How You Leave One Phase Of Life Determines How You Enter The Next

By  Raphael Awen

The changing season of the year causes us to yearn.

Whatever was left unfulfilled of summer desires, now falls into our personal composter to be transmuted into yearning. Yearning in turn takes us into new places as it seasons our appetite to trust again, to desire again.

I’ve always had most of my biggest life changes occurring around this time of year. This year is no different as we find a new place to settle in Portugal and break camp from our camping experience this summer in Northern Portugal.

If life is anything, it is an adventure where the advent and joy of new things invites us to let go of old things. This involves grief, mourning and letting go, all of which wouldn’t be a thing were there no attachment.

Of course, you were attached!

You had a really cool thing going on. It was the best you ever knew, quite possibly beyond what you even dared hope for. Now, it’s coming to an end. The only real ‘attachment disorder’ would be the inability to mourn the detachment.

If life is an adventure, then it is a series of attachments and detachments, of joys and sorrows. The ones who live the deepest lives are the ones who can let in the deepest joys and the deepest sorrows.

How you leave one phase of life determines how you enter the next. If you cannot grieve the loss of something that you truly loved, you’ll be hampered to allow another really good thing that will only end up compounding your unexpressed grief. This becomes the flatlined life we see passing itself off as normal all around us.

Life wants to utterly surprise you again, but it also doesn’t want to do that if it will end up being to your demise and unnecessary suffering. You get in shape for the next surprise if you are able to enter your yearning, being willing to truly want, being able to truly feel what you gained and what you lost.

You’re human, and humans get to grieve, because they also get to attain the coolest shit. Your courage and strength is found in your welcoming of the adventure.

Be with the parts of you who are afraid to grieve. They know that grieving lets in the next adventure and they understandably need digestion of the last adventure before they can go on to the next.

Raphael Awen

Jelelle and I went to Píodão yesterday, here in central Portugal.  An ancient town all built out of the local stone. For the travel bug in you, here’s a sweet article on Piodao:…/

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc.