Context, Content, And Deeper Feeling

There is a sacred process happening on this planet. I feel it, you feel it, we all are feeling it. But are we reacting to it or REALLY feeling it?

There is a way that parts of us can go into a particular ‘modus operendi’ when it comes to deep feeling. When I used that word above I am getting I really meant ‘sensing’. First, there is an intuitive or even an obvious sense of what is happening. And then there is going into feeling.

How we respond to that feeling is varied. We can research, protest, get paranoid, paralyzed, positive, or proactive. I find myself doing a little of bit everything depending on what part of me is in the forefront.
All of it is a natural flow of our emotional body. It is all welcomed and necessary. They are all portals to access our Divine Self. That essence of each of us that has a larger perspective and understanding, while at the same time hold space for the deeper feeling that emanates from our fractured selves.

Finding context in the midst of it all can open some more space to breath. That context is one that lives in you that may find resonance in different places. It gives parts of you something to lean into. That context is really You. Your Higher or Divine Self lens.

Yet, context also provides the space to feel. When we are locked in content, we are fusing to the more wounded aspects of us. They lose sight of a bigger heart and soul picture that takes them to sobriety and even hope.

When you can feel or at least see from a wider or higher vantage point, those deeper feelings (parts) are given permission to unfurl and unpack. They let go into deeper vibrations of loss, grief, fear, and rage while not getting wrapped up in them. They become rivers and not dammed up energy. Interesting…dammed and damned.

I continue to feel deeper layers of my feeling that lie under my reactions and responses. The clouds look thick and foreboding from a certain vantage point. There is also infinite sun shining on the other side of those clouds. Both are true in our full spectrum of awareness. It can be hard to see the forest for the trees, especially when it feels like the forest is on fire.

If you or someone you know is struggling with finding context and getting caught up with the plethora or content, please get in touch for a free 45 minute consult/intro call with me or any one of my beloveds here at SoulFullHeart. We can work together to feel the parts of you that are in need of context, and more importantly You as a Divine Self. Visit for more info.

Raphael and Jelelle Awen will also be hosting a Group Call and Meditation around the Covid narrative on Sunday, April 18th at 5pm BST. Visit for more info.

Sending much love to you and your inner world as you navigate the content to find your context


Gabriel Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for both men and women.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

We are now offering our SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a private virtual gathering place for sharing exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal for a membership fee of $14.99 USD a month:

Sovereignty And Surrender In The Age Of Fear And Control

In the past year since the world went on a fear bender, one of the biggest reactions that has come out is our relationship to our own sovereignty. We are being inundated with governmental sanctions based on a scientific ego that does not want to be questioned or prodded. It just wants to be right no matter what. Forget the fact that Science itself is based in questioning.

So we are left in a state of what feels like powerlessness. Our freedom to live our lives as we see the fittest for us is being put in the luxury category. No longer an ‘inalienable right’ but rather a gift from the Covid Masters of the Universe. This flares up our ‘sovereignty’ gene. The inherent aspect of us that needs to express as it needs to and wants to. It is our individuated spark of the Divine. It is masculine in nature and it is a bucking bronco when it needs to be.

This whole experience is a great portal into this territory of Sovereignty and Surrender, not just in relation to the current state of affairs, but also in general even before this timeline began.

What does it mean to be truly Sovereign?
How does Surrender relate to that?
Are they in conflict or is there a symbiosis?

When I feel these questions, I can sense the part of me that is in reaction to all that is going on. This anger and anxiety of sovereignty being eroded away until it is just left in a box, or a prison in a much more dystopian context. Yet, what if this experience is giving me the gift of feeling this part of me?

What is this trigger leading me to in my heart and soul?
What is the inner picture here?
What if I were to surrender to this invitation of going in and really FEELING this feeling rather than end-running around it with rage or despair?
Or maybe even Love and Lighting myself around it too!

In this process, I have felt a deeper relationship to my own sovereignty and what it means to truly surrender. It is not about ‘submission’. That is to just give into what is going on without feeling or questioning. It is unconscious compliance. Even then that is still a sovereign choice to do so. I am finding myself surrendering more into a greater context as well as claiming my sovereignty to choose how I want to respond. What energy do I truly want to be in and for what purpose?

I know I am asking a lot of questions here rather than giving ‘answers’. I feel we are being led to our own personal answers through these questions. I have a viewpoint from which I am sovereignly creating as well as surrendering to a bigger picture and to a Divine Love flow that is aching to come through me. I choose to let Love guide me and show me the where the fears and shadow lie in all of this. What is my role in the great scheme of it all? It is not about convincing, but about feeling.

On April 18th, Raphael and Jelelle Awen will be hosting a call about the Covid Narrative this past year. Raphael and I will also be hosting a Men’s Group call on this topic of Sovereignty and Surrender on April 24th. You can find more information at

I will be writing more about sovereignty and surrender over the next couple of weeks as they have played a big part of my healing journey over the past decade, especially in relation to romance, community, and intimacy. I look forward to hearing about your journey with them as well. Here is to your inner journey around these very profound ideas. Ultimately, Love is wants us to claim both. The deeper question is how we do that from the inside out rather than the outside in.

To be continued…


Gabriel Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for both men and women.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

We are now offering our SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a private virtual gathering place for sharing exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal for a membership fee of $14.99 USD a month:

The Physical Body As A Tuning Fork | SoulFullHeart Session Testimonial

I received a wonderful email from a woman I currently facilitated in the SoulFullHeart parts work process and how it helped her move through a current emotional trigger. This is one aspect of the work that can really open up context and innerstanding as well as personal, self-to-self intimacy.

The physical body is like a tuning fork. It tells us when something is not quite humming in our natural frequency. In session space, I like to feel the body and see where the messages are. In that place there is a part of the emotional body that is attached to it. Using it as a direct line to your heart and soul awareness. Like an alarm bell asking for help and attention.

This part of you can assume a plethora of roles inside of you. Initially, it is generally an Inner Protector. Other times it can be and Inner Child or Inner Teenager. They also have there own relationship to each other that creates vibratory dynamics in your physical body.

When these parts are met and felt where they are at, it creates a going on place for you and them. It is just the beginning and not just a one-time catch and release. It is a relationship just like any other. It needs attention, consistency, and cultivation.

This part of the work may not be the sexiest when it comes to healing work but it is essential when ascending ALL of you. This life experience offers each of us a variety of experiences that are portals into the heart and the soul. It all eventually brings us back to the what has felt like the loss of Love. The Separation Wound.

So there is not one part of our healing that is better or small. It is all important and all sacred. If you are experiencing continued triggers or emotional/physical unrest, please get in touch for a free 45 minute introduction call to see if and how the SoulFullHeart process can bring in some much needed context and a going on place for continued growth and healing.


Gabriel Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for both men and women.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

We are now offering our SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a private virtual gathering place for sharing exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal for a membership fee of $14.99 USD a month:

SoulFullHeart Avalon Updates: Issue 11

Blessed Easter weekend to you!

Today we shared our latest Avalon Update, featuring a piece by Jelelle Awen in which she talks about the ‘hijacked’ womb that has been influenced by what she refers to the “Ursula Consciounsness” or a false feminine/wounded matriarchal overlay.

As sensitive empaths and star seeds, there is a tendency to take this Ursula energy within us and try to transmute it to love again. There is often a soul contract/agreement as well with family members that we will serve this role within the family line, bringing light to the darkness of the ancestral wounding. However, this unconscious taking in and ‘holding’ within our wombs of this toxic energy has a cost to us, creating cycles of physical chronic illnesses (including PMS and menopausal symptoms), codependency/abuse in relationships, suppressed sexuality/sexual desire, avoidance of relationships and ‘lone wolf’, disempowerment in expression of soul gifts/struggles with manifestation/alchemy, and more.

Jelelle and Kasha Rokshana also talk about their upcoming Women’s Call on the same topic happening tomorrow at 5pm London time. More info in the update.

There are many new writings to take in from Gabriel, Kasha, and Raphael. New upcoming events are listed as well.

To take in the full Avalon Update, go here.

Much love from all of us!

~ The SoulFullHeart Community

Feeling Easter As Your Own Death & Rebirth Process

This has been a very rumbly week leading up to Easter. There has been a churning of death and rebirth going on inside and out. My sacred union with my beloved Kasha has been put to the ‘test’, so to speak, with so much new ground needing an old ground to burn away in order to come into our next level of conscious romance and leadership.

I have needed to be ‘off’ social media to let all of this digest and find its way inside of me. It has been about continuing to find my voice, speak my truth and needs, as well as feeling the fear of doing so. It is this truth that can change so much. It creates and it destroys, but not necessarily in the way that a part of us may feel like it will. It is this fire that is meant to be alchemical and not necessarily harmful.

I was starting to feel the ways in which this fear is more about embodying our true power in the world and what that can actually create. If power and truth in our soul history has been experienced or judged as a ‘negative’, then we will inevitably find a way to suppress said power. We will remain in a push-pull around it. Deeply wanting and needing it, while hiding it at the same time. This creates suffering rather than movement.

This power has been held as a control mechanism inside of me. A way to manage and maintain a particular consciousness while my soul and the Divine are strongly, yet lovely, inviting me into something more essential, more real. Something long forgotten or buried. This is where a tight grip has formed or an anxious fear of surrender. I realized how much a part of me has still clung to this control structure.

In meditation I saw a sand castle on top of a stream. The foundation of this sand castle was collapsing into the stream. The castle was starting to crumble and I could feel parts of me trying to build it back up with more sand in order to keep it up. There was a tiredness in that. A readiness to let go while fearing the unknown of it all. I felt the stream as the Divine Itself, as Love, as the Tao. It just wants me to be the stream. Be in active surrender to where it is meant to take me even if I can’t see around the bend or it winds up in rapids.

It is my vulnerability and truth that keeps me afloat. It is what allows me to flow with my currency and is my true power. That stored up power in the castle just changed form and into embodiment. As the castle fully collapsed, I shed tears. I felt myself collapse into the flow of Love. I felt baptized and renewed. I felt a new connection with Kasha and myself.

As a result, I found myself realizing I needed to go back to my previous name of Gabriel. A lot has moved for me since trying on Aurius, but Gabriel is the essence of who I am in my soul. It is my Divine name. I just needed to flush some things out and reboot it. My beloveds also have an affinity for Gabriel and so that was enough for me to choose to go back. I will keep Amara as my last name, however. It has a frequency I love. It represents my inner feminine.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me, and I hope that it has a service to you in all that you may be going through at this time. I am always here to facilitate and hold-space for this process that has taken me to new worlds and embodied awarenesses inside of myself in deep terrain. It is alchemical and transformative.

Much love to you this Easter weekend and may you meet your next death and rebirth cycle with grace, compassion, and courage.


Gabriel Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for both men and women.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

We are now offering our SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a private virtual gathering place for sharing exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal for a membership fee of $14.99 USD a month:

Healing The Legacy Of Fatherhood To Access Our True Power, Adequacy, And Vulnerability

Today I have been feeling how much my leadership and relationality is rooted in the legacy of my birth father. My relationship to Power, Adequacy, and Vulnerability come in large part from my modelling of it from him. I am not blaming, I am noting, realizing, and taking responsibility for that. I get to change the course on that one by feeling and owning where it lives in me.

What also lives in me are the ways in which he modelled something healthy and true. None of us are all good or all bad. We have qualities we have a sense of ‘mastery’ over and other qualities we don’t. When I have felt that ‘not so good’ feeling about myself or my place in the world, I know there is something rooted in what I was steeped in as a child, as well as the collective and the soul.

As I have continued to step more into my worth, mission, and leadership, I can feel the ways in which I am healing that legacy within me. The shadow and the wounding get to come front and center and I can be with that in a compassionate way, not as it being a ‘part of the problem’. My father gave birth to my own version of ‘father’ that is now coming online as a leader, space-holder, and way-shower.

