Sacred Feminine Upgrade Codes: Feeling Your Fear As You Move Into LOVE

by Kasha Rokshana

“There’s a lot of fear…”

Tears fall as I feel this with parts of me this morning, feeling what seems to be on deck for this coming year, feeling all that’s happened this year and could happen in the next one. Just naming it, feeling it as a fear pocket being shown to me helps move it more into love and openness, especially as I hold the parts of me who have been churning inside around it.

These words, “there’s a lot of fear,” tumble from my mouth and as I say them out loud, the words “there’s love here” come as well. I realize then how similar these two statements are when we say them, how similar they feel in our mouths, in our breath, as they move from deep inside of us to be expressed.

“There’s love here” is what has been offered to me by my beloved guide, Mary Magdalene, who I’ve been connecting with in sacred surrogacy for a while now, and also from the Divine Beloved who then squeezes me, holds me tight as these energies are transmitted, seeding within my feminine healer’s heart. I feel so supported in my love embodiment as I feel these energies surrounding me, so anchored in my propensity to ultimately return to love, always, even when fear is still moving through and needs to be validated as well.

I feel this as a vital theme as we head into 2024 and a powerful opportunity for upgrades on a soul, heart, and body level. Shifting from fear to openness, then to love and allowing this to be an ongoing process too, holding it all with so much self-care and compassion yet also challenging yourself and your parts too. Being willing to feel it all can feel like a tall order, yet the invitation is always to take it one step at a time. 

Join me and Jelelle this coming Sunday, Dec 17th, as we explore the theme of sacred feminine upgrades in this coming year and what they seem to mean and be inviting. We so welcome you to come and take part, sharing what it is that feels like it wants to upgrade for you too. The ‘womb room’ of these women’s calls is always a warm one and so beautiful to be a part of! You can find more info here:




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

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