4:4:4:4 Portal Energy Update: Recognition of Home Frequencies & Patterns/Cycles In Your Life

By Jelelle Awen

4/4/4/4 Energy Update: It is the 4:4:4:4 (4/4/2+2/4) portal today (THAT is a lot of four energy!) and there is really something so affirming of the bigger picture and yet also grounding into the NOW about 4 energies…as represented by the four seasons and four elements (well, and the fifth of spirit).

Four codes can be about following Divine guidance, your intuition/soul wisdom, and then making progress/choices toward that, resolving practical and relationship matters with loving negotiation inside and out.

I also feel there was an invitation with these 4:4 energies to be direct with care, transparent with yourself and others to deepen the sense of trust in your higher heart intuition and Divine guidance as well. Being direct with care is possible as you heal from trauma responses/reactions/projections/triggers that lead to hiding your truth, being indirect, manipulation, passive aggression, keeping secrets, lying, etc. Feeling parts of yourself and soul aspects to heal these grounds allows for transparency inside and out.

4:4 is also about recognizing the patterns and cycles in your life and in your awakening journey…the beginnings, the harvest, the fall/death, and the spring arising again. These energies of transformation are being strongly activated right now…and an invitation to surrender to the cycles of change that lead to profound transmutation at all levels of being. To be in the flow more and more.

4:4 is a recognition of your current home on all levels…in the physical, within your body, in your heart space, connected to your soul, with the Divine, in your relationships. And feeling how you and parts of you feel about the current state of these homes…safe? Restless? Frustrated? Unhealthy? Time for change? Goodness and rest? Groundedness? Uneasiness?

This is also coming out of the Easter passage, offering codes of crucifixion/necessary death/letting go that allows for resurrection with Divine forgiveness and trust….as the Magdalenes seeded into the collective consciousness during that lifetime. There is the template there in the soul family monad around how to BE with inevitable change in a way that allows for the deepest personal growth in alignment with the Divine.

And, all of this is amplified by the eclipse energies and the approaching total solar eclipse in four days. I felt a significant lightening up yesterday in the energies yet there is still something slightly unsettling feeling about them right now…especially with the ‘hype’ and speculation around the total solar eclipse. They can often illuminate shadows in geographies, ley lines, collective energies and within the individual too.

This is a passage to honor whichever phase you may be in right in this moment……WHILE seeing/feeling the bigger picture of your life/purpose/service grounded in the home of your heart and soul.

There is an illumination being offered of inner sacred unions too, the dynamic between your inner masculine and inner feminine energies in hieros gamos deepening….and if they are polarized, in union, in conscious negotiation or playing out unconscious dynamics from parental templating, Matrix conditioning, soul karma and more. This is a key element of deepening the sense of home within.

Raphael and I will be exploring inner sacred union with sharings and a guided meditation in our group call on Sunday, April 7th, more info to join by donation at: https://www.facebook.com/events/792561519447717

Much love to you on this 4:4:4:4, eclipse, and post-Easter Passage,

Jelelle Awen

Energy Update: Blood Moon Eclipse Impacting All Wombs/Haras, Stirring Awakenings & Action-taking

by Kasha Rokshana

The collective womb throbs and hums, expands and contracts. It is working to help us through our death and rebirth. It is co-creating with us the world we want to live in, while helping us collapse the one we don’t. It is moving and swaying in time with the music of the waves of collective awakening. It is clearing itself out and making room for what wants to come through…

This week’s Blood Moon Eclipse connects us to this collective womb in an intense way. It’s a harbinger of what’s already happening and the intensity of what’s to come too. The moon, I feel, is not a pure connection, but a hijacked one. Meaning, it has its role in broadcasting the Matrix that is peaking now, which impacts us all, and to the awakening soul that is shaking off what’s left of its slumber, this particular broadcast from the moon this week could be felt in very uncomfortable ways.

The continued push of the v. bioweapon agenda is a scary one. In many ways it’s a direct attack on the womb, on the human heart, on our children, on the physical body vessel and the soul it houses. It’s getting worse and continues to peak. This creates a lot of stirring and shifting in every womb/hara space in every individual, for we are all connected and no matter what is happening and where, we ARE going through it together. 

Within your womb, you may be experiencing cramping, bloating, fatigue, and a feeling of overall physical discomfort. Emotional edges may be peaking, especially anxiety and a feeling of hopelessness or even restlessness. Whether or not it’s directly related to your own cycle, there is a frequency connecting all of our wombs at this time. The hara in men may also be feeling impacted with its own symptoms. 

My own womb has been humming in deep response to everything that’s moving… as I feel her, I feel what she’s been holding. I feel the tension of getting ready for the next phase of her cycle, but also the tension of what’s breaking down and breaking open in the world. I feel my own process of feeling into how to respond to that and also feeling how it connects to some pieces in my soul and my this-life parts too. 

Connecting in with my womb, I feel all of this and the discomfort of the confused collective that is trying to break through the ceilings of a consciousness that has long been held as ‘normal’. I feel my own personal ceilings I’m breaking through as well and how challenging that can be at times. Overall, I feel my connection to Divine Mother through the portal of my womb, which offers me all of this context I’m sharing with you now, even through the physical discomfort and emotional peaks I’m feeling inside of myself. 

It all feels like the energy of death, but laced with hope. It feels like a deep reboot of our sense of what’s true and how to respond to it with love, care, compassion, and when necessary, urgency.

As the collective Dark Night experience intensifies at this time, you may be feeling stirred to take urgent action and make swift life changes that have a huge impact on how your next phase unfolds. It feels important to not over-process or analyze this urgency right now and the intensity you may be feeling about it all, instead offering it plenty of air and giving space to the reactions parts of you are very reasonably having.

As women, sometimes we need our inner masculines to ‘kick it into high gear’ and help us move on and into more personal safety, choosing to follow the flow of the resonance that calls us, even if soul family feels physically far away. With more lockdowns, more shunning of those who choose love over fear, more risk of becoming ‘stuck’ in situations or geographies that are so clearly dissonant to your own values and what your heart and soul believes to be the truth underlying everything that’s happening, it’s paramount to listen to that voice within that encourages and empowers you to find a way out. 

Jelelle and I have led several women’s calls with guided meditations to help you access and feel your womb and also your inner masculine in a deeper way. You can donate whatever you feel to or go to our shop to purchase: soulfullheart.org/shop

Our wombs/haras carry many codes for us of our personal awakening journeys and alchemy. There’s so much we can receive from them when we connect consciously to them and feel how whatever is moving through us is also moving through the All. The Divine womb that holds us all is expressed in each of us and it’s so vital to our wellbeing to embrace and understand that. 

As the collective ‘womb’ we all share continues to move the energies of what’s burning UP through her, we’re not only being offered a dystopia but also hope… it was our co-creative power that brought in the reality we’re living out and allowed it to seed the way it has. That means we also have the power, which starts individually always, to move into another phase of co-creation now that we’ve learned so much from this one.

I feel how important awareness of these pieces is right now, to be able to digest and feel them. Fear and the parts of you that may feel it is never ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’. Yet, it’s the relationship to fear that is also important to feel and get real about… feeling and holding parts of you and Metasoul aspects in other lifetimes who vibrate in it moves all fears into trust eventually, with dedication to them and to your womb, who helps to hold them all. For more information on 1:1 sessions with me or one of my beloveds, visit soulfullheart.org/sessions




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Energy Update: Solstice/Eclipse/’Father’s Day’ Sacred Masculine Codes Illuminating Shadow Masculine

by Kalayna Solais

The Solstice/Eclipse energies coming in are super activating and A LOT to let in, especially as it feels like they are mostly coming from the Divine Father/Sacred Masculine. Plus, on top of that, we have a blend of the shadow masculine and sacred masculine energies coming in on ‘Father’s Day’. None of this is accidental, of course, and I definitely get the sense that we’ll need to ‘buckle up’ a bit for what is being illuminating and what wants to move within.

As Divine Father/Masculine energies come through, you’ll feel illuminations of your own shadow masculine expressions in this life and others. You’ll likely feel the grab at old relationships to others, to soul purpose work as well that your masculine has needed for a sense of ‘worth’ in the world. You’ll feel the outrage of your masculine and even masculinized ‘warrior feminine’ coming forward in some cases, wanting to set fire to everything in your life and to the 3D systems still collapsing.

None of this is ‘wrong’ to feel and all too often the necessary waves of rage, which is really passion when felt in its leading edge, get put down or therapized instead of heard and deeply felt. These are necessary pieces to feel as the world continues to shift and change and your parts/aspects are figuring out how to respond to it all. Do they conform to what the popular opinion or action-taking is, or do they rebel against it? Do they feel to stay in a polarized position and argue, fighting to convince others of their side… or do they choose to go inward, to drop the sword, to have their truth validated by YOU as a growing and healing ‘self’, and feel their vulnerability in it all?

When the Divine/Sacred Masculine moves through our heart spaces, it penetrates. It pierces through the din within. It creates a poultice because of the potency of its love, to draw out the parts of you that need love and that are convinced that the outside world has to change first before they can feel loved. It’s an energy that shows you its truth and helps you feel your own. It’s an energy that wants you to be empowered yet invites you to heal any need to seek power over anyone or anything else.

This weekend is going to be VERY powerful! It’s a potent time to go inward, connect with the Divine Father face/expression that most resonates for you, and to connect with your own Inner Masculine and what may be rumbling within him/them as well.

Here is a meditation led by Jelelle and Gabriel to help you connect with the Divine Father: https://youtu.be/QTWxFux2KA4

Much love! ❤


Kalayna Solais is a Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator & collaborator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Energy Update: July Is ALREADY Offering Rumbling, Strong Energies

By Jelelle Awen

Even though July is just beginning, you may already be feeling the intensity of energies that are available and ramping up since the eclipse on the 2nd…..maybe in your stomach, in your head, in your spine/back, maybe in ‘every living cell’ that is being activated right now. The chakras connected to these regions of your body are coming more in synch with the physical and whatever is clogged, plugged, and congested in both is moving out for healing and releasing. You may be feeling sleepiness that is not explainable or addressed by hours of ‘usual’ sleep time.

You may really be feeling these higher energies particularly in your stomach/solar plexus chakra. Your stomach rumbles and even bloats when the not quite right frequency of food/energy is offered. The more sensitive this process of digestion is on the physical level for you, the more likely that the energies are HIGH. More photonic light is available in these moments to download and let IN with less 3D food source needed. What calls to provide fuel is no longer based on cravings or comfort, yet rather about the purest energy available….superfoods, organic in-season fruits and vegetables, purified water.

The surges of energy are going to be and have already been HIGH in July leading into the peak energy of Lion’s Gate 8/8. These come in what is probably best described as ‘waves’, as there is a sense of crest/peak and then some receding/resting before it starts over again. These energies are working directly on and with Gaia…..and Her every tectonic plate and inner crest rumbles with the receiving of them. Fairly strong Earthquakes in California and here on Vancouver Island were shaking in response on July 4th…..with an elevated Schumann/Gaia spike coming through for about 12 hours today, July 5th.



If you are used to grounding with Gaia to a certain, reliable OM frequency, this is transitioning and variable now. What you ‘get’ when connecting with Gaia is the same sense of metamorphosis that you feel in yourself and your own process. It is the frequency of SHIFT that She is broadcasting now.

We are in an eclipse window, which always brings in stronger energies…..the first eclipse on July 2nd was a total eclipse of the sun in which STRONG energies of death and rebirth could be felt. We were offered our NOW timeline to fully feel into WHILE getting a feeling sense of our higher timeline emerging out just as the sun did again behind the shadow of the moon. The 3D self is experiencing sometimes profound shiftings inside of relationship to the 3D world they have created. Feelings of unhappiness, suffering, flatness, loss of purpose are being amplified…all 3D frequencies, are coming UP now to be felt so that ACTION can be taken.

Here is a guided meditation I offered yesterday to connect you to your 3D self, the world they live in, and create a bridge to your higher timeline for them. Divine guides join us for supportive love. Creating this bridge inside is what allows for the lifestyle changes on the OUTSIDE.

Our next eclipse happens on July 16th, a partial lunar eclipse. The Moon should be about half-covered by the Gaia’s umbral shadow at maximum eclipse. This will be the last umbral lunar eclipse until May 2021. This feels like the Divine Feminine offering an influx of lunar energies to support Gaia in Her ongoing transition into 5D frequencies that includes a necessary phase of shadow revelation.

The ongoingly INtense energies in July will invite all of us to go deeper than we have before……into our 3D self, into our shadows, into our emotional bodies, into connection with our physical bodies, into our Metasouls/other lifetimes/timelines. This exploration will be held with MUCH love and support by Divine Mother, in whatever planetary, etheric/Divine, and even human vessel forms you most need/want to experience Her.

The Divine is turning the heat up……and She is there with Her steady heart to embrace the tender aftermath of this ongoing transformation into the NEW.


Jelelle Awen
1:1 bridging sessions available to navigate/integrate these intense energies into ALL of your bodies and aspects with compassion and love. More info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about 1:1 individual sessions and group transmissions events with her and other SoulFullHeart Facilitators, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Photo by Jim Strasma on Unsplash

Digesting After The Lunar Eclipse

Digesting after the POWERFUL blood moon total lunar eclipse last night….you may had quite a purging and cleansing yesterday and still moving into today as well. Up and out and through were the Divine Mother Lunar energies that are holding space for this clearing.

Letting go, shedding, mourning, releasing, feeling, and BEing real about what needs to be shed. This is tears; this is sometimes aches and pains; this is a feeling sense of ‘no more’; this is NEW desires emerging like flickering flames now.

MUCH self love and self care of your body, heart and soul right now and ongoingly too! Salt baths, light stretching and yoga, energy flow, connecting with MUCH love with parts of yourself too. Drawing support and space holding when needed too.

Here is a guided meditation I did to connect with and flow through the blood moon energies:

Jelelle Awen


1:1 bridging and ongoing sessions available with me for women over 25 and with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators (Gabriel and Raphael with women/men and Kalayna with woman 25 and under) to deepen this connection with your Protector, Inner Child, Lemurian, and other precious parts/Metasoul aspects! More info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions