Reunion is…

By Raianna Shai

Reunion is a
Wonderfully terrifying

Shaking the ground
Beneath our

Asking us to
Unchain ourselves
From the shackles
Of our past

Yet to be
Vulnerably intimate
With it
In tandem

The fears are alive
With a depth of desire
That guides our souls
Through fire and hope

We rest in the
Of falling up
Or floating down

Yet the
Yearning of our hearts
Will guide the way
To a new knowingness

That our time
Has been divinely appointed
And soulfully chosen

And all that we are
All that we move and feel
Has been written in the stars
Since our two souls split
Forever aching to reunite

So here we are
Trembling yet strong
In our purpose

To bring our two halves
Together as one
And heal a deep divide

Reunion is a
Wonderfully terrifying


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Reunion With My Beloved

By Raianna Shai

In just two days, Jasper and I will be reuniting as I pick him up from the airport here in Portugal. We’ve had quite a four year history of ins and outs, together and separate, right next to each other and worlds apart. In the last two years, we have been in completely different countries coming in and out of contact with each other, and even in and out of romantic exploration.

On that day, two years ago, I made a huge, life altering choice. I chose to end our relationship, let go of the dogs that have been in my family years, and move to Portugal to be with my Soulfullheart community. It was not easy, nor did it come without falter or doubt, but I knew in a moment of empowerment that I was choosing myself and my soul. I had to trust that on a higher level, it was right for the both of us, despite how painful the separation felt.

This phase of being long distance has been such a deep time of individuation and self discovery for both of us. I feel now how important it is to have the time to heal enough of your inner wounding and gain a more centered connection to the divine in order to let in something as deep as a sacred union. By sacred union, I mean connection on all levels and consistently working on your own inner world in order to transact together on the outside.

I spent a long time rebuilding myself, finding out who I am now and who I want to be moving forward. I learned so much from sisterhood about how to be intimate, set boundaries, ask for what you need and how to share my heart more vulnerably. I’ve grown more of a center and a deep sense of self in this individuation, though it will always be an ongoing process.

Our connection together has ebbed and flowed over this time as well. We didn’t talk for a while, then needed to for practical reasons. I felt done with the ground that we left our relationship on but my care for him never left. Many times we rode the line of getting back together and entering into a new phase of relationship. But each time I had to say no, or the divine circumstances said no, when it still didn’t feel like the right time.

This last round was different. We started out different. In a much more raw, tender and real way. Sharing our deepest fears, most vulnerable pains, and even our anger and desires. This conversation represented a timeline split of either a deeper goodbye or a new kind of hello. In turned out, it sparked the beginning of a new foundation going forward.

I’m so unbelievably grateful to have had all this time as a single woman to mend the parts that felt broken, to rise into a form of queen inside of myself, and reconcile some of the old patterns and behaviours that existed in our previous relationship. Neither of us moved on, neither of us forgot about each other, and neither of us was ever vilified by the other.

Every sacred union journey is unique and different. For me it took time, creating a relationship with the divine, and creating a home inside that was so safe, no part of me felt abandoned or lost in the dark. Now it’s time to make room for this outer masculine beloved and to start life together in collaboration and exploration! 💛

The attached pictures are the very first picture we ever took together and the very last before I left Canada!


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.


By Raianna Shai

The other day I was sitting in the grass near a chapel with my cat, and I got this deep sense of reunion flood through me. It was the day after our Soulfullheart three day gathering here in Portugal and with everything we all felt and moved through, I was left with a sense of completeness.

In each of our processes, we digested similar themes of telling our truth, being current and real in relationships and feeling why parts of us struggle to express both of these things. On the other side of these processes, my heart was filled with hope and understanding that everything we’ve ever dreamed of is all before us.

We’re simply wading through the emotional waters that are helping us arrive at our inner and outer heaven so that all parts of us can come along. Not just the ones that are ready and aren’t scared anymore, but the ones that are still scared and need us to love them through it.

With this in my mind and heart, this poem and video came out as a reflection of that reunion feeling inside and out. Things are coming together for each of us in different ways and ultimately, even when it feels like our path is being steered in a different direction, we’re still always getting closer to the heaven we want. For it’s always accessible on the inside ♥️

Here’s the poem:

I feel reunion
Dancing in the air
Reminding us to keep feeling
To keep letting in love
To keep dreaming of all you desire

It feels like falling in love
With yourself
With community
With beloveds

Like all the puzzle pieces
Are falling into place
Completing the mosaic
Of your heart and soul

Reunion brings you back to your heart
Back to your purpose
Back to your passion

It ignites all the colours
Of your inner rainbow
Even those left in shadow
Ready to be shown the light

Crack open the door
That’s been long shut
In fear of hurt or shame

Come home to your parts
Let them feel the love
They so deserve and desire

Let reunion pour in
Filling every crack
Every doubt
Every fear

And breathe in the new timeline
That you’ve created inside
Only to be mirrored
On the outside

The divine loves you
As you love you


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Into The Ring Of SoulFire

“If your beloved has the life of a fire, step in now and burn along”
~ Rumi

This past month has been a whirlwind. Completions, separations, polarizations, realizations, communications, and reconciliations. It has been a sacred fire that has burned, illuminated, and alchemized the sacred union inside and out.

The re-union of Jelelle and Taliesin (Raphael) sent a wave of energy that sparked a lot of emotion that was attached to a big structure within myself that was a veil to my deepest need, desire, and truth. It was a way that I have related to them, others, and myself that has just lost traction and use. I am finding another layer of my True North and SoulFire.

I woke up digesting our last Monday group gathering and realized that my heart still had a huge compartment with Kasha’s name written all over it. We were not reconciled somehow. Something was not ‘done’ within me. We needed to divorce. We needed to go our own ways. We needed to come back together in service, and we needed to roll out a ‘friendship’. But that all came tumbling down when the SuperNova Sacred Union codes came into our fields this week,

I can’t shake what this woman does to me and for me! We hold keys for each other and a deep well of Love for and with each other. We have both done a lot of inner work the past 8 years and have had our ins and outs, and ups and downs.

We have a lot to continue to digest about all of that. It is a scary place to go back in and face all of those things and the places we had feared to tread between us, but the draw is undeniable. I love her. I need her. I want to serve love with her. So as Rumi said, into the Fire we go!

We have our challenges and our ease. We have something that is in need of deep exploration and illumination. She is my Divine Feminine expression embodied. I get to see and feel myself in a deeper way through her. She gets to do the same. We get to feel the Beloved with us, through us, as us, and serve from there. This is our deepest desire and mission.

Many of you have been around our past iterations and may not be the least bit surprised. It was both surprising and not for us as we just know this soul story somehow, yet we get to create a new one together on blank pages while rereading the previous chapters and taking notes for the next.

I am blessed to be writing this with you, Kasha. Ecstatic and terrified both! Yet I believe in my heart we both have enough inside of us to keep going in and keep getting as real as we can to cultivate more of that Love we are meant to serve to the world. I have thrown my hat into that Ring of Fire. Now time to see where that takes us next.

I love you…


Gabriel Heartman is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator and Collaborator.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

The Reunification & Reconciliation Of The Inner Masculine/Feminine

This geography is bringing up so much around what I feel is a reunification of the masculine and feminine within. I have been working with the inner feminine for some time now and it is ticking up a notch and a half since I have been here.

But this ‘working’ is not just some generalized notion of ‘The Feminine’, but rather a very specific relationship with a part or aspect of me in a more intimate way. It is ‘my feminine’. I don’t mean that possessively, but rather more personally. They have a name and a frequency just like any person I may have a relationship with.

This has taken some time for my masculine parts to let in, yet has brought with it so many gifts for them. There is something to lean into and to learn from that has been a bit out of their grasp of conditioned consciousness. There is a need and desire for reconciliation and reunification on both sides.

I feel this feminine aspect really desiring this attention and cultivation. She wants to help bridge the gap with my inner masculine aspects that have some things to clear around the repression (and fear!) of her and The Feminine in general. I feel this process actually landing me in more of a union and dance of gendered poles rather than a blending of the two in some unisexual way.

I will do this through journaling, meditation, and bringing as much of them into my waking reality as I can. As this communion deepens, I feel I will be present to my own needs for romance and service as they will each bring their own gifts and passions.

I want to thank Raphael Awen for being a model and bridge to this inner love affair that offers so much for my sacred masculine embodiment that is personal to me and not some archetypal masculine that feels inauthentic to my parts. I look forward to sharing more about this ongoing healing between these very powerful energies.


Gabriel Heartman is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator and Collaborator.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.