Humanity’s Return To Innocence

by Kalayna Solais

Believe it or not… and I’ll bet parts of you feel skeptical (and reasonably so) right now. Yet, I’ve been offered that a huge aspect of the process we’re in right now on Gaia is a great ‘Return to Innocence’. It’s not a simple process by any means. Yet laid out for us, it is. And invited into it deeper, we are.

This ‘innocence’ means seeing and feeling the world through the eyes of wonder and trust, even though there may be tears sometimes when you feel what is burning away in your own life and in the lives of others. Actually, this innocence means there is a renewed sense of your own heart’s purity, which despite the trauma you’ve experienced, remains deep within you. This is what you return to when you’ve healed through so many of the defences parts of you have needed throughout your life. This is the place you interact with others from more than ever before when the younger parts of you who are now much wiser because of life experience but not bitter (anymore) are able to feel this innocence within themselves.

Even all of the purging going on with Cabal, illuminating collective darkness and shadow so that we can dig deeper and move away from this timeline of suppression of love and truth (which can’t ultimately BE suppressed really), is leading us back to our innocence. These darker energies that have influenced and held the larger spaces of politics and fame and even spirituality, are loosening their grip and returning to their own reconciliation within. To meet and match these energies and defend against them as well, parts (especially your Inner Protector) and Metasoul aspects in other timelines have had to adapt and defend, become fiercer than they truly are or want to be, and forget about their realest vulnerabilities and the core of their heart’s desires. This is leading us through a BIG detox of what has NOT been us, individually and collectively, and is challenging us to feel our hearts again.

It may seem sometimes during this purging process that things are getting worse… but when it comes to toxicity, quite often things get worse before they get better. Storms happen before rainbows. And even rainbows happen sometimes while the sky is still clearing of rain and clouds. So it is that our innocence, our Divine Child light, can still find ways to shine through, even though there is still so much churning in the world.

It’s a deep, many-layered process. As I feel my own empowerment in my own process to feel all of this emerging in my own being, I feel how much work it’s taken to get to a space of feeling more of my innocence again. More of the desire to genuinely and heartfully connect, to bring vulnerability even when it feels iffy to do so, is able to emerge now. I can feel this as a new form of leadership that gets to arise now from within me and invite others to find the same within. It’s worth all of the shadow processing to get here and I trust too that this feeling of my own ‘Return To Innocence’ will help hold the space for any more shadow explorations that follow.

And so it can and will be for you… if you keep choosing the curiosity, the inner work, and the desire to hold space for yourself and others as we continue this transition to the most ALIVE-feeling life that we could ever have imagined.


Kalayna Solais is a Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator & collaborator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

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