My own Fatherhood is about feeling my own empowerment (worth), care for others (compassion), and directness (truth-telling). These all come from a process around Power, Adequacy, and Vulnerability. It brings what lies in the Shadow into the Light not to be analysed or judged, but felt, seen, and integrated. I have a new relationship to these three portals now that I can feel how both my birth father and my inner father have related to and experienced them.

We don’t need to be, or haven’t needed to be, a father in this life to feel where this energy lies within each of us. When we go into these doorways, we are taking one step further into not just our own healing but the healing of the collective and the planet. The Patriarchy is rooted in Disempowerment, Inadequacy, and Invulnerability. It doesn’t feel good about itself. Actually, it feels like shit about itself. It is also existentially afraid of its own shadow. This lives in our own inner patriarchs/fathers. The wheel will continue to spin unless we address these things. No amount of suppressing and non-feeling will get us there. It may be a messy process at times, but so very needed.

If you are resonating or curious about this for yourself, Raphael Awen and I are hosting a Men’s Group Call on this very thing this Saturday, March 27 at 5pm GMT (London Time). It will be a two-hour call with a guided meditation to meet an Inner Protector aspect (possibly your inner father) that holds the keys to these doorways. It will be over Zoom for a donation of any amount. Go to this link for more info and how to donate:

We both look forward to connecting with men that are feeling the struggle yet desire for healing and perspective around these emotions and energies with compassion and hopefully offer some going-on places as well.


Aurius Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for both men and women.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

One Year Later: Freeing Yourself From The Psychodemic

One year ago we all found ourselves walking through the threshold of a New World Order. An Order rooted in fear, facts, and fallacy. It was our global 9/11 moment and it has forever changed the way we experience the world we live in and those we relate to. We have become Alice in Wonderland wondering when the hell things will ‘get back to normal’.

I don’t believe there can ever be a going back. The collective psyche has been altered. Forget about your DNA, which is still being worked on depending who is doing the ‘working’, but the soul of our humanity is being altered. This has not all been for naught, however. There has been a lot that has become clear for many as this whole grand experiment/experience has awakened a population to what is real and what is not for each of us.

Science Fiction is coming alive before our very eyes. It clearly was never ‘fiction’ but a precursor to what was to come. It has become more of Science Friction. The use of science, ‘facts’, and fear as a weapon against ourselves and each other. We have been in a pinball game or roller coaster of emotion for some time now and it is becoming normalized. Life has become a dystopian novel trying to find its way into our consciousness. The question is will we let it?

As much as we may have a compulsion to go ‘out there’ to and solve the global psychodemic, it feels even more imperative to go inward. Like Neo running into Agent Smith at the end of the Matrix movie, we are being called to find the matrix tyrant within us. Who is this shady creature from the Black Lagoon of our Shadow and Control Center. The Wizard of our Oz. As so many wise and ascended masters have told us, as above, so below. What is outside, is inside.

This ‘creature’ is not a boogyperson. It is a engrained, conditioned, and legacy aspect of us from a bygone era. It is our connection to the System that we were born and raised in. It is being fed a consistent diet of bullshit that it has learned to accept as real food. Just like Neo was hooked up to the multitude of tubes when he woke up in that egg-like container. To meet this aspect of you is to meet yourself, but in this poorly-written and poorly-directed Epic of Gilgamesh we are calling ‘reality’.

I invite you to find and meet this aspect of you. It needs your sacred heart. Your soul spark. Your Divine Self to come and save it. YOU don’t need saving! This part of you does. There is NOTHING out there can can do the saving, the living, the liberating. It’s all you, my friend. This aspect of you has been judged, out of fear and control, to be a dark entity. Not so. The tag was put on it so you wouldn’t find him/her/it so that you could actually free yourself from the spiderweb that has been crafted for eons.

This aspect may not be found easily, or may even resist out of fear. The timing will present itself if you can consistently go into your heart and connect with Love. It is Love that lights the tunnels and caves of this Dark World. It is Love that holds the keys to the locked doors. It is Love that can hold the space for the fear, the hate, the unworth. It is Love that exists within you that is your saviour. It is your shamanic medicine against tyranny, injustice, and control.

