Energy Update: Shakti Fierce Feminine Energies Provoked By Full Moon

By Jelelle Awen

Energy Update: The full moon wakes something up from within us. It has a broadcast frequency of the Matrix to some degree, so long ‘hijacked’ by those forces. Yet, also, there are the ways that we have related with the moon in so many lifetimes of worship and ceremony that somehow calls on us to allow the lunar energies to hold space for us. For those of us with many lifetimes of being a Priestess, the moon has long been our companion for magics safer done in the dark.

As we deepen into Autumn and approach Samhain/Halloween soon, the veils thin always at this time of year between dimensions. I am reminded of the Day of the Dead/Dia de los Muertos celebrations when we lived in Mexico. The entire culture embraces and acknowledges the thinness of the veils between the living and the dead during this time. Spirit would be invited to have a more solid place at the ‘table’ of the living led by the heart’s reminiscing memories and the soul’s enduring connections that go beyond physical body death.

There is a provoking of energies to come out from the shadows during this time…that we have put there because they are not ‘safe’, or deemed appropriate or have been suppressed for many lifetimes. The energy of the Fierce Feminine and Her Shakti rumbles are coming through. Sometimes it is a fury that allows her to express herself, a self advocacy that makes other parts of us very uncomfortable. Shakti is not polite, controllable, or predictable. She destroys even as She gives life.

It is this alchemical feminine that has so long been neutered in our Matrix-controlled patriarchal culture. It has been hijacked as well, making those of us who have the self permission and qualification (after MUCH healing work) to express it feel like we have ‘temper problems’ or are ‘losing it’ when it comes through. What we are losing when Shakti comes through are the control mechanisms and implants and conditionings that program us to feel that it is NOT ok to be powerful, to be wild, and to be truthful….especially if it shakes up others, even if it hurts others too, even if they judge us as a result and reject us. And there is an equivalent in men that feels like it is even more resistant to this fierce feminine coming through as so much harm has been inflicted by the wounded misuse of these energies by the patriarchy.

This energy is not about abusing in the toxic way that the hijacked feminine can…which I have come to call “Ursula”, named for the Evil Sea Witch character in the Little Mermaid movie. Ursula is a hijacked construction of the Matrix that has made evil and wrong feminine magic and sorcery. Ursula is bitter, manipulative, competitive, and without any vulnerability at all. She is also undeniably powerful. Yet, she uses her power not to empower herself and others ultimately, but rather to take, own, and possess.

I share more about Ursula consciousness here and there is a link to purchase a women’s group meditation call to unplug your womb from the matrix:…/unplugging-from-the…/

I have experienced through our SoulFullHeart process of connecting to ALL energies/parts/aspects within that unplugging from the Matrix Ursula allows for the healing of the inner one. She is then free to access the Universal life (and death) forces of the Divine such as Shakti and also Kundalini.

The energies right now are confronting these places within us that hold our power. Lifetimes/Timelines can come through now for us to feel how being persecuted leads to being afraid to express them. This fear of powerful expression is occurring even now in our lifetime with the V. narrative and an agenda of censorship, restrictions, and control of free speech/free movement/free living. The Cabal Matrix patriarchy is tightening the reigns on the Fierce Feminine, along with the Compassionate Feminine….as both energies threaten the Cabal’s dominance because they are key to ushering in the death of the Matrix to allow the birth of New Earth.

Feel the flows of these intense energies, allowing them to take you where they may. Divine Mother has a face and form that can ‘match’ these places within you and never make them wrong. Go through the portals that they offer, bringing light of non-self judgement to the shadows, so that much may revealed during this magical time of self discovery.


Jelelle Awen

More information about 1:1 sessions, group calls, writings/books at