A Digestion Of The Deepen 2022 Video Series

By Raianna Shai

This SoulFullHeart video series is such an incredible way to get to know yourself to an incredible deep level. They’re full of teachings and meditations that are so valuable for discovering who you are, why you feel and react the way you do, what your gifts are and how to heal even your deepest wounds. I’ve been doing this series for the last two weeks or so and even the more “basic” videos have been so enlivening and core to my current healing process.

There’s something special about connecting to 31 different videos that slowly but thoroughly help you dive into any and all places that need your attention. They can be taken in at any pace and at any time which allows you to go deeper into any process that feels relevant.

I have been on a deep journey of discovering my divine empowered woman and these videos have brought so many connections to light inside of me. They have taught me how much my inner mother wants to care take everyone to the point where it doesn’t allow others, or other parts of me, to live into their bigness and grow into the person they’re capable of. They have taught me that my inner teenager is ready to blossom and become a woman capable of setting boundaries and advocating for herself and the capacity of others.

They have woken up my inner protector enough for him to realize that he can’t keep me small and locked in my bedroom anymore. This journey has strengthened belief in myself and what I have to gift others. I have been able to dive into my shadow in a way that I was way to scared to before and recognize patterns that have been so detrimental to my own growth as well as those around me, even if for a good reason.

So thank you Jelelle, Raphael and soon Kasha and Gabriel for providing me with the tools I need to love and care for myself in a way that serves both myself and the collective ❤️

For more information about the Deepen 2022 series including a full listing of the content covered over 31 days, a playlist featuring each video released so far, and information about the two Deepen 2022 group calls, visit http://www.soulfullheart.org/deepen2022

Love, Raianna


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and website designer for SoulFullHeart Healing, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about free consultations and 1:1 individual sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

About Our Personal Journeys & The Process (Video)| Gabriel Amara & Kasha Rokshana

Join SoulFullHeart Facilitators/Teachers and Sacred Union Mates, Gabriel Amara and Kasha Rokshana, as they share about their own personal journeys with the SoulFullHeart process/way of life and community over the last decade.

They have both been deeply devoted to their own paths of healing and inward journeying, which continues to lead them into deeper territories within their hearts and souls, deeper embodiment as sacred humans, more access to the frequencies of their Sacred Union bond, and into the waters of service to others which starts always within.

They both have many writings about their personal journeys, their own Divine channellings, and digestions about what’s moving in the collective during this time of Matrix peak and collapse which can be found at http://www.soulfullheartblog.com

If you’d like to join the FREE online SoulFullHeart community, The SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, go here: http://soulfullheartportal.mn.co

The Deepen 2022 video series with Raphael and Jelelle Awen will be released on Youtube yet also on the SoulFullHeart website/blog, and the SoulFullHeart Portal. For more information on the series, visit http://www.soulfullheart.org/deepen2022

More information on 1:1 and couple’s sessions and FREE 45min intro calls with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator can be found here: http://www.soulfullheart.org/sessions

A Love Story: Part One (Heartbreak & Healing)

By Raianna Shai

I woke up this morning with the urge to create through writing but couldn’t quite figure out what I wanted to write about. I started scrolling through the notes in my phone and found several writings I wrote over the past two years that really brought me back to the moment and phase they were written. Interestingly, I found 6 pieces that seemed to represent a cycle from beginning to end and back to the beginning again.

This cycle in particular represented the phase of the ending of a relationship, to the beginning of a new one, to the end once again. It felt like a really beautiful arc of letting in and letting go and everything that goes on in between. I felt myself recognizing the patterns of relationships and realizing that even when things come to an end, they are so worth the journey in and out.

This isn’t just true for romantic relationships but for careers, geographical moves, finding your soul purpose, healing a trauma and moving into your next phase of growth. As humans, we continually go through cycles in every part of our lives and the only thing we can do is become conscious of them. After a death of a phase you may wonder, what’s the point? But looking back you may notice how much has changed from beginning to end.

Falling in love is beautiful, messy, painful, exhilarating and everything in between but just like any other death and rebirth, it’s so important in facilitating our growth. Each layer brings new realizations and understanding of what it means to find love and purpose in these human and divine lives of ours. We cannot exist without cycles, for without them we cannot understand the gift of being human.

To show what I mean I thought I would share these 6 writings as a marker of each layer that these cycles can illuminate and provide. Particularly in the context of relationships. The first one I felt to share is both the ending of one relationship and the beginning of another. Marking the phase of overlapping death and rebirth ❤️


A Love Story: Part One
Heartbreak & Healing

I sit here
Gathering the pieces of my heart
Trying to glue them back together
The mismatched edges
And sharp corners
Almost fitting perfectly
And then not at all

You wait there
Patiently watching my broken pieces
That long for that perfect edge’s embrace
Slowly come together
All the while knowing
That one day I will come

I will come with just enough pieces
To hold together the contents of my love
When I am still chipped, but no longer broken

You are there
With your chipped pieces
Already glued together
With as much accuracy as truth can allow

And we come together
Look at that!
Our broken pieces create a mosaic of lost loves and tearful goodbyes
Not perfect, but beautiful all the same

Raianna Shai
SoulFullHeart Way Of Life


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and website designer for SoulFullHeart Healing, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about free consultations and 1:1 individual sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Consciously Becoming A ‘Love Ambassador’

by Kalayna Solais

To become your ‘Love Ambassador self’ is more than just an intention, though that is a beautiful seed to start off with. It’s a real invitation to embody compassion and empathy. It’s deeper than diplomacy. It’s deeper than simply claiming that you love everything and everyone. It’s a true and deep staircase into the depths of shadow and the heights of Divine love.

To become an ‘ambassador’ is to see and feel your next steps become clearer for this embodiment picture… to be willing to see, feel, experience, and come to know your own shadow so that you can support others in their own explorations. To this same depth, the steps of being able to go higher, to see the bigger, meta-picture of what’s REALLY going on and the Divine glue that’s holding it all together, are just as alive and deeply necessary.

You become through all of this a link, a connection, a bridge between aspects of your own soul, parts of you, parts and aspects of others around you and especially those who come to you for space holding, feeling your experiences and your embodied capacity for compassion.

This is a Divinely appointed leadership that cannot be trained or certified, only lived into and loved with all your heart and soul as you awaken to the desire to become this, as you feel how much you want to move every aspect and part of you beyond polarity and heal any need inside to still experience that as your primary reality. You’re a work in progress, always, and there’s always more to explore, but it’s your integrity in doing this that makes you a Love Ambassador… not perfection.

As we continue to walk out these challenging times on all dimensions and depths of consciousness, the call to become this ‘Love Ambassador self’ is undeniable and also becoming more and more necessary to answer! I myself find the daily challenge of feeling reactions and learning what I need personally in order to find this deeper embodiment to be an enlivening but also sobering process. I feel clarity come in about next steps and what there is to feel through as well as pictures, images, energetic impressions of who I most want to become from the inside, out. I imagine this is similar for everyone on this planet whose soul is choosing to awaken at this time!

We’re in the middle of becoming a planet full of Love Ambassadors, each with our own signature coming straight from our Divinely beautiful and healing souls… even through the messiness of the ongoing process.

Much love,
Kalayna ❤


Kalayna Solais is a Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator & collaborator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Honouring Your Own Unique And Very Personal Journey Of Ascension

By Kalayna Solais

Feeling behind. Feeling as if we are risking being ‘left behind’ if we aren’t able to tune into what everyone else that shares awareness of Ascension is tuning into and feeling personally. Fearing that we aren’t going to be enough to ‘ascend’ or to be ‘chosen’ TO ascend, perhaps.

These are feelings that I think so many of us can resonate with on some level. These fears feel existential and like they live in our Metasoul aspects in other timelines who HAVE been ‘left behind’ by others and on a deeper level still, there’s more to feel about ‘abandonment’ by the Divine too… maybe also in this life parts of you have trauma from the ‘competition’ conditioning, from growing up in a culture where you are always striving to be THE best, not YOUR best or even just where you are at and having that be ok. There are so many layers to this and for me, I’m still discovering many of them personally and how deep they go.

