Validate Every Part Of You (Video)

by Kasha Rokshana

It’s so important to validate every feeling you have, as they lead you into such deep connection with different parts of you and into such transformation of your life inside and out as well. 

It can feel like a lot to feel sometimes, and a lot to digest, yet making space to be with what’s real for you/your parts/your heart and soul is truly where it’s at and in my experience, it leads to more openings within and with the divine as well. It can also lead to more openings with others who truly resonate… and help you sort out/let go of the relationships that don’t. 

I hold space for women who want to engage deeper in this process and it’s such an honour to do so! Visit for more info on free intro calls and 1:1 sessions which are for a negotiated rate. 




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

The Call Of The New Earth Kings & Queens

by Kasha Rokshana

The courageous Kings and Queens of New Earth are born from the flames of death and rebirth.

They are willing to admit to what hasn’t been working, to where they haven’t felt truly empowered or loved or like their love can go in, and to burn up old ground in their lives while they continue to let these experiences transform them.

They are sensitive feelers allowing space for all of the uncomfortable feelings to come forward. They want and need what has been kept in shadow to come up and be seen, heard, felt, and honoured in themselves and others. They want to keep cracking open, even if that means having manageable breakdowns at times or allowing their hearts to break for themselves and others… and, in order to allow space for this to happen and for these realizations that truly transmute them to come in, they are willing to ask for help from others who can actually see, get, and support them, while also inviting love in from the Divine.

In their sovereignty, they care deeply about having a robust Divine connection and to feel guidance moving through all of their choices – the difficult and the easy. They also choose transparency and feel empowered in their vulnerability, taking risks at times of being misunderstood or even judged for the sake of their own truth and love for their own growth and leadership development.

They want to overflow to others. To truly love themselves so much that this love can go out to all around them is the dream of service and of all relationships. You can call it an ‘unconditional love’ if you wish, yet in their integrity, it’s not ‘unconditional relationship’… meaning, this love flow that comes from deep within their own inner work expands their hearts to all beings, yet won’t enable them to stay in relationships which don’t ultimately resonate or truly feel like soul family.

They are willing to be reborn, over and over again, after being consumed by the fires of their ‘no’s and ‘no mores’. Choosing with love to end relationships of all kinds that don’t meet or nourish them or truly let them in.

They are not ok with playing in smallness, with hiding who they are and how they feel about things. They want their soul and heart bigness to dance and expand too, to be supported by resonant others while they support them in kind.

They want and need to be met by other Kings and Queens who also ache to be in their full-throttle co-creatorship with the Divine and with others who share these values, who have been willing to bravely walk ‘alone’ at times in order to discover who they really are. They will do what it takes to leave room for those connections and relationships that won’t ask them to shrink or suppress their own truths, no matter the mess those truths may make.

Indeed, the true Kings and Queens are not ‘lone wolves’ ultimately, and can be honest with themselves about what they truly want and need in conscious community and relationships especially. This includes their own relationship to life and love itself, to the Divine itself, and not only to other human beings.

They crave intimacy and long to experience what they are truly worth. They are not afraid to need, to desire, or to feel their despair around this, letting it all be an ongoing journey of healing, discovery, remembrance, and integration.

These Kings and Queens have the potential to arise in each and every one of us, when love’s flow and sometimes force too are truly allowed in to move and shape and burn away what does not align with their arising.

There is all the time in the world for this arising in one way, yet every single moment is another invitation to step more into these energies of a true King or Queen. The road to their embodiment is rocky at best, especially as the Matrix conditioning wants to push back against them, yet this push back can then become the springboard from which they learn to fly….


Feeling parts of you is what helps you differentiate and eventually discover who YOUR true King/Queen is inside of you and gives space for them to arise. There’s more information about 1:1 sessions where we dive into this ongoing journey together, with so much love and support for everything within you:


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

As True Courage Lives In You: A Poem

by Kasha Rokshana

Is allowing courage
To live in you.

A journey of embodying
What it means
To live from the heart.

Truly living heart-fully
Means the filled-up heart within
Speaks its truth,
Holds steady its overflow,
Makes space
For filling up again
From that infinite source
Above, beyond,
Within you.

