Finding Genuine Empathy & Compassion Births Our Sacred Humanity

by Kalayna Colibri

Sometimes the cries of the world just need the space to move through your heart. It’s the tears of a benevolent universe that has witnessed and held all of the pain and trauma… that has felt and experienced it all along with us and wants to move through it, heal it, bring us all with it to something new.

It’s these moments, these poignant moments, of crying tears that aren’t necessarily ‘ours’ but are about what others have been through and in some cases are still going through as this world continues to transition and ascend. These crucibles have been chosen on a soul level in order to boost this-life healing and karmic healing from other lifetimes as well, yet this does not make them any easier to truly feel, to digest, and to somehow, by some miracle of personal will and soul bigness, find another side to.

I feel the oneness field which we all share and through which we can all experience what others have, whether literally or just in our hearts. This is the love field of Sacred Humanity. This is Home in so many ways.

I feel how these tears are what water the seeds of New Earth… actually, all tears we shed do this, especially when we are feeling them for the sake of our personal healing and experiencing a deep movement with a Metasoul or a part of us. We aren’t here to overhold the tears that others need to feel for themselves, yet to feel your heart open to feeling their pain WITH them is one of the deepest gifts of being alive and being human… and is what creates real intimacy and opens up the channel for more love to be exchanged between all of us.

Our compassion is worth feeling, starting out by feeling it toward parts of us and then overflowing it to others. It is worth the process it takes to move into this place of opening the heart and genuinely caring. It is worth all of the tears you’ll shed for your personal process as you then serve others in feeling theirs. And… it’s worth finding and feeling the parts of you that don’t feel compassion, that are blocked to feeling real care. These are the parts that need your love the most, and these are the parts that also hold the most gifts of genuine empathy for others.

Much love! ❤


Kalayna Colibri is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 25 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

Conscious Evolution: The Consequence Of Our Energetic Choices


We are all evolving. No matter the soul. Each one is participating in this natural maturation process that holds its own unique and particular part of the story. Each highlights something that can take us to greater depths of our compassion and relationship to Love. How deep does our compassion go? This is what Love is curious about. This is what I am curious about. How can I evolve into more love if there are parts of me that block that compassion, especially to myself? It is the outward expression of our lack of compassion that is ultimately about ourselves in the long run.

So much is being uncovered, discovered, and disseminated. From the cosmic activations of our Higher Self and higher timelines to a geopolitical unraveling that is occurring right before our eyes in black and white. Conspiracy theories be damned. This is really happening. The Light is making Itself more aware. Shining on the darkened pockets of our Being.

How we respond in this time sets in motion what it is we really truly want from this existence. What would be truly new in this situation? What choice can I make that lets in more love even as it brings up fear or resistance? Each choice creates a new timeline. A pathway to a new world. One that is not covered in the blanket of fear we have created for ourselves. We are truly infinite creators choosing. Evolution is the energetic consequences of our choices.

As the rising tide of these energies and unfoldings continue, you may begin to feel presses inside and out. Reactions and tugs. Questions and clarities. The frequency they take you can have a big impact on your evolution into the New. These anchored frequencies can be held by unfelt parts of you that are seeking your open-hearted compassion.

I have felt these energies inside myself that are leading to new connections and integrations with myself as I have held them in sacred space over these past few days. It is like a dam is ready to break inside of me and the part of me that has protected me from this event had an existential WTF moment. It is feeling the largess of the time we are in right now and how important it is to show up for all that is coming.

If you feel your dam breaking, or has broken, and are needing some navigation of it all, SoulFullHeart is here to serve that WITH you. To assist you in feeling all the parts that may be feeling a bit lost, confused, or in pain. To help integrate what is moving through you to make the changes necessary to find yourself on your highest emotive and spiritual timeline. These are days of self-love and compassion for all that you are moving through and feeling.


Gabriel Heartman is an emoto-spiritual men’s and women’s facilitator, energy healer, writer, poet, and heartist with the SoulFullHeart Way of Life.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Visit our patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at