I’m a part of a highly catalytic process and soul family community that we always say is on a ‘moving conveyor’. The more work you do within you, the more your outer world changes and the more shifts you feel invited to take of your own volition too. The more parts of you that you feel in their traumas and begin to have a relationship with, the more you realize the changes you need to make in your life in ALL areas of your life.

This means that at any time, one of us could decide unilaterally that there is something we need to address, move on from or move toward, and that could be a big thing or a small thing. There are always next and next and next steps too as the inner awakening and openings deepen. There are new discoveries and new strata of consciousness that begin to open up and out. New relationships are drawn. New alchemy on all levels. All of these are sacred journey markers that are very individual and a result of the individual journey. It look and feel like pure ‘magic’ and it really is, but it’s also worked very hard for.

When you have conditioning in your soul’s timelines and the heart of your parts from this lifetime that there is something always to envy in others for the sake of feeling badly or ‘not good enough’ inside of yourself, this isn’t that easy to digest all the time. Jealousy can be kicked up. A feeling that you must be lacking something or have something ‘wrong with you’ if you aren’t experiencing what they are experiencing. This is one of the major reasons why I needed the break I did…. so that this comparison dance and suffering loop could be deeply felt into by me, so that I could arise for myself with more respect and self-love. This could only happen if I got big enough for my most intense and self-punishing parts/aspects to lean into me. This was the crux of my process at times in relationship to the lives of others around me too… feeling parts of me envying their skills (that they’ve worked hard for), their fitness level, their relationships, etc. This has gone on and on for me for as long as I can remember… and only now is this starting to shift into new ground.

Why is it SO hard to just BE with our own journey? Why do we look to others for templating but then resent them for it at times?

These questions feel complicated and like the answers lie within every individual. I think it’s so hard to remember that we are ultimately here to experience Ascension in a PERSONAL way, though we are returning to oneness too. I’m discovering, especially as I feel a relationship beginning with a Reptilian aspect of me, just how deep this ‘programming’ of avoiding the individuation process of our healing and Ascension actually goes and why it can feel a bit scary.

I had a yoga teacher once, many years ago now, who offered something during class that made us all laugh but it was actually quite poignant. She was showing us the many stages of one particular posture. When she got to the most advanced one, she said,

“See? There’s NOTHING there! There’s no need to rush yourself into this ‘advanced’ place when you have so much to discover along the way”.

That really impacted me at that time and it remains with me today because I think I was supposed to take that in deeply for my own ongoing experience of spirituality and of life itself… it really IS about the journey and not the destination. Ascension is a journey. ‘5D’ is not really a destination so much as an invitation into a new frequency in which to anchor our consciousness as much and as often as we can. Every individual’s soul expression and attainments are their own, often worked for over multiple lifetime experiences and deep inner work too. There’s nothing left to ‘envy’ if we can see it this way… but there could be a lot to be inspired by!

Plus, our own journeys, when we have the space within to honour them, are proof positive of our own inner work and also the growth and healing phases that we personally need that are a reflection of our bigness in order to be with them. Maybe there is no ‘ultimate destination’ but in fact, it all keeps deepening and expanding from here. This is such a humble way to look at and hold ourselves and this whole Ascension process on a collective level too.

I wanted to share this bit about my own journey and discoveries as an expression of my own uniqueness that I’m learning to embrace more and more. I hope that it helps you feel more love and respect for your own too… for the journey you’re on as YOU.

Much love! ❤


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart facilitant, soul scribe, and poetess. Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Coming ‘Home’: My Journey Away From And Back Again To Soul Family

by Kalayna Solais

I feel like I’ve arrived back ‘home’…

And in many ways, I have!

I have been on a journey inward for the last three months. I collapsed my relationship to my beloveds here in SoulFullHeart, my ‘title’ as a Facilitator/teacher of this way of life and process, and even my ‘role’ as a wife on a deeper level. I have been returning to myself. Returning ‘home’ to me so that I could feel what I truly wanted in my soul and what I was working, healing, and birthing on that level and beyond.

For me, this separation phase was never about completely severing everything that has made me ‘me’… this SoulFullHeart process has been the one thing that has ever worked for me, reaching deep into the heart and soul of my wounds and my gifts too. In fact, it was this process that held the steps into separation and the bigger context of it and held all of us through everything that came out of it and is still unfolding too.

Letting go of these souls that I have so much ‘history’ with on a heart and soul level has been one of the hardest things for me to do. What was so interesting to me though, were the many moments of dawning realizations, not just of what had to collapse between us and why in both this life and other lifetimes, but also of these newly arising senses of how to serve myself in my own unfolding process and how this was the only way to find connection with my beloveds again if that was to arise someday. This allowed me to feel so much surrender to every moment of sadness, anger, despair, joy, and connection both inner and outer and allowed me to allow in the Divine, Star Family, parts of me, and aspects of my Metasoul in other lifetimes too.

I found ways to feel my heart again, even though it was breaking. I found openings within me on the other side of many tears and sometimes rather feverish journaling and deep meditation experiences that allowed me to feel deeply loved and held by an energy both bigger than me and as big as me too. I could feel my beloveds actually living inside of me, where they would always live, no matter what happened next.

And, I trusted. Oh, how I trusted… I trusted every time I felt like trying to be social was a stretch for my parts that day and stayed home instead. I trusted every journal entry, every time I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere, every time I was reminded to be gentle with myself because parts of me were getting too caught up in accomplishing or ‘getting over this’ already and couldn’t be gentle with themselves or each other. I trusted every feeling of being in a heavy downward shame spiral, knowing that if I could just hold it and be with it, I would find the other side of it. And sure enough, there were my guides in the form of beloved Metasoul and Divine connections, calling out to me, reminding me to lift UP and hold it all with my bigness and heart capacity, not go down with it. I realized over and over again how humbling this is to do and how no one can teach you how to do this, it has to come from your own experience.

I’m still digesting the goodness that I’ve earned now…that is really about earning the expanded capacity to transact goodness and love with others, not the goodness itself so much. I had goodness even in the separation. I just have it again in these precious relationships with those that know me better than anyone ever has and who I am getting to know and fall in LOVE with all over again.

My heart is full, happy and humbled to be ‘back’… to be in sessions again as a Facilitant and perhaps eventually a Facilitator when it’s another phase of that for me. I highly recommend meeting with Raphael or Jelelle for a session, at least one, to get a taste for yourself of what I’m sharing here. This process has a deep impact that can’t be forgotten, even if you only dive into it for a while. More information here about sessions: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions

Much love to you, from the heart of my journey to the heart of yours!

~ Kalayna


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart facilitant, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

The Process Of Uncovering Gratitude

by Kalayna Solais

Feels strange and yet somehow ‘right’ to have ‘Canadian Thanksgiving’ tomorrow, even though in my life I feel like on a multi-dimensional level, gratitude is continuing to deepen and expand out from me and parts of me at every turn.

This year, I feel like it’s a time to really, soberly, look at, see, FEEL my life as it is and not force my parts into an ‘attitude of gratitude’ but to really feel them in where they might still be tripping over the whole concept of being grateful and why.

I know that inside of me and in my process over the years there’s been a lot of layers of entitlement to feel and heal. I’ve felt though, with each part that’s had this disposition, that underneath the entitlement is a sense of a lack of worthiness. A sense that they won’t get what they want unless they fight for it and ultimately too, a belief that they won’t actually EVER get what they want and that others will instead.

I’m still feeling into what’s truly underneath that meme that’s been ringing and pinging inside for so long and on a soul level too, yet it’s being uncovered with effort and desire to heal it. And, it feels like this ‘Thanksgiving’ celebration day tomorrow helps to bring in some sort of intention around it… around truly and viscerally healing the entitlement that still lingers and moving it into even deeper gratitude than I already feel.

Really feeling our gratitude is actually quite the process. Any bypassing that’s had to be done in order to ‘get there’ actually just buries the parts that feel like they aren’t getting what they want or even what they need, especially from you to you, you to them, parts of you to other parts of you in their relationship with each other.

There’s a lot to feel about this in the collective too of course, and it’s evidenced by our overuse of natural resources, lack of feeling and compassion towards one another and being competitive instead. Even in our domination of animals. Any sort of ‘Thanksgiving’ holiday is really just another reminder to have a look at all of this and how it’s been configured inside of each of us. What IS your personal relationship to gratitude and how does it live in you?

I feel this question as a meditation for myself… and one that I ongoingly want to feel deeply into as I DO have so much to be grateful for, always. And so much that I have earned through personal process, through ‘crawling through glass’, and also, through following with courage what my own soul and heart have wanted more than anything else. In other words… I think the deepest source of gratitude for anything in our lives HAS to be rooted in feeling grateful, ultimately, for our own journeys and where they have had to go, where they are now, and where they seem to be leading.

Much love to you… and if you’re celebrating this weekend… Happy Thanksgiving! 


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.


Calibrating To NEW Waves Of Love After September’s Growth Processes

by Kalayna Solais

We grow to glow…

Don’t we?

So much inner processing and it all leads somewhere new. Sometimes that new place suddenly dawns on us, reveals itself in moments unexpected. It so pays to have as much resonance around you as you and your parts can let in in order to experience this and feel the magic of the revelation when it’s being reflected by those you love.


I am in the dawn of a new phase of deeper and brighter self-awareness that’s come from years of feeling quite anchored in frequencies that I knew weren’t me and that I just had to be with as I felt parts of me that weren’t ready to let go of what was hurting them yet. This continues to be a process but it’s finally reaching a place where the clouds are parting more easily and often. I know in my heart this is a good place to be that has been hard-earned now. And also that this new spaciousness inside of me is meant to hold even deeper dives into soul patterns and pain but also hold space for others as they come to me for support on their healing and Ascension journeys.

The gathering we held last week was a gift in so many ways that are still landing in me. It’s felt surreal to be serving love and giving energy healing to souls that really wanted to be immersed with us here! I could feel the payoff of where I’ve gone inside, especially in the challenges of the last few months. This ended up bringing me some physical symptoms to move through too, as my chakras recalibrate to what’s real NOW.

I sat at one of my favourite spots last night to take this photo. I wanted to visit with the animals that live nearby and take in the sunset codes too. I was feeling how amazing of a day I just had with collaborating with Jelelle on the stunning women’s call we held together yesterday while also feeling some sadness in my field… Some of it mine, some of it not. There’s still so much I’m learning to let in of the real goodness and LOVE streaming in right now while also feeling parts that are afraid.

That’s the ongoing process for everyone on some level… The calibration and re-calibration to REAL love and what it invites and asks.

Happy last day of September, everyone! What a MONTH! ❤️


You can purchase the recording of the call with Jelelle and me yesterday on our website: soulfullheartwayoflife.com 🦋


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Healing The ‘Black Sheep’ Archetype

by Kalayna Solais

When you’re a child, you start to learn right away what is expected of you. You’re meeting expectations of when to start talking, walking, even behaving more maturely, whatever definition of ‘mature’ you’ve been taught. You learn, then, about what makes you feel like you’re on track with this and what doesn’t and you take in the impact of that.

As you get older and start to awaken more to your soul but also what your heart really feels and wants, the pain starts to set in… the pain of feeling like you don’t belong and maybe never have. A feeling like you simply cannot ‘win’ no matter what you do or don’t do. Parts of you form to deal with this and find a way to be in the world but you still can’t reconcile your differences; those aspects of who you are that seem to set you apart from everyone else.

In some cases, you may start becoming ‘therapized’ as the only way that your 3D-conditioned parents or authority figures feel they can ‘help’ you. You may be put on medication that numbs and dulls your natural ability to FEEL. Even the anxiety and depression you’ve experienced, which is held by parts of you that are hurting and also feeling on their radar a sense that they really aren’t safe in this conditioning and aren’t being loved the way they need and deserve to be.

You now see yourself as the ‘black sheep’ of the family but also of the culture you’ve been raised in. You may even feel this with your friends or co-workers. I know I have.

In my recent process, I was working with a part of me that always felt she was the ‘black sheep’. We had to go into a scene together where she could line-up her birth family members and feel the lingering judgements and criticisms, the messages of ‘you’ll never make it on your own’ which may not have been directly said but were energized.

Together, we could start to feel their Higher Selves in the room too, and their Higher Selves offered that this wasn’t actually about what it seemed to be about… it wasn’t about me or this part of me being a ‘failure’ (though in a 3D sense it’d be pretty easy to see it that way). It was actually about a wonder they have at the conditioning I’ve been able to say ‘no’ to, the risks I’ve said ‘yes’ to and the trust I now have more and more in my life, even the challenges that sometimes feel like mountains to climb.

In this, I found compassion for them even though I still hold a boundary.

In this, I found a way to truly see and honour myself and my own journey as well as seeing the sacredness of their own.

In this, I could feel how this theme of ‘not belonging’ and being looked down on somehow has played out in all of my relationships in one way or another, even with my soul family and my recent marriage too.

And, in this, I could feel how just about every single one of us who has been on an awakening and healing journey has felt like some form of the ‘black sheep’ and played out this theme countless times, often with angst and restlessness and even suicidal feelings.

On the other side of this process, I could bring this part of me into a new form other than the ‘black sheep’. She was able to shake off the black and the sheep suit came off too. She turned into a young lioness, full of power and presence, yet with heart and vulnerability. She is finding a new home inside of me where she can truly belong and be seen and loved for who she is, even in those times where she is being shown something not-so-easy to see or feel about herself.

You’ve been taught to look outside of you for validation and even for connection to Divine love.

You’ve been conditioned to believe that you’re always supposed to ‘achieve’ and ‘succeed’ even though the goalposts keep moving. This happens in 3D and also 4D in different spiritual groups too where your ‘black sheep’ feelings can become amplified instead of felt deeply, often in the form of ‘tough love’ which is really just outright abuse.

The feelings of not-belonging can be healed as the parts of you begin to unify, one by one, with each other and with you.

Love is the glue that brings your heart and soul back together again to wholeness within that can no longer be severed. Love is the juice that catalyzes the transformation from within. Yours is the love your lost and world-weary parts most need to feel, to remove their own sheep suits… for they were never meant to be ‘sheep’.

They were meant to be ‘lions’.

Much love! ❤


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart.



Divine Mother’s Presence Post-Lunar Eclipse

By Kalayna Solais

Divine Mother.

The energy I’m reminded of today as I feel the impact of the Lunar Eclipse yesterday.

She is an energy that bridges me back to me without force yet sometimes fire. She connects me back to connection within and shows me the doorway to my own heart again. Her lack of judgement and full-on love soothes the edges of my Masculine inside and encourages my Feminine into her power alongside him.

It’s sure been a journey to deepen this connection with Her. It’s been a journey for my soul in other lifetimes too, to heal the picture and projection of the “Goddess” who smites and incites war. It’s been a journey to feel how She has no righteousness, only a deep care and compassion that can feel unsentimental as needed to help us live into our next places of healing and seriously moving on and UP. She holds no grudges or vengeance which is SUCH a powerful template for ALL women and men too to let in.

Connecting with Her right now, I feel Her hand on my back and Her heart activating my Higher Heart in a way only She can… as I myself learn to keep letting in and letting go, letting BE what IS and being real. Letting the messy be felt so the clean-up can begin. She does not judge my mess, but encourages it, for I have to learn to fall in order to learn to walk, run, and even fly.

I feel her bringing truth to parts and Metasoul aspects from other timelines too that need it in a way that doesn’t criticize but does illuminate what has been in shadow nonetheless. I feel Her through my closest beloveds sometimes and other times on my own when in meditation. My parts cry when they feel Her, especially when they most need to feel Her because of what’s surfacing in them and what they’re feeling through or getting ready to feel through. Her help in showing us where we need to go inside can be intense yet so is Her love and both of these energies flow in equal waves to and with us.

And so She is this energy of turbines and windmills, churning and soothing, for all of us. And as we enter these next phases for ourselves and our Collective, She presences Herself in ever-growing ways as we begin to let Her and Her love in even more. ❤️


This energy and more is what I transmit during one-on-one Bridging Sessions with me. I get to share what I have benefitted from in ways that keeps deepening the more I serve. 😊 For more on sessions with me or another SFH Facilitator: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart.