Inner Sacred Union/Hieros Gamos Group Transmission Call W/Raphael & Jelelle Awen 4/7

By Jelelle Awen

Inner sacred union (hieros gamos) is the awakening of the lovers contained in your soul (drawn from the Divine Union Pairbond source field) and arising into expression in your life, embraced by your heart and contained in your body. Inner sacred union bridges you to the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within, the sun and the moon, yin and yang….to find integration inside you.

Hieros Gamos opens up an ongoing healing and clearing of polarized and toxic relationships within you between masculine aspects and feminine aspects. You move into a soul-guided process of unifying polarities that have been more separated within you, in our collective consciousness, and in 3D/karmic relationships.

As you connect to your ‘inner lovers’ this allows for deepenings and openings in the experience of inner balance and harmony, and unplugging from/moving on from parental relationship templates/previous relationship partner dynamics and Matrix relational programming that may have been internalized. Previous hurts, harms, and rejections wounds from previous relationships also come to resolution, completing the suffering pattern drawn on the outside.

This inner sacred union healing ground of initiation then prepares you for and draws (and allows for transaction within) a nourishing Divine counterpart sacred union with a beloved mate on the outside.

In this two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, April 7th at 5:00pm -7:00pm WEST (Lisbon, Portugal/UK); 12:00pm EDT (New York)….Divine Self Embodiment Teachers/Facilitators/Sacred Union Mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen offer an exploration into inner sacred union.

During this call, we will share about:

– our own personal journeys and process of healing and opening out our inner sacred union expressions both together as a couple and individually.

– We also offer how the Divine Self Embodiment healing process of conscious access to parts of yourself and other lifetime aspects/soul dynamics allows for a deeper embodiment of your inner sacred union as it allows a bridge to your inner masculines parts such as Inner Protector, Gatekeeper and Inner Punisher…and your inner feminine parts (younger such as Inner Child/Teenager to Inner Mother/Crone) as well.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we will play our 432HZ quartz crystal bowls and create a bridge to your inner masculine as he wants to show up in the moment and your inner feminine as well. We invite them to attend a ‘dance ball’ and to dance together in the moment if they are ready. During this dance, we open up connection between them and also reveal places that feel stuck or conflictual between them.

Divine guides and sacred union mates Yeshua and Mary Magdalene join us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of sacred union love.
Raphael will channel from his sacred masculine mate heart and Jelelle from her sacred feminine mate heart any messages/guidance/codes of support that flow through them for you. We also repeat affirmations/recodings as a group that provide a new coding of inner sacred union experience within you and with your mate.

Here is an inner sacred union guided meditation video from Raphael and Jelelle’s Deepen 2022 video series which we recommend watching prior to the call:

This group call is part of our ongoing Sacred Union w/self, others and the Divine virtual transmission group call series with transmission calls being offered every two weeks on Sundays until the end of June. We will then expand and deepen this in an inner sacred union group call for women on April 21st with Kasha and Jelelle…focusing on the specific processes and experiences for women. It feels like this will allow some polarities to heal between the genders as well and new codings to come in. More info about the series at

We recommend reading/listening to Jelelle’s Free To Be 5D book as a support for this group call. If you donate to attend/receive the recording of this circle, we will send you a free PDF, plus the audio book files in Jelelle’s voice, to take in as a support for it.
You can receive these frequencies live with us (highly recommended) or take in the recording afterwards.

If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us (this is totally optional). Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other women and men on the call, which is a powerful activation of its own!

This group is open to the public and to any woman and man over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).

You can offer your donation for the call in one of four ways:

1. Our preferred payment platform is Wise if you have that or would like to sign up. It’s instant, zero fee to transfer money between members. There’s a doc here with some guidance and more info if you’d like to sign up. Include your email if using wise:

2. If you are Canadian, you can use Interac e-transfer. Our email for transfers is and account is under Marvin Vriend. It’s also instant and without service fees to sender or receiver.

3. via our shop at using stripe (Credit/debit)

4. Paypal at (include your email)

Here’s a timezone converter:…

Recognizing, Reconciling Our Kings & Queens Within: A Poem

by Kasha Rokshana

You won’t always know
A King when you meet one,
For his legacy has been buried,
Sometimes denied,
And sometimes disowned
Out of confusion
Of what it truly means
To bear the crown
Of sovereignty
And surrender.

If you do meet a man
And you see his King
Deep within him,
He won’t always know
Or feel
Or see
Or understand
Exactly what that means for him.

He may struggle
To hold his bejeweled crown,
His heavy, velvet robes,
His long forgotten treasures
Within his courageous heart
That are meant to be shared,
To catalyze,
To penetrate,
While coming from a Matrix world
That has told him
To suppress his truth,
To hold back his righteous passion,
To either soften too much
Or not at all.

Within that struggle,
His longing for a Queen
Also rumbles and shifts,
Pressing him into explorations
As she also longs
To be wanted by him,
Remembered by his soul,
And offered passionate declarations
By his clearing
And enlivening heart.

You won’t always know
A Queen when you meet one,
For her legacy has been buried
Beneath patriarchal influences
That tell her
What she is and isn’t,
How she must dominate
In order to be seen and heard,
And how she must be in control
Though her nature is to lean,
And respond.

If you do meet a woman
And you see her Queen
Deep within her,
She won’t always know
Or feel
Or understand
What becoming her
Truly involves for her.

She may struggle
To understand
How to open and soften
After so many years
And lifetimes
Of suppression
By a Matrix world
That wants to keep her power
And tell her instead
In forms exaggerated
That she isn’t worthy of womanhood
Unless she looks,
Or is perceived
A certain way.

Within that struggle
Her longing for a King
Moves with a current
Of desire to be met,
And treasured,
Inviting her into explorations
As he also longs
To be needed by her,
Remembered by her soul,
And offered a responsive heart
To hear and feel him
As his own heart
Opens more to her.

It’s the sacred awakenings
Of both the King and Queen,
That moves the inner union
Into openings of more love
While the outer union
Is drawn
Into this space made within
For all the karmic edges,
The loving softness,
The receiving of all dimensions
Of romantic reunion
And the places
It calls you
To explore.

It’s the reseeding
Of the King and Queen seeds within
That forge a new foundation
For a renewed experience
Of life
And love
And the Divine Beloved,
Bringing all beloveds
In soul family and soulmates
Through paths
Sometimes brambly and challenging,
But always meant to be fulfilling,
Worth every moment,
And alive in every way imaginable.

May you feel even a moment
Of your King or Queen today,
Stirring within you,
Waking up again,
Realizing that today
They are invited to become
All of the love they came here
To embody
And the reunion of sacred union
That they ache for.

Kasha (and her Queen, Felline)

Men’s and women’s group calls this weekend, focusing on the Inner King/Queen! More info here.


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

The Inner Daughter Process Of Feeling Claimed & Loved

by Kasha Rokshana

As women, we all want to be chosen, claimed, initiated, and above all, deeply loved.

Even if parts of us feel scorned and in pain and claim this is NOT the case… underneath the denial of these desires is the ache for more than what they’ve been given and for an answer to all they’ve felt unworthy of receiving, let alone dreaming of.

As women, we don’t just experience these desires in our ache for a masculine mate to meet us there. We also feel these desires in our ache to be claimed by our caregivers, authority figures, and most importantly, our mothers and fathers. 

Many of us did experience some kind of claim by our parents or guardians, yet it was so often mixed in with their own pain living in parts of them, of not being met in their own desires to be claimed by those who parented them. Or it was altogether an experience of being left abused, confused, neglected.

We weren’t shown that our aches could be met, or taught how to answer them within ourselves, or especially taught that these aches are really about a desire to return to a feeling of being claimed deeply by the Divine, as the sacred daughters we are… which our souls SO remember the experience of. 

Such sacred daughters are we in fact, that we have nothing to prove to earn this claiming. We have nothing to change about ourselves to be embraced by our Divine Parents. We have mirrors to look into, but with support and care, and those parts of us who have denied themselves access to true love can be felt as this process is offered us by our Divine Parents. 

Yet… our birth parents have often had no way to show us this, to overflow from their own realizations and embodiment of this truth. Instead, they overflow to us their embodied self-criticisms, their sense of unworthiness, their fears, and their longings that have never truly been answered.

Divine Mother especially has been so important for me to bring my parts to who have felt these missing pieces, these pains of not being truly claimed as a feminine daughter. Under Her loving gaze and in Her loving arms I feel the puzzle come together, the cob-webbed corners of my soul and gifts swept up and rediscovered in due time, the nectar of nourishment that only She can provide, even during the darkest times. 

Sometimes, She presses into my wounded places, bringing waves of intense inner processing with parts and soul aspects as I venture back into my shadowland to retrieve another long lost diamond. At other times, the intensity is dialed down and the love waves and balms are much easier to feel and let in. The Kundalini rushes up from the base of my spine and I feel at home in myself, in my feminine body, all in Her midst. I feel inspired, enlivened, and whole. I feel more solid in my reasons for being here, no matter the adversity, and I feel supported to keep FEELING it ALL.

Divine Father has been so vital to my sacred daughter inside as well, in order to feel a template of mateship claim on top of being claimed as a daughter. His arms have held my heart and my parts through so many difficult phases and His hands have guided me through some intense periods of awakening. His support of my feminine spine has been just as important as Mother’s, as has his watering of my feminine heart.

My Inner Daughter process has been vast, deep, and involved the necessary movement out of relationship with my own birth parents and family. It’s been necessary to let go of other forms of the ‘false mother and father’ as well and to get very real about what is most nourishing for this essence within me and what simply isn’t. This is one of the most challenging truths to realize and reconcile with, as it can be a lonely road. Yet the void is filled up by the Divine when and if you and you parts feel ready to let in that energy and level of claim. 

✨Join me and Jelelle Awen as we explore the Inner Daughter connection and deepening process in a group call for women this coming Sunday, Nov 27 at 5pm WEST (Lisbon/London), 12pm EST. ✨

You can find more info here. It’s by donation to join us or receive the recording and you can donate via our shop or PayPal.

Looking forward to having you there with us if you do feel to join and explore this precious process for yourself.


Kasha ♥️


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Inner Daughter Connection Women’s Group Call W/Jelelle Awen & Kasha Rokshana

By Jelelle Awen

In one week, Kasha and I are exploring this special inner space together in our ‘womb room’ group call! Surrogating experiences with the Divine connected to the healing and upgrading of our Inner Daughter can be so profound and helpful. Hope you can join us!

Info below:

The inner daughter part inside of us often holds the wounded experience of our daughter experience with our birth parents, both in the past and in the present. She can be a combination of our inner child, inner teenager, young adult, and 3D Self. The different parts/energies come out particularly when triggered by birth family in certain ways to reveal as a mirror what needs healing and transformation within our emotional bodies and soul fields.

Our inner daughter expression may be ‘stuck’ at an inner-teenager level of maturity in certain ways, especially related to relationship patterns and soul purpose/empowerment expression. Our relationships with our birth mothers, especially if including the narcissist/empath program, can largely define our expression of ourselves (even if off our radar) as women in the world, in relationships, in service, and with the Divine.

Our relationship with the Divine Mother is a huge purification and healing balm for our inner daughter, especially as the protective masculine parts allow for this bond to deepen and grow. Divine Mother offers us a template of becoming empowered women in our soul bigness, even as we lean into and surrender to Her energies AS a beloved daughter of Hers. This connection also recodes and heals the soul pattern of wounded daughter experience that has been playing out in many lifetimes/timelines.

In a two-hour women’s group call on Sunday, November 27th at 5:00/17:00pm WET (Lisbon/London)/12:00pm EST/9:00am PST, Jelelle and Kasha will explore healing of your inner daughter through our SoulFullHeart process, including our personal experiences with this and in service with women. We will share about how through a personal relationship with our Inner Daughters, even having her give us a ‘name’ and opening up journaling/dialogue with her, and supported by a recoding with the Divine Mother, we can heal these false and wounded layers of 3D daughter experience to move into connection to the Cosmic Mother Womb.

During this call, we will co-lead a guided meditation to connect with your Inner Daughter in whatever ‘room’ she is currently in with whatever energies/people/relationships are challenging for her. We will invite your Inner Daughter to join us in Mother’s Garden, a fifth-dimensional space offering profound sacred feminine healing, where Divine Mother and other guides such as Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene will provide activation energies and codes for healing, clearing, and unplugging her from the false matrix. We will also repeat affirmations as mantras together to recode individually and together as women.

You can receive these frequencies live with us (highly recommended) or take in the recording afterwards. If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us (this is totally optional). Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other women in the call, which is a powerful activation of its own!

This group is open to women and to anyone over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give (11-15 Euros/USD is the amount people usually offer us).

You can offer your donation via our shop at or and we will send you the zoom link to attend and the recording afterwards. If you purchase via paypal, please include your email in the note section so that we can send you the zoom link and the recording afterwards.

Gifts Of Connecting With Your Inner Teenager

By Jelelle Awen

Your Inner Teenager is the part of you representing the phase and stage after childhood and before adulthood, usually between 11 and 18 years old, although that can vary. This is a very important period of life as it is very often when awakening is happening on a Metasoul level with timelines starting to bleed-through into your reality. In many timelines, the teenager phase of life is honored as a sacred time of initiation. It is recognized in these other lifetimes that you are in, as the beginning stages of becoming/identifying your soul gift expressions and purpose. In many timelines, the community provided support for the teenager to mature into that expression.

However, in our 3D modern era, for teenagers, there isn’t usually initiation, honoring, and training in how to follow their soul’s purpose or any recognition of it. Instead, 3D culture overlooks teenagers and often judges them harshly. Instead of receiving initiation in all areas of life around relationships, sexuality, spirituality, and passion purpose, your Inner Teenager received, most likely, invalidation in all these areas. Deep 3D-based conditioning just serves to feed and amplify growing fears, dualities, insecurities, and polarizations inside of them.

The Inner Teenager is often hanging out in the sanctuary of their teenage bedroom and can be connected with there. Your Inner Teenager is often stuck there with strong feelings of angst, depression, even suicidal feelings of not wanting to be on this planet and in their birth families anymore. Instead of a healthy phase of individuating from birth family, there is often push-pull, over attachment, and other unhealthy dynamics experienced by our inner teens. They are hiding from the family dynamics, yet there can be both longing for connection and pushing away from the family vibe at the same time. So often the teenager is torn between the necessity of bonding with their birth family for their very survival and a growing sense of dissonance and lack of resonance.

There seem to be two kinds of ways that this expresses in an Inner Teenager during this very challenging phase of life. Either as overt rebellion and acting out in behaviors that are not approved of; or in nearly complete-seeming acceptance and conformity to the family. In the case of rebellion, more inner truth and empowerment is able to be expressed, even if it isn’t always in healthy ways. When there has been conformity, a conforming 3D Self (almost like a robot self) is created to fit in and the rebellious and angry part of the Inner Teