Reunion is…

By Raianna Shai

Reunion is a
Wonderfully terrifying

Shaking the ground
Beneath our

Asking us to
Unchain ourselves
From the shackles
Of our past

Yet to be
Vulnerably intimate
With it
In tandem

The fears are alive
With a depth of desire
That guides our souls
Through fire and hope

We rest in the
Of falling up
Or floating down

Yet the
Yearning of our hearts
Will guide the way
To a new knowingness

That our time
Has been divinely appointed
And soulfully chosen

And all that we are
All that we move and feel
Has been written in the stars
Since our two souls split
Forever aching to reunite

So here we are
Trembling yet strong
In our purpose

To bring our two halves
Together as one
And heal a deep divide

Reunion is a
Wonderfully terrifying


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Reunion With My Beloved

By Raianna Shai

In just two days, Jasper and I will be reuniting as I pick him up from the airport here in Portugal. We’ve had quite a four year history of ins and outs, together and separate, right next to each other and worlds apart. In the last two years, we have been in completely different countries coming in and out of contact with each other, and even in and out of romantic exploration.

On that day, two years ago, I made a huge, life altering choice. I chose to end our relationship, let go of the dogs that have been in my family years, and move to Portugal to be with my Soulfullheart community. It was not easy, nor did it come without falter or doubt, but I knew in a moment of empowerment that I was choosing myself and my soul. I had to trust that on a higher level, it was right for the both of us, despite how painful the separation felt.

This phase of being long distance has been such a deep time of individuation and self discovery for both of us. I feel now how important it is to have the time to heal enough of your inner wounding and gain a more centered connection to the divine in order to let in something as deep as a sacred union. By sacred union, I mean connection on all levels and consistently working on your own inner world in order to transact together on the outside.

I spent a long time rebuilding myself, finding out who I am now and who I want to be moving forward. I learned so much from sisterhood about how to be intimate, set boundaries, ask for what you need and how to share my heart more vulnerably. I’ve grown more of a center and a deep sense of self in this individuation, though it will always be an ongoing process.

Our connection together has ebbed and flowed over this time as well. We didn’t talk for a while, then needed to for practical reasons. I felt done with the ground that we left our relationship on but my care for him never left. Many times we rode the line of getting back together and entering into a new phase of relationship. But each time I had to say no, or the divine circumstances said no, when it still didn’t feel like the right time.

This last round was different. We started out different. In a much more raw, tender and real way. Sharing our deepest fears, most vulnerable pains, and even our anger and desires. This conversation represented a timeline split of either a deeper goodbye or a new kind of hello. In turned out, it sparked the beginning of a new foundation going forward.

I’m so unbelievably grateful to have had all this time as a single woman to mend the parts that felt broken, to rise into a form of queen inside of myself, and reconcile some of the old patterns and behaviours that existed in our previous relationship. Neither of us moved on, neither of us forgot about each other, and neither of us was ever vilified by the other.

Every sacred union journey is unique and different. For me it took time, creating a relationship with the divine, and creating a home inside that was so safe, no part of me felt abandoned or lost in the dark. Now it’s time to make room for this outer masculine beloved and to start life together in collaboration and exploration! 💛

The attached pictures are the very first picture we ever took together and the very last before I left Canada!


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and community member of the SoulFullHeart Way of Life. Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Sisters, You Deserve Roses: A Poem

Sisters within and without…

You are worth holding out for.
You deserve yourself in your own corner
And to feel others
Who are also in theirs
Finding ways to overflow to you
And you to them
In passionate advocacy for
Real love.

You deserve to be filled up
With your own goodness
And the goodness of resonance
Around you.

You are allowed to say a loud ‘NO’
To what doesn’t feel right to you,
To those that manipulate to keep you
Without truly claiming you
And would rather offer
Shame and blame
…which is truly
All they have offered themselves.

You are allowed to turn away
From the false light pain-trix
That serves only your smallness
With its justifications
For mistreatment
And misalignment
In all realms,
Ordering you
To ‘love unconditionally’,
And in other words
‘Just lay down and take it’,
Put up with it all,
And somehow still call it ‘love’.

You are not meant
For just rose-scented paper.

You are worth a whole bouquet
Of REAL roses
Offered to you in overflow
Instead of
Tugging at you in undertow
From something essential
Being so missing,
That you are pulled downward
From the upward climb
You’ve so bravely been walking,
So consistently been choosing,
And so adamantly been advocating for.

Your heart changes faster at times
And your soul shifts more deeply
Than those around you can keep up with,
Even those you’ve felt you’re serving.

Your worth,
Sister beloved,
Is reflected in your work,
And will be reflected by the next
Courageous ‘YES’
You give and receive
In true alignment
With who you are actually are,
And not who parts of you
Feel they should
Or HAVE TO falsely be.

And this ‘yes’,
Though love will always
Change your life,
Will flow without effort
Or pushing
Or ‘making’ it happen.
It will not ask you
To compromise
Your deepest values
And sense of self-love.

This ‘yes’,
Will truly be your next phase
Of intimacy,
Of letting in love
AND goodness.

It will bring you
To new places of self-discovery,
And opportunities for growth…
Which you also get to choose
If they continue to align.

Beloved sister,
I too am walking this out.
The one writing these words
Shares the pain of this journey
And the openings too.

It’s an exquisite tapestry
Of what it means to fall in love
And to also be willing
To close the chapters
That no longer reflect
Your light back to you.

You are complex.
You are multi-dimensional.
You are everything
AND the void too.

You are roses in bloom
And new seeds being planted.
You are spring’s renewal,
Summer’s flourish,
Autumn’s calm,
And winter’s inward stillness.

You deserve to be wanted
In everything
You so beautifully ARE,
And you…
Are worth working for
And out.


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Navigating The Void Between Letting Go & Letting In

by Kasha Rokshana

You can’t truly come ‘home’ to yourself, your soul, in a whole NEW way unless you leave the ‘home’ you’ve known. The ‘home’ that has so often felt both comfortable and uncomfortable. The nest that has become prickly in order to help you find your wings and take flight into the higher dimensions you’re meant to be and truly LIVE in… in your relationships, in your money-earning/exchange with the world, in your soul purpose expression, in your soul family connections, and in your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental bodies too. 

Letting go to let in is a very real and ongoing process and it’s so often NOT easy to be with. It’s very sobering to suddenly realize that your soul is feeling more and more ready to say ‘yes’ to the alive choice points in front of you, which may involve saying ‘no’ to something that was once very precious to you. 

For me, that’s been the process of letting go of my sacred union with Gabriel, grieving a ground that was once good but needed to dissolve for both our sakes and for the sake of our deepest growth and needs. This is the recent process of letting go into the unknown for me, yet over the last decade of my life this has meant saying ‘goodbye’ to birth family connections that no longer had a ground of shared resonance, same thing with old friendships… not to mention different geographies that once held the frequency of ‘home’.

Letting go requires a lot of courage for you and parts of you, as it asks you to enter the void of the unknown for a time… but the inward-turning of that phase is so sacred, I’ve found. It’s a time of true death and rebirth as you continue to rediscover yourself without the anchors that shifted at some point from healthily grounding to now being dampening. Maybe in some ways they were always dampening, actually… yet to begin to recognize this pattern too takes so much courage in and of itself, and so much readiness from the parts of you who have been afraid to imagine, let alone begin to see or be guided by, anything else that could be possible. 

I’ve found that the ‘void’ space in between the letting go and letting in is full of grief, yet also full of every gift that comes with truly feeling that grief. It is filled by creativity, by a new sense of you, by a blossoming flower garden within you that is being watered by every tear you shed and by the love within you and with the Divine that answers that grief. 

May you feel so much love surrounding and moving with you as you continue your own journey of letting go, of moving onward by going inward…




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

SoulFullHeart Museletter: July 15, 2022

It’s a sacred time of new beginnings, challenging endings, and fertile reboots too. One aspect of our lives which is experiencing this cycle is our relationships, especially perhaps our romantic ones. Current energies moving through are supporting whatever process we need to be in around this and around our own individual Sacred Union paths if that is something our souls are called to embody and inhabit.

