The Professional, The Provisional & The Profusional

The PROFESSIONAL is one who declares openly that they have the know how and the care and the full time commitment to something. They promise expertise mixed with care and full commitment. They operate in a world of scarcity and competitive edge, hoping to gain our trust.

The PROVISONAL is the more relaxed one who declares that they’re doing their best. They’ll make do, hopefully. They operate in a world of “I’m in, at least until a replacement can be found.”

The PROFUSIONAL is one who is pouring forth love so abundant, it’s overwhelming. The care and the expertise that is flowing from them is both personal and transpersonal, connected to the source field of all knowledge and all discernment. They operate in a world connected to the superabundant source of all life. The results they produce can be more than you thought you were looking for. Their declaration of credentials is embedded deep in their being, before words are spoken. You only go to them when you’re ready for a deep shift and complete with other phases of growth and learning.

I like the profusional, personally. 😊 They’re the ones I want to be around. They’re the ones that nourish. They’re the ones I want to model after.

Yeshua was a profusional. When followers who were clearly both drawn and hesitant towards him said, “I’ll be right there, Yeshua, just as soon as I’m done looking after my dying parent,” Yeshua replied, “Let the dead bury the dead, you come follow me.” He read this person’s higher timeline, called out their ‘nobility’ that was in service of staying small, and offered it to them. He sorted out their draw to him, not allowing them to suffer in a half-in, half-out place.

That’s the confrontation of deep overwhelming love and possibility. It always includes a letting go of something to embrace a larger something. We all chose this world of choice. We’re already exercising this power of choice in every moment. It just wants to be turned now in its direction towards love, rather than from love.

Our choices are what regulate the amount of love we can take in and digest at any given time. There are valid reasons why we would need and want to slow things down, and this is where sacred choice comes in. Lack itself was created by love as a way for love to come to know itself, so there is no judgment on a necessary slower timeline. It could be said of everyone of us, that we are in a kindergarten relationship with love’s infinite potential. The veil is necessary.

Yeshua liked to push the boundaries, however, to explore beyond the safe and the known. He taught that the Kingdom of Heaven (the true ‘more’ that you seek) is likened to a man who happens upon a pearl of great price while walking through a field, who after beholding it, buries it in the field, then proceeds to go out and sell all that he has, so that he can return to purchase the field that contains this pearl.

We’ve all done this before. We’ve gone after something. Gave up other things to get that thing. Think about when you fell in love. Your ‘wanter’ will need to come back online, and be dusted off from its journey in the halls of the non-dual invalidation of the healthy ego. You’re going to need an ego to play in this game. You’re going to need to have needs, and be able to care for them, if you will ever be in the overflow of care and love for others in this profusion.

The cool part of all this is that in this higher heart motivation, the most truly ‘selfish’ motivation, is transmitted from the scarcity world of ‘my benefit at your cost’ to the world of ‘whatever is in my highest interest is in actual alignment of all others, because at root, there is only one of us.’ ‘Self’ is not only redeemed from the sinful picture of being separate from God, but celebrated and calibrated as the divine itself expressing in flesh. Your embodiment of all this is your divine reunion. It’s your ‘pearl of great price.’

It will ‘cost’ you, but it will be felt to be a pittance compared to the superabundance that you realize in yourself, and for the one-self of The All that we all are.

I lead and participate in a specific world of profusion. A specific soul family playground that requires preference. We all had to choose deeply and risk and give up other things to be a part of it. I’m inviting you to feel if what I lead is part of your pearl of great price.

There’s one thing you won’t have to give up to participate and that’s your sovereignty. You’re going to need to truly own that more than you thought you did actually. Only one in possession of their autonomy is able to surrender it into a setting while healthily retaining it. It’s the only safe way to go ‘all in’.

We’ve all seen the long played out unhealthy surrender of people’s autonomy onto pedestalized gurus who proved unworthy of our higher self projections onto them. We’re getting beyond that phase now in our collective consciousness.

What’s your ‘next’? If you were to gather up your investments, pool them into a fund, what, and who and where would you spend it on?

I encourage you to find that worthy place. Let yourself dream of it. Feel and love every voice inside of you that says it’s not possible. Know that their resistance is key and the portal to you transmuting your world to the new world. Take a next step in that direction. See how that step fuels the next. It makes you interesting, powerful and beautiful. It all looks so good on you!


Raphael 💚

This pic was part of Jelelle and I’s visit this past week to the Templar Castle and the later Church overlay onto it in Tomar, Portugal.

When we took these pics, we were both stunned by the transmission of our leading edge with a message that says “despite your questions, yes, you really are this big!”

Join me for a free intro (30 min over zoom) and 1:1 sessions for men (and with Jelelle for women) for support in this divine self embodiment path in person (here in Central Portual) or over zoom with THREE types of sessions now available…..Divine healing, self healing, and embodiment healing sessions by donation of 55-100 euros sliding scale, truly based on neg. and what you can afford…

Your Unhappiness Is Key To Your Happiness

By  Raphael Awen

If you’re not unhappy, you’ll never come to know true happiness.

Twenty years ago, I had ten big desires brewing inside of me, that all felt so out of reach. Today, I’m actually living in the fulfillment of all ten.

In some ways, at 62 years old, I’m happier than I ever imagined I’d be and in some ways, I’m not.

If you’re curious and drawn to some real transparency, please allow me to explain, but only if you’re truly wanting to dare to own your own sacred journey, as well as your deeper desires.

If you’re here and reading this, I feel it’s safe to assume that you’re connected to a deep common denominator in each of us to grow and expand. That’s why I’m writing and reflecting on this, actually, to keep on growing.

A quick list of the 10 really big desires I had brewing back in 2004 were as follows:

To escape the world I had created in a profitable niche world in my 30 year long painting contracting business. It was too easy and felt like a trap in many ways.

I wanted to leave the city I had spent the last 40 years in, but that felt so far out of reach.

I wanted to get out of debt financially.

I wanted to express my soul purpose and live in a much deeper sense of mission in my life, with more influence and connection with my world around me.

I wanted to be really intimately connected with a soul mate romantic bond inside of that mission.

I wanted to travel and live somewhat nomadically, and be in a much deeper connection with nature inside of that romance and soul purpose.

I wanted to get beyond a very limited sexual expression and repertoire which was all I’d ever known.

I wanted out of a 23 year marriage as well as my lifelong relationship with Christianity, both of which were reaching the end of their natural life cycle inside.

I wanted to learn how to live inside of the superabundance of the universe where I didn’t ‘work to earn a living’.

Each of these desires spoke to something really true of my soul. Looking back, it’s quite striking to feel how each one of these desires has been fulfilled when 20 years ago, each one only felt like a dream, where the entire self-help Tony Robbins like phase of my consciousness where ‘You can manifest the life of your dreams’ was no longer anything I had much steam for inside of me.

The dreams felt more and more taunting to me as I couldn’t see where and how I could move towards them. All I could feel was a sense of my life powering down in many ways, and my impulses to protect what I didn’t want to lose kept making me feel more trapped and more in despair of ever realizing these elusive dreams.

It’s an even stranger thing to realize that from the vantage point of 20 years ago, I’m both more fulfilled today than I’d ever imagined and I’m also not.

All of these desires were quite external to my internal world, which wasn’t nearly as in focus at the time. Many of the desires were strategic hopes of not having to enter my personal internal hells to find this imagined external heaven. What life and my soul gave me was a mission much deeper than the one I was superficially, externally, dreamily focused on, and that was to begin to truly feel and heal long avoided terrains inside of me.

Parts of me back then imagined in all those dreams, if I were somehow ever to make them more than dreams, if I actually realized them, that I’d be guaranteed to be outside of a world of deep challenge, of any experience of fears and insecurities, that I’d have life by the tail somehow, at least on my terms. I would be in expansive heart and soul fulfillment somehow. The dreams were like an imaginary world to cycle in, to escape into. In many ways, they felt so safely impossible, that parts of me didn’t actually worry about what it would be like to actually move my life from where I was then to where I wanted to be.

I didn’t really have a travel plan or a relocation plan because I didn’t see myself traversing that gap between my reality and my desires, until I began unavoidably falling into that gap.

I feel many men and women are right there now, falling into that gap, into that primordial void space. We are in deep cycles of death and rebirth, where not only individuals, but also entire cultures and ways of being in the world are reaching the end of their intended life cycles. We’ve received a sobering terminal illness diagnosis that feels quite unavoidable and convincing. Change is coming. Time to prepare, but how?

Where my unhappiness lives in me today is realizing this expectation or even demand that I’d be happier than I actually am was some kind of expectation of being saved or removed from life itself. My soul, and your soul never actually expected that life here in physical form would be free of deep challenges, or immune to unhappiness.

Your and my soul knew then and knows now that the propulsion system and digestive system of our growth always includes a ‘wanter’. No wants, no appetites, no unhappiness…; no real life.

Your and my present ‘skin in the game’ of carrying unfulfilled desires is what makes us interesting, useful and capable of deep joy, reverence and meaning. Without new desires showing up on the shores of your deepest fulfillments to date, you are withdrawn from life and love itself.

The biggest purpose at the core of the universe may be love itself wanting to come to know and feel itself, to unveil itself to itself. If that’s accurate, then you and I, as manifestations and expressions of that love itself, best gear up and ‘fear up’ (in a healthy way) of giving ourselves over to love’s cycle of despair, turning to yearning and then fulfillment and preparing to do it all over again. If love ever decides it has come to the end of its infinite learning and growth and to rest on its laurels, then we can be sure that heaven will be somehow beyond the risks of boredom and atrophy, that have and would surely plague and haunt us at this and previous phases of our consciousness.

I want more. You want more. This connects us like nothing else does. Your and my rewards and fulfillments can’t actually be kept to ourselves. My big piece of the pie doesn’t mean a smaller piece for you. If one of us figures it out, it’s actually figured out and plainly available for each of us. There’s no patent office to file your proprietary and personal claim on your fulfillment, or your ‘life hack’. This is because there is on a deeper level, only one of us in this illusory game of the ever appearing separate self.

Love needed the staging of the sovereign individual, the separate self, a birthing of its own image, likeness and stature, billions of times over, to prove its point that the whole show is a love show, including the deepest polarities and ‘evils’ and ‘devils’ we are faced with.

The despairs, the evils and the devils are all wanting nothing more than reconciliation with love. Every trauma and despair within you is a portal to the more that you are self-assigned here to seek.

The separation fears and traumas are all vital to learning and growth. The happinesses turning to more wanting needs to be factored in. You are this big of a being.

I want it all. I want it for me. I want it for you. I want it for love.

That’s my new desire and dream. I’m looking for more connection with more dreamers. Let’s get transparent with one another. What hasn’t worked? How can that inform what’s wanting to take form now?

What new ways of life and love want to express in this reunion side of the separation equation?

Are you willing to get honest and real? Because until you do, while you’re still part of the game, and love’s game and ever worthy, wherever you are, you’re just kind of boring and uninteresting to me. I’m not really drawn to you. On a higher level, I’m in awe of you, that you’re soul would take on such levels of disconnect and unfulfillment to transmute for love in time, but until this soul turn of reunion turns a corner in you, there’s just not a lot of any kind of a personally interesting game to play with you.

We both ever and only have equal worth and intrinsic value, but we’re just not on the same page. The game of separation and difference and polarity is still here, but only really to stage more reunions, and more learning.

I want to be a part of your despairs and your dreams, because when I’m allowed into that, I’m allowed into more of me, more of love itself, more of the divine’s sacred evolution.

Much love,

Raphael 💚

For more on my journey from those 20 years ago, check out Jelelle and I’s book: ‘Under The Bloated Banyan – Our Sacred Union Journey From False Light To True Love’ You can read more about it here:

I’m also posting some longer writings like this one on if you’d like to connect with me there. This post can be found here:…/if-youre-not-unhappy-you-ll-never…

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

12/12 Energy Update: Unity Codes Incoming (Video)

by Kasha Rokshana

Unity and reunion codes are all around, this time of year especially. They invite us into a deep heart warmth of love and connection within and with others, while they also highlight for us where truly transactable love can flow and where it can’t. In other words, these codes show us where there is still an experience of separation going on both inside and outside of us. They also show us where there may be a deepening desire for intimacy and where there may be hesitancy and fear too.

In this video, Raianna and I talk about these 12/12 unity codes and what they maybe supporting you to feel. We speak about the different ways you may be experiencing them, whether you may be feeling alone in a crowd while surrounded by more dissonance than resonance, or if you’re actually choosing the void space of aloneness so that you can truly reboot socially and feel into your desires for true soul family (as well as any despair that may come up for you as you do so). 

We also share about the ‘how’ – the process – which has brought us both into more unity inside and with the divine, as well as into deeper intimacy with those around us in our soul family experience in SoulFullHeart. This process we talk about is the one we hold so sacredly in sessions yet also in our overall way of life. It involves feeling parts of you, yet also feeling soul and galactic aspects and so many dimensions that make you YOU and bringing yourself into a deepening experience of divine reunion within while opening to the experience of reunion with soul family. 

We hope that this video supports your journey, wherever you find yourself at this time and whatever you may be feeling.


Kasha & Raianna

Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. Raianna Shai is a member of the SoulFullHeart Healing community.

On Masculine Purpose, Mission and Power

Help a man find purpose, embrace mission and uncover more of his innate power, and he’ll be fulfilled almost anywhere.

Purpose, mission and power are keys to the authentic masculine. Eventually, however, those keys will also disappoint and even fail you as they invite you into ever higher and truer levels of purpose, mission and power.

This masculine solution orientation is in deep contrast to the feminine innate need and desire for intimacy and vulnerability, which are not what men are primarily wired and conditioned for, yet this feminine need is what men need and use to wire up their purpose, mission and power.

The masculine needs and wants intimacy, but in their own way. It’s more about constructing this purpose, mission and power castle. The masculine wants to first feel powerful so that they can then comfortably show up safely for their version of intimacy. The male picture of intimacy is about being appreciated and respected rather than being loved, because appreciation and respect speak to his power, while raw love speaks to his need and vulnerability, which he’s still in process of coming to terms with.

How this looked for me when leaving my teen years behind was all about first ‘getting right with God.’ With many other lifetimes of conditioning intersecting with my conditioning as a child and teen, I was anxious about my eternal salvation. Once that was secured, I needed something else to further ensure my teenage depression and anxiety was a thing of the past.

I needed a mission. I needed a reflection of my power. I needed people to know me so they could appreciate, value and trust me, with a little bit of my idea of intimacy sprinkled in for security.

I left a trade/technical school path behind suddenly in favor of bible school. The world didn’t really need a technician. What they really needed was eternal salvation. I was picking up the master mission – the mission of all missions. But that alone wasn’t addressing an underlying loneliness, which left unaddressed would be sure to derail this mission.

I was ready to be a man, find a woman, pursue her, wait till marriage to have sex, (to maintain God’s guarantee that this gauntlet of relationship wouldn’t fail and decry my power – another power play). I wanted to be convinced that I was unique, special and beyond the everyday man.

In my first marriage and fatherhood, I was ready to give attention to emotional and intimacy issues from a solution based orientation, to keep things on track, to maintain my sense of self and responsibility.

As a young man, somehow not quite achieving my first choice of full time ministry, I embraced self employment as a painting contractor. Decades were spent in finding new and expansive ways to carve out my niche and be rewarded for it, and tie all of that to the purpose of marriage, and to the larger Christian mission. I never had a conscious feeling of depression until my 39th year!

The events of life converged to unravel and get underneath all this shaky purpose, mission and power to help me go to my next places of growth.

I chose my own emotional healing and spiritual growth outside of Christianity, after the Christian mission of personal salvation was done inside of me. This collapsed my entire social world and marriage. I so get why us men are hesitant to take our next ripening steps that life is inviting us into.

From seeing and feeling the world now through my lens of the reality of the Inner Protector and the soul Gatekeeper, I can so see where they both converged on a plan to answer my desperate conscious prayer to escape my self diagnosed teenage inferiority complex. It worked like a charm. Until it didn’t. Ascent and descent. Construction and deconstruction.

There are lessons to be learned and paths to be taken that can only be embraced in the ascent/construction phase of life, as well lessons and paths that can only be experienced in a descent/deconstruction phase. The rise is meant to crest and falter, which isn’t a failure at all, but the soul’s deeper growth urges breaking through the once invulnerable walls of purpose, mission and power.

Living into all of these conscious reflections and questions, with support from the divine, from soul family beloveds, in heart and soul intimacy with a counterpart soul mate, with each part of me from this life and soul aspects from other timelines is where I’m living now.

If my story resonates with yours in some way, I’d love to help you as a man discover these aspects of yourself, their needs and your next places of truer purpose, mission and power. I’d also love to be of assistance to you as a woman come to terms with your beautiful contrasting desires to be wanted to be truly met and felt by a man, your need for masculine vulnerability to underlie their power.

Please reach out via messenger. Our/my sessions page is for more info.

It’s all a such a good set of problems – really!

Much love,


From Orphan to Sacred Union

The root of all of our ‘disorders’ has to do with being what we experience as being birthed out of the divine. We experience it as being de-parented from our divine and are left with the orphan wound.

Everything that’s seen as wrong with you or I can be traced back to this wound. It’s only by going into this wound as a portal, as an opening (interesting that the literal meaning of the word wound is opening) that our experience of true divine connection is restored.

Why would it all be this way? Why the being birthed out of the divine? Why the veil of forgetting? Why the seeming need for a conscious choice of awakening?

My awareness and ‘answer’ to the above questions has been that it all has to do with the divine not having a way of knowing itself, experiencing itself. What beauty is there in perfection if it cannot be observed, if it cannot be contrasted? Hence the divine created ‘other’ along with duality, both of which didn’t exist before, at least in expression.

But what’s dawning on me now, beyond all of the above understanding (that has infused a lot of my writing up till now) is a deeper feeling sense of the entire point being about communion, if I could use that word, or ‘sacred union’ to try another. This is where the feelings and experiences are likened to a ‘bridal chamber’ where the beloveds are totally in thrall to one another and all the practicalities of life are suspended to make room for this exchange of what amounts to witnessing the divine.

I’ve long thought of this as the reverse of the de-parenting or orphan experience, but what’s also dawning on me now is how this is less of a reverse, and more of a transverse, a step further along the path, rather than a step back. It makes sense that in our conditioning, we would try to retrace our steps, like finding our way out of a jungle, to try and return to source.

But the divine is not lost or seeking to restore something lost, or trying to win a battle between good and evil, or between ‘god’ and ‘devil’.

If this is all the divine’s forward step, then this all sheds a lot of light on what we call our attachments. Our sense of ‘I Am’ is conditioned to our attainments and attachments. To deny the need for a healthy ego, where so many spiritualities have detoured into (in my opinion) is to dissociate from the human experience and journey. A suicide and a ‘deicide’ (the killing of the human and the deity within) in one fell swoop.

It’s the ego that has attachments, and the journey through life, if anything, is a negotiation of one’s attachments, letting in new ones and letting go of old ones. A baby comes with none and the deceased leave with none.

