‘New Earth Now’ Energies Inviting Us Home

Inside each and every one of us is a need to belong. I don’t feel it is a desire, but a substantial need that comes from the depths of our essential Unity…our inescapable communion with Love Itself, as my metaphysical mentor Raphael Awen would say. We are infinity and eternally in communion with unity at our core. This is the conscious and unconscious draw to tribe, family, and community. We need it because we ARE it.

Even in your most isolated moments, the ones where a part of you could do without ever coming in contact with another living soul (and there is that part at times), that you can feel the ache underneath. It is just that inside of the emotional body there lies a wound. A pain. It can come in the form of rejection, abandonment, or physical trauma. As we go into the healing journey there are this-life wounds that keep the 3D self in a state of guard and defense. Or a part, such as the Protector, could even outwardly seek communal trauma to prove that intimacy with others is not what it is all cracked up to be. The birth family can be a big source of this proof in the pudding.

In the Metasoul, there can be lifetimes of this communal trauma either from human to human, human to God, or archetype to archetype. It is a huge source of existential pain, especially for the aspect of us we call the Gatekeeper. They have been in their own created isolation chambers, and as Gaia continues her upward flight, these walls are thinning and they are beginning to feel the ache of that separation, especially from the Divine. This is another piece to our communal healing.

As we begin to awaken to our Starseed nature, the feeling of separation from our Star Family is a layer that takes on profound significance as a sacred core wound of the need to belong. The wounded Starseed needs to be felt in this abandonment trauma to fully let in the depths of our galactic mission on this planet. It is one that many have inside whether it has been triggered consciously or not. Our relationship to our Star Self is the beginning of a whole new dimension to how we relate to each other as humans. The evolution of our Gaian 5D Self.

Ultimately, the communion begins within from you to you, you to your parts, you to your Metasoul, you to the Divine, you to your Star Family. That sets the ground for relational communion with Other. A sacred union mate, a deep resonant friendship, and profound soul family experience. This is what you came here for. Not to be sitting behind your computer getting your social needs met, but going IN to heal and then going OUT to find more resonance. It doesn’t mean you won’t get hurt, it just means that you will be able to relate to the hurt differently and learn more about yourself to draw those that most see you the way that you truly see yourself. To find those that will water your goodness and challenge you to become more than you ever thought possible.

Welcome to New Earth Now.

Gabriel Heartman is an emoto-spiritual men’s and women’s facilitator, energy healer, writer, poet, and heartist with the SoulFullHeart Way of Life.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

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