Featured this week is a piece from Kasha Rokshana, who shares about her own journey with Sacred Union and offers what she’s learned about this very humbling soul and heart path so far. She also invites any women who feel they resonate with Sacred Union, to join in on the upcoming women’s group call that will be hosted by herself and Jelelle Awen this coming Sunday, July 17th at 5pm WEST/12pm EDT/9am PDT. You can attend live or receive the recording by donation. 

Raphael and Jelelle Awen will also be offering a Sacred Union-focused group call for men and women this month. This call will be on July 24th at at 5pm WEST/12pm EDT/9am PDT and it will also be by donation to attend live or receive the recording. 

You can find out more information about these activating and powerful group calls here:

On this Museletter you can also find a video invitation from Jelelle and Kasha where they outline a bit of where take you during the women’s call and invite you to join them. 

Gabriel and Kasha have a new episode of the SoulFullHeart Current Podcast this week. There also two very special podcast recordings featuring Raphael and Jelelle on the AJ Roberts Show and also Soulogy with Todd Medina, which were very exciting opportunities for them and for SoulFullHeart!

There are several new articles and audio blogs in this issue, including energy updates and personal process sharings, as always!

You can find our current Museletter here:

If you’d like to subscribe to receive our Museletters and other announcements in your own inbox, you can do so on our website:, or you can scroll to the bottom of this issue and click “subscribe”. 

Much love from all of us!

~ the SoulFullHeart Community

Being With The Ongoing & Catalytic Sacred Union Journey

by Kasha Rokshana

Part of me used to relate to Sacred Union as a sort of ‘ultimate destination’, wrapping it in romantic ideals and not necessarily understanding how deep of a process it truly is to be in it, let alone draw it to you. It was a feeling that it was some sort of ultimate reward for inner work well done, answering a deep soul-based longing to experience this sort of visceral reunion with a Divine counterpart.

In my lived-inexperience of it though, I’m getting that it’s actually an ongoing journey and a powerful and catalytic one at that. Though drawing a Sacred Union to yourself does show you a ‘graduation’ step (if your soul truly needs and desires to be in one), with every graduation comes a new beginning… and within Sacred Union it sure feels like it’s a near-constant feeling of completing and beginning again, with self, the Divine, and of course another soul or several along the way.

Preparing for and being in Sacred Union seems to not be so much about knowing anything, having mastery over anything, or really understanding what it’s truly about. The unexpected is meant to find you and bring you back to you as well as the Divine Beloved while in intimate connection with another soul.

Sacred Union seems to not be about anything predictable or controllable, including if it lasts for the rest of your lifetime, if it has its phase(s) of stops and starts, completions of old grounds between you and the embers of a new one being born, or if it needs to complete entirely.

Divine Surrender seems to be THE invitation… it’s a romantic bond where the unpredictable is held in the arms and heart of the Divine, wanting you to have the sometimes tough growth edges and mirrors of your goodness too (sometimes equally as challenging to let in) that seem to be offered in this lush ground of discovery. Plus, the Divine wants to express in an overflow of the love between your souls in order to SERVE love to and with others.

The Divine Beloved acts and moves through both of you, encouraging you to wade into the deeper waters of real love… a multi-dimensional love that doesn’t just want to move in with you, but wants very much to rearrange your furniture.

It’s a love that, when allowed to catalyze your growth, offers so many waves of bliss and laughter, along with so many mutual tears, both this-life and existential fears percolating and expressing, and sometimes explosive moments of truth-telling. Indeed, it IS the Divine expressing in sacred human form, learning about all the edges, swerves, and deep-dives there are to experience along with the highest highs imaginable…

There is no perfect way to be in Union… and perhaps that’s what makes it such a beautiful and enticing growth path!

As women, we seem to be especially activated around the desire for Sacred Union and everything it entails… craving the growth, the bliss, the love, the transaction ground that keeps deepening, and of course the yummy sexual grounds that can open out too. I’ve had quite a journey of my own to be able to even remotely let it in, and my journey continues to deepen in sometimes very surprising ways.

