Energy Update: Recodings/Upgrades As The Matrix Deprogramming Process Accelerates

By Jelelle Awen

Energy Update: MAJOR recodings going on right now on chakral/emotional/mental/physical/cellular/DNA levels…really these are NEW codes of Ascension, of Sacred Humanity, and of our New 5D Golden Earth. These codes are often ‘waiting’ in your soul field to come in, usually hanging out in the Personal Sun chakra (about two feet above your head.) I am getting from my Star Family that these codes are universal/collective upgrades for humanity, even as they offer personal recodings as well for those who are ready to receive them at that level.

These codes can come in when space/vacancy has been made in your consciousness from deprogramming at the 3D/4D levels, which is going on bigtime right now during this Coronavirus event. Deprogramming goes on as you awaken from the programs that have been ‘fed’ to you via the Matrix control systems. On the 3D level, programming is primarily offered through the birth family codependency structure, 3D school system indoctrination, mainstream (another word for ‘3D’) media, mainstream entertainment, mainstream medicine…mainstream EVERYTHING really. What has been experienced as ‘mainstream’ is actually what the Matrix has wanted you to believe SHOULD be how you live your life, how you think and feel about your life, and to influence how you make choices about your life.

There is a massive deprogramming and unplugging going on right now from this 3D Mainstream Matrix. ‘Conspiracy theories’ are being shared and taken in online in ever increasing numbers (even as they are being heavily censored by the Cabal/Deep State). They are opening up new options, viewpoints, truths, and realities beyond this 3D narrative. Critical thinking, following intuitions, questioning mainstream narratives, awakening your consciousness…..these are all threatening to the 3D Matrix ‘power players and controllers’ because then you are becoming deprogrammed, freeing yourself from them.

The dark, hidden agenda of these power players is being revealed and seen in major ways right now, especially driven by Qanon. Qanon feels like a necessary sovereignty movement birthed from the leader in the ‘pursuit’ of personal liberty against tyranny, the United States. It is still within the polarized frequency bandwidth of 4D spiritual battle and warfare, yet moves the collective closer toward the ultimate timelines of more freedom in expression and living for all sentient beings.

On the 4D level, programming is much more subtle and often largely subconscious. It operates on archetypes, unconscious projections/triggers, collective consciousness/unconsciousness, primal impulses, etc. Programming is mostly ‘landing’ in our Reptilian Self at this level, who then projects it out to us as its human counterpart. The Reptilian Self also goes through a necessary questioning, awakening, deprogramming, and liberation phase as we do as humans. We go through this process together it seems, whether conscious or not.

I share more about the Reptilian Self mutual liberation process in this video with guided meditation to meet yours:

As I’ve mentioned before, there are MANY light ships in Gaia’s orbit right now, witnessing and offering support to us during this global awakening/Matrix collapse EVENT. I see them every time I tune in with my third eye. Galactic disclosure is a very important aspect of global awakening and Ascension. As we connect with our Star Family, we can receive the DNA upgrades and recodings that are waiting for us in an even deeper way. Here is a guided meditation to connect with your star family:

I’ve been going into a quiet, receiving mode as I have taken a week off from doing sessions and our group call series. In this receiving space, I have been connecting a few times on a light ship with Star Family members that I have a long-standing relationship with, my Arcturian Aspect Binkh, my Pleiadian Aspect Lezza, my Mantid Aspect/Cosmic Mother Ingrit, my Inner Earth Lemurian Aspect Trista especially. I can see myself Jelelle (a more coming into 5D version), Jillian (my 4D self), and Ranca (my Reptilian Self) all laying on treatment tables.

They are in healing chambers, which are spinning vortexes of light and sound technology that is hugely supportive to our upgrading process. Each of them/me is going through a sort of centrifuge process in these chambers (which feel mostly like Arcturian tech) where the lower frequencies and 3D/4D programs are spun out and ‘off’. Then, the NEW higher frequency codes can be downloaded through energy transmissions, which often seem to be carried through Kundalini surges. Kundalini is an energy system that I feel now is connected closely to our Reptilian Selves, which is why it can be very intense for our human systems to take in, especially if 3D fear programs are still running. I have had powerful, quantum movements in short amounts of ‘time’ connecting in this way to parts of myself/Metasoul Aspects while allowing energy flows/movements to happen beyond what my mind can track.

Sound healing, energy healing, laying in the sun to let in the codes, connecting in nature, speaking light language, healing emotional traumas from this life with parts of yourself, healing karma/fear loops from other lifetimes with Metasoul Aspects, connecting in Unity Consciousness frequencies with your soul family….are all ways to prepare and receive recodings/upgrades.

I have been listening to this powerful Kundalini activation music to provide a transmission for these movements, which you might find useful as well. I recommend laying down with headphones and listening for about 15 minutes the first time, gradually increasing the amount as you get used to it:

Our galactic consciousness can arise as we let go of what we’ve known of our unified humanity ‘mainstream’ consciousness. We can receive the codes we most NEED right now to let go, let in love, and become Infinite Love within our human form!


Jelelle Awen

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For information about a free consultation call, 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group call events, writings/books, and videos, visit

We’ll be sharing much more about the deprogramming/unplugging/recoding process that is going on during this Global event in our next Free To Be 2 group call series, which starts on May 20th. More information here if you’d like to join us:

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