Healing Sacred Sexuality Experiences In Union And Within Us To Access More Divine Self Embodiment

By Jelelle Awen

Going into our sacred sexuality healing container group transmission call on Sunday 3/3 has brought up a recent process within my soul and with Raphael in our Pairbond union as I/we prepare for it. Our sexuality together has become, now over 15 years together, not just about the act of making love/intercourse etc. or even the ‘goal’ of orgasm. It has deepened into an energectic exchange that expresses physically, emotionally, spiritually, held by the heart that acts as a potent portal to our soul fields.

We call it ‘going into our bridal chamber’ when we transact these energies and it is a safe place where we can be not just naked physically, yet on ALL levels to share what parts/soul aspects are feeling as well. We have held our sexuality together with honoring and tender heart space from our very first sexual experience together, where I shared a letter from my yoni with him so he understood the previous pains/toxicities she had experienced before going deeper to receive him.

Sacred sexuality is not just about physical pleasure, yet also about emotional/spiritual healing as well. It serves the individuals even as it serves the collective too.

In this catalytic year of 2024, we can both feel an upgrade going on in our reunion consciousness together, moving even more out of separation consciousness from so many lifetimes in the 3D/lower 4D matrix of not getting to be together….and into reunion experience on all levels. This upgrade has pushed up some ‘trailing edge/shadow’ expressions of our bond to come up and out to receive love, trust, and response with love.

Our collaboration in creation of and offering of our SoulFullHeart way of life healing process/community has been a ground to sort out separation consciousness and come into more shared alchemy around it. This has revealed trailing edge places of fear of the masculine patriarchy dominance within my soul field experience and compensation for that within his (as the awakening masculines are prone to do this life, trying to ‘make up for’ so much shadow expression that they too were ultimately hijacked by as well.)

The other ground of healing from separation to reunion has been in the bridal chamber exploration of our sexuality. I had been experiencing recently, for the first time in our relationship, pain and tightness in my yoni during our sexuality which was related to moving into deeper stages of menopause. This is very common in women my age as the yoni tissues dry up due to lower estrogen levels. Often this leads to shut down sexuality and no longer desiring orgasms/sexual intercourse/sexual expression, etc.

I started adding to the supplements I’ve been guided to support me right now through this menopause phase specifically to ease this (Vitamin D, Irish Moss and Sea buckthorn oil). I’ll share about the others that are assisting me soon.

They are helping and it is now resolving, yet when it was painful sexuality in the experience with Raphael it pushed up lifetimes of ‘less consensual’ sexuality, which all women have experienced in some form. Not necessarily rape or sexual abuse (which of course so many have) yet what I feel is ‘spiritualized sexuality’ where in lifetimes as a priestess my soul aspects would provide sexuality as a bridge to experience the Goddess. The men who received this initiation through sexuality would then agree to protect the priestesses.

I processed with my soul aspects that this is essentially prostitution in yet another form and a manifestation of the persecution wounding that is so deep in our experience of sexuality (for men and women, both sides.) The temple priestess (esp the Oracle timelines) are rich with this experience, along with the harem lifetimes of ‘serving the man sexually along with many other wives’ as well. And of course the false light male gurus who sexually abuse their usually young female followers are recapitulating this cycle in this life.

I have felt and processed and held space for the healing of this wounded sexuality experience many times in sessions with women over the years and within myself even in this more recent process. These are such tender, sensitive, and vulnerable grounds to go into and it takes time for the Inner Protector/Gatekeeper to trust to open up the parts/soul aspects who experience these things. So very often the Inner Protector shuts down instead the sexual expression and experience (esp as we get older) within us and in the bond rather than open to feel and heal these grounds.

Going into these places in negotiation with our Inner Protector serves to free up our sexuality expression from the persecution wounds, from the shame, from the blame, from the suppression. As our sexuality energies move within our bodies, a vitality expresses and we can reclaim another previously lost and abused fragment of our Divine Feminine power expression.

The Divine honors our sexuality as sacred. The Divine Mother holds space for us to heal our woundings, shame, and fear related to it together and within our own being during phases of sacred singlehood so that we can become a pure channel of its expression and experience again.

We will be offering sacred sexuality sharings and a sound healing/guided mediation transmission from our bridal chamber experiences during this group call on Sunday, March 3rd at 5pm Portugal time/12pm EST which you can attend live and receive the recording. This is not just for those in relationship, yet also those who are single and sacredly healing their sexual experiences.

And Kasha and I will be offering a sacred sexuality group transmission call for women on 3/17 as well. There is more info to offer a donation at soulfullheart.org/events and https://www.facebook.com/events/688766643180972


Jelelle Awen

Are You Up For Some Sex Talk?

By  Raphael Awen

Jelelle and I have our next group call coming up on Sunday the 14th entitled Sacred Sexuality, and I want to invite you.

Okay, that was a bit of a ploy. Pardon the grabby come on, but the purpose of this writing is to draw people who might be interested in the call, so I thought it best to be in full disclosure right from the get go.

Can I ask you, how has life been for you as a sexual being? How do you at present relate to your sexuality?

Whether your experiences have been deeply negative or out of this world positive, both are a lot to bear in this mystery of our sexuality.

That you and I came into this life with this awakening need and desire of sexuality along with its potential for both the deepest fulfillments and the deepest disappointments really points to the vulnerability of our souls choosing to be in human incarnation. 

