Healing The Feelings Of Abandonment W/Your Star Family & Star Seed Child Within

By Jelelle Awen

I am letting in, soaking in….connection with my star family and Metasoul aspects/sisters/fractals that I know of now and have become so close to. These kind of weepy tears come up as I feel their TOTAL love for me that is expressed without effort, boundary, or conditions. I recognize this feeling of weepiness….it is deeper need for resonance being met and being let in that can only truly happen from within the self and one’s own soul and with the Divine. No other person can provide and meet this need FOR us…although they can transact love WITH us from the overflow we both are experiencing from self love.

Star family for me is not a concept, yet a visceral and real supportive energy that is transactable through BEing with them. It is feelings of coming home, no longer feeling alone/abandoned, sense of bigger soul purpose here. Reunion feelings can be bittersweet, as they so long went unmet and unfelt. An itch being scratched that you didn’t even realize was there. It is feeling an acceptance of your alienness that makes up the substance of so much of our DNA. This is when ‘activation’ truly happens…when it is offered through your own soul and can be let in through a needing heart/soul to receive it with transactable love.

I feel this pain so often in others of feeling ‘left here’ and not feeling like they truly belong here on Gaia. This is amplified by estrangement and being misunderstood by/with birth family. Experiences of abuse (emotional, physical, mental, energetic, sexual) just compound/reinforce this sense of not belonging here in this 3D harshness and polarized density. Deep feelings of depression, suicide/wanting to leave, panic attacks/anxiety goes along with this. Parts of us BEcome the frequency of wounding from these experiences and there isn’t a bigger container there of compassionate resonance to digest and transform the pain into love/light again.

Our Star Seed aspect is an awakening inner child that can unanchor from 3D as their traumas are processed and a galactic awakening occurs….an innocence and purity lives in the heart of this part of us. They are so often in deep longing and loneliness to feel their star siblings again, to feel the wonder and magic of multidimensional and porous relationship to life that this galactic union offers. Processing undigested trauma/terror from what they felt as ‘abductions’, which were actually visits with star family, they can arise into becoming the magical fuel for our Merkabahs or light body vehicles.

As you connect with these aspects of yourself that most NEED you and receive support from your star family, you can truly LAND here with a filling up heart and soul to receive, to give, and to BEcome love!

Here is a guided meditation to connect with your star family: https://youtu.be/ubrPcH09X6s

More about parts/Metasoul aspect connection here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/parts

Jelelle Awen
1:1 bridging sessions to connect with star family, activate light language, meet your inner child/star seed available for $77 USD min. donation for 90 very full minutes! With me for women and for women/men with Raphael Awen and Gabriel Heartman. More info here:soulfullheartwayoflife.com/bridging-session

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