To become encouraging
Your own courage must be ripened,
Sharpened by the edges
Of sometimes challenging choices,
Darker-feeling phases
And still finding the light
That shines always upon you
Through the tunnels
Of the unknown.

If what you always
Return to
Is your filling-up heart space
Then you, beloved,
Are feeling the Great Beloved,
That Divine Love always reaching,
Always offering bridges,
Always loving you deeply
Just where you are.

Yes… just where you are.

In that exact place,
In that sense of lostness,
In that longing to be found,
In that yearning for love.

Perhaps the greatest courage
You will ever feel
Is the courage to be met
By this love always wanting you,
Always offering to carry you,
Always creating a resting place
For you
For your soul
For your parts
For everything that has ever
And will ever
Live inside of that vast being
That makes you both ‘you’
And somehow ‘One’ with ‘All’.

Receiving takes far more courage
Than resistance
For once this love has been tasted,
Nothing else compares,
Nothing else inspires,
And nothing else
Could possibly satiate
Every longing that has ever lived
Inside of every cell
That lives in your ‘self’.

So choose your courage,
Stay in your light
As you bridge to your shadow,
Love yourself in every moment
With support from that
Which will always,
In all ways,
Support YOU
As the brave arising One
Who continues to be challenged
To choose your soul bigness,
Your expression as Love embodied,
And your incredible courage
To be here now.

Kasha and the Divine


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Ode To The 3D Self

I have been feeling recently my 3D Self emerging out of the intensity of the 10/10 portal and eclipse passage. She is represented by the entire waveform of my birth name, Bianca Gieber, and has come out of the peaking of/immersion in the 3D/4D matrix that I had been feeling inside of myself that I shared about in my last post. Besides her, I have also been feeling my Reptilian aspect again, as both these aspects are actually intertwined with each other and I could feel that wrapping up in each other when feeling both of them. Feels like these two energies have been behind my Gatekeeper aspect that I had been sharing about and she had been protecting my 3D Self all along, with so much care for her.

When I started feeling my 3D Self, I felt a lot of shame/self-hatred, a filtering of life through the lens of it not being good/safe, self-doubt, unworth and that there is no goodness in life, that life is difficult and everything has to be fought for and that she has always been alone, left alone, especially by the Divine. That way, being a huge aspect of my Lone Wolf that was reflected in corresponding life choices. With that filter applied, the goodness that had been in my life, was not able to be received and seen as such but rather made into something bad or rather not real. A very painful mechanism.

I have been feeling with her the legacy of my birth name, particularly the last name, that is carrying all these frequencies and she has worn them like a very thick coat. But I could also feel that all of those frequencies/layers are not really her, her true essence.

I was able to feel with her her own rich and deep connection to the Divine, and specifically to Mother Mary, who she and my entire soul seem to have a special connection with.

In her connection with Mary, she came through as clearly and deeply as never before, yet in such a real and grounded way and with authentic emotions. The experience I’m having now with Mary is much more personal and intimate. The connection I have had before with her, as Bey Magdalene, was a bit more airy/lofty, but my 3D Self feels like is the uplink to a real and grounded embodiment of Mother.

Through her struggle of not feeling the goodness in life and feeling almost in a quandary about her loyalty to that feeling, the very clear and visceral message/intuitive feeling came through that Mother IS an aspect of me as well and deserves to be felt just as much as it is necessary to feel the difficult things.

The reunion between her and Mother was very deep and teary, both weeping over having missed each other and finally having found each other again. My 3D Self was claimed as a Divine Daughter and Mary apologized to her too that it has been so difficult for her and that she wasn‘t able to feel her and connect with her, even though she has been right there all along, all my life.

The forgiveness frequencies between these two have been so powerful and have had a powerful impact on my spiritual and emotional well-being.

Her question and lament, why she had been plugged in so deeply into the matrix, has been answered inside of myself too. Along with the pain that, despite being a 3D Self, she never really felt that she was particularly good at it/equipped for it. It seems that she is needed as an ambassor to those in similar circumstances and if she would have been really good at navigating 3D life, she might not have awoken. Yet I could feel with her how this dimension/reality has always felt strange to her and that she didn’t really believe it herself.

