Choosing Your Soul Turn

By Raianna Shai

When you enter a fork in the road, you have two choices that lie in front of you. Follow the known, or follow the unknown.

The known is safe and comfortable, full of suffering patterns that your soul has become so accustomed to. It may not be everything you’ve dreamed of, but it’s a straight and narrow path to survival and what you’ve been told is possible in this life. It is understandable and just as sacred to choose this path.

But what if your soul is calling out for something different. To choose something you’ve never tried in any other lifetime. To go behind the boundary of the known and take a leap into the space of possibility.

Many parts of you might struggle with this option. They crave the feeling of safety and knowing everything will be okay. That’s where the bigness of you can hold them and bring them to a place inside that is always safe for them. Meanwhile, you have the freedom to explore this vast unknown.

This choice point can come in so many forms. Ending a suffering loop, shifting a deep relationship, leaving or entering a geography, choosing a new form of alchemy. Each of these comes down to the choice of stepping out of one stream of consciousness and entering another.

These potential moments of soul turn often come to you unexpectedly. A contract that you’ve agreed to for so long has suddenly run out and now it’s time to sign up again, or try something new.

Six years ago I made my biggest life shift yet, choosing to enter into a completely new way of life and start becoming conscious of the family of parts inside me. Joining my soul family in SoulFullHeart was an incredibly soul led decision, yet there was still so much fear and uncertainty about what might lie ahead.

So far it has brought every aspect of soul expansion you can imagine – reunion, separation, joy, fear, love, pain, beginnings and endings. And boy has it been ALIVE. The soul turns I’ve made in these years have been ones I didn’t know were possible or that I would ever even desire. I have become the woman I’ve always wanted to be – less afraid of her truth and bigness, leaning into intimacy in relationships, opening herself up to her own form of leadership, no longer accepting what isn’t enough.

There’s so much more to go as there always is but I’ve learned that the moments I fear the most in this unknown, are the ones that bring me the most gifts in the end – so long as I walk through the fire, and not around it. The more you trust your soul and the divine to catch you, the more you can support your parts and all the fears that reside within them. Magic will happen if you let yourself live into something you haven’t previously known. That is BRAVE and that is LIVING.


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Arise, Sacred Human, Arise: Message From Your Divine Self

It is a time for burning and churning of what just isn’t going to come along with you into the new. If you’ve been ‘tempting’ fate and living in energies that are overly ripe for and needing change, now is when destiny reaches out Her hands to you and invites you to step UP.

Sometimes this feels like a shove and a push. Sometimes this feels like an irresistible embrace and you fall right into the lap of love.

You can no longer live on the outskirts of your highest timeline.

You can no longer sit in the back rows of your own life.

You can no longer shrink to fit in with those that are content to stay small.

You can no longer be defined by that which makes you suffer when you also hold the CURE.

You are so needed to come into your full bloom in the service of love. This is why you are here after all….during this time of so much shifting and changing, during this grand transition of humanity into new forms of expression! You are needed here….for the inner healing that extends to the collective. For the collective healing that benefits the individual.

These are Ashes In The Air kind of life phases. These are deep mournings, forgivings, and moving ons. These are dark nights of the soul that open out into more awakenings. These are completions that make new openings more possible.

These are funerals to celebrate what is now gone. These are ceremonies that celebrate what feels to be lost arising again in new forms. These are bifurcations that call you to make difficult choices.

SOULar energies of healthy masculine/Divine Father activation serve you to make the choices that are resisted by parts of you. These geomagnetic winds blow in new possibilities of shiftings and changes. The Matrix peaking brings life as you’ve known it to its edge/end so that you can reboot again and unattach from the previous forms.

The Divine Mother is here in whatever form you most need Her. She will hold the match and she will be the balm to soothe the burns and the swelter too. Call Her to you and She will come. Yet, you have to make room for Her and room for yourself too to let in the form of you that She represents.

To arise….sacred human… arise!

MUCH love to you and with you as we arise, ashes in our air, and the NEW a steady reminder of what we can become!Your Divine Self w/Jelelle Awen

More information about 1:1 sessions, books/writings, online community, group call events and more at

Let Go & Let Peace During This Dark Initiatory Time | Jelelle Awen & The Magdalenes

art by Michael Divine

By Jelelle Awen

Energy Update: Emerging out of my honeymoon and Bridal Chamber consciousness for which I’ve been happily indulging lately with Raphael, I can feel, of course, the intensity of events and energies that are occurring in the collective, 3D, Matrix with the lockdowns, restrictions, quarantine, v*ccine agenda, etc. Especially this is in my awareness as we have beloveds coming to and looking to travel here to Glastonbury and are going through a travel gauntlet of sorts to arrive safely here in Avalon.

My Divine Feminine anchored consciousness can’t really be separated in any moment from feeling and hearing the ‘cries of the world’…it is just what happens as you let Her into your heart, body, and soul.

