Reunion is…

By Raianna Shai

Reunion is a
Wonderfully terrifying

Shaking the ground
Beneath our

Asking us to
Unchain ourselves
From the shackles
Of our past

Yet to be
Vulnerably intimate
With it
In tandem

The fears are alive
With a depth of desire
That guides our souls
Through fire and hope

We rest in the
Of falling up
Or floating down

Yet the
Yearning of our hearts
Will guide the way
To a new knowingness

That our time
Has been divinely appointed
And soulfully chosen

And all that we are
All that we move and feel
Has been written in the stars
Since our two souls split
Forever aching to reunite

So here we are
Trembling yet strong
In our purpose

To bring our two halves
Together as one
And heal a deep divide

Reunion is a
Wonderfully terrifying


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Reunion With My Beloved

By Raianna Shai

In just two days, Jasper and I will be reuniting as I pick him up from the airport here in Portugal. We’ve had quite a four year history of ins and outs, together and separate, right next to each other and worlds apart. In the last two years, we have been in completely different countries coming in and out of contact with each other, and even in and out of romantic exploration.

On that day, two years ago, I made a huge, life altering choice. I chose to end our relationship, let go of the dogs that have been in my family years, and move to Portugal to be with my Soulfullheart community. It was not easy, nor did it come without falter or doubt, but I knew in a moment of empowerment that I was choosing myself and my soul. I had to trust that on a higher level, it was right for the both of us, despite how painful the separation felt.

This phase of being long distance has been such a deep time of individuation and self discovery for both of us. I feel now how important it is to have the time to heal enough of your inner wounding and gain a more centered connection to the divine in order to let in something as deep as a sacred union. By sacred union, I mean connection on all levels and consistently working on your own inner world in order to transact together on the outside.

I spent a long time rebuilding myself, finding out who I am now and who I want to be moving forward. I learned so much from sisterhood about how to be intimate, set boundaries, ask for what you need and how to share my heart more vulnerably. I’ve grown more of a center and a deep sense of self in this individuation, though it will always be an ongoing process.

Our connection together has ebbed and flowed over this time as well. We didn’t talk for a while, then needed to for practical reasons. I felt done with the ground that we left our relationship on but my care for him never left. Many times we rode the line of getting back together and entering into a new phase of relationship. But each time I had to say no, or the divine circumstances said no, when it still didn’t feel like the right time.

This last round was different. We started out different. In a much more raw, tender and real way. Sharing our deepest fears, most vulnerable pains, and even our anger and desires. This conversation represented a timeline split of either a deeper goodbye or a new kind of hello. In turned out, it sparked the beginning of a new foundation going forward.

I’m so unbelievably grateful to have had all this time as a single woman to mend the parts that felt broken, to rise into a form of queen inside of myself, and reconcile some of the old patterns and behaviours that existed in our previous relationship. Neither of us moved on, neither of us forgot about each other, and neither of us was ever vilified by the other.

Every sacred union journey is unique and different. For me it took time, creating a relationship with the divine, and creating a home inside that was so safe, no part of me felt abandoned or lost in the dark. Now it’s time to make room for this outer masculine beloved and to start life together in collaboration and exploration! 💛

The attached pictures are the very first picture we ever took together and the very last before I left Canada!


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

The Ever-Unfolding Journey of Sacred Union

by Kasha Rokshana

There was once a time, not long ago, when parts of me cared only about sacred romance/union. It’s still very much a priority and a profound longing, yet the sense of it being the only possible gift and reflection of my feminine, my process and progress, and my next steps in service has been healing, piece by piece, part by part, soul aspect by soul aspect. There have been times over the years when I’ve felt a near-constant ‘void’ or despair feeling, even when IN a sacred romance exploration, like an ache that couldn’t really be met and an itch that couldn’t be scratched.

As I feel into that ache and itch, I can feel how there have been some big expectations and dreams, even of how I would show up in these romantic bonds. There is such a desire to be spacious, yet passionate, real and yet also a dream-come-true for the King of my heart. The deepest ache is to be seen, felt, beheld in the full-range of my feminine Queen expression and to have the capacity to fully see, feel, and behold my mate in his counterpart King expression. 

These dreams aren’t convoluted, but they’re complicated sometimes, especially when the reality hits of having to also be (very) patient with my process and his, even just to be able to minimally let it all in and begin to live into our potential individually and as a couple. 