I will work on a guided meditation to meet this aspect of you caught in the grids, the web, the inner caves of the matrix. This is where true freedom lives. The crossroad of the heart and soul, using the mind to create what wants to be made real or real-ized. You don’t need a degree to get there. Just a desire for a New World Order within rooted in Love and not Fear.


Aurius Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator and space-holder.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

Firing On All Cylinders: Feeling The Blocks To Passion And Purpose

There is this deep desire to have sex with Life Itself. I don’t mean that in the physical way, of course, but energetically. This fire that wants and NEEDS to create, serve, and heal. In that, it also needs to destroy, illuminate, and transmute.

SoulFire is part of our essence, as is SoulCare. One has a masculine edge, the other a feminine one. Together they make life meaningful, purposeful, and alive. This is not to judge any state you may find yourself in as ‘less than’ or ‘lacking’. It is just noting what feels alive and true and what doesn’t. It is in that awareness that you can feel where the fire is and isn’t. Where the care is real and where it is hidden.

You can imagine yourself like the engine of a vehicle that has cylinders where pistons move through to create the spark by which the engine runs. Sometimes we feel like we are running on all our cylinders and others we may only feel like we have half of them online. Like a mechanic, you can ‘go under the hood’ and see why certain cylinders aren’t firing.

It’s no so much a fixing in the 3D sense, but more of a feeling and heart presence as to what is not letting Love do its job, which is to provide you with the fuel you need to be fully alive and aware of itself.

There can be so much build-up inside your cylinders, or heart channels, that it can bog you down into states that take you into dark times. These are moments of deep rest and deep feeling. Sometimes space-holding can help move things and get clarity as well as an opening to more Love and context.

In two weeks, Raphael Awen and I will be holding a men’s group call about Power, Vulnerability, and Adequecy. These feel like big topics for men and there ongoing ascension and healing journeys. We will also be posting a video soon, with our soul brother James Elphick, having a conversation and meditation about this very thing.

We invite all of our male friends here to join us on this call as well as have a dialogue about what you feel is preventing you from full living and being your most empowered and passionate self. To all our female friends, please tell anyone you feel would be interested.

We both look forward to meeting and connecting with other men around these topics as well as offering our space-holding services. These times are showing us our strengths as well as our challenges and needs. We hope to be a part of that ongoing awakening to our liberated, wild, and alive being in the world.


Aurius Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator. Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

Preface To ‘The Quest: A Men’s Healing And Ascension Journey’

I started working on a book about the quest of the sacred masculine and its healing journey about this time last year when I was apart from my soul fam in SoulFullHeart. Of course, it couldn’t help itself from being anything less than what I had learned. It was a way for me to see myself, feel myself, and hopefully help other men in the process.

I have gone back to it recently and felt a pride in what I started and feel drawn and guided to continue on. I may share excerpts along the way as they highlight themselves. Today, I felt to share the Preface as it has relevance to our current collective situation and how are huMANity and masculinity relate to it. I look forward to where this journey takes me in my leadership and service of love to the men (and women!) it is meant to land in.

“IT IS CURRENTLY 2021 and I find myself, along with all of humanity, in a very tumultuous time in history. A global pandemic of fear, psychological and informational warfare, disclosure, and governmental authoritarianism is reigning supreme in our collective drama. Those that have been ‘elected’ or determined to be the leaders of the glorious mothership we call Earth/Gaia, are showing themselves to be ‘emperors with no clothes’.

I started to write this book about the awakening, sacred masculine right around the time the world went into a frenzy of lockdowns and an ever-mounting case load of information showing that we are being hooped and reigned in by a consciousness that is dystopian, dysfunctional, and dis-integrated. There are cries that the Old Guard of the Patriarchy be taken down and dis-membered (many times expressed literally!). There is the disclosure of the ‘Deep State’ as well as the hidden hand that is its ‘Luciferian’ influencer.