I feel for those of us who are so sensitive to the cries of the world, the cries of the children, the cries of the womb/women that are peaking during this Dark Night for the collective….we ARE being supported to rise above this sensitivity at times, to ‘turn down’ the dial of our empathic radar. To not get too far ‘into it’ that we become deeply overwhelmed or frustrated. We will tend to take these energies into our wombs and hearts AS IF they are are own, which they are from the Oneness and Soul Family dimensions.

Yet, also, the reminder comes often, especially from Mary Magdalene who lived through much suppression in her time from the Romans/Cabal, ‘to let go and let peace.’ She reminds us that EACH soul is on their own journey through the dark night passages that they NEED to go through and that they have signed up for. It is not for our feminine hearts to rescue or save anyone, even when the urge is strong to do so.

To respect the bigness and sovereignty of each soul is to connect to the higher realms from which they originate. It can especially help to do this with loved ones who are still anchored and plugged into the 3D Matrix, still conditioned by the mainstream everything, and still believe others more than their own intuitive guidance. Connecting to their Higher/Divine Self to compassionately understand the reasons for their consciousness choices can assist you in this. Often the greatest mercy on both sides is to let them go, to stop tugging or convincing, to stop battling or trying ‘win’ any arguments. Giving yourself the gift of resonance and support rather around you allows you to truly serve and become love.

Covid has pushed up the divisions and polarities in world views and consciousness, in humanity’s matrix reality, so that we can see where we are resonant with others and where there is dissonance. It has illuminated that many souls are still not awakened to their sovereignty yet. Many more souls can awaken though now who are on the tipping point of doing so.
The v*ccines are a form of bifurcation or ‘sorting rod’ in that way as those who choose to get them are moving into an unknown place of altered DNA and RNA (some of them) and last gasp Matrix programming entering into their every cell. This is their choice to do so and, again, we cannot rescue them from it. The true impact/side effects of them is not known and won’t be for many years yet the ‘energy’ of them doesn’t feel good or healthy for the body ultimately, especially the immune system. Those souls who are awakened to a place to see the control agenda in the v*ccine and the very real harm to their light bodies and consciousness are easily and already aware of what it harmful about it.

The current energies are supporting us to ‘rise above’ whatever we need to in order to truly become ambassadors of love, primarily to ourselves and any parts of us that need it. This is a painful time of difficult choices at times, yet it is held in much Divine love for ALL of us. The divisions are being highlighted, yet Unity is the ultimate truth.

These current challenges are a form of initiation for each of us and for humanity. How we respond to them, how we process them, how we navigate them offers us an opportunity to heal on many levels.

The Magdalenes are here to help us water the seeds of Ascension they planted in other timelines/lifetimes. Ask for Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Mother Mary, Joseph, whomever you feel drawn to, for assistance and guidance during your personal walking out of this tumultuous time and they will BE there for you. Magdalene/Christ consciousness has been seeded in many and, although distorted by the Matrix in the form of mainstream religion, still retains its purity in those souls who respond to it and awaken to it.

Raphael and I offered a guided meditation from the Bridal Chamber yesterday to connect with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene energies as a bridge to experiencing the Divine AS your beloved:

Much love from the heart chakra of Gaia…which is breaking it feels like in order to more fully OPEN,

Jelelle Awen & the Magdalenes
More Info about 1:1 sessions, group call events, online community portal, writings/books at I offer much more in my Free To Be 5D book about the Ascension process, now available in audio, print, ebook, and PDF editions, with links at

Invitation From Our Higher Self and The Divine As We Awaken

By Jelelle Awen

Invitation From Our Higher Self and The Divine As We Awaken:

To find the light in the darkest corners of the self….to trust that light MUST be in there somewhere even when the absence of it seems so real.

To bring hope to the cries of despair….to trust that the feelings of ‘this pain is never going to end’ can be answered with love.

To hold onto the bigger picture of ongoing Awakening……to understand that the personal Dark Nights and the collective Hell spaces are temporary, necessary phases of the process.

To connect with the Divine holding and purpose in it all… surrender control, attachment, and knowing of outcomes with trust that it is ALL coming from love.

To feel with deep compassion all that exists INside of you… not cast away or out, or see as ‘evil’ what only needs love and forgiveness to return to its essence of love.

To remember that you are MUCH bigger than the human body….to merge with expansive, galactic consciousness states that activate your multidimensional access.

To tap into an energy of co-creation and collaboration….to recognize that you are not a victim to your journey, the Divine, or to anyone else.

To honor your personal experience as it aligns and defines the collective one……to experience Unity Consciousness within the soul spark of your individuality.

Ultimately and inevitability……to BEcome and serve love in sacred human form.

I feel MUCH love and support for you and me and our BRAVE choices to respond to this invitation with an ever evolving, yet consistently arising ‘YES!’

Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of three books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Jelelle offers a 90 minute one on one bridging session with her over zoom for $55 USD min. donation…more information here. Visit for more information about our NEW SoulFullHeart process programs, group calls, videos, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.