For me, my teenage awakening into my sexuality was marked with fears and hiding that I effectively suppressed by taming it alongside a Christian dedication to God and Christian service. I embraced the no sex before marriage advice, partly out of my fear of my own sexuality and partly of wanting God’s blessing and sense of safety on something I felt to be so potentially unknown, destructive and harmful. I managed to enter my first marriage as a virgin and experienced a bandwidth of sexuality that felt right for where I was at and what I could handle. From a soul perspective, I can see where this muting of my sexuality was motivated from other timelines of sexual regrets and remorse. 

When I left Christianity, and that marriage of 23 years, I was surprised to find a very ripe and ready unexplored teenage sexual energy that was alive and well coming back into my life with me now in my mid 40’s. I knew I needed and wanted to explore and mature this sexual energy and life and the Divine opened out a couple of rich and rewarding relationships that surprised me by discovering whole new layers of the lover in me. 

This laid a whole new groundwork sexually and emotionally to be in relationship with Jelelle. I was given and continue to be given experiences that feel like such deep treasures and even trophies to me and parts of me. I’d like to support you to create your own heaven of sexuality. 

The journey of vulnerability, desire and beautiful experiences continued for me over the past 13 years together with Jelelle. Now, however, I especially feel another whole layer of sexual energy expanding out into an invitation into a much wider place that is beyond both the teenagers and the adult relationship with sexuality. 

I especially feel how the masculine’s relationship with adequacy and sexual prowess on one hand and then the strange behaviour of needing to get to orgasm, and to effectively close the sexual space are both energies that are rooted in our fears of our sexuality. We can shy away from our sexuality, or put it out there and bury it under a performance, but in both of these polarities we see and feel our uninitiated relationship with our own sexuality. 

I’m convinced now that I’m only scratching the surface of a much deeper terrain that wants to continue to reform and inform my life with this sexual energy in a way that relates to all areas of my life. Compartmentalized and contained sexuality is a safety measure that we maybe all needed while we did or do, but the invitation is for this sexual energy of mateship with all of life and love itself to overflow into this deep sexual union where there is no difference between the love of God, the love of other and the love of self. 

Every person you meet along with yourself was portaled into this world by sexual energy and they each contain vital sexual energy as a common denominator of aliveness, with shared fears, desires and for some of us trophy experiences – but all of it is wanting to take us yet much deeper into something so much more. Can I turn in my trophies and admit I want to keep going into more?

I’m horny for that more, more than just talk, but ongoing flow into the infinite more that we each are. I hope you are too. Any and all sexual traumas, desires, fears, yearnings, trophies, sorrows, are all a portal into this deep going on place in your soul’s journey this life. 

I hope you will consider joining us for the upcoming group call this Sunday at 5pm London time, that will be tailored to individuals and couples. We ask for a donation of any amount to join. Details below.  This call is also free to all members of our SoulFullHeart Portal private network which you can join for $14.99 USD per month, which also helps support our work.

Here is the link to the Facebook event if you’d like further info or to invite a friend: https://www.facebook.com/events/109338231107311

Here is the event on our website where you can reserve your spot by making a donation: https://www.soulfullheart.org/grouptransmissions

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life.  Visit soulfullheart.org for more information about sessions, events, videos, etc. 

We are now offering our SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks, a private virtual gathering place for sharing exclusive content from us such as energy update writings and guided meditation videos, plus community forum threads with topics and groups that you can read, join, and contribute to as you want. You can join us at the SoulFullHeart Portal for a membership fee of $14.99 USD a month: soulfullheartportal.mn.co/

Sacred Union & Sexuality – Day 9: 33 Days Metamorphosis W/Jelelle Awen (Video)

By Jelelle Awen

In today’s video, Day Nine of my 33 Days Metamorphosis series, my beloved sacred union mate for almost ten years Raphael joins me to talk about sacred union and 5D relationships. Raphael shares about his previous life/relationship with his first marriage and feeling his whole life a desire and ache for deeper and more meaningful relationships.

He brings up his completion with his first marriage, plus leaving Christianity, and how difficult it was for parts of him to leave and complete it, yet, eventually he felt it was the best for both. He wrote about this process in his journaling series Journal To The Demiurge, which you can read here:https://soulfullheartblog.com/…/by…/journal-to-the-demiurge/

Raphael and I also talk about how the ground narrows in 3D relationships and eventually pops you out while in higher dimensional ones the ground deepens and expands. We discuss what a sacred union is from our perspective in SoulFullHeart which is transactability and nourishment on ALL grounds of mind, body, soul, and heart. We talk about how in many relationships there are parts of each partner that are ‘hooked up’ in the bond, which often flattens and neuters desire and sexuality.

Thank you for joining us on this ninth day of 33….as we move into Metamorphosis energies together…..one beloved part of us at a time!

Go here to view the playlist listing all of the videos:https://www.youtube.com/watch…


My new book Bliss Mess: The Wonders And Challenges Of Ascension and the book I mention in this video Keep Waking Up! is available for purchase at soulfullheartwayoflife.com/books.


Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of three books about Ascension, Divine Feminine and Masculine, emotional body integration through parts work, quantum healing through Metasoul Aspect connection, sacred union, light body transformation, and much more!

Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions and a free intro session, group calls, videos, etc. Visit our patreon page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings at https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart.