Sacred Union

by Kasha Rokshana

There was once a time, not long ago, when parts of me cared only about sacred romance/union. It’s still very much a priority and a profound longing, yet the sense of it being the only possible gift and reflection of my feminine, my process and progress, and my next steps in service has been healing, piece by piece, part by part, soul aspect by soul aspect. There have been times over the years when I’ve felt a near-constant ‘void’ or despair feeling, even when IN a sacred romance exploration, like an ache that couldn’t really be met and an itch that couldn’t be scratched.

As I feel into that ache and itch, I can feel how there have been some big expectations and dreams, even of how I would show up in these romantic bonds. There is such a desire to be spacious, yet passionate, real and yet also a dream-come-true for the King of my heart. The deepest ache is to be seen, felt, beheld in the full-range of my feminine Queen expression and to have the capacity to fully see, feel, and behold my mate in his counterpart King expression. 

These dreams aren’t convoluted, but they’re complicated sometimes, especially when the reality hits of having to also be (very) patient with my process and his, even just to be able to minimally let it all in and begin to live into our potential individually and as a couple. 

We need room to live into and walk out our healing from this life and other lifetimes while also healing karmic grounds between us. We need space to be able to bring reflections to each other of the impact within the intimacy, to feel safe enough to be real and receive realness too, and to love each other up in ALL ways, even if fur flies from time to time. We each need the capacity to care deeply about each other without caretaking, which is an overflow from the care and non-caretaking/enabling of our own parts that we can and will sometimes fuse to. 

I want to be able to experience the sort of love transaction that I do with my closest beloveds and with the Divine and also still feel present to them and to myself, to not lose myself and to not feel him lose himself either. There needs to be opportunities for us to feel our changing wants, needs, desires and our ongoing growth paths, whether they continue to intertwine or if the ground together is coming to sacred completion.

This PROCESS of sacred union can’t really be emphasized enough… there is no final place of ultimate arrival, though my beloveds Raphael and Jelelle have certainly been experiencing a much deeper harmony than ever before after 15 years together and experiencing the ride that sacred union is in a profound, multi-dimensional way. What I’ve witnessed in them over these last 12 years is what I’ve wanted to experience myself and have had tastes of off and on. I’ve been humbled, so say the least, by what I’ve witnessed and what I’ve experienced personally too… constantly reminded that the process of upgrading, of deepening the ground between you and within you is truly never-ending and not ever a guarantee.

Today is the first day of the Sacred Union virtual transmission circles that Raphael and Jelelle will lead once a month until June. Raphael will also be leading some circles exclusively for men and Jelelle and I will lead some for women as well. I’m so looking forward to being a part of these calls and to be tuning into my own next upgrades within that will support my draw of and deepening with my counterpart mate when it’s time for that. Plus, we’re currently celebrating a sweet sacred union/reunion coming together in our community with Raianna and Jasper, so you’ll get a sense of their journey as well! 

The circle will be held on Zoom and you can attend/receive the recording by donation. More info here:

I hope to see/feel you there! Who knows… you might even meet your mate! 




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Make Space For Your Truth: A Poem

by Kasha Rokshana

Find that purchase
Of space in your heart
To truly let that truth of yours IN.

The truth your parts hold back
Out of fear of loss
And the fear of the love
That could come in too.

The fear of your truth’s alchemy
And capacity
To deeply change your life,
Your heart,
Your entire being,
Is a real thing.

Resurrect that sense of love,
The knowing
Of the love that you are.

Let it guide
Your next steps
Into the unknown
And uncontrollable,
Awakening to the compassionate,
And love-serving you
That awaits your embodiment.

Find that buy-in,
That investment
In the truth of your being,
Truly letting yourself be moved
In the way your soul
Has always intended.

2024 New Year Energies: ‘Bloom’

by Kasha Rokshana

‘Bloom’… this is the word that comes to me as I feel this year of 2024. I feel it personally and I feel it for those I’m close to as well. I feel it globally somehow too, despite the death and destruction still taking place, ending many lives and upending many more. There’s no doubt we are living in dark times which need to be reconciled with, and yet… still I feel and see the ‘blooming’ process taking hold for all of humanity. 

What I see is a lily sprouting up from burned up ground. I see the explosions, the blood of war and mess of what we choose to put each other (and ourselves) through. I feel how even in this scene there is love holding it all, longing to reunite us all on a higher plane even if we can’t or won’t find our way to reunion on this denser one where suffering manifests the most.

Those of us who are empaths can feel lost in all that’s going on at times, especially as parts of us feel concerned for how others are going to survive what they’re enduring. We also feel rumbles through our souls of a familiarity with the pain they’re going through. I especially feel this at times when I’m talking to my international English students online and they share about what’s going on in their worlds/countries. My heart breaks for them and their loved ones, and it doesn’t matter much in those moments that we may not share core resonance around the context of it all. 

When I check in with the Divine about this sense of ‘blooming’ and the state of the world, the answer I receive is this…

“There is always room to bloom. It is a choice for each soul to do so even when it seems that humanity will not ever learn to love itself and all is hopeless. It is actually in these peak times of great suffering and loss that the answer of ‘surrender to Divine love’ comes forward the most.

Many of the most beautiful stars in the galaxy shine brighter when the darkness surrounds them. Your time of blooming is a sign of hope and trust that the most profound shifts are happening in the heart of humanity, though it seems like the opposite is true.

This year is an opportunity to be planted firmly in resonant and supportive soil, to choose to bloom where you can truly grow and be in reunion with others who want the same experience for themselves… others who also want to bloom and be a beacon of love for every aspect of their soul, every part of them, and for others as well.”

It feels to me like we’re being invited deeply into our own inner worlds, to truly find our way of ‘blooming’ there and also alongside others. This is what brings us to our next level of care, of love, of compassion for ourselves and others. This is what helps facilitate the deeper and deeper shifts in the heart of humanity from the inside out, this year and beyond. 

Join Raphael and Jelelle as they host a group call this Sunday, January 7th at 5pm GMT for 2024 New Year Intentions. This group call will not only be about what you intend to bring into your life, yet what you intend to truly be with and feel inside of you as this year unfolds. As always, this call is by donation and you can attend live and/or receive the recording. I hope to see you there with us! More info can be found here:




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Sacred Feminine Upgrade Codes: Feeling Your Fear As You Move Into LOVE

by Kasha Rokshana

“There’s a lot of fear…”

Tears fall as I feel this with parts of me this morning, feeling what seems to be on deck for this coming year, feeling all that’s happened this year and could happen in the next one. Just naming it, feeling it as a fear pocket being shown to me helps move it more into love and openness, especially as I hold the parts of me who have been churning inside around it.

These words, “there’s a lot of fear,” tumble from my mouth and as I say them out loud, the words “there’s love here” come as well. I realize then how similar these two statements are when we say them, how similar they feel in our mouths, in our breath, as they move from deep inside of us to be expressed.

“There’s love here” is what has been offered to me by my beloved guide, Mary Magdalene, who I’ve been connecting with in sacred surrogacy for a while now, and also from the Divine Beloved who then squeezes me, holds me tight as these energies are transmitted, seeding within my feminine healer’s heart. I feel so supported in my love embodiment as I feel these energies surrounding me, so anchored in my propensity to ultimately return to love, always, even when fear is still moving through and needs to be validated as well.

I feel this as a vital theme as we head into 2024 and a powerful opportunity for upgrades on a soul, heart, and body level. Shifting from fear to openness, then to love and allowing this to be an ongoing process too, holding it all with so much self-care and compassion yet also challenging yourself and your parts too. Being willing to feel it all can feel like a tall order, yet the invitation is always to take it one step at a time. 

Join me and Jelelle this coming Sunday, Dec 17th, as we explore the theme of sacred feminine upgrades in this coming year and what they seem to mean and be inviting. We so welcome you to come and take part, sharing what it is that feels like it wants to upgrade for you too. The ‘womb room’ of these women’s calls is always a warm one and so beautiful to be a part of! You can find more info here:




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

12:12 Portal Offering Dynamic Access To Parts/Soul Aspects & Body Upgrades

By Jelele Awen

It is SUCH a dynamic time in relationships with others and within as we enter the 12:12 portal energies of unification and healing separation! Lots of access to feel these separations, fear stuck places and karmic binds. I’m experiencing a vast range of places to go of discovery in the emotional body, soul field and physical body/light body upgrades.

I’ve been honored to hold space with women in a fuller way in sessions lately, and also to be in ongoing connection with Raphael to our Pairbond Source Field, collaboration on our (what is now feeling like) a three book series sharing our sacred union journey together (pic below is us in our daily conversation/check in together with our cats Ravyn and Leo), and we’ve been hosting/facilitating our daughter Raianna the last few days as well.

These are some themes/places/parts dynamics that have come up recently in sessions that I’d like to share here as it can helpful for resonance and inspiration:

– Focused bonding and ongoing connection/differentiation with parts of the self/soul aspects really offers such a powerful way to digest traumas/triggers/reactions and negotiate life choices, creating a centered Divine Self that can hold and respond to self and others. Relationships, esp those with heartbreak/betrayal/non-resonance tones and false twin flame, are providing a rich ground of exploration into these parts of self such as the Inner teenager, Inner protector/Punisher, Inner Mother or Fierce Feminine/Inner Kali, Inner son/daughter and the dynamics between them that are being mirrored there.

– The Gatekeeper, as the keeper of the veils/guardian of the all the soul’s timelines, is going through a time of increased sense of loneliness and isolation, tiredness of being alone in it all and wanting to experience being a bridge to the Divine again rather than lost in the False God frequencies. I’m seeing them coming forward to be felt and seen, wanting to upgrade out of the old programs of the karmic field and into the Metasoul Field (higher level unity consciousness.) and soul family.

– Shame pockets that are kept in place by ongoing Punisher/shame looping (often about the two most triggering areas of money and sexuality) are coming up to be felt, offered love, compassion and forgiveness. Feeling the part that is doing the punishing/judging and the part that is receiving the shame allows this to resolve and come out of hiding.

– Orion aspects are coming through right now, to heal the will-based/warrior energies that these Earth seeders have been trapped in with the Matrix hijack. These aspects feel very ancient, shamanic, and have deep, primordial wisdoms to share. I’ve been connecting to mine the last few weeks and in a session too.

– 3D body detoxes/purges/clearings are needed now as light body upgrades come in. Detox includes from toxic foods, C and the V shots, hormonal imbalances, somatic/body storing of trauma, and more. Fasting, urotherapy, juicing, super food plant supplements, yoga/body movement, grounding with Gaia, and sound healing help detox the 3D body and support the light body.

There’s much more I could elaborate on with all of these so let me know if you have questions about any of them and I can share additional resources from our SoulFullHeart library and other places as well. I am finding there is such a wide range of things coming up as this Ascension process goes on and awakening occurs on deepening levels for so many souls!

The overall coding is to BE a love presence, without judgement, as a bridge to any parts of you and soul aspects who are needing you….so many gifts open out from this connection!


Jelelle Awen

Info about a free intro and 1:1 sessions for 55 euros min. donation with me, Raphael or Kasha at More about the parts, metasoul aspects in my book Free To Be 5D with links at

Join Raphael and I tomorrow for a 12:12 Portal Sound Healing Transmission FB live at 6pm WET/1pm EST. more info on my feed.

And Kasha and I for a women’s group call offering sacred feminine upgrades for 2024 (some of what I’ve mentioned here) on Sunday, Dec 17th at 5pm WET/12pm EST by donation. More info at and

12/12 Energy Update: Unity Codes Incoming (Video)

by Kasha Rokshana

Unity and reunion codes are all around, this time of year especially. They invite us into a deep heart warmth of love and connection within and with others, while they also highlight for us where truly transactable love can flow and where it can’t. In other words, these codes show us where there is still an experience of separation going on both inside and outside of us. They also show us where there may be a deepening desire for intimacy and where there may be hesitancy and fear too.

In this video, Raianna and I talk about these 12/12 unity codes and what they maybe supporting you to feel. We speak about the different ways you may be experiencing them, whether you may be feeling alone in a crowd while surrounded by more dissonance than resonance, or if you’re actually choosing the void space of aloneness so that you can truly reboot socially and feel into your desires for true soul family (as well as any despair that may come up for you as you do so). 

We also share about the ‘how’ – the process – which has brought us both into more unity inside and with the divine, as well as into deeper intimacy with those around us in our soul family experience in SoulFullHeart. This process we talk about is the one we hold so sacredly in sessions yet also in our overall way of life. It involves feeling parts of you, yet also feeling soul and galactic aspects and so many dimensions that make you YOU and bringing yourself into a deepening experience of divine reunion within while opening to the experience of reunion with soul family. 

We hope that this video supports your journey, wherever you find yourself at this time and whatever you may be feeling.


Kasha & Raianna

Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. Raianna Shai is a member of the SoulFullHeart Healing community.

The Experience of Soul Family | Kasha Rokshana & Raianna Shai (Video)

by Kasha Rokshana

It’s a time of year when desires for new kinds of bonds and relationships can arise while you ‘deal with’ the toxicity and non-resonance of your current ones. Parts of you may feel truly obligated to stay connected to these bonds (which can feel/be more like ‘binds’) and also hold fear about what would happen if they were to be let go of.

The invitation of Christ/Magdalene consciousness, this time of year especially with the codes coming in, is to feel into these dynamics and also feel into your desires to experience true soul family.

In this video, Raianna and I share about and digest our personal experiences of being a part of this soul family of SoulFullHeart, along with what we’ve experienced with others who have come and gone from our midst. We also share about what we personally want to experience more of with others. We talk about the mirrors we hold for each other and where the intimacy of our bonds here take us both within and together.

We hope you enjoy this insider’s view on our very small (for now!) soul family community and some of the ins and outs we’ve experienced so deeply!


Kasha & Raianna


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess. Raianna Shai is a member of the SoulFullHeart Healing community.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.