We need room to live into and walk out our healing from this life and other lifetimes while also healing karmic grounds between us. We need space to be able to bring reflections to each other of the impact within the intimacy, to feel safe enough to be real and receive realness too, and to love each other up in ALL ways, even if fur flies from time to time. We each need the capacity to care deeply about each other without caretaking, which is an overflow from the care and non-caretaking/enabling of our own parts that we can and will sometimes fuse to. 

I want to be able to experience the sort of love transaction that I do with my closest beloveds and with the Divine and also still feel present to them and to myself, to not lose myself and to not feel him lose himself either. There needs to be opportunities for us to feel our changing wants, needs, desires and our ongoing growth paths, whether they continue to intertwine or if the ground together is coming to sacred completion.

This PROCESS of sacred union can’t really be emphasized enough… there is no final place of ultimate arrival, though my beloveds Raphael and Jelelle have certainly been experiencing a much deeper harmony than ever before after 15 years together and experiencing the ride that sacred union is in a profound, multi-dimensional way. What I’ve witnessed in them over these last 12 years is what I’ve wanted to experience myself and have had tastes of off and on. I’ve been humbled, so say the least, by what I’ve witnessed and what I’ve experienced personally too… constantly reminded that the process of upgrading, of deepening the ground between you and within you is truly never-ending and not ever a guarantee.

Today is the first day of the Sacred Union virtual transmission circles that Raphael and Jelelle will lead once a month until June. Raphael will also be leading some circles exclusively for men and Jelelle and I will lead some for women as well. I’m so looking forward to being a part of these calls and to be tuning into my own next upgrades within that will support my draw of and deepening with my counterpart mate when it’s time for that. Plus, we’re currently celebrating a sweet sacred union/reunion coming together in our community with Raianna and Jasper, so you’ll get a sense of their journey as well! 

The circle will be held on Zoom and you can attend/receive the recording by donation. More info here:

I hope to see/feel you there! Who knows… you might even meet your mate! 




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Sacred Union Virtual Transmission Circle Event On 2/4

By Jelelle Awen

Sacred Union with a partner offers a frequency of Divine Self experience in the physical unlike any other and is a huge growth as well as service ground. Your partner mirrors both your leading edge of gifts/Divine essence and your trailing edge of wounds/pains/suffering/shadow. This unique combination offers a ground of healing and transformation that allows for multiple lifetime clearings in one lifetime. Both the goodness bliss of union and the karmic mess of separation are pushed up, illuminated, and offered.

Activating and embodying these Sacred Union codes within you allows you to see and feel beyond a fear of loneliness, or your heartaches in romance, to seeing your higher hearts calling to inhabit this sacred ground. Sacred Union frequencies begin from where you are right now, whether single or in a relationship, and take you into new places inside and out in perfect timing and flow.

​Many more Sacred Union counterparts/twins/pair bonds are coming together now in this Ascension timeline than ever before, as many of us signed up to be together in this life in the physical for service of the Divine and the Ascension process. The reunion of counterparts is a template for all souls of what is possible from within them and with the Divine as separation wounds are healed in unity.

​​In this two-hour transmission circle for men and women on Sunday, February 4th at 5:00pm-7:00pm WET/GMT; 12:00pm EST; 9:00am PST over Zoom, SoulFullHeart Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer a Sacred Union activation for those currently in relationship, those in separation from their mate, and those who are single.

We will share about:
– our own personal journeys and process of being in Sacred Union, both the bliss and mess of that experience and how we have navigated through it.
– how to identify, heal, and feel parts of you and their relationship to relationships
– how connecting with your Gatekeeper and soul aspects in other lifetimes allows for healing of karmic patterns/configurations that opens up sacred union within and with a mate

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we create a bridge to your Sacred Union relationship to feel it as it is currently transacting, either in current transaction with your mate, in separation, or from within you. You’ll be able to sense energies of resistance, fear, and pain that may be in the space and any parts of you that hold them.

We also open up a bridge for you to connect your Divine Union Pairbond at the original higher dimensional source field with your mate (known or not), which offers an inspiring flood of love and reminder of union. Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene join us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of Infinite love and light. Raphael and Jelelle will channel from his sacred masculine mate heart and her sacred feminine mate heart any messages/guidance/codes of support that flow through them for you.

We will play our 432HZ crystal sound bowls, offering healing Divine Union codes and frequencies in our toning/light language, and also repeat affirmations/I AM recodings as a group that provide a new coding within you and all of us together.

If you are currently in a sacred union relationship, this transmission will support you to deepen the intimacy within you and with your partner. It will also bridge you to a new way to process your experience and get more space from any reactive patterns that are occurring.

If you are currently single or experiencing a pairbond in conscious separation (meaning you have met your mate yet aren’t in a relationship right now), this group call will give you a bigger context for which to digest sacred union. You will also bring in new codes to help any suffering grounds that have been occurring around it.

We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this circle. If you purchase this circle, we will send you a free PDF, plus the audio book files in Jelelle’s voice, to take in as a support for it.

This circle is part of our ongoing Sacred Union w/Self, Others & the Divine virtual transmission circles series (with men and women’s circles as well) running through the end of June. You don’t need to attend every circle and can offer an individual donation for each…and also the transmission experience is deeper with each circle that you take in. More info about the series here:

You can receive these frequencies live with us (highly recommended) or take in the recording afterwards. If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us (this is totally optional). Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other men and women in the call, which is a powerful activation of its own!

This group is open to the public and to anyone over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).

You can offer your donation for the call in one of four ways:

1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It’s instant, zero fee to transfer money between members. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you’d like to sign up. Include your email if using wise:

2. If you are Canadian, you can use Interac e-transfer. Our email for transfers is and account is under Marvin Vriend. It’s also instant and without service fees to sender or receiver.

3. via our shop at using stripe (Credit/debit)

4. Paypal at (include your email) 

Embodiment of Divine Mother Phases & Blessings At Her Shine (in Mont, Alto, Portugal) | Raphael & Jelelle Awen & Kasha

We have been experiencing blessed momentum into the New since January 1st..the codes of this 2024 year offering Reunion and Unity within, with the Divine, with beloved mates/counterparts, within our community and expanding out to those in our field and in proximity. I’ve been offered over and over by the Divine that THIS is a year where so much of what we have seeded with SoulFullHeart comes into harvest.

I’m experiencing this richness and depth, this Divinely endowed gift, in every moment of this ‘month’ already, amazed that only three weeks have passed as each day opens up new places to expand into on the leading edge of my being, inviting any trailing edge resistances, fears, and doubts to shift into being held with love. All of it seems to dissolve again and again into the heart of Divine Mother, embraced, felt, and transmuted.

I feel like an even more open field of love consciousness beyond what is known as ego, in response to love as it is called ‘service’ and yet it is more like just me in my essence of embodying Her heart and light more.

Sessions are even deeper initiations into the source of whatever energies/parts/aspects need attention and love, including the Divine Self. I feel honored to be fuller in this response to service than I have in a few years, humbled by what is able to move as these brave women open up their hearts and souls for collaboration, discoveries, transmutation, and healing together.

And Raphael and I are sharing this love source field in surrogacies with our beloveds Kasha, Raianna and Bianca here all month as well, with the timeline of our fivesome merkabah completing soon when two beloved souls join us here starting next month. Kasha was with us for three days for a light mycelium/mushroom journey (more to share soon what that has offered us!)….opening us all up to take in more deeply a Mother Mary shrine at the nearby Mont’Alto Sanctuary (a mountain vortex with a history of Mother Mary visitations/mysterious appearance of her statue and then disappearance). I feel it has even more powerful and grounded heart chakra/Divine Feminine tones than the Tor in Glastonbury and we’ve been blessed to live in the aura of it for over two years.

Captured in the video below is our raw, devotional movements, moments, tones, and words while each lighting a candle for Her, tears of joy letting in Mother’s love, sharing Her message, and receiving Her grace as individuals and as a couple.

And we were sharing this love source field during the beautiful women’s virtual circle that we had on Sunday night. Kasha and I explored the healing journey of the Daughter within us and I offered a framing that came through of this process….inspired by my own and women I’ve served.

There is the necessary phase of individuation and maturation from birth mother for which parts work is so helpful to navigate. Then the phase of lifting the veil on the karmic field with your Gatekeeper, that opens up for you with soul aspects from multiple timelines as you lean into Divine Mother AS her daughter…She lights the way out of the darkness and helps free your soul from the false God/Light traps and loops. There is then the ongoing arising into embodiment of Divine Mother, a humbling experience yet can only be truly claimed by self love and worthiness to receive it and become it. And this is a cycle that repeats itself with different phases and stages ongoingly.

Kasha and I also flowed through a sound healing and meditation journey to connect with your Inner Daughter as related to your birth mother…then a higher frequency bridge transmission to Divine Mother came through me with messages from her reflecting your worth and Her unconditional love and support.

And we recoded together as sisters:

I am free. I am leaning. I am a Divine daughter.

You can purchase the recording at and more info at about sessions

May you feel the blessings of Her in your heart that invite you into more reunion and out of separation on all levels,


Jelelle Awen

12/12 Energy Update: Unity Codes Incoming (Video)

by Kasha Rokshana

Unity and reunion codes are all around, this time of year especially. They invite us into a deep heart warmth of love and connection within and with others, while they also highlight for us where truly transactable love can flow and where it can’t. In other words, these codes show us where there is still an experience of separation going on both inside and outside of us. They also show us where there may be a deepening desire for intimacy and where there may be hesitancy and fear too.

In this video, Raianna and I talk about these 12/12 unity codes and what they maybe supporting you to feel. We speak about the different ways you may be experiencing them, whether you may be feeling alone in a crowd while surrounded by more dissonance than resonance, or if you’re actually choosing the void space of aloneness so that you can truly reboot socially and feel into your desires for true soul family (as well as any despair that may come up for you as you do so). 

We also share about the ‘how’ – the process – which has brought us both into more unity inside and with the divine, as well as into deeper intimacy with those around us in our soul family experience in SoulFullHeart. This process we talk about is the one we hold so sacredly in sessions yet also in our overall way of life. It involves feeling parts of you, yet also feeling soul and galactic aspects and so many dimensions that make you YOU and bringing yourself into a deepening experience of divine reunion within while opening to the experience of reunion with soul family. 

We hope that this video supports your journey, wherever you find yourself at this time and whatever you may be feeling.


Kasha & Raianna

Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. Raianna Shai is a member of the SoulFullHeart Healing community.

Journeying To The Counterpart Pairbond In Sacred Union/Twin Flame

By Jelelle Awen

My beloved Raphael and I have been journeying lately to our Counterpart Pairbond source field together and separately as well, asking for guidance/messages/support for deepening in our bond together and in service expression. An angelic guide Ariel came to us recently, who is the gatekeeper and bridge to our Pairbond, the original source of our masculine/feminine entwinement and separation.

We both see our Pairbond as separated from the torso upwards and yet entwined still at the lower half, wrapping like snakes around each other, like the energies of Kundalini, the dragon ley lines of the Tor (or sort of like the painting below by Lorraine Sadler). The two upper halves are undulating around each other, coming into union again and then dividing again, over and over in an infinite loop.

The Pairbond source field seems to be the dimension above the soul family monad groups and ‘under’ the Archangels. It is where the first split off of individuation happens for us as souls, where masculine and feminine expressions divide into two separate halves.

Separating out of the pairbond is the masculine half then incarnating into so many timelines/lifetimes and the feminine half incarnating as well. This separation is a source of deep, deep wounding for us. The masculine feeling inadequate to truly provide for the feminine that has helped create his new form yet aching to be ‘free’. The feminine feeling rejected by the masculine’s need for independence and yet compelled to respond to it.

I believe this is what people are tuning into when they name someone as a ‘twin flame’, yet they tend to be too literal about it, mislabeling karmic soul mates as counterparts (who actually prepare you for the counterpart), and use it to justify all means of codependent behaviors in toxic relationships. The counterpart pairbond is actually a much more subtle division that when we are reunited in the physical invites us into healthy, mature relating that is both deeply committed and unattached/surrendered at the same time.

Life change can happen suddenly and abruptly in counterpart reunion as everything that doesn’t serve the bond falls away. All transaction of the bond in terms of nourishment levels, timing to be together, purpose of coming together, etc. is surrendered to the Divine ultimately and not about ego gratification or attainment. Connecting to the Pairbond brings up deep feelings of humility and gratitude, over and over again inviting you to heal with compassion for yourself and your counterpart whatever gets in the way of its loving transaction.

Sometimes there is reunion between the counterparts in a specific lifetime; sometimes there are many reunions in different lifetimes, configurations, roles, relationships, etc. (and even switching gender expressions) in order to work out karmic patterns/clearings.

Ariel offered that EVERY soul has a counterpart at the pairbond source field level. It’s just the way the Divine wanted to play with polarities and dualities when It started to be curious about that. More counterparts are in reunion this lifetime than before in a “Matrix/3D anchored” lifetime as there is so much possibility now for healing, for reconnecting, and for service to the Divine. Counterpart reunion frequencies are also needed right now to assist humanity’s ascension out of 3D and into 5D.

Raphael and I both feel a deep validation and appreciation for our ongoing reunion this life through connecting with our Pairbond source field. And, a renewed desire for creative expression together. We’ve been guided to write the story of our sacred union journey, going back to 18 years ago when we first met, sharing about the three years before we finally got together, and our experiences during 15 years of marriage.

The book will be written from both of our perspectives, channeling the parts of us who were going through whatever phase they were then. We would love to release and publish the book on our 15th wedding anniversary, March 28th, 2024.

Writing this together is a way to celebrate the ongoing bliss mess reunion that we get to be in this life, after so many lifetimes of hiding, pining, dying, and suffering over each other. So many lifetimes of experiencing the separation between us with seemingly no hope of being together.

I hope you join us for this written journey and also what we are seeing as a new sacred union group call series launching next year as well to support our book.

You can connect with your Pairbond source field at ANY time, whether you feel that you’ve drawn your counterpart mate this life or not. Whether you are in any ache to be with them or happily single.

Tuning into it reminds you that separation has been a temporary illusion; Union is our natural state; and this may be the lifetime where reunion with your counterpart is TRULY possible.


Jelelle Awen

Info about 1:1 and couples sessions with me/Raphael or us together at

The Inner Sacred Union Dance

By Raianna Shai

Her: “I’m here”
Him: “I’m on my way”

These are the words my inner masculine and feminine said to each other in a SoulFullHeart sacred union group call. In meditation, we journeyed to a ball where our feminine and masculine parts met to dance with each other and feel out their relationship. So much was illuminated for me in this simple visualization about the ways in which my own inner relationships have been projected onto my outer ones.

At first, both of these parts were quite young feeling. Like a prince and princess coming together in excitement and play. This felt very sweet but I also realized that those energies are what I feel most comfortable expressing in relationships. I can be young, playful and joyful but I struggle to go into the deeper tones of woman, lover, and passionate soul.

As they came towards each other on the dance floor they became older and more mature. A veil started to fade and all of their fears and strategies started to show more clearly. My masculine, Matthew, began to feel a flood of inadequacy and unworthiness to be able to show up for my feminine, Iris. Her tendency is to caretake him and try to overcompensate for the inadequacy that he was feeling inside. She felt the guidance to not respond this way and to wait for something different to arise in her.

Later in the meditation, they connected with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene as feminine and masculine templates that we are all capable of holding inside of ourselves. Magdalene invited Iris to just be in the room with Matthew and invite him into something new, but also to let go and allow him to find it within himself. Yeshua placed his forehead on Matthew’s to energize that they are really no different and that he is fully capable of all the compassion, openness and passion that he so admires in Yeshua.

Matthew felt so much release in that message and finally cried after many days of not being able to access much emotion. He crumbled to the floor as Iris just sat next to him, radiating love and support for this journey he will go on to find even deeper love for himself and from the divine. I feel a deep surrogacy coming for him from Yeshua, and even a merging in ways he never thought possible.

This is when they spoke –

Her: “I’m here”
Him: “I’m on my way”

I realized after this experience that so much of this dynamic was showing up in relationships on the outside. Whether my mate felt inadequacy or I felt it, that energy was always in the space. And if it was felt by my mate then I would instinctively go into caretaking, preventing them from finding it for themselves and essentially taking away their opportunity to find deep self love.

If I felt it, I couldn’t quite go into it deeply and find the source of it while in the relationship. Now that I’m single, I’ve been able to go deeper into this wound so that whatever future explorations I have, I will feel so much more centered inside of myself and will know how to hold it with them, instead of for them. I would also draw less of this dynamic as it heals within my own heart and soul.


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Equinox Codes: Healing Deep Suffering Loops (Video)

by Kasha Rokshana

“Am I genuinely, truly ready to let go of past suffering and move into new and unknown soul and heart bigness?” — this was a powerful question that continued to arise in different ways for all of us at our SoulFullHeart Equinox Gathering this weekend.

