Full Moon Energies Bring Comfort In The Darkness

By Jelelle Awen

The full moon….She offers illuminating grace to hold the shifts and transitions in the world and in your inner worlds too. She allows us a comfort in the darkness, a coming to ease in our own shadows. The light will be there even in the thickest of darkness…..She seems to say/offer to us.

This is the balance energies of the EQUInox….needing this feminine, this softness that can be fierce if called to be. This feminine that can SEE the necessary pain and labor pains as temporary…in order to birth what is coming forward of the New. This feminine can hold space for the transition, the passing and death, of what is NO LONGER vital.

The moon offers the BEcoming comfortable in your own shadowlands, learning how to navigate through them with love in your heart rather than fear. Shining your light of love on ALL the previously shrouded landscapes of your heart/soul/psyche.

Now is a phase of confronting with much compassion the prejudices that live inside toward the dark/shadow and the forms it has taken in your inner world and life. The resistances and aversions too are ready to be reconciled into the heart of increasing self love and self acceptance.

This moon is one of harvest….feeling the bounties that you are ready to collect and receive. Experiencing the final blooming of all those seeds you planted through the inner work, shadow work, and light work too.

You are ready now to let Her in…as She is you and what She has to show you offers a reflection that bridges something within that has been just waiting for your love once again.

Jelelle Awen
photo of full moon taken last night here in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Here is a guided meditation to connect to your shadow selves w/me, Mother Mary, and Archangel Metatron: https://youtu.be/4VnfgzhzzjE

Jelelle Awen is a Parts Work/Metasoul & Galactic Aspects/Sacred Union Teacher & Facilitator, and Ascension Guide. She is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life awakening/healing process and community. She has written four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about bridging and ongoing individual/group sessions over zoom with her for women and other SoulFullHeart Facilitators with men and women, events/retreats, videos, books, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.

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