Ending The Inner Wars: Connecting With Your Protector/Inner Masculine

By Jelelle Awen

The suffering so often comes from the inner polarization, the inner wars between one part of you to another. It can feel as if this suffering is being caused by others outside of you….what they are doing or not doing, how they are behaving or not behaving, what they are giving or not giving. It feels as if the war is happening outside of you and so much calling parts of you to ‘go to battle’ over and over again.
Yet, actually, the wars are happening inside of you and showing up on the outside as a mirror. The wars happen inside because of the templating you received of them in 3D life and what your soul experiences in other lifetime/timelines. The collective 3D culture so wrapped up in defending and battling…….and YOUR intimate cult-ure of birth family engaged in its own battlefields too. What were the warring frequencies that you took in from your parent’s relationship? From the way their masculine and feminine (inside of BOTH of them) related with each other? What did they teach you about fighting, about resisting, about pushing and pulling?
You sponged in this templating as necessary for survival and parts of you formed in response to it. Masculine and feminine polarized parts of you took on ‘roles’ and frequencies of woundedness AND goodnesses too. Parts of you both rejected and accepted your parent’s templating….some of this inherited energy was put in shadow, some was consciously rejected, some was adapted.
The inner dynamic of polarized masculine and feminine leads to SO MUCH of the less than, lack, settling, codependence, and suffering that people experience in relationships and in their lives and in their souls too. It leads to SO MUCH of the patterns and cycles of loneliness/isolation on one end of the spectrum and clinging/overstaying/settling on the other end of it.
I have seen this so many times in sessions with people recently and over the years….and in my own process too. The inner masculine is often waiting in weary vigilance. The Protector (inner masculine) part of you desires for a release to the amped up state of seeing so much as a threat and for so long anticipating or being in battle. He waits to put down the weapons, to take off the armor, to let down his guard. He doesn’t want to be a ‘warrior’ anymore (not for love or light either). He doesn’t want to be the voice of judgement and criticism anymore.
Your Protector wants to be forgiven for ALL that he feels that he has done ‘wrong’ when he wasn’t able to protect you. He has lost the sense of Divine purpose in it ALL, the choices that you make/made on a Higher Self level to experience all that you have. He feels that so much of what you have experienced in this-life and other lifetimes is HIS fault. He is heavy with this fault and the guilt of it…and the shame too. This heaviness anchors him to 3D timelines and other lifetimes/timelines too.
He is the reluctant babysitter to your sensitive, vulnerable feminine, your Inner Child and Inner Teenager. He has so often been disempowered and disconnected from his authentic voice and capacity to set healthy boundaries for these parts of you. Instead, he is caught up in cycles of perpetuator and victimhood and stuck in traumatic, undigested scenes from your childhood unable to actually help feel and heal the parts of you that are still in trauma.
Healing the inner war is about bringing compassionate love to ALL these parts of you. To feel how it has been for your Protector and to be an energy of forgiveness toward him. To listen to his war battle stories and respond when he tells you about other parts of you that need your love. Giving him something to DO that is healthy and active and brings purpose to your life. Being with the younger parts of you so that he doesn’t have to hold them anymore. Being bigger than him in energy so that he can finally rest from being the guard/warrior and become the guide to you that he is meant to BE.
More about the Protector and other parts/Metasoul aspects here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/parts
Here is a guided meditation to connect with your Inner Protector and begin this empowering negotiation and with this vital part of you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ciJIvrn0xA&t=1170s
This is the moving into frequencies of inner sacred union and balance. This is what leads to the draw of an outer sacred union with a mate of resonant soul/heart/mind/body energies. Experiencing this primarily from INside of yourself as you understand and feel and heal what had become warlike. Bringing ambassadorship and Divine Mother’s love to even the most polarized of frequencies so that you no longer have to draw and experience them with others as a mirror.
Inner transmutation of polarized gender frequencies is a really vital and important aspect of Ascension. This is what the process looks like on an emotional body, intimate level. This is relational Ascension that allows for experiencing a fulfilling and empowered life in ALL areas of life (not just in the ‘spiritual’ area.) This is personal Ascension that also impacts the collective process on a quantum and archetypal level.
This is BEcoming love as you free up all energies inside of you to express as an unified field of the Infinite Love that you ARE!


Raphael and I will be talking more about this process of connecting with your Protector during a livestream today at 4:00pm CDT, with the broadcast recording available afterwards on my Jelelle Awen facebook feed and on our SoulFullHeart Experience Youtube Channel.

We support you during 1:1 bridging sessions for $55 USD min. donation with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator to connect with your Protector and heal your inner family: more info here soulfullheartwayoflife.com/bridging-session


Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Jelelle offers a 90 minute one on one bridging session with her over zoom for $55 USD min. donation with women and with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators…more information here. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.



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