When Suffering Becomes The Comfort Zone For Parts Of You (Video)

By Jelelle Awen

Sometimes the comfort zone is actually the ‘pain zone’.

Parts of you/soul aspects get used to suffering on some level, in the physical body (illness/disease/inflammation), or the emotional body (post traumatic, depression, anxiety, fear reactions) or the mental body (negative mind set, false belief systems, suffering/shame thought spirals) or the soul and energy field (karmic looping, ‘entity attacks’, ceilings in awakening, disconnection from soul purpose.) Or, in relationships (codependence, being/allowing abuse, flatness/deadness, etc.) Or in ALL of these in different phases and stages.

Pain/suffering is meant to be a temporary ‘warning sign’ and an invitation to use it as a portal of self discovery and healing WITH the Divine. It is not meant to be a ‘finally resting place’ or dimension or frequency for which we can live and thrive, although certainly the 3D Matrix makes it feel like that (which takes many distractions and drugs of all kinds and continuous toxicity to keep barely alive.)

And this suffering actually becomes safe and comfortable to these parts of you. It becomes ‘home’. The only thing they have ever known.

I imagine to the version of ‘you’ reading this right now that may seem strange or counter intuitive, yet I have seen/felt/witnessed this so many times in others and in my own parts, esp when we drop into the consciousness frequency ‘below’ the persona ego “I” voice as we do in sessions.

Parts of you may feel very, very deep down…at a core level…that they do not deserve love. That they are not worth love. That they are not EVER going to truly be free of pain and suffering. That they do not trust that love will ever NOT turn into pain and loss.

I would offer, in fact, that we ALL have parts that feel that way…until we connect with them consciously to feel what has been comfortable for them, the dark places they reside, the void places they retreat to, the medications they use to numb out their feelings (including spirituality).

And there they stay…..in suffering, in hell realms, in karmic suffering loops of unworthiness, shame and disconnect…… until, as our Divine Self (compassionate, non-judgemental, supported, hopeful), we invite them to come into our heart, come into the light, come into safety, come into starting to feel the SEEDS of goodness and love from within. Until we start to consciously negotiate with these stuck parts…there is just no way they can actually shift and move in a lasting and transmutative way.

They will resist. They will come up with excuses. They will go into victim mode/blame, looking on the outside for ’causes’ and for ‘cures’. The inertia to remain in stuckness, in suffering, in pain is SO deep and vast, as it is fuelled by collective consciousness and the Matrix programming/conditioning.

It can be tricky to feel and reframe the excuses into invitations to move into something new and hopeful, something beyond the fear. It can be challenging to track all the diversive strategies that can come up in the resistance to feeling, to healing, to ascending, to embodying your Divine self. To experiencing and receiving LOVE.

I am still surprised sometimes by the resistance that comes up in parts of people to receiving love, to seeing themselves as Love and to becoming love for parts of themselves. Yet, I also understand it and am compassionate about it, as I so felt the same resistance in parts of me for many years and soul aspects too (some of which I share about in my new book memoir with Raphael, Under The Bloated Banyan).

Yet, ultimately, to resist love is not natural and is what I’ve been offered by the Divine is the root cause of all suffering. When parts of you resist love, they are resisting THEIR very essence AS love.

That feels worth repeating:

Resistance to love is the root cause of ALL suffering.

In this brief video that I filmed coming out of Divine meditation space this morning, I offer more about this dynamic within and also a meditation bridge to Divine Mother’s heart lifeline to any parts of you in suffering and supports your Divine Self to be there for them. Inviting these parts of you to join you in Divine Mother’s higher dimensional Sacred Garden space with healing pools. It is posted above.

1:1 and couples sacred session space to feel and bridge to these parts in suffering and make a soul turn toward love are available with me and/or Raphael…more info at soulfullheart.org/sessions


10/10 Codes Transmission Guided Meditation (Video) | Jelelle Awen

In this video recorded live on October 10, Jelelle Awen shares about the 10:10 portal, what codes you may be experiencing as you are activated by the “1” energies of new beginnings and the “0” energies of the void. She offers a guided meditation space to connect with your I AM Divine essence and also connect to the 10:10 codes themselves as a portal.

Here is a recent energy update from Jelelle about the 10:10 energies: https://soulfullheartblog.com/2022/10/06/1010-codes-becoming-your-higher-timeline-self-now/

You can read comments that happened during on the livestream on Jelelle’s facebook feed: https://www.facebook.com/jelelleawen

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit https://www.soulfullheart.org.

We also invite you to join us for free membership on our private, online community SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks for sharing, asking questions, and connecting with others engaged in the series: https://soulfullheartportal.mn.co/feed

For more information about a free intro call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, visit http://www.soulfullheart.org/sessions

5D Bridge W/Your Gatekeeper Guided Meditation – Video Nine Deepen 2020 | Jelelle Awen

NEW Bridge to 5D W/Your Gatekeeper and Heart Space Clearing/Activation Deepen 2020 Guided Meditation….good for digesting Supermoon energies!
In this ninth video of my video series called Deepen 2020, I, Jelelle Awen, talk about the current collective and personal energies being amplified by the Supermoon energies and ongoingly as well. These energies are activating our higher heart spaces, connected to the collective fear and painful experience of separation from the Divine, masculine and feminine, and from within us.
I share about the SoulFullHeart process of healing the separation wound from within us by reunifying with parts of ourselves and soul fragments from other lifetimes. This creates more experience of Unity Consciousness and 5D reunion with the Divine in more moments, plus more objective space from the collective fear and separation wound energies. This process also brings in Divine Mother to hold the space for it with increasing embodiment and healing of inner feminine frequencies (for both men and women.)
In the meditation, we clear your higher heart space out and then settle in more higher frequency energies of Divine Feminine love with Mother Mary. Then, we raise your frequency by climbing UP and eventually arriving at your bridge to the 5D. Your 5D Gatekeeper/Bridge joins us there to provide a guide to you across the 5D bridge and to offer to you what is keeping you anchored to 3D frequencies in this moment.
Here is more about the Gatekeeper in this guided meditation to meet yours: https://youtu.be/-IZQYBoE6Cg
Thank you for joining me in this video….as we move into Deepening energies together…..one beloved part of us at a time!
You can watch each video in the Deepen 2020 playlist on my SoulFullHeart Experience YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNmrHdaQSAvLjwm17eBBTRhE3dbezYJdu
You can watch videos from my previous 33 Day Deepen series from 2019 here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNmrHdaQSAvLiLpw1qSOmQE-tsqhGSAD3
Money donations are so appreciated and received with gratitude as an energy exchange to support me and SoulFullHeart to continue providing free offerings such as this video series. You can donate through paypal: paypal.me/jelelleawen or become a one-time or regular patreon donor: https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart
This video series serves as an introduction and bridge to the powerful SoulFullHeart quantum healing process and cutting-edge way of life experienced and offered through 1:1 sessions with Jelelle Awen for women and women and men with Raphael Awen and group calls/events/writings and more. For more information, visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Jelelle Awen is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador and Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about  1:1 individual sessions with her for women and with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group calls, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Ascension Codes Chakra Activation Guided Meditation W/Music – W/Jelelle Awen (Video)

By Jelelle Awen

This guided meditation video has been in my heart to do for quite awhile and is per request from people who wanted a longer meditation with me set to music. It is over 40 minutes of pure guided meditation, just my voice and high frequency music in the background. Like taking a sound bath for the chakras, heart, and soul!


One of the important aspects of navigating the ongoing Ascension process can be to actually bring in the codes that are becoming available to you through Solar, Great Cosmic Sun, Lunar, and Galactic sources. Bringing them into your chakral and auric fields allows for smoother experience for your body and fewer Ascension body symptoms.

All codes contain frequencies of Infinite Love from Divine Source. You are more able to receive these codes when your vibrational frequency is higher, unanchored from the 3D matrix, and your emotional body is healing and transmuting out of undigested trauma and pain frequencies. These codes are personal to you and meant to facilitate your ‘next level’ embodiment of higher vibrational frequencies. Codes can be in the form of sacred geometry, number sequences, keys, infinity and yin/yang symbols, and many other visual shapes. They can also appear as colorful rays of energy.

In this guided meditation, I lead you through connection to each of your Ascension Chakras, including your Personal Sun Chakra (two feet above your head), Soul Star Chakra (one foot above your head) and your Causal Chakra (behind your head.) Connecting with your Ascension Chakras can facilitate next level activations and upgrades as much of that is ‘going on’ in these upper, upper chakras. We then move to each of the seven main chakras (Crown, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root).

You bring in the Ascension codes ready and waiting for you into each of these chakras. You also activate these codes with declarations and affirmations with ‘I want’, ‘I am’, and ‘I desire’ statements. These statements are made to your Higher Self, the Divine, and Your Star Family as confirmation that you are ‘ready’ to receive, let in, and integrate. These statements are intentional waveforms that activate your Metasoul’s Quantum Field.

The musical track in this meditation is called Awaken The Power Of Love/Manifest Miracles With Gratitude/444HZ Vibration Of the Fifth Dimension. It is used here with much gratitude from me! It is from the Lovemotives Meditation Music You Tube Channel, my favorite for high frequency sound healing! https://youtu.be/StiGAEl_RV4

INJOY and may you experience yourself as Infinite Love!
Jelelle Awen

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about 1:1 individual sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group transmissions, four day gatherings in Victoria, BC, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Lemurian Activation & Chakra Cleaning Guided Meditation W/Jelelle Awen (Video)

By Jelelle Awen

This is a quick, NEW guided meditation with me! Filmed yesterday while out at a beautiful regional park here in Victoria, BC to share the Lemurian/Mu codes with YOU. I also move through your ascension chakras and share some Mu language as well! Very grounding energies which could be useful and needed as we move(d) into MORE SOULar wind activations and some Gaia fluctuation waves again yesterday and today….

Subscribe to our SoulFullHeart Experience Youtube Channel to receive ALL of our new guided meditations, audio blogs, livestream recordings, etc.: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulFullHeartExperience

Here is the description:

Lemurian energies are available in the Now..not as an ‘ancient civilization’, yet energizing in every moment for us to download and activate in ourselves. Lemurian (Mu) energies offer a deep sense of grounding and union with Gaia, our natural surroundings and our inner geographies as well. In this QUICK video, SoulFullHeart Teacher and Facilitator Jelelle Awen offers a guided meditation to activate and share Mu codes. This video is filmed in Victoria, BC, Canada….a ‘sleepier grid’ of Lemurian energies, less known than Kaui, Hawaii, yet powerful when received.

Jelelle shares some Lemurian language that comes through and you may feel a response in you to it as well! She also introduces you to your ascension chakras (personal sun, soul star, and causal) plus your root system as connected to Mother Gaia. This gives you a sense of your sacred human blue print. You can close your eyes during this video or take in the beautiful surroundings of trees and the lake.

Here are writings that Jelelle has done about Lemuria: https://soulfullheartblog.com/…/your-heaven-is-within-mess…/

Jelelle Awen
1:1 galactic activation sessions with me now available to bring in codes like Mu….more info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/galacticsessions

Ascension Q & A, Guided Meditation W/Raphael and Jelelle Awen (video)

Raphael and Jelelle, co-creators and teachers of SoulFullHeart, were live responding to questions and comments that came over FB on September 7th, 2018. They offered their perspectives on the ascension process, emotional body/soul healing through parts work, and working with Metasoul aspects from other timelines.

They also co-lead a guided meditation to connect with high vibe energies and your Inner Protector at around 40 minutes in.

To read more about parts/Metasoul aspects, go here: https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/parts

For the latest writings, videos, and information about SoulFullHeart events, visit http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com

For information about a bridging session with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator and ongoing individual and group sessions, visit http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions

Don’t miss a thing! Get SoulFullHeart’s free weekly Museletter with all our writings and videos from the week via email through subscribing at http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com

Quick Chakra Cleaning Meditation W/Jelelle Awen (Video)

SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator, Ascension Guide, and Author Jelelle Awen takes you through a quick white light cleaning of your chakras. In less than ten minutes, you connect with and clean your main seven chakras plus your Personal Sun chakra. She also shares sunrise codes and ocean energy from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

She introduces you to your Inner Protector, a part of you that guards and protects you and makes the transition from overly protective to Divine guide/channel opening up access to your Metasoul/other lifetimes.

For another guided meditation to activate your ascension chakra vortexes, go here: https://youtu.be/qBb3eBzv70A

For more information and another guided meditation to connect with your Inner Protector: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ciJI…

For the latest writings, videos, and information about SoulFullHeart events, visit http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com

For information about a bridging session with a SoulFullHeart Facilitator and ongoing individual and group sessions, visit http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions

Don’t miss a thing! Get SoulFullHeart’s free weekly Museletter with all our writings and videos from the week via email through subscribing at http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com

Powerful Ascension Energy Update, Q & A, And Guided Meditation (Livestream Recording Video) W/Jelelle Awen

This is an energy update livestream on facebook on May 26, 2018 about the solar, lunar, and gaia energies that have been coming in strong since the 5/5 gateway opening with Ascension Guide and SoulFullHeart Teacher/Author Jelelle Awen. Jelelle responds to many questions and comments that came in live through her facebook feed about how these energies may have been impacting your physical/emotional/chakral bodies, Metasoul/other timeline bleed throughs plus activating Kundalini energy!

Jelelle talks about relationship shiftings where more 3D based relationships are ripe for completing, plus how you may be feeling as a single person with sacred union codes coming in! She also leads a powerful guided meditation at about one hour in for you to connect to your ‘inner castle’ (essence) and your Protector who is guarding it. She then digests and responds to the experiences that listeners had during this meditation with them.

Read more about the Protector, other parts, and Metasoul aspects here: https:/www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/parts

Go here if you would like to view the livestream and read the comments and exchanges that Jelelle was responding to on her facebook feed: https://www.facebook.com/jelelleawen

Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Jelelle offers a 90 minute one on one bridging session with her over zoom for $55 USD min. donation with women and with Raphael for men, along with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators as well…more information here. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about our NEW SoulFullHeart process programs, group calls, videos, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.

Sacred Femininity Teachings And Guided Meditation To Connect With Divine Feminine Guides And Your Inner Protector

By Jelelle Awen


The inner feminine took her space today, held HER space with the Divine Feminine coming in to provide supporting frequencies and NEW templating of what it means to be a woman. It is being open to feeling the templating we received from our birth mothers and what IS us and what is NOT. It is being open to feeling the protector aspect of us who is guarding the inner feminine, who doesn’t feel we are qualified to connect with her INSIDE us…..it is amazing in some ways how clear this energy is when we are given a bridge to it as happened today in the women’s call.

A satisfaction, a sense of serving love WITH women, together going where the soul needs and where the heart wants in the moment…guides holding the space and higher selves too. THIS group call today with women is still going into me as a nourishing experience of teaching, sharing, guiding and witnessing the beauty and gift of parts work open new possibilities for women as it has done for me for so many years. It makes me feel like a proud mama, SoulFullHeart mama even as I am NOT really the force that moves it but rather IT moves me as one way love offers itself to serve.

Thank you to the women who joined Kalayna Colibri and I, courageous souls on a journey of healing, awakening, ascending, growing……NOT an easy path, one with more ash in the air often then confetti, more sense of being your only fan at times rather than much approval or support from others, and continual venture into the unknown over and over sometimes stumbling in the dark and sometimes following a guiding inner light to reveal, eventually, something REAL.

These groups are a TASTE of what we offer through SoulFullHeart, a taste of something that if you are resonant and it is meant for you then you are urged and moved to want MORE and limitless possibilities of timelines unfold from there. Space holding sessions one-on-one, immersion visits to BE with us here in Puerto Vallarta, group process sessions (these will be offered when we have enough souls in regularly occurring session space with us), becoming a SoulFullHeart facilitator someday, coming to live near us here in community, having us come VISIT you where you are…..oh, see, so many possibilities! THESE I am very open to and eager for!

And HERE is the recording of the women’s group call. This recording is of the teachings that I did in the beginning of the call (with input from Kalayna Colibri) about the sacred feminine. Then, there is about a 40 minute guided meditation offered by me…..a journey to your inner castle, representing your essence and your inner femininity, and connects you with your inner protector. Your inner protector offers you a ‘way’ to your inner feminine yet needs to be negotiated with FIRST! Four Divine Feminine guides accompany you as you are introduced to the frequencies of a NEW template that they offer you around femininity: Mother Mary, Magdalene, Kuan Yin, and Dark Mother. I believe this could be beneficial for women AND men too….

The personal sharings and some facilitation by me that followed the meditation have been edited out for privacy….the real sense of what it IS to be on a SoulFullHeart call and what it FEELS like to be in a sessions space is in those, so you get even more goodness from being live, there, joining YOUR energy with ours!


Our next women’s call is May 20th, which you can read about here if you would like to join us in the next arising yin space:https://www.facebook.com/events/1083484598423538/

Our next group call open to both women and men and facilitated by me andRaphael Awen is April 29th:https://www.facebook.com/events/1575650452475825/

You can listen to previous group call recordings here:soulfullheartwayoflife.com/groupcalls

Jelelle Awen is an emoto-spiritual teacher, sacred feminine facilitator, soul scribe, wayshower, multidimensional bridge, lover of love and co-creator and teacher of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of  Keep Waking Up! Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond and an upcoming book, Sacred Human, Arising Wonder. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions with her, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart.


Creating A ‘Column’ of Sacred Humanity Guided Meditation During Group Call

By Jelelle Awen


Still an opportunity to join our group call that happens in five hours at 11:11am CST (mexico city) time zone! Email us at soulfullhearts@gmail.com or connect through facebook if you would like to join us! Feeling good energies of Archangel Metatron coming in through my upper, upper chakras…all the light codes integrating that I’ve taken this week through direct sunlight, integrating during sleep…AND feeling rootedness and groundedness from many days at the shore, the beach, scrambling over rocks, laying in sand with Mother Gaia. I will lead a d meditation today for about 30 minutes during the call that will help to create a column, connecting us to our upper chakras, cosmic and galactic connections while moving through the spine-light body and down into the center of Earth-Gaia. This column is key to the inner gridwork (if you want to call it that) of the NEW sacred human. This span from ‘wings’ to ‘roots’ is our capacity, our range, as we integrate our star BEing-ness with our human-ness. It really does feel like a tree!

Integration of these energies is what creates a sense of balance and also capacity to hold the emotional woundings and pieces that come up from your past experiences this life and karmic binds from other lifetimes. Feels like we’ll be talking and teaching more today in the call about the process that we offer through SoulFullHeart that responds to and holds space for the awakening and healing of these places inside the emotional body and soul field that cause suffering loops and can act as ‘anchors’ to the ascension process. Held and responded to with love though and they can unclog, heal, and integrate….moved on in a flow of love! More on that process here:http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/soulfullheartawakenin…

The call today is scheduled for about two hours with individual check in time (if you want to, it is totally your choice) meditation and teachings withRaphael, Leena, and Gabriel. We do ask for a love donation in the form of money (no minimum amount) as it creates an exchange of intentional energy between us. You can offer that donation here in whichever currency you use and we’ll send you the meeting ID link on zoom:http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/donations….


Much love from my heart to YOURS….Jelelle, Metatron, et al.

photo taken by me of the POWERFUL sun rays, golden earth frequencies, at the beach in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico