Your Unhappiness Is Key To Your Happiness

By  Raphael Awen

If you’re not unhappy, you’ll never come to know true happiness.

Twenty years ago, I had ten big desires brewing inside of me, that all felt so out of reach. Today, I’m actually living in the fulfillment of all ten.

In some ways, at 62 years old, I’m happier than I ever imagined I’d be and in some ways, I’m not.

If you’re curious and drawn to some real transparency, please allow me to explain, but only if you’re truly wanting to dare to own your own sacred journey, as well as your deeper desires.

If you’re here and reading this, I feel it’s safe to assume that you’re connected to a deep common denominator in each of us to grow and expand. That’s why I’m writing and reflecting on this, actually, to keep on growing.

A quick list of the 10 really big desires I had brewing back in 2004 were as follows:

To escape the world I had created in a profitable niche world in my 30 year long painting contracting business. It was too easy and felt like a trap in many ways.

I wanted to leave the city I had spent the last 40 years in, but that felt so far out of reach.

I wanted to get out of debt financially.

I wanted to express my soul purpose and live in a much deeper sense of mission in my life, with more influence and connection with my world around me.

I wanted to be really intimately connected with a soul mate romantic bond inside of that mission.

I wanted to travel and live somewhat nomadically, and be in a much deeper connection with nature inside of that romance and soul purpose.

I wanted to get beyond a very limited sexual expression and repertoire which was all I’d ever known.

I wanted out of a 23 year marriage as well as my lifelong relationship with Christianity, both of which were reaching the end of their natural life cycle inside.

I wanted to learn how to live inside of the superabundance of the universe where I didn’t ‘work to earn a living’.

Each of these desires spoke to something really true of my soul. Looking back, it’s quite striking to feel how each one of these desires has been fulfilled when 20 years ago, each one only felt like a dream, where the entire self-help Tony Robbins like phase of my consciousness where ‘You can manifest the life of your dreams’ was no longer anything I had much steam for inside of me.

The dreams felt more and more taunting to me as I couldn’t see where and how I could move towards them. All I could feel was a sense of my life powering down in many ways, and my impulses to protect what I didn’t want to lose kept making me feel more trapped and more in despair of ever realizing these elusive dreams.

It’s an even stranger thing to realize that from the vantage point of 20 years ago, I’m both more fulfilled today than I’d ever imagined and I’m also not.

All of these desires were quite external to my internal world, which wasn’t nearly as in focus at the time. Many of the desires were strategic hopes of not having to enter my personal internal hells to find this imagined external heaven. What life and my soul gave me was a mission much deeper than the one I was superficially, externally, dreamily focused on, and that was to begin to truly feel and heal long avoided terrains inside of me.

Parts of me back then imagined in all those dreams, if I were somehow ever to make them more than dreams, if I actually realized them, that I’d be guaranteed to be outside of a world of deep challenge, of any experience of fears and insecurities, that I’d have life by the tail somehow, at least on my terms. I would be in expansive heart and soul fulfillment somehow. The dreams were like an imaginary world to cycle in, to escape into. In many ways, they felt so safely impossible, that parts of me didn’t actually worry about what it would be like to actually move my life from where I was then to where I wanted to be.

I didn’t really have a travel plan or a relocation plan because I didn’t see myself traversing that gap between my reality and my desires, until I began unavoidably falling into that gap.

I feel many men and women are right there now, falling into that gap, into that primordial void space. We are in deep cycles of death and rebirth, where not only individuals, but also entire cultures and ways of being in the world are reaching the end of their intended life cycles. We’ve received a sobering terminal illness diagnosis that feels quite unavoidable and convincing. Change is coming. Time to prepare, but how?

Where my unhappiness lives in me today is realizing this expectation or even demand that I’d be happier than I actually am was some kind of expectation of being saved or removed from life itself. My soul, and your soul never actually expected that life here in physical form would be free of deep challenges, or immune to unhappiness.

Your and my soul knew then and knows now that the propulsion system and digestive system of our growth always includes a ‘wanter’. No wants, no appetites, no unhappiness…; no real life.

Your and my present ‘skin in the game’ of carrying unfulfilled desires is what makes us interesting, useful and capable of deep joy, reverence and meaning. Without new desires showing up on the shores of your deepest fulfillments to date, you are withdrawn from life and love itself.

The biggest purpose at the core of the universe may be love itself wanting to come to know and feel itself, to unveil itself to itself. If that’s accurate, then you and I, as manifestations and expressions of that love itself, best gear up and ‘fear up’ (in a healthy way) of giving ourselves over to love’s cycle of despair, turning to yearning and then fulfillment and preparing to do it all over again. If love ever decides it has come to the end of its infinite learning and growth and to rest on its laurels, then we can be sure that heaven will be somehow beyond the risks of boredom and atrophy, that have and would surely plague and haunt us at this and previous phases of our consciousness.

I want more. You want more. This connects us like nothing else does. Your and my rewards and fulfillments can’t actually be kept to ourselves. My big piece of the pie doesn’t mean a smaller piece for you. If one of us figures it out, it’s actually figured out and plainly available for each of us. There’s no patent office to file your proprietary and personal claim on your fulfillment, or your ‘life hack’. This is because there is on a deeper level, only one of us in this illusory game of the ever appearing separate self.

Love needed the staging of the sovereign individual, the separate self, a birthing of its own image, likeness and stature, billions of times over, to prove its point that the whole show is a love show, including the deepest polarities and ‘evils’ and ‘devils’ we are faced with.

The despairs, the evils and the devils are all wanting nothing more than reconciliation with love. Every trauma and despair within you is a portal to the more that you are self-assigned here to seek.

The separation fears and traumas are all vital to learning and growth. The happinesses turning to more wanting needs to be factored in. You are this big of a being.

I want it all. I want it for me. I want it for you. I want it for love.

That’s my new desire and dream. I’m looking for more connection with more dreamers. Let’s get transparent with one another. What hasn’t worked? How can that inform what’s wanting to take form now?

What new ways of life and love want to express in this reunion side of the separation equation?

Are you willing to get honest and real? Because until you do, while you’re still part of the game, and love’s game and ever worthy, wherever you are, you’re just kind of boring and uninteresting to me. I’m not really drawn to you. On a higher level, I’m in awe of you, that you’re soul would take on such levels of disconnect and unfulfillment to transmute for love in time, but until this soul turn of reunion turns a corner in you, there’s just not a lot of any kind of a personally interesting game to play with you.

We both ever and only have equal worth and intrinsic value, but we’re just not on the same page. The game of separation and difference and polarity is still here, but only really to stage more reunions, and more learning.

I want to be a part of your despairs and your dreams, because when I’m allowed into that, I’m allowed into more of me, more of love itself, more of the divine’s sacred evolution.

Much love,

Raphael 💚

For more on my journey from those 20 years ago, check out Jelelle and I’s book: ‘Under The Bloated Banyan – Our Sacred Union Journey From False Light To True Love’ You can read more about it here:

I’m also posting some longer writings like this one on if you’d like to connect with me there. This post can be found here:…/if-youre-not-unhappy-you-ll-never…

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

Healing The Persecution Wound: No Longer Allowing Toxic Inner & Outer Relationship Dynamics

By Jelelle Awen

Deep clearings recently of the persecution wound that lives in us all as we’ve had so many lifetimes of holding frequencies of healing, light, and love for the collective. Seeding light in the darkness. Holding the higher codes of union remembrance from higher timelines on the Earth Plane…millions of years in Lemurian golden age, the golden age of Atlantis before the fall….and golden ages on other planets and in other galaxies.

The persecution wound seems to come up in personal (esp. birth family) and in service relationships most strongly. The feelings/reactions/triggers that can come up in parts of us around being misunderstood, not seen, hurt or abused, rejection, ‘kicked’ energectically, feeling shame and unworthiness pushed up. That strong instinctual urge and trauma response in ‘being attacked’ to defend ourselves, to fight, or to flight.

And sometimes we need to go many ‘rounds’ into this dynamic with a soul who has signed up to hold this persecution mirror for us (often reinforced by the ‘narcissist program’ as I call it). We need to go into repeated attempts to clear the karma there, to transcend beyond the ‘roles’ of persecutor and victim into the open field of love where no wrong can truly be done from one to another.

I’m feeling personally a soul turn completion of a sacrificial pattern with souls who have played the persecutor role for me (sometimes very literally in certain lifetimes). My soul tendency is not toward fighting or defending myself yet rather toward large hearted forgiveness and desire to arise into the new grounds.

This can be a good thing for an ambassador/healer/teacher….yet, my soul aspects and parts this life and others have given too much in the sense of over holding, care taking, extending myself…a sense of making up for the light and love of the Divine that I can connect to if others are struggling to feel that themselves.

It has almost been a ‘survivor’s guilt/unworthiness’ piece where my Divine access is given away without enough personal needs criteria, esp in lifetimes where personal needs weren’t even considered or connected to (such as being a nun or priestess). Being a bridge to the Divine is an aspect of this, of course, and yet being that without a personal cost to me and being in humble worthiness/advocating for self is a piece I am healing this life.

I am now tuned into that I can forgive in the higher levels as I feel Divine Mother’s heart of compassion flow through…and yet can’t transactionally allow into my life those who cannot take accountability for the harm they have caused (sometimes going into amnesia about it even happening), who continue to project dark agendas without looking at their side/go into curiosity around where these are sourced from, who don’t feel genuine remorse over harms caused, who gaslight or invalidate feeling impacts of my parts or their own, and who aren’t continually surrendering into Divine guidance and trust as best they can and have access to.

I am bringing my truth in directness with care and offering mirrors/challenges as needed in response, yet I am also complete with holding space for this often toxic dynamic in myself or soul field, in service work, in personal relationships/community, or for the collective. It has been a blessed gift to me to have these experiences and I’ve learned a lot, even when difficult and painful.

I also felt a deep love ambassador process recently by bridging in meditation to a Grand Inquisitor energy in the karmic field….a Gatekeeper/Punisher who is reinforced and supported by the Matrix energies. This Inquisitor immediately expressed remorse and asked for forgiveness and as he received it, he started to transmute from all bloody, dark and heavy….. to wearing golden robes of light with all blood washed away. Waves of forgiveness from Divine Mother flowed over us both and he started transforming into masculine discernment and truth telling without need to persecute or expose anyone. And I felt a release of wounded feminine feelings of being hurt or harmed by this energy.

With this movement, I could feel how this Inquisitor had been ‘showing up’ over the years in different ways to get my attention (originally in the form of my parents), so that I could reconcile my relationship to this shadow, which is also within my own soul field too. None of us has truly only been a victim or only a persecutor nor parts of us either.

It feels like there is a big turn happening for the awakening and ascending masculine in this way…both in men and in the inner masculine in women. The old patriarchal grounds of being the exposer, the inquisitor, the edgy truth telling, the tyrant, the abuser..they are falling away as Divine Father offers a template of truth telling to men and women that is direct yet with care. Provokes what is needed and yet doesn’t do damage. Leads with transparency and authenticity while being sensitive to impact on all.

The truth of our being AS love reveals itself as the polarities heal. As the fear moves into love. And sometimes as we no longer allow the repeated cycles that don’t serve us or others to continue (if they aren’t meant to).

ALL of the experiences in relationships are sacred, both the bliss and the mess. Felt as portals of self discovery, they open out into growth and deeper feeling experience of BEING love in humbly worthy sacred human form.


Jelelle Awen

More info about 1:1 sessions with me to feel/heal/complete difficult relational patterns from within and with others to move into more union experience of self love flow outward at

Meditation to connect to the punisher-shame dynamic within you (inner persecution) here:


Journeying To The Counterpart Pairbond In Sacred Union/Twin Flame

By Jelelle Awen

My beloved Raphael and I have been journeying lately to our Counterpart Pairbond source field together and separately as well, asking for guidance/messages/support for deepening in our bond together and in service expression. An angelic guide Ariel came to us recently, who is the gatekeeper and bridge to our Pairbond, the original source of our masculine/feminine entwinement and separation.

We both see our Pairbond as separated from the torso upwards and yet entwined still at the lower half, wrapping like snakes around each other, like the energies of Kundalini, the dragon ley lines of the Tor (or sort of like the painting below by Lorraine Sadler). The two upper halves are undulating around each other, coming into union again and then dividing again, over and over in an infinite loop.

The Pairbond source field seems to be the dimension above the soul family monad groups and ‘under’ the Archangels. It is where the first split off of individuation happens for us as souls, where masculine and feminine expressions divide into two separate halves.

Separating out of the pairbond is the masculine half then incarnating into so many timelines/lifetimes and the feminine half incarnating as well. This separation is a source of deep, deep wounding for us. The masculine feeling inadequate to truly provide for the feminine that has helped create his new form yet aching to be ‘free’. The feminine feeling rejected by the masculine’s need for independence and yet compelled to respond to it.

I believe this is what people are tuning into when they name someone as a ‘twin flame’, yet they tend to be too literal about it, mislabeling karmic soul mates as counterparts (who actually prepare you for the counterpart), and use it to justify all means of codependent behaviors in toxic relationships. The counterpart pairbond is actually a much more subtle division that when we are reunited in the physical invites us into healthy, mature relating that is both deeply committed and unattached/surrendered at the same time.

Life change can happen suddenly and abruptly in counterpart reunion as everything that doesn’t serve the bond falls away. All transaction of the bond in terms of nourishment levels, timing to be together, purpose of coming together, etc. is surrendered to the Divine ultimately and not about ego gratification or attainment. Connecting to the Pairbond brings up deep feelings of humility and gratitude, over and over again inviting you to heal with compassion for yourself and your counterpart whatever gets in the way of its loving transaction.

Sometimes there is reunion between the counterparts in a specific lifetime; sometimes there are many reunions in different lifetimes, configurations, roles, relationships, etc. (and even switching gender expressions) in order to work out karmic patterns/clearings.

Ariel offered that EVERY soul has a counterpart at the pairbond source field level. It’s just the way the Divine wanted to play with polarities and dualities when It started to be curious about that. More counterparts are in reunion this lifetime than before in a “Matrix/3D anchored” lifetime as there is so much possibility now for healing, for reconnecting, and for service to the Divine. Counterpart reunion frequencies are also needed right now to assist humanity’s ascension out of 3D and into 5D.

Raphael and I both feel a deep validation and appreciation for our ongoing reunion this life through connecting with our Pairbond source field. And, a renewed desire for creative expression together. We’ve been guided to write the story of our sacred union journey, going back to 18 years ago when we first met, sharing about the three years before we finally got together, and our experiences during 15 years of marriage.

The book will be written from both of our perspectives, channeling the parts of us who were going through whatever phase they were then. We would love to release and publish the book on our 15th wedding anniversary, March 28th, 2024.

Writing this together is a way to celebrate the ongoing bliss mess reunion that we get to be in this life, after so many lifetimes of hiding, pining, dying, and suffering over each other. So many lifetimes of experiencing the separation between us with seemingly no hope of being together.

I hope you join us for this written journey and also what we are seeing as a new sacred union group call series launching next year as well to support our book.

You can connect with your Pairbond source field at ANY time, whether you feel that you’ve drawn your counterpart mate this life or not. Whether you are in any ache to be with them or happily single.

Tuning into it reminds you that separation has been a temporary illusion; Union is our natural state; and this may be the lifetime where reunion with your counterpart is TRULY possible.


Jelelle Awen

Info about 1:1 and couples sessions with me/Raphael or us together at


By Raianna Shai

The other day I was sitting in the grass near a chapel with my cat, and I got this deep sense of reunion flood through me. It was the day after our Soulfullheart three day gathering here in Portugal and with everything we all felt and moved through, I was left with a sense of completeness.

In each of our processes, we digested similar themes of telling our truth, being current and real in relationships and feeling why parts of us struggle to express both of these things. On the other side of these processes, my heart was filled with hope and understanding that everything we’ve ever dreamed of is all before us.

We’re simply wading through the emotional waters that are helping us arrive at our inner and outer heaven so that all parts of us can come along. Not just the ones that are ready and aren’t scared anymore, but the ones that are still scared and need us to love them through it.

With this in my mind and heart, this poem and video came out as a reflection of that reunion feeling inside and out. Things are coming together for each of us in different ways and ultimately, even when it feels like our path is being steered in a different direction, we’re still always getting closer to the heaven we want. For it’s always accessible on the inside ♥️

Here’s the poem:

I feel reunion
Dancing in the air
Reminding us to keep feeling
To keep letting in love
To keep dreaming of all you desire

It feels like falling in love
With yourself
With community
With beloveds

Like all the puzzle pieces
Are falling into place
Completing the mosaic
Of your heart and soul

Reunion brings you back to your heart
Back to your purpose
Back to your passion

It ignites all the colours
Of your inner rainbow
Even those left in shadow
Ready to be shown the light

Crack open the door
That’s been long shut
In fear of hurt or shame

Come home to your parts
Let them feel the love
They so deserve and desire

Let reunion pour in
Filling every crack
Every doubt
Every fear

And breathe in the new timeline
That you’ve created inside
Only to be mirrored
On the outside

The divine loves you
As you love you


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Chakra Clearing Transmission

By Raianna Shai

Lately I’ve been in a process of feeling the parts of me that have been numbed, neutralized, and suppressed for different reasons and often in forms of protection. I felt my inner masculine and inner queen ready to help move these parts into more aliveness, vitality, passion, connection to a sense of purpose and to heal these muted tendencies.

Since I’ve begun this journey I’ve already felt an amazing amount of energy from doing energizing yoga to move my physical energy flow, feeling the parts that are resistant to anything changing, and reconnecting with service to others in a new way. Part of this was listening to Jelelle’s chakra meditation using singing bowls in order to feel out my energy body and where it might be getting stuck. You can listen to that here:

After this, I felt inspired to write this poem to share what the divine, the Magdalene’s and my higher self are energizing to me and my parts. Each stanza is related to a different chakra and how my whole being can come alive in a new way. To leave this story that I don’t have fire or passion and to discover what my version of that is, and why it’s been suppressed for good reasons. Perhaps it’s something you needed to hear as well. ♥️

Awaken yourself
For you have work to do
Inside and out
In service and of self

Enliven yourself
For you are being called to answer your soul
To discover your purpose
And serve from love’s overflow

Hear yourself
For your truth holds a power
Strong enough to love
And soft enough to move mountains

Feel yourself
For you are no longer suppressed
Your heart is aching to come alive
And rest in the lap of the divine

Empower yourself
For anything less no longer serves
You are ready to be bigger
To be inspired and passionate

Love yourself
For it lives and breathes within
Waiting to heal every part of you
And ignite your lover’s potential

Ground yourself
For you are held in deep surrender
As you learn to trust the fall
That this initiation will inspire


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Connecting With Tender Needs Within: A Poem

by Kasha Rokshana

Sometimes it feels 

As if the void,

A feeling of something

Or someone

Being ‘missing’

Will always be there

For part of me

Who aches to let in love

So completely

That she would feel truly,


Complete herself.

I answer her questions

With one of my own,

“What is it you need

From me

Or even from the Divine

In order to truly feel loved

At all times?”

She answers me,


I just really need this time with you,

This space from every trial

That we’ve recently experienced.

I really need to feel

Divine collaboration,

Like I’ve done nothing wrong

And our Divine parents

Support us unconditionally,

Want us to truly experience

And become love…

Want us to truly embody

Our own divinity together.”

I respond,

“Ah, love…

I feel your heartache,

Those twinges

And tweaks

You so want answered

By reflections of all that you are,

The power you have,

And the love you have to give.

I feel your humble desire

To be able to open up 

And receive again

And again

And again

While surrendering deeply

To what life,


The Divine,

Is bringing you to feel into,

To inhabit,

To live into.

I love you

Right where and how you are.

I wouldn’t ever want to change you,

Just hold you,

Honour the bravery you’ve had 

All these years

To keep looking at yourself,

While learning how 

To hold, feel,

And respond to others.

I will never leave you.

Just keep letting me in.”

And together

We cry,

As we’ve done so many times before,

With needy hearts,

With a deep love exchange,

With appreciation

For this landing place we share


With the Divine,

And with beloved, resonant others.

Bringing love to every challenge,

Learning always to receive love 


Walking hand-in-hand

Towards the next sunrise

Where we will arise again


In new completeness


— This is an example of the type of dialogue I had with a part of me just this morning as I checked in with her… it’s not always this easy to access a part’s needs or desires underneath their ache, angst, and protection at times, yet once they do open up to you and truly feel your heart’s intention to show up for them, be the voice and energy of the loving Divine for them, they really do respond. 

It takes so much consistency though in my experience of it, and sometimes you have to be with them through some very tough and even kicky moments as they begin to let you in. Once they do, they start to transform and truly transmute their pain.

Do get in touch with myself or Jelelle Awen if you’re a woman looking for 1:1 space-holding as you too deepen or even begin your journey of feeling parts of you. If you’re a man and drawn to this work, Raphael Awen is the King you’re looking for. 

There is more info on sessions and FREE intro calls here:




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Recognizing, Reconciling Our Kings & Queens Within: A Poem

by Kasha Rokshana

You won’t always know
A King when you meet one,
For his legacy has been buried,
Sometimes denied,
And sometimes disowned
Out of confusion
Of what it truly means
To bear the crown
Of sovereignty
And surrender.

If you do meet a man
And you see his King
Deep within him,
He won’t always know
Or feel
Or see
Or understand
Exactly what that means for him.

He may struggle
To hold his bejeweled crown,
His heavy, velvet robes,
His long forgotten treasures
Within his courageous heart
That are meant to be shared,
To catalyze,
To penetrate,
While coming from a Matrix world
That has told him
To suppress his truth,
To hold back his righteous passion,
To either soften too much
Or not at all.

Within that struggle,
His longing for a Queen
Also rumbles and shifts,
Pressing him into explorations
As she also longs
To be wanted by him,
Remembered by his soul,
And offered passionate declarations
By his clearing
And enlivening heart.

You won’t always know
A Queen when you meet one,
For her legacy has been buried
Beneath patriarchal influences
That tell her
What she is and isn’t,
How she must dominate
In order to be seen and heard,
And how she must be in control
Though her nature is to lean,
And respond.

If you do meet a woman
And you see her Queen
Deep within her,
She won’t always know
Or feel
Or understand
What becoming her
Truly involves for her.

She may struggle
To understand
How to open and soften
After so many years
And lifetimes
Of suppression
By a Matrix world
That wants to keep her power
And tell her instead
In forms exaggerated
That she isn’t worthy of womanhood
Unless she looks,
Or is perceived
A certain way.

Within that struggle
Her longing for a King
Moves with a current
Of desire to be met,
And treasured,
Inviting her into explorations
As he also longs
To be needed by her,
Remembered by her soul,
And offered a responsive heart
To hear and feel him
As his own heart
Opens more to her.

It’s the sacred awakenings
Of both the King and Queen,
That moves the inner union
Into openings of more love
While the outer union
Is drawn
Into this space made within
For all the karmic edges,
The loving softness,
The receiving of all dimensions
Of romantic reunion
And the places
It calls you
To explore.

It’s the reseeding
Of the King and Queen seeds within
That forge a new foundation
For a renewed experience
Of life
And love
And the Divine Beloved,
Bringing all beloveds
In soul family and soulmates
Through paths
Sometimes brambly and challenging,
But always meant to be fulfilling,
Worth every moment,
And alive in every way imaginable.

May you feel even a moment
Of your King or Queen today,
Stirring within you,
Waking up again,
Realizing that today
They are invited to become
All of the love they came here
To embody
And the reunion of sacred union
That they ache for.

Kasha (and her Queen, Felline)

Men’s and women’s group calls this weekend, focusing on the Inner King/Queen! More info here.


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Inner Earth Lemuria Transmission: Navigating The Edges Between Your World And Ours

by Kasha Rokshana

These edges…
Not neat and clean
Sometimes jagged and difficult
Surround the transition back
To the Motherland, our Mu
That we knew and cherished
Loved and held
As it held all of us.