It’s such a sacred path that is always unfolding it seems, both inside and out. There is no real “end game” where you can feel like you’ve totally arrived, or so it seems to me so far. It’s actually far more humbling than that and even though the humbling can feel like looking into a mirror from a very awkward angle, I wouldn’t actually trade the mess, or the bliss, for the world.

Join Jelelle Awen and I for our women’s group call this coming Sunday, July 17th @ 5pm WEST (Lisbon)/12pm EDT/9am PDT where we will share about our journeys with Sacred Union and lead a guided meditation to feel and/or activate your own. It’s by donation and already looks like it’s shaping up to be a VERY warm womb-room! I look forward to meeting/feeling you there with us if you feel drawn. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. For more info on the call, visit

You can donate for the call on our Shop: or via PayPal: and we will email you the link to join. If you donate via PayPal, make sure you let us know your current email address so we can contact you. The average donation amount is around $15 CAD yet you can donate anything that feels good to you.

Lots of love,


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Sacred Union Activation Group Call July 24th With Raphael and Jelelle Awen

I’m so looking forward to this next group call with my beloved Raphael…transmitting and sharing from the grounds of our sacred union to you…for whatever needs to be activated, felt, illuminated and coded around Divine partnership in your NOW. Hope you can join us! Details below:


Sacred Union with a partner in monogamous commitment to each other offers a potential frequency of Divine Self experience in the physical unlike any other.

Your partner mirrors both your leading edge of gifts/Divine essence and your trailing edge of wounds/pains/suffering/shadow. This unique combination offers a ground of healing and transformation that allows for multiple lifetime clearings in one lifetime. Both the goodness bliss of union and the karmic mess of separation are pushed up and illuminated, and offered.

More Sacred Union counterparts/twins/pair bonds are coming together now in this Ascension timeline than ever before, as many of us signed up to be together in this life in the physical for service of the Divine and the Ascension process. The reunion of counterparts is a template for all souls of what is possible from within them and with the Divine.

Actually navigating Sacred Union in a transactable and intimate way over a longer phase of time is where the true challenge comes in for those who choose this path. So much is activated and triggered by the bond, including deep karmic binds from many lifetimes in the Matrix together, that these energies often flood the relationship space and overwhelm both partners. One partner usually runs from how triggering this connection is, while the other one holds the pain and wounding of yet another lifetime of ‘not getting to be together.’

Or the couple may be together more in spirit, yet not in the physical as humans even living long distance, as combining the intense soul activations with physical reality is not quite possible yet. Launching the Sacred Union beyond this blissful honeymoon phase takes you into this ground of embodied heart and soul growth, instead of suffering over the blissful introduction to something that now feels ‘lost forever’.

In a two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, July 24th at 5:00/17:00pm GMT/12:00pm EDT/9:00am PDT, SoulFullHeart Teachers, Facilitators and sacred union mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen will offer a Sacred Union activation for those currently in relationship, those in separation from their mate, and those who are single. We will share our own personal journeys and process of being in Sacred Union, both the bliss and mess of that experience and how we have navigated through it. We will also offer how the SoulFullHeart healing process of conscious access to this-life parts and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper transaction ground of intimacy starting from within you so that you can continue to show up for the bond in a relational way and digest all that is triggered by it.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we will create a bridge to your Sacred Union relationship to feel it as it is currently transacting, either in current translation with your mate, in separation, or from within you. You’ll be able to sense energies of resistance, fear, and pain that may be in the space and any parts of you that hold them. We will also open up a bridge for you to connect your twin/pairbond at the original higher dimensional source with your mate (known or not) which offers an inspiring flood of love. Divine guides will join us to hold a safe, higher vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of Infinite love and light. We will also repeat affirmations as a group that provide a new coding of sacred union experience within you and with your mate.

If you are currently in a Sacred Union relationship, this transmission will support you to deepen into intimacy within you and with your partner. It will also bridge you to a new way to process your experience and get more space from any reactive patterns that are occurring.

If you are currently single or a pairbond in conscious separation (meaning you have met your mate yet aren’t in relationship together right now), this group call will give you a bigger context for which to digest Sacred Union. You will also bring in new codes to help any suffering grounds that have been occurring around it.

You can receive these frequencies live with us (highly recommended) or take in the recording afterwards. If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us (this is totally optional). Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other souls (both women and men) in the call, which is a powerful activation of its own!

This group is open to the public and to anyone over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give ($11 USD/$15 CAD is the usual amount people offer us).

You can offer your donation via our shop at or paypal at and we will send you the zoom link to attend and the recording afterwards. If you purchase via paypal, please include your email in the note section so that we can send you the zoom link and the recording afterwards.

To get a sense of our energy as a couple, tune into a recent interview we did on Todd Medina’s SoulSpeaks5D Show:

More info at and

Hope you can join us for this powerful exploration into sacred union grounds from our lived in ground of it!


Jelelle Awen

Note if you are drawn to this call and a woman, you might like to come to our Sacred Union Activation Women’s Group call on Sunday, July 17th with Kasha and I. More info at and

Moving Beyond Fear-Based ‘Tolerance’ Of Dissonance During Awakenings & Growth

by Kasha Rokshana

“Tolerance” is really such a terrible word. I don’t particularly like it. Because it makes parts of us feel like they are obliged to let things go that really they shouldn’t have to. It’s one of the most misinformed tenants of modern society. Tolerance is not compassion or understanding, let alone love, and it actually typically comes from fear, especially the fear of you yourself not being ‘tolerated’ let alone actually felt or understood.

If you find yourself tolerating a dead marriage, a dead relationship to birth family, a dead connection to your livelihood, rather than seeking and humbly taking risks for the sake of aliveness, then you’re likely in a place of having been coached, told, conditioned into feeling like as long as you’re tolerating these dead things, you’re ‘doing something right’ and dare I say, even reaching the carrot of ‘enlightenment’.

No one is entitled to your tolerance, not even the parts of you that ask for it. Just as people on the outside of you basically tell you ‘don’t look over here, you have to accept me as I AM’, parts of you can do that too. They don’t want you to see their manipulative strategies or ways of controlling the people in your life that you don’t resonate with so that they don’t have to experience real and true growth and what actually COULD become possible in ALL of your relationships.

Tolerance becomes intolerance, sometimes quickly, as awakenings happen and these awakenings lead quickly to depression and anxiety when this intolerance is not honoured or felt. You are changing. And if you’re a big soul, you’ve likely felt how quickly you change and shift at times and are oftentimes tiptoeing around your relationships rather than letting your awakenings truly ride with you into a new life phase.

Death and rebirth is always a part of awakening, whether it’s the kind of death and rebirth that is very, very dark for a time or the kind that is actually much easier to move through. I can assure you though, that if parts of you still buy the 3D Matrix or New Age Spirituality Matrix shit of ‘you have to find a way to make this work because that’s what real love does’, then you are in for more difficulty, not less, whether it manifests in physical illness, emotional waves you fall under rather than feel able to come to terms with (note, I didn’t say ‘control’), or a feeling of existential crisis that keeps growing until parts of you can no longer stuff it down.

Awakening, truly expanding into your heart and soul and letting them lead, is not about tolerating anything or anyone. Yet, as this intolerance is felt and honoured, true compassion can be felt as well as authentic passion. You change, and even if the people around you can’t, you are empowered to navigate your way through that and find new people to be around, even if you need a phase of being ‘alone’ (which is never alone, truly, for the Divine is ALWAYS there and sometimes it takes the lonely feelings to actually drop into Its arms at last).

If you truly have a penchant for your deepest growth, you’ll find a way to feel what you’ve been allowing that actually doesn’t feel good to you. Our gut honesty is what brings us the most growth and the most Divine alignment, even in all its messiness and absolute dearth of glamour. There is NO such thing as an ‘ugly cry’, especially when what you’re feeling is the grief of what perhaps once worked, what once was beautiful and resonant, and you’re feeling into letting it go for the sake of all involved…

I love you. Keep feeling. Keep moving beyond tolerance and you WILL find your truth, whether you end up needing to move into deep life change right away or not. Your awakenings will deepen and your experience of your soul will too, even in all of the waves of exquisite sadness, necessary rage, and openings into bittersweet bliss.