This makes you and I literal expressions of the divine’s own evolution, or better said – I Am The Divine Now.

I was struck this morning by the relationship of the words ‘morph’ and ‘orphan’, where morph means to essentially shapeshift, and orphan means to lose one’s parents. The shapeshift we all underwent was being parented by the divine and then losing experiential awareness of that fact.

Now we’re left with belief based god connections that are largely robbed of genuine feeling experience or if there is some kind of emotional connection, the feelings and experiences are skewed and hijacked by the obvious orphan wound into something unnatural and unbecoming to a grounded human, often rooted in exclusivity or absolution of guilt. There’s something commoditized, scarcified and being sold about it all. But even this darkness and taking advantage of our forgetting is also sourced in the divine’s evolution. No?

If you’ve read this far, first, thank you, and allow me to make this personal.

At 62, and with a lot of change in life experience, roles in family, religion, geography, birth family gains and losses, soul family gains and losses, being challenged with letting in a ton of goodness and even finding myself choking on it all at times, I’m feeling the choking is about this ongoing negotiation in the divine’s own adventure. The choking always seems to be about letting go of an old attachment and a part of me not feeling assured of just what the new attachments will be about, or if we can make those attachments, or actually enjoy them.

I’ve felt a lot of reaction in my digestive system and sleep patterns for years even that feel like an ongoing negotiating of an upgrade to a higher level of consciousness. For so many decades prior, I could eat whatever I wanted to and sleep like a baby, and without so much as a cold in my body, let alone any deeper ailments.

Now, I’m eating far healthier than I ever did, living a stress free life in so many ways, and yet there’s this discomfort in the body, a dis-ease, a loss of the former ease.

If that doesn’t describe a death and a rebirth, I can’t imagine what would! Needing to let go of baked goods for instance, that mainstay from the hearth and heart of Gaia, usually prepared and served by the feminine heart and gifted to the children – that’s one of thee most satisfying of all attachments that I’ve come across. And rooted in so many lifetimes!

Let THAT go?!


The invitation is to feel the attachment instead of dissociating from it, or pave over it. The guidance I’m getting is that it is in the willingness to actually feel loss, to actually experience loss, (which is the very thing the divine couldn’t do ‘before’) that is what moves us forward in the divine’s birth canal into what hasn’t actually existed before in divinity, what actually leads to the bridal chamber of sacred union with all of life and love. A loss wouldn’t be a loss if there was no attachment to it. You came here to navigate attachments. You came here to have them and to let them go, and make new ones.

This speaks to the morphing going on in the orphan, shapeshifting from one who’s lost and losing (a loser) to one who’s found and gaining, a ‘foundling’ we could call you.

That word just popped out and I had to look it up – get this:

Foundling: A “foundling” refers to an infant or young child who has been abandoned and found with no known parents or guardians. This term is often used to describe a child discovered and taken in by others or an institution, as the child’s origin is unknown.


I was raised on those words from the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ – ‘I once was lost but now am found’. I believe that these words are the divine’s own testimony if you will. You are the divine’s expression right now, as you are, and how your and my ‘attachment disorders’ are currently playing out and through is all just the cutting edge of divine evolution.

Maybe all we’re really in need of is a little grief counseling, when it comes right down to it. I know of no better way to do this than to show up for the part of me who’s in the grief, who’s negotiating the change of conditionings currently playing out in my world. This is literally being in the bridal chamber – a place for sorrow and joy in equal measure!

One more thought in closing today. The word diet literally means ‘way of life’. A change in diet is a change in one’s way of life. All cultures have a cultured diet. It feels like the change in way of life we are being invited into is about all of the ‘foods’ that have sustained us. All of our appetites that are shifting.

I can’t think of anything more fun than being connected with people who are living out this cutting edge of change in their way of life. Challenging? Without a doubt! My greatest so far, but also the most rewarding and where my appetites are!

Bon Apetite!



The mushroom pic is from along the trail from this week’s hike. Strangely, every single one these guys only grew along the very edge of the trail, nowhere else to be seen, seemingly wanting to be noticed. How divine!

Owning The Dark And The Light Within

By  Raphael Awen

Men Of The Soulfire.

We’re being asked to take a formidable journey.

This journey is one that most wouldn’t even come near considering.

This journey is to go within and uncover every part or aspect of us that is suppressed or hidden in some way, having been forced to take up residence in the back alleys and dark side streets of our consciousness.

It’s much more appealing to take a journey of some kind that is external to us and that will give awards for the service and care of others.

These aspects of our soul and suppressed parts of the self are not difficult to find. They are becoming more and more outed and visible every day. The difficult part is finding the courage to own that THIS IS YOU.

Giving a homeless person some spare change feels good and acknowledges that ‘were it not for the grace of God, there go I’, but what we’re being invited to feel is something quite different from that.

This homeless person before you is you.

The homeless consciousness that bulges in our cities also lives within each of us. It is the entire declaration of literally one half of our being to be evil, wrong or unwanted in some way.

You don’t go on for too long before that disowned reality takes the life of the host.

Which brings us back to the majority who are not yet capable of taking this inward journey of reclamation, reconciliation, and restoration.

When you are unwilling to bridge your light and your darkness, you go against the grain of your soul. The soul is here to awaken to the duality of light and dark that it finds itself in. When that purpose is thwarted or postponed in this dimension, the soul wants to go back to the light to regroup, and the soul by necessity must take the body with it, as they are the same thing in different expressions.

We see this on maybe the grandest scale yet with the very understandable denial of those that signed up to be a part of the experimental medical trials of the past two years. I feel that this is all a very telling manifestation of the disowned parts of us, collectively and personally that wanted to leave the planet and the human experience sooner than later.

The awakening masses want to out the blame onto the dark evil drug companies who are controlled by dark evil agendas and elites bent on unspeakable evil, again understandably so…

But a deeper understanding is that all of both light and dark, what we went on to be sure and label as good and evil, ALL was birthed out of oneness source.

Love picks up the tab for it all.

Now we see not only WHY but WHO is asking us to take this journey within. It is your soul as divine expression that wants to know itself and be reconciled to itself in the deepest dualities that it created.

The darkness is you, and therein you will find your deepest reconciliation to life and love itself.

There is no other real path for relief. There is no other awakening from the nightmare. The glorious light that you are can only be found and known as you equally embrace the darkness within.

Jelelle Awen and I want to speak to, feel and transmit some more of this reconciliation in today’s livestream. Would you join us if you can? I’ll put the details in the comments below. 💚🌹🏄🏻‍♂️🙏🏻

Much love to you and your courageous journey,

~ R ~


(This pic was taken at a park on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, BC – showing off it’s Lemurian heritage and New Lemurian aspirations)

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

The SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a virtual gathering place for community engagement, exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal here: for a monthly subscription of $22.22 USD

Sovereignty Within

By  Raphael Awen

Men Of The SoulFire.

It is your birthright as an individual, as a fractal/template of the Divine to be your own SOVEREIGN FREE WILL BEING that lives by your free will, meaning you do what you want, when you want and how you want, for the highest expression and benefit of everyone and everything in your life.

Essentially, whether we realize it or not, all of us are already expressing as this NOW, and always have been, even if we don’t know it yet, even if we learned to play small and victim to the powers that we perceive and that we authorized to be over us! This is one form/expression of our free will and sovereignty configuration, albeit at a low frequency.

Giving away our power, to others that we allow to dominate over us, whether consciously or unconsciously, is the only way an other can have any power over us. All authority only and ever arises from the individual, and is limited to that individual’s domain of influence. There is no other source from which power can arise, nor is there any such thing as true authority OVER an other. Presumed authority over an other is illegitimate and has no grounding in the higher heart of the universe. This bully kind of false expression of power uses a kind of dark magic manipulation of illusion, presumption and dominance of the free will of both the perpetrator and the victim.

In the higher heart way of the universe, the way of pure love, the sovereign individual expresses in a similar way as source consciousness itself, where all things arise from the free will power and essence of that mystery source energy that underlies, templates and fills all things, and is directed to the well being and thriving of all involved.

All of this means many different things, but the key one we are invited to focus on is that YOUR LIFE AS IT EXISTS/EXPRESSES TODAY IS YOUR CREATION.

That’s a lot to take responsibility for and can make for a lot of shame triggers if there are things in our lives that we regret or lament, as we all do at different times and situations. But this power and responsibility is a double edged sword, for it can also be (AND IS) your hope of deep and profound change at the core of your being.

This awakening to and responsibility for your true power is a deep remembrance of your divine essence, one that took many lifetimes to remember, piece by piece, experience by experience. We are learning to cease from the dynamics where we forfeit our power to any other that we’ve projected onto as having power over us, including governments, pharmaceutical ‘experts’, friends and family, spiritual teachers, and even to false Gods.

We find that we don’t need to ‘take back our power’ as much as we realize our power simply by no longer giving it away. Our power becomes ‘re-homed’ in us.

Learning how to express as a sovereign being is something that only occurs in relationships and circumstances involving others, be it a friendship, a family, or a member of a community of any kind. Sovereignty implies community (a relationship to others) as it’s impossible to be an individual without existing in some form of community as they are part and parcel of the same thing.

Sovereignty operates where one accepts the full authority and responsibility for their lives in relationship to all others in their lives as their birthright and divine blueprint as an individual.

So then, a sovereign being is one who possesses the power to act as their own supreme or ultimate power in any and all relationships.

Even if you choose to comply with a governmental law or edict, fearing reprisal for non-compliance, you come to realize that that is only and ever and always your choice that is at play, your power in action. You’re the one doing the choosing for your own reasons. This realization alone makes for a deep beginning of life changes and choice points that transmutes the fears underlying your relationships with others.

Doesn’t that sound juicy? It does to me! Sign me up for some more of THAT please!

So HOW then does one go about practically realizing and embodying this personal sovereignty more and more?

This change of your relationship to your true sovereignty is a core shift that begins an inner transformation of the power dynamics that have been occurring INSIDE OF YOU, FROM ONE PART OF YOU TO ANOTHER. From there, it naturally flows to your outward relationships with all of life.

No other will own your new found freedom or be able to dictate your relationship to it! This is a pearl of great price that you can never lose.

Gabriel Amara and myself are hosting a men’s group call on this subject on Sunday, November 27th that will lead you through the discovery of an inner reality, a ‘you to you’ reality where different parts of you are playing both ruler and subject separately. This can make for a polarized tyrant and victim dynamics held on the inside between parts of you that have not known anything else. We will introduce you to the process and experience of showing up for these parts of you, how to begin bridging to them, their realities. From that, you can discover how with deepening relationship to these parts of you, you literally transform the ground you walk on. And again, all of this FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

(The Men’s Group Call event listing details will be updated in the comments below soon – Gabriel and I welcome you to attend!)

Much love and sacred transformation within and without, Raphael.

The pic above, Gabriel and I, was at The Abbey in Glastonbury, UK, at the burial site of King Arthur’s Tomb, on All-Hallows eve, 2020.

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

The SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a virtual gathering place for community engagement, exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal here: for a monthly subscription of $22.22 USD

From The Void To Our Deepest Growth

By  Raphael Awen

Many of us personally, and all of us collectively, are moving through a kind of heightened void space.

What once held and secured us no longer does. Something, and often many interrelated things, are passing away.

Nature, consciousness and evolution can be quite unsentimental in this way of relentless flow in and out of the void space, death and rebirth. Life! It changes, evolves, and seeks new ways of learning and growth. It suddenly abandons old ways of being, returning to the void and then expressing itself in favour of new ways of being.

Even in what we call God, we tend to create and attribute a human kind of persona of caring and a human sort of kindness to this source/Allness/(first consciousness from which arises all other consciousness) – there’s a big word for that kind of God shaping – it’s called ‘Anthropomorphize’, where we essentially shape God in our own image, or more specifically project human traits onto our picture of God. From this tendency we get the word Idol, meaning a ‘graven image’ or carved image. False Gods have always been part of the problem/challenge haven’t they?

All of this raises the question: Does God/Source really care in the way we do, from the perspective that we do?

Did God/Source, do anything to stop the horrors we are witnessing unfold around us these past few years in the mass medical intervention with the pokey thing in the arm that is now ravaging so many lives? No, he/she or it did not. We tend to reason, ‘but I’d have stopped that in a heartbeat if I had the power to!’ What about the long list of suffering of the wars, hunger, human trafficking that seemingly go on unanswered over millennia?

Do we just chalk all of it up to the age-old ‘good against evil’ picture, and one fine day, the evil will be vanquished by the good if we remain faithful, and help our tired God out of its hairy predicament? Here again, we projected our own internal conflicts onto God. More idolatry.

And herein, we confront a big piece of our suffering and conditioning when we feel a world and even possibly a God behind it that doesn’t care, at least not in the ways we’ve been conditioned to feel and think about care.

What if (and this is a big WHAT IF) all of it, the evil, the good, the care, and the lack of care are all expressions and creations of this source consciousness’s evolution and learning? And WE, AS THAT, are created in that image, of also learning, growing, evolving, and finding a higher frequency of truly caring?

What if God is also learning at your feet how to care? What if you ARE a God fractal learning lessons in true feeling and caring?

I believe this speaks to the HUGE underlying void space that we are all sensing shift and rumble underneath the 3D world as we’ve known it. It is rumbling into a void space. It is collapsing. And with that collapse is the collapse of the presumption that God is the ultimate carer in the ways that we think he, she or it should care.

Every culture is based upon certain assumptions and perceptions of what reality is. The culture of 3D is based upon the childish assumption that ‘God cares’ while placing our own spin on what caring even is, and then suffering over the entitlement/disappointment that we’re left with.

I’m coming to realize more and more that God/Source doesn’t care in the ways we came to believe and think that he, she or it SHOULD.

That’s a HUGE cognitive dissonance, I know.

Having spent many a lifetime and a good part of this life in Christianity, I’m still reeling from this mind and heart bender.

What God cares about, in a non false caring kind of way, is its own growth into more and more love. God does this through your and my evolution of learning love and growth, and interestingly, actually learning about how to truly care!

I’m speaking about care on a much higher dimensional level than the kind of infantilizing, belittling care-taking that we tend to engage in, in 3D.

All of this should probably be a book, and not an attempt at a post on social media, but I’ll bet I’m striking a chord of both resonance and dissonance in hearts here…

We’re being asked to grow up.