All needs provided
The needs of all.
All desires provided
The desires of all.
Symbiosis ruled as a rule
And the letting go of our ends
Of tug-of-war attempts from others
Was of utmost importance.

In this harrowing time
On this globe of Gaia,
In this time of trepidation
To even leave your homes
To even let in your rightful intuitions
To even remember what you are truly worth…
You’ve forgotten what it’s like
To truly

You’ve been told you need
Provided by ‘leaders’
Who care even less for themselves
Than they care about you
Or The Whole of who you are
And the The Whole they actually are part of
With you…

You’ve been told by ‘caregivers’
Who have often not truly cared,
For they themselves have not known care,
That you need them,
Need what they give you,
Need what they tell you,
Without acknowledgement
Of your ability to learn and discern
For fear they will be unseated
And their false power coming from
False senses of love
Will overturn.

Child of Mu…
These edges between what is now
What has been
And the world you have the power to create,
Are terrain that needs preparation
To traverse and overcome.

If these edges,
Sharp and real as they are,
Are met with the love of your being
The being that resides in you…
The being that is alive in every cell,
In every inch of skin,
In every divot and dimple,
In every corner of your soul
And its infinite edges of growth,
Dissolve they will
Back to the source from which they came…
That same source and great river mouth
Of infinite universal love flow and creatorship,
From which all of who
And what
You are,
Was created.

Despair not
For hope is key
And trust more important.

We of Mu
Await you.
We support your consciousness blooming
Your Love Self remembering
And your divinity aligned once again
With all that you’ve always truly been
That ‘they’ can never
Take away from you.

Inner Earth Lemuria


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Our Soul-Self Ascension

by Kasha Rokshana

We are arising.

From the ashes of the unknown
while we cry out
in sometimes hysterical
…yet critical
shedding what is now old
to embrace what is new…

We are in constant
into, through
and out of
phases and claims
that we need for a time
but not forever.

We will always know
without knowing
without even being fully conscious
or aware
that our soul is edging
toward another new horizon.

Oh, beloved…
I am at the feet of my newest
most sparkling self.
I am bringing my new legs
to stand again
against the warmth
of your ascending
and ever encouraging

My personal power
lays out in the grass
of the freshly lain
of a new level of Me
of growth
of a renewed connection
to You…

Oh, great gems of sapphire
crystalline gold
heart-shaped All
in this moment
I summon
all of the strength
I know
I have healed to have
to continue the motion
of my forwarding press
into the brand new
of an ever-evolving


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Welcome Home To Sacred You: A Transmission From Avalon

by Kasha Rokshana

It flows through the heart and into the fingers, this energy of new magic and profound feelings.

It strums on the strings of the heart-bass and moves into the throat to be sung.

It rings in the resonance of a thousand inner bells, calling homeward the soul dying to the life it once knew and coming home to itself, renewed.

It brings around again another sense of you, a sense of who you are and are going to be.

It reminds you that all you need is within you and that the rest is window-dressing, perhaps needed for a time but not for always since the falsely attained can never be woven into the fabrics of the real.

The fyres of the flights of angelic beings singing in the hollowness of inner space, a void yet filled too, to the brim, like that of a chalice holding the waters of new life.

You are that new life…

The renewal tydes are here.

Will you come home to them and let them change you from deep within, or will you turn and face the day that’s known yet no longer bringing with it the purest sunshine of your fyres alight with newness?

Your own savvy moves inward and breathes outward. It’s service and it’s beyond the beyond.

It’s a tap turned on that flows in old canals. You’re being, you’re learning to be, you’re remembering to breathe and look within.

Know, understand, behold that you are loved in this transition.

When the ground feels vacant beneath your tired feet, remember you are held in those clouds of the unknown. The clearing is already underway. Feel it, know it… live into it.

You’re bringing all that’s known and unknown to the surface and you’re changing before your very heart eyes.

Bring yourself back home to that house built within.

You’re finding your way in a path long carved out by your soul.

Welcome home.


Avalon 🌹


Kasha Rokshana is a Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about FREE consultation calls, space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.