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Energy Update: Beltane/Eclipse Opening Karmic Metasoul Timeline Portals In Sacred Union

By Jelelle and Raphael Awen

Energy Update: My goodness, wow, there is a lot to feel and coming up in response to/activated by all these celestial ‘events’ and energies!

For the last two days, I’ve been in a deep karmic ‘tunnel’, feeling, seeing, and experiencing energies from another lifetime heavily overlaid on my own and just BEing with them and the soul aspect who feels them. Allowing lots of tears, physical tiredness and need for rest has been so important, plus lots of processing/sharing time with my mate Raphael too.

This Metasoul aspect of mine (as we call them rather than ‘past life’) is named Lorna, a powerful Avalonian High Priestess who walked away from her position for many reasons in her lifetime, yet mostly to follow the call of her heart in mateship with Raphael’s metasoul aspect ( a Christian king named Lionel). Of course, this union was ‘forbidden’ and they hid in the shadows with their affair….longing for each other yet not able to ‘be together.’ This is a reoccurring theme for Raphael and I over many, many lifetimes and what we came here to heal together this life. The priestess and the king, being in different ‘worlds’ yet our twin/pairbond calling us to connect and heal the separation wound there.

Being able to be together and be in our power/gift expression together is the opportunity we’ve chosen in this life. It is A LOT to let in and even nearly 14 years later, we are still in this process together of inhabiting this.

As is the case in truly non-compartmentalized sacred union in which we are in constant physical/emotional/mental connection together yet also individuating, this invitation to have and be in what we haven’t gotten to be in before brings up all kinds of things to feel such as grief, distrust, insecurity, fear of loss, desire to control/grasp, unworthiness and much more.

During this powerful Beltane/Union passage and supported by the Black Moon eclipse energies (along with the recent planetary alignment and ongoing solar flares), Raphael and I went into this lifetime together (which isn’t in the ‘past’ at all yet occurring in the Quantum Now), dropping into the energies of Lionel and Lorna and facilitated a feeling/bridging to them. They ‘get’ to be together in their lifetime too finally and get to lead together, seeing where that takes them. Their union fortifies and supports the union between Raphael and I too, opening up a gift exchange. Left unfelt, their resistances and fear creates blocks to intimacy and deepening for Raphael and I.

I feel to share this tender process as it is the best example I can offer of the kinds of energies you may be experiencing and emotions too, yet may not always know or feel a ‘way’ to be with them. There is a massive lifting of the veils happening where the previous amnesia we have had about other lifetimes and soul themes is dissolving. Whether you are in sacred union right now or single, your soul is inviting you to heal the separation wounds within you and in your experience in order to move into more union on all levels.

I do love this SoulFullHeart process so very much for what it allows to be opened up and felt in a specific way that also has such depth and possibility to it. If you’d like to hear more about our process recently as a couple and more about SoulFullHeart as well and if it might be a deepening place for you in community and sessions, you can join Raphael and I in a livestream on FB on Beltane, Sunday, May 1st at 5:00pm GMT/12:00pm EDT/9am PDT. The recording will be available on our feeds to watch anytime along with here on this blog and on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel.

We also share more about our personal processes and respond to your movements/sharings too on our private online community called the SoulFullHeart Portal….creating a safe community space online to support each other, deepen, challenge, and grow together. You are welcome to join us there for a $22.22 USD monthly membership as an exchange with us:

The energies of the eclipse bring up and out these timelines/lifetimes and it’s HOW we are with them that can make a big difference in our experience and what we can leverage from them. I so love truly being able to dialogue with, feel, and grow with these soul aspects and parts of myself, over years sometimes, and in an ever deepening way. Not just in a one time regression session, yet in a truly relational way that is ongoing.

Healing the separations that create and feed our fear…moving into more union within and together…THIS is why we are here in this life where so much more is possible than ever before!

And Raphael’s comment on this post:

“This must sound like a complete dream to so many, a real dream, but a dream nonetheless, to have this kind of feeling access to other timelines.

It might feel quite ‘attained’, but my personal experience is more about the guts it takes to be willing to feel and digest all there is to feel in these karmic bonds and binds, and how they are expressing in the current of our current. It did take deep process and choice, but for a soul who’s ready to go here, my truth is that you will be surprised how immediate the openings are and how you will be graced and paced by love and the divine to hold it all.

Feeling this pair bond yesterday took me into some deep tunnels of despair feeling Lionel, which resonates so deeply with the despair inside so many men right now. It’s all connected and it’s all asking to be answered.

If you’re feeling that you need to stay on top of things if you’re going to be a resource to others, I’d invite you to think again. We are in this ride together and there are things to feel that feel like hell, and it is through those hells that you get relieved of the pretense of being something you are not and it is through those hells that you get truly empowered to be of useful and profound service for what is at hand now.

There’s lots more shit to come and unless we drop our roles, we’re going to just plain suffer deeper and deeper. If we are ready to go deeper, there is, I’m convinced (much of the time) that there is so much goodness awaiting us. That is not only my hope, but my daily ongoing experience.

I am so glad to be in the resolution of these timelines with you, Jelelle, and all of our discovered Metasouls. I believe that is what all of us are doing one way or another in the long run, it’s just about how much someone is ready to feel now and at what pace that makes the difference in our joy/suffering.

I know there is a TON of divine support to all of us who are willing to feel and heal on this level.”

Much love to you during this illuminating passage!

Jelelle Awen

More info about sessions, online community, events, books/writings at

A Love Story: Part Three (In The Midst Of Love)

By Raianna Shai

The following writing is one very close to my heart. These are actually lyrics to a song I wrote in that phase of a relationship when it’s been long enough that you know each other inside and out. Your friendship is formed and the romance is alive. I’m not exactly a lyrical genius but it came from my heart and I don’t often write songs!

A relationship based on mutual growth and healing requires a sharing of the innermost tender and vulnerable parts of you. You begin to understand when and why walls come up or what triggers stress and anxiety in them. You notice the little things that you love about them and what makes their heart truly glow. The bond deepens from physical infatuation to deep and growing trust and respect.

This is the time when comfort begins to sink in. You no longer have to work hard to try and win them over, you don’t feel so self conscious about yourself or your habits, you feel a sense of calm and hope that your feelings for them can last. This is the phase that we long for! The fire still burns yet you feel at home within the bond.

We work hard inside and out to get to this place but ultimately, getting here is the easy part. The next part is trickier. Retaining your mutual growth, passion, respect and love for each other is the truly difficult part. Choosing everyday to understand yourself so that you can continue to be vulnerable, honest and real together. I’ll talk more about this on my next post 💞


A Love Story: Part Three
In The Midst Of Love

You make me and my
Whole heart smile when you
Look at me that way

You make me wanna be a
Better person, each and
Every single day

I know that It’s not
Easy being here
But I’m glad that you are

I wanna make you
Happy dear because you
Shine just like the stars

~ Chorus ~
I’ll hold your inner child’s hand
As we run under the moon
I’ll soothe your guard’s worried looks
And soon he’ll make me swoon

Your punisher is next
And him I’ll love the most
Your feminine will help me show
How our hearts can be so close


The moment you feel
Lost and lonely know that
You are not alone

Even when the
Earth starts shakin look
Inside to find you’ve grown

I know that it’s not
Easy being here
But it’s worth a try

I wanna make me
Happy dear because our
Love can reach the sky

~ Chorus ~

And when we start to touch the soul
Our bond will deepen evermore
My dream is to get close to you
Be intimate and break right through

~ Chorus ~

Raianna Shai


Raianna Shai is a SoulFullHeart facilitant and website designer for SoulFullHeart Healing, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about free consultations and 1:1 individual sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, writings/books, and videos, visit