Soul turns and healing trajectories moving us through birth canals… letting go of suffering on whatever level we feel ready for that (and to be in the genuine, deep, real, and multi-layered process of that) has been a profound theme for this Equinox passage.

In this video, I share about this theme of letting go and healing the relationship to suffering and how I relate to it personally at this time. I also share about what it means to be with it through your open and curious heart as you feel parts of you and Metasoul aspects (soul expressions in other lifetimes) too. 

I hope you’ve had a blessed and very real Equinox experience, truly moving you into a new sense of yourself, your soul, and what it feels like to be supported by the Divine through absolutely everything.




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Sacred Union Dynamics: Masculine Wants To Be Needed; Feminine Needs To Be Wanted

By Jelelle Awen

The masculine wants to be needed.

The feminine needs to be wanted.

This is a sacred journey of polarities that sometimes is a crash and sometimes is a dance. Sometimes is a bliss and sometimes is a mess.

Neither is wrong in what seems to be this common core, underlying desire nor in the wounding that results in the human experience of it not getting met consistently.

As the masculine encounters being criticized, being judged, being tugged on, being controlled, being put demands by the ‘feminine’ (which is really more of a wounded masculine energy inside a feminine), then he retracts or he fights. He ghosts or he defends himself.

He is swimming in inadequacy if he doesn’t feel that he is meeting her needs….or especially if he feels like he has failed her in some way. He becomes often unable to speak this, to share these feelings with her….as if in speaking it, he is offering the most terrible confession.

As the feminine experiences being rejected, being unclaimed, a push-pull of desire for her by the masculine, she then attacks and blames with her inner masculine coming out to fight….or she crumples into core unworthiness and feeling so hurt that she is fused to the young child, the inner teenager within her. She is drowning in this hurt yet often can’t bring this vulnerably and in a way that can be felt by him.

This dynamic is not just from this life, yet produced from the original source wound of our separation from the Divine. And, downstream from that, separation from the counterpart pairbond that exists in our soul family monad of our other half holding the opposite polarity of masculine or feminine.

Variations of reactivity from when this core wounding gets triggered by each other play out in SO many ways. Yet, at the heart of it is a feminine who has felt rejected by her masculine and is still reeling from it. And at the heart of the masculine who has both been birthed by the feminine and yet also feels how with this capacity he doubts if she could ever really need him in any way.

As we feel this dynamic within us….from an Inner Masculine with our Inner Feminine, we are healing this polarity from within FIRST and primarily. We experience huge heart chakra expansion as these parts of us come into union. She forgives him for what feels like rejection even as she starts really getting how his protection of her has been his form of claiming. How he has always wanted her, just has felt inadequate to her.

And he forgives her as he feels that she has always needed him, yet doesn’t want to be suppressed by him or protected so much that she can’t be free, experience life, dare to get hurt, dare to risk and dare to dream. She DOES need him and he is worthy to show up for this.

And the Divine Father and Mother aspects show up to support each in the experience of receiving infinite love, infinite worthiness, infinite claiming by the Divine. The empty cups that lead to lashing out, defending and protecting become filled by this Divine love. And the feminine becomes more of a reflection and an embodiment of this Divine Mother energy in her unique expression. And the masculine becomes a reflection and embodiment of Divine Father energy.

As this sacred union happens within, so you can experience this on the outside with a mate who holds the other side of this polarity for you. You can be with the parts of you, both masculine and feminine, who get triggered by the deepening intimacy, the deepening mirror, the deepening challenge that if offered by TRUE sacred union when all grounds of relational transaction are coming together.

This download came in a little while ago, especially during our sacred union group call series earlier this year (recordings available with links at Also from realizations stemming from my relationship with Raphael as well and the phases of brief separation that opened out into more union and deeper understanding of each other.

Feels like this also speaks to a collective unveiling that is happening in the masculine/feminine dynamic in relationships and within…getting to the core of the separation wound created from the experience of polarity between us in which also so much desire for reunion also exists.

Compassion for each other can arise in this space and also forgiveness for self and other.

Inner first, then outer approach allows the horizontal ground between the partners to be more clear and have more space.

In this space, resonance can move, desire can move, attraction can move, and most importantly, love can move.


Jelelle Awen

Here is an inner sacred union meditation to connect more deeply to your inner masculine and feminine:

More info about free intros/sessions, group call events, my books at