We’re being asked to honour the necessary time we spent in our false God pictures as all part of our sacred evolution.

We’re being asked to truly care about what truly matters, about what truly shapes and creates matter, why matter itself is even here.

We’re being asked to become responsible for our own evolution in alignment with God’s own evolution.

All of that is a big void to cross, a TON of grief to grieve, but the other side of this void is where we come to actually and truly CARE AS DIVINE EXPRESSION, where the care for ourselves is synonymous and symbiotic with the care we have for all of life, in all of its expressions.

THIS actually answers all the lesser things we all care and have anxiety about. There’s a bigger care container here where care gets really real.

The darkness is waiting for you and I to grasp this, so it can see in living demonstration the path of its own homecoming evolution from darkness to light, from fear to love.

The evil is waiting for this demonstration of maturation and homecoming in YOU.

Our beloved guides, like for me personally, in Yeshua, Divine Mother, Divine Father, and a host of other personal guides and Metasouls are those who I see and feel as a more palatable/‘stepped down’ if you will, versions of God, who feel and relate to more of what I’m feeling on a daily basis, as compared to source consciousness who is more focused on simple unsentimental growth and evolution.

All of it, Source Consciousness, You, Me, Our Guides, are all in this learning together. We get to create what we most deeply want. We are in fact TASKED WITH creating what we most deeply want, as is the Divine!

That is the primordial void we are moving through – Re-creation at such profound levels where nothing is a loss compared to the gain being realized in us.

Jelelle and I did a live stream yesterday about our personal relationship with the void with a lot of how to’s about cultivating the self care to move with this void movement. You may want to take that in to feel how to more personally be with what I shared here today. You can find it here:

Much love and CARE,

~ Raphael ~


The pic was of last night’s sunset, just off the patio, just after the live stream – one of the many manifestations from the primordial void. Sunsets are speaking to me more and more of death and rebirth, heralding and mourning with us the deep changes we are being asked to feel.

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

The SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a virtual gathering place for community engagement, exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal here: for a monthly subscription of $22.22 USD

How Spirituality and Growth Differ

By  Raphael Awen

Growth and becoming spiritual can be far from the same thing.

Growth is hinged on the quality of your intentions and responding with your deepest courage and integrity to the choices before you, in the sacred life before you as you currently know it.

You can become quite spiritual through a long list of practices like meditation or yoga. But the practice doesn’t determine growth, but rather the why behind what you are doing, irregardless if it’s meditating or feeding the dog.

We’re invited now to sift through our intentions, which is the real leverage point of our desired growth. Clinging onto or coveting spiritual routines and attainments can actually be detrimental to our growth.

Sort the intent and you may just find that everything you choose to do in life is equally spiritual. Then you can literally do whatever you really want and find growth traction, and be having too much fun in the process to be beating yourself up with another spiritual discipline. 💚

~ R ~

This pic came from this weeks wonderwalks in the area here.


Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

The SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a virtual gathering place for community engagement, exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal here: for a monthly subscription of $22.22 USD

Manifesting Your Dreams And Inner Negotiation

By  Raphael Awen

Manifesting your dreams begins with just that; manifesting your dreams.

As in looking at them, feeling them, negotiating with any and all parts of you who might feel uncomfortable with those dreams…

That business kind of negotiation will turn preciously personal as you feel and get to know the parts of you and their reasons for preferring a life lived with suppressed dreams.

I’m living in a life I could only dream of some years ago. Constantly, life is again asking me to feel into the deeper dreams that are in my heart and soul field.

None of us really need to go looking for our soul purpose. It’s always been encoded inside of us. If it feels hidden or unknown, that’s because parts of us have needed it that way. If other parts of are longing for growth and discovery and deeper embodiment, then that’s all within our power to embrace.

This gets us beyond gimmick spirituality and into the territory of deep live and die surrender into aliveness, passion and letting every moment be a part of an enlivening frequency.

Maybe, parts of you are asleep because their bored. Maybe parts of you have laid off from dead and boring spiritual practices and disciplines and dogmas because they ARE boring. The aliveness has been bored out of them and you and has left a gaping hole.

Thank God for that hole, because if you can address it, that hole is your salvation. Short of entering this void and beginning again to feel your dreams, it’s highly unlikely that anything desired or meaningful is going to show up in your life.

But this hole, combined with the power of your choice, is the one thing that changes every other thing.

Where are you? What are you doing? What are you needing? Are we meant to connect further somehow? I welcome hearing from you.

I help souls get on with their dreams. 💚🌹🏄🏻‍♂️🙏🏻

~ R ~


This photo was taken yesterday from our equinox gathering of 8 souls here in Portugal spending some time together being nurtured in nature. At a time with so much death being amplified around us, it feels gods to breathe in life, love and Gaia’s sustaining goodness.

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

The SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a virtual gathering place for community engagement, exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal here: for a monthly subscription of $22.22 USD