A deep filtering of life through compartmentalization is falling away as a result as well as a need to ‘be by the book’ and a new flow and responding to every moment is coming online and ready to be embodied.

I can feel her letting in that reframe and new Divine/Soul purpose and how it is helping her heal her relationship to the matrix, her family and geographical origins that were both VERY dense as well as heal her relationship to the Divine.

I could feel so much care coming online in her that she has always had, yet had to numb because it was too painful to care and there hasn‘t been a container/energy to be able to digest all this care with up until now.

This care coming online now and my heart coming online through it in a much deeper way is such a gift that I‘m getting from and through her that I‘m so grateful for and that is so needed too as I have been wanting to feel my care for the world and humanity in these unprecedented times that we have never seen before. Yet a care that is grounded in and answered by the Divine inside of myself, to be able to digest and hold the pain too that comes with this care.

I can also feel an interesting relationship between my Inner Teenager and my 3D Self that is just starting to get a bit clearer. It feels like she has been a bit of a reluctant parent to her, yet also protecting her out of care for her. I have been wondering why I hadn‘t been more rebellious as a teenager, yet my 3D Self offered that it just was too dangerous to do that, with such a dark and abusive birth mother, whose energies and transmissions she had been taking in and absorbing over the years, shaping her, ‚messing her up‘ to quote her. So she felt it was much safer to comply, even if it was very begrudgingly.

I feel my 3D Self came in/was formed in my early teenage years as well, as a response to those very challenging and dense energies on the outside. That was also around the age my 3D Self had started to reach for alcohol to numb that darkness and abuse that came her way in order to numb it/cope with it. Yet only feeling that pain and answering it with Divine Love, will actually bring healing to it while anything else just covers it up.

Now that she has been felt and freed up more and her presence/existence deeply acknowledged and recognized as very much needed in order to complete me, miraculous shifts have been occurring inside of myself, as she is an important aspect of myself that had been anchored in 3D and thus was resisting to move into soul purpose with me and partake in the goodness frequencies in my life so far. Only through connecting with these aspects of us that feel they cannot partake in the goodness, the spirituality, the soul purpose expression is how we are actually able to do and embody that.

She is an ambassador in her own rights and we already started that journey in meditation space this morning when she and Mary organized an apparition in my hometown in Austria that is so dense, in so much pain and that doesn’t seem to have a lot of hope and Divine Inspiration. Casting those beautiful Divine frequencies over my hometown felt so healing and felt like it inspired something in its residents and at least planted a seed in them. A remembrance of their own Divinity.

Here is a meditation to connect with your 3D Self.

I’m so curious to go more into her relationship to my Reptilian as well as my Inner Teenager as I can feel it is a very rich ground. Some of that will be covered in today’s group call, I’m sure, that will be about the Inner Teenager. I can already feel more teenage sass coming online through connecting with my 3D Self and healing all the layers of pain that have been guarding her heart. I feel her off to the Galactic too, being a galactic ambassor and Galaxy trotter, with the Cosmos being her home.

Here is a guided meditation video to begin the connection to your Inner Teenager.

Raphael and Jelelle will be exploring the world of the Inner Teenager in our group call today at 5:00pm GMT/London/Lisbon & Noon EST. We will also offer a guided meditation to connect with your Inner Teenager, deepen the healing between you, opening up the bond that is just ‘waiting’ for you. More info to offer donation to attend on our website or on Facebook


Bey Magdalene

*** Bey Magdalene is a SoulFullHeart Apprentice Facilitator and Community Member. She offers sessions in German and English. For more information on community, videos, group calls, and 1:1 sessions with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator, visit

Energy Update: Travelling Through The Dimensional Tunnel & Anchoring In A Higher Frequency

We have been immersed in the matrix reality for a long time, for all this life and others too. We have inhaled, ingested, eaten up and lived in and for 3D matrix entertainment, food, music, school, jobs, relationships, families, geographies. The recent eclipse passage really highlighted that and brought it up and out even more, helping it peak for us to see, feel, heal and let go of, organically.

The subsequent 11/11 Portal that we are still riding the waves of, brought in and out Divine connection and support to balance out the matrix peaking, bringing with it waves of goodness, Love and an illumination of your bigness, worth and courage. It is a confirmation of everything you have held, felt, said no to and moved into. A presentation, recognition and validation of all the choices you have made that brought you to where you are today and really letting in that courage it took to make these choices and to let in the internal and external goodness they brought.

It is illuminating your bigness and inviting you to see it, feel it, trust it, claim it, own it. It is highlighting your journey this life (and others), your inner process and healing and inviting you to feel into it for yourself and really feel and acknowledge how far you have come and the qualities you are embodying now that used to be desirable for you and you set out to ‚achieve‘ all those years ago.

Our entire being is upgraded at the moment, travelling through a dimensional tunnel, from one dimension/frequency/reality to a higher one. This is affecting the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual body.

It can be accompanied by feelings of dizziness/lightheadedness and a clearing of a fogginess but can also push up and flush out detox reactions like headaches/migraines, nausea and other physical pains and unease.

On an emotional level, it can bring up and out old ways of relating to things, relationships, money, careers and yourself. This is where I feel the main focus is on at the moment, the self and our relationship to ourselves, invited by the current energies.

Spiritually, previously thick and tight veils are lifting which can even be felt viscerally while they dissolve, matrix plugs and chakra coils are loosening and falling out, consciousness caps are coming off, slowly being felt through and opening out new vistas of seeing, feeling and understanding the world.

Energetically, you might feel an aversion/sensitivity to any kind of 3D/mainstream energies, situations, foods and entertainment.

Current energies are also inviting us to feel important questions for ourselves – How do we see ourselves? What does the esteem of ourselves look and feel like? How do we relate to our shadow? And even more interestingly, how do we relate to our light, our bigness, our purpose? Are we ready to claim it and move on and up in life with our bigness of heart and soul, our connection to the Divine and our self-worth as basis for it? Can we allow our bigness to come into the space, lean into it and lead the way for us?

We can bridge to the parts and aspects of us that can‘t quite claim and let in that bigness yet and perhaps even feel a loyalty to the smallness, the struggles, old ways of seeing themselves and you/others/the world, old ways of relating and being in life. To these parts, an upgrade like that can be really jarring, life-threatening and so they resist it. But with Love and care and through choosing and feeling them, and with Divine support, they can come with you, into their own higher individual expression and anchor in a new reality as well. A reality of possibilities, support, safety, love, self-worth and purpose.

It is the death of 3D consciousness, represented and broadcast by our 3D Selves and the 3D/lower 4D matrix. It is an awakening to yourself and rebirth as a Divine Being with purpose, which all of your struggles, questions, intuitions, (self-) doubts, your journey and process are a part of and essential to it.

There are many souls who are choosing a physical body death at this time as well as it is a mercy to their consciousness expression/bandwidth.

I, along with my parts and aspects, went throught the dimensional tunnel myself yesterday morning in meditation/check-in which I could feel as a visceral journey through it. Coming out the other side, I felt anchored in trust and Divine connection and lingering doubts and fears had disappeared.

Through that, I was able to connect to my 3D Self this morning in a much clearer way as there was a very palpable differentiation between her and I and I could really be there for her, talk with her, feel her and offer reflections and guidance. She had been anchored in a sort of matrix desert/void as she had been holding space for so many strong/intense lower 4D parts and aspects over the years and through that got anchored in that dimensioin as well.

Through broadcasting my heart, my love for her and Divine Mother’s Love, the fog/amnesia/spell/veil around her head that caused her to feel very far away from me and like she couldn’t reach me, even though she could hear me from afar, dissolved and she could feel me and my heart and move into it. From that place, any kind of digestion that is needed, can happen in a transmutative, safe and effective way.

Another aspect of the current energies seems to be that if you have been and are really digging deep into your shadow, are not afraid of it and don‘t ignore it, but tend to it with patience, care, curiosity and boundaries, now is the time where the Divine will just scoop you up as a result of that too and claim you and not let you go back into your smallness, if that is your intention and desire. It is helping you anchor in a higher consciousness, from which you then can venture out into the shadow, but at the end of the day, come back to that home base of Divine connection and garden within you.

While my parts had been more anchored in lower 4D frequencies over the course of my process, I can now feel a re-anchoring in and reclaiming of the Divine connection and garden within me. I can feel a ready-ing for soul purpose that even has different expressions, feels like. One expression feels to be a Galactic ambassadorship to different kinds of species and races, like the inventors/creators of the blueprint for the false med narrative/agenda, amongst others. Along with the matrix ambassadorship that arose organically in my process over the years.

I‘m also feeling a re-balancing for myself of light and darkness within, like scales that are bouncing up and down and eventually coming together in the middle. It is an in and out of the old consciousness and constant claim of my Divine connection and nature. There‘s still a bit of a power struggle/grab going on inside by aspects who want to keep me safe by keeping me small and in doubt/fog which in turn calls for more Divine connection to keep having a bigger energy in the room that is humbling to these aspects.


Bey Magdalene

I offer 1:1 sessions with women in German and English.

Raphael and Jelelle held a livestream on Facebook the other day about what‘s currently moving in the world in regards to the false med narrative and how we digest it in the SoulFullHeart community:


*** Bey Magdalene is a SoulFullHeart Apprentice Facilitator and Community Member. She offers sessions in German and English. For more information on community, videos, group calls, and 1:1 sessions with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator, visit

Moving Beyond Fear-Based ‘Tolerance’ Of Dissonance During Awakenings & Growth

by Kasha Rokshana

“Tolerance” is really such a terrible word. I don’t particularly like it. Because it makes parts of us feel like they are obliged to let things go that really they shouldn’t have to. It’s one of the most misinformed tenants of modern society. Tolerance is not compassion or understanding, let alone love, and it actually typically comes from fear, especially the fear of you yourself not being ‘tolerated’ let alone actually felt or understood.

If you find yourself tolerating a dead marriage, a dead relationship to birth family, a dead connection to your livelihood, rather than seeking and humbly taking risks for the sake of aliveness, then you’re likely in a place of having been coached, told, conditioned into feeling like as long as you’re tolerating these dead things, you’re ‘doing something right’ and dare I say, even reaching the carrot of ‘enlightenment’.

No one is entitled to your tolerance, not even the parts of you that ask for it. Just as people on the outside of you basically tell you ‘don’t look over here, you have to accept me as I AM’, parts of you can do that too. They don’t want you to see their manipulative strategies or ways of controlling the people in your life that you don’t resonate with so that they don’t have to experience real and true growth and what actually COULD become possible in ALL of your relationships.

Tolerance becomes intolerance, sometimes quickly, as awakenings happen and these awakenings lead quickly to depression and anxiety when this intolerance is not honoured or felt. You are changing. And if you’re a big soul, you’ve likely felt how quickly you change and shift at times and are oftentimes tiptoeing around your relationships rather than letting your awakenings truly ride with you into a new life phase.

Death and rebirth is always a part of awakening, whether it’s the kind of death and rebirth that is very, very dark for a time or the kind that is actually much easier to move through. I can assure you though, that if parts of you still buy the 3D Matrix or New Age Spirituality Matrix shit of ‘you have to find a way to make this work because that’s what real love does’, then you are in for more difficulty, not less, whether it manifests in physical illness, emotional waves you fall under rather than feel able to come to terms with (note, I didn’t say ‘control’), or a feeling of existential crisis that keeps growing until parts of you can no longer stuff it down.

Awakening, truly expanding into your heart and soul and letting them lead, is not about tolerating anything or anyone. Yet, as this intolerance is felt and honoured, true compassion can be felt as well as authentic passion. You change, and even if the people around you can’t, you are empowered to navigate your way through that and find new people to be around, even if you need a phase of being ‘alone’ (which is never alone, truly, for the Divine is ALWAYS there and sometimes it takes the lonely feelings to actually drop into Its arms at last).

If you truly have a penchant for your deepest growth, you’ll find a way to feel what you’ve been allowing that actually doesn’t feel good to you. Our gut honesty is what brings us the most growth and the most Divine alignment, even in all its messiness and absolute dearth of glamour. There is NO such thing as an ‘ugly cry’, especially when what you’re feeling is the grief of what perhaps once worked, what once was beautiful and resonant, and you’re feeling into letting it go for the sake of all involved…

I love you. Keep feeling. Keep moving beyond tolerance and you WILL find your truth, whether you end up needing to move into deep life change right away or not. Your awakenings will deepen and your experience of your soul will too, even in all of the waves of exquisite sadness, necessary rage, and openings into bittersweet bliss.