I put words in quotes not to dismiss them, but to highlight that these words are portals into something more contextual and less exact. This is not a book about evidence, data, or convincing this or that. It is about feeling within the current circumstance we find ourselves in as human beings, and more specifically as the masculine side of that equation (more on what I mean by that in the following Introduction.)

The male/wounded masculine dominance of the past few thousand years is being brought to trial and exposure by the collective arising feminine as well as the awakening, healing masculine. This is not an anti-man exploration. My journey has been to find the roots of our collective wounding through my own personal healing and introspection/integration process. In my heart it is very PRO-masculine, the healed transmutation of what has not been working and the honoring and cultivation of what has.

As men on a quest for our authentic expression and embodiment in this drama, we are being called to initiate ourselves into something new that brings us face-to-face with the Shadow that is appearing right in front of our very eyes these days. We are being invited to seek our calling and purpose in this death and rebirth process known as ‘Ascension’.

We all have a huge part to play in the years to come. Yet to recreate and rebuild I feel we need to do that from a more healed and honest place within us. Who we truly are is a result of seeing and feeling what we have been through with a courageous and compassionate heart as well as passionate conviction to be the change we want to see in the world.”

Raphael Awen and I will be hosting a Men’s Group Call on Saturday, March 27 via Zoom at 5pm GMT. The topic will be Power, Adequecy, and Vulnerability. We will be doing a video conversation and meditation soon to bring this into clarity. But until then you can visit our page at: for more info and donations for the link.


Aurius Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator.  Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.

The New Frontier Of Sacred Sexuality

This coming Sunday, Jelelle and Raphael will be hosting a group call over Zoom on Sacred Sexuality ( This topic has a lot of energy to it in a variety of ways.

So much of our human story is wrapped up in our sexuality. What it is or isn’t. What it has been used for or used as. What we have been affected by or traumtized by. We all have a different relationship to it.

From an early age, sexuality was seen as a means to some kind of validation. I was shown a Playboy magazine when I was 7 years old in the basement of a neighbors house. I was told to do things that felt weird in order to be given the luxury of seeing it and bearing witness to it.

From that point on, sex was also seen as something taboo and mysterious. It became an obsession in my teenage years and fomented a consciousness that became quite a suffering ground. I took to pornography as a means to satiate this need for power, adequacy, and intimacy (without actually being intimate).

When I met Kasha in the beginning of my SoulFullHeart healing journey, I got to see how my sexuality was out of synch with my emotionality. My heart and my ligham were not necessarily in the same room at the same time. Shame would come up at times in response to this which led me down the Freudian mother wounding path that I needed to address in order to fully embody my more healthy sexuality.

I can’t tell you how much suffering was embedded in my relationship to sex. Through much deep-diving and connecting to my parts and Metasoul around it, I feel like I am just starting to begin a new journey with sexuality in a sacred way in my reunion with Kasha.

It is more about the sexuality inside of me first. What is THAT all about?! This feeling of my own inner sex is tantalizing and curious. It is rooted in creativity and Love. It is wanting to have sex with the World and the Yoniverse. It wants to produce works of art, writing, music, and dance.

The sexuality between Kasha and myself wants to head into more of the energetic heart and soul exchange rather than just the standard-bearer of genital sex (not that I don’t enjoy that too!😊🔥). There are portals and merkabas to explore and discover. There is deep passion and Love that are meant to be birthed into the world through our union of energies.

I feel a more grounded and mature relationship to sexuality now. One that is embodied and through a healing heart and clear soul. It is a new frontier that is beyond pleasure yet includes it in a much more healthy way that I feel I have always longed for since the day in that basement.

If you feel a draw to this healing and renewed relationship to sexuality with Self, Other, and the Divine please join the call this coming Sunday at 5pm GMT. More information at There you will also find information on our upcoming Men’s Group call on Power, Adequecy, and Vulnerability on March 27th.

Much love and hot sex. 🔥❤️🕺🏼💃

Aurius Amara is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator. Visit for more information about sessions, group calls/events, videos, community, etc.