Choosing Your Soul Turn

By Raianna Shai

When you enter a fork in the road, you have two choices that lie in front of you. Follow the known, or follow the unknown.

The known is safe and comfortable, full of suffering patterns that your soul has become so accustomed to. It may not be everything you’ve dreamed of, but it’s a straight and narrow path to survival and what you’ve been told is possible in this life. It is understandable and just as sacred to choose this path.

But what if your soul is calling out for something different. To choose something you’ve never tried in any other lifetime. To go behind the boundary of the known and take a leap into the space of possibility.

Many parts of you might struggle with this option. They crave the feeling of safety and knowing everything will be okay. That’s where the bigness of you can hold them and bring them to a place inside that is always safe for them. Meanwhile, you have the freedom to explore this vast unknown.

This choice point can come in so many forms. Ending a suffering loop, shifting a deep relationship, leaving or entering a geography, choosing a new form of alchemy. Each of these comes down to the choice of stepping out of one stream of consciousness and entering another.

These potential moments of soul turn often come to you unexpectedly. A contract that you’ve agreed to for so long has suddenly run out and now it’s time to sign up again, or try something new.

Six years ago I made my biggest life shift yet, choosing to enter into a completely new way of life and start becoming conscious of the family of parts inside me. Joining my soul family in SoulFullHeart was an incredibly soul led decision, yet there was still so much fear and uncertainty about what might lie ahead.

So far it has brought every aspect of soul expansion you can imagine – reunion, separation, joy, fear, love, pain, beginnings and endings. And boy has it been ALIVE. The soul turns I’ve made in these years have been ones I didn’t know were possible or that I would ever even desire. I have become the woman I’ve always wanted to be – less afraid of her truth and bigness, leaning into intimacy in relationships, opening herself up to her own form of leadership, no longer accepting what isn’t enough.

There’s so much more to go as there always is but I’ve learned that the moments I fear the most in this unknown, are the ones that bring me the most gifts in the end – so long as I walk through the fire, and not around it. The more you trust your soul and the divine to catch you, the more you can support your parts and all the fears that reside within them. Magic will happen if you let yourself live into something you haven’t previously known. That is BRAVE and that is LIVING.


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Soul Turn Trajectories and Shifts Going On

By Jelelle Awen

So many of us are going through very important ‘soul turns’ right now, as I have come to call them. A soul turn is a significant shifting in one lifetime of your soul’s patterned learning trajectory that has been in place for many, many lifetimes. This lifetime is one for which so many have chosen to be here on the Earth Plane during this time of Ascension for the opportunity to experience soul turn shifts for ourselves and complete cycles of incarnational suffering.

A soul turn is moving beyond previously unconscious karmic binds, ties, and contracts. It is letting in resonant love as the main form of growth rather than from experiencing traumas in order to grow. It is shifting from going through suffering in order to wake up… to feeling and healing all the cycles of shame/punishment/judgement suffering cycles within you and in your soul that then leads to awakening.

It is shifting from drawing repeated traumas in order to see/feel them to TRULY transmuting these traumas into love again so you no longer need them. It is experiencing bonds with others that are based in love and not shared trauma.

Lifetime after lifetime, our soul chooses the situations, set ups, narratives, and companion souls to play the ‘roles’ of both support and shadow that will offer the most growth and learning for us. We take this on for the Divine, for our soul families, for Unity Consciousness, and for the ALL. We represent both the experience of and recovery from sacred wounds such as those held in the collective…the Fall of Lemuria, Atlantis, Avalon…the Matrix imprisonment experiment, the hijacking of our sacred feminine expressions and the Divine Mother experience, the distortion of the sacred masculine into patriarchy and more.

As we become conscious of the trauma patterns from this life and feel the parts of us that hold them, we are able to truly become free beyond them. The traumas no longer act as magnets in our emotional bodies and soul fields drawing MORE traumas to us for us to see and feel. Trauma, suffering, and pain is always a portal to self discovery and remembering…until we no longer need it to be.

It is now possible to become fully conscious of our soul’s experience and lift the veils that have previously been in place around this. We can now turn our soul away from suffering and toward love. Our Divine Self is able to defuse from the punishing/protective/wounded/defended parts of us and say ‘no’ to any situation, circumstances, and pattern that repeats our suffering. Sometimes we are still veiled to a situation and need the learning experience, yet the reason for drawing it becomes conscious much more quickly and then completed.

It is time to let go of suffering patterns and move into the experience of LOVE holding your life in ALL areas of your life. You are ready now to move beyond the previous veiled limitations. You no longer need to replay traumas & draw new ones….you are ready now to transmute them all back into love & experience goodness!!

Join Raphael and I in ONE week for a two hour group meditation call over zoom on Sunday, November 5th at 5:00pm WET/12:00pm EDT to explore navigating life change transitions and soul turns. More info to join us and receive the recording by offering a donation of ANY amount at or


Jelelle Awen

Pics are from our two day monthly group on Friday and Saturday, where soul turns are happening individually (I’ll share more soon) and as a community. We supported each other on emotional levels and energy clearing levels too. Blessed to have this outer support and love!