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

The Ongoing Journey Of Healing Our Worthiness, Collectively & Individually

by Kasha Rokshana

In your conscious worthiness, desires and needs are answered, and the journey is embraced. ~

What a journey finding and feeling our truest sense of self-worth is!

I’ve never managed to find anywhere outside of myself, in any outward validation or through mastering the exercises in any self-help book. The only place I’ve continually found a way to answer each layer of unworthiness that is revealed inside of me is by feeling. Not through force, but by feeling. Not through a silver bullet, but through an ongoing process. This process at times is very sober yet all the time it’s alive and moving through me with so much messiness and grace, both.

Our collective worthiness has so much feeling and healing to do too… our worthiness as all of humanity, as a Sacred Human family, and as powerfully big individual souls.

It’s the unworthiness of healing our deep existential fears and separation pain from the Divine, showing up so strongly now with the power of these times we’re in with peaking and eventually collapsing Matrix-based narratives.

We are worthy of the tears and fears of all parts and soul aspects of us being heard and felt.

We are worthy of opening our hearts to the Divine and to others and feeling their hearts open too.

We are worthy of the challenges along the way of letting in this love that is always available to us. It’s the challenges, after all, that remind us that it IS the journey that hold us in all of the letting go so we can let in what we truly desire and need from the Divine and others…

…with our worthiness continually healing and growing.

The process pays off in dividends… the love received lands deeply and transforms so much from within which it couldn’t touch before. We are worthy of this and of trusting this process.

We are worthy of letting in that we are loved through it all.

It’s up to each of us how we choose to embody this process, live into this ongoing journey, and embrace that it truly IS a journey which we are all on together… one humble step inward at a time.



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Are You Willing To Live, Be, Trust?: Transmission Of Support From The Magdalenes/Soul Family

by Kasha Rokshana

For all your brilliance,
Are you willing to also live it out?

For all your wittiness,
Are you willing to be in the unknown?

For all your fire,
Are you willing to soak in still waters?

For all your empathy,
Are you willing to also have compassion?

For all your mistrust,
Are you willing to feel what trust may offer?

For all your compliance,
Are you willing to dig deeper and ask ‘why’?

For all your belonging,
Are you willing to risk standing alone?

…these questions we ask without judgement
To serve and bolster your deeper awakenings,
Your Divine Self’s deeper embodiment,
And the discovery of who you are,
Who you always were,
Yet chose to forget.

Here to serve your upliftment, we are.
As we also hold you in your downtrodden states.

Here to love you, always, we are.
Even in those questioning moments
Where it feels like love cannot possibly exist.

You are embraced
Loved beyond measure of fame, fortune or wisdom.

Loved even in your compliance to the structures that lay dying,

Loved even in the foggy times of unknown choices,

Loved as much in your dying times as your alive times.

With so much of your truest essence in our hearts…

Your Soul Family/The Magdalenes

(W/ Kasha Rokshana)

I feel this landing in my own heart as a way to remember compassion for myself and all souls at all times. We’re walking out what we came to walk out, and it’s truly up to all of us to choose what we are ready to embody next… with no judgement from those who came before us and support us through it all.


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Imbolc 2022 ‘Brigid’ Message: “May you continue to awaken as individual flames of humanity’s sacred truth…”

by Kasha Rokshana

Tomorrow is Imbolc, a festival that takes place at the midpoint between winter and spring and an energy that begins to illuminate the path behind and the way ahead.

Last year at this time I was living in Glastonbury and I found myself deeply connecting to the energies of this time of year. I also connected to the Brigid, the face of Divine Mother who is particularly present at this time. She had a lot to offer about how now is a time when what has only felt possible may become imminent as the winter of waiting overturns and the spring of new arisings and arrivals comes in.

At the time, I could only begin to feel what she meant… yet a day or so later, Gabriel crossed the space to me and we began to reunite and repair our Sacred Union which until then had felt ‘complete’. Raphael and Jelelle had already been exploring their own reunion after a brief period of separation and completion of old ground as well. My mate ache had really been peaking at the time too and it was becoming so challenging to hold it and not feel frustration around it. It was as if I knew somehow that my mate was in my field and close by too, though I hadn’t quite put together yet just HOW close!

This time last year there were also several souls who were deepening in community with us, or would be soon. After their resonance with us dissipated, it brought us all into a place of reevaluating where SoulFullHeart was going and what we were trying to seed in the world. It was an opportunity to look back at what we had held within and with others and what we needed to look at ourselves but also what resolve within us needed to strengthen.

Imbolc and Brigid’s fire of rebirth and illumination started a process of next-level resonance explorations in our intimate relationships, our relationship to this process and way of life we embody and offer, and also our relationship to our geography. The guidance to leave the UK and head to Portugal became clearer and clearer by the onset of spring, and by mid-summer, we were on our way.

This Imbolc, I feel the same message from Brigid with a few additions:

“May the possible become imminent, for the sake of your explorations of all that is truly current in your inner and outer worlds. May the promise of a new, Divine dawn, become sparked within and spread as an awakened sunrise on the horizon with all its colours on display.

May you continue to awaken as individual flames of humanity’s sacred truth… that you were never rendered completely powerless, that you were brought here for a reason, and though the way forward may need more illumination, the candle is in your Divine Self’s hands.

You have a ways to travel yet, but hope is on your side… and though the new world has only begun to seed itself, the sprouts of what is to come arrive like snow drop flowers through the cold and frozen ground.

Whenever you need the light of my fire, just ask. Whenever you need the nourishment of my fields of plenty, growing upward from the soil of the old, simply arrive for the arising.

I love you. I am here for the burning up of what was and celebrating with you all of your steps into the new.

Brigid 🔥”

I feel tears for the cries of the world as I take in what Brigid is offering us all in this message and I feel her encouraging me personally to continue to embody what I am here to explore and embody… it’s a sad time to be alive, with the Great Passing we are moving through (I wrote about it here) and yet with the Divine connections and support available to us all, I feel a peace and aliveness within at the same time.

We are living through one of the most trying times in our human history since Atlantis perhaps, yet here we ARE, placed here for a reason, choosing to stay or not, and empowered in all of it. It’s a deadly time in one way and so deeply alive in another!

I am sending all my love outward and inward today and as Imbolc’s energies land in your own heart, soul, and sacred life… may this current phase you are completing bring the portal to the next one in with as much grace as possible.


Imbolc/Brigid artwork by Wendy Andrews


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Sacred Union & Sexuality Guided Meditation: Video 29 – Deepen 2022 (Video) | Raphael & Jelelle Awen

In this twenty-ninth video of our 31-day video series called Deepen 2022, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Co-Creators Raphael and Jelelle Awen share about sacred union relationship with a mate and also the transaction of sacred sexuality.

We share about the importance of transactability in sacred union which relates to vulnerability, intimacy, and individual parts work/soul aspect access that allows more openness in the relational ground between partners. We also share about how sacred sexuality is a portal to your light body activation, your pairbond/twin flame frequency (if you share that), and life force/passion/desirability.

During the guided meditation, you connect to your current mate if you have one in the ball room in your Castle. Those who are single are invited to call in their future sacred union mate into the space. You connect with your mate to see what messages, choice points, places of discovery are revealed to you. You then are invited as a couple to go into a private bridal/groom/union chamber to explore sacred sexuality in whatever ways that feels right.

Here is a link to the sacred union and sexuality video from the Deepen 2019 series:

You can watch each video in the Deepen 2022 playlist on our SoulFullHeart Experience YouTube Channel here:

For more information about the Deepen 2022 series including a full listing of the content covered over 31 days and information about a Deepen 2022 group call on January 30th, visit

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit

We also invite you to join us for free membership on our private, online community SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks for sharing, asking questions, and connecting with others engaged in the series:

For more information about a free intro call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, visit

We are offering this series free of charge, yet we would be so grateful if you offered an energy exchange/donation to us for the value you receive in this series. You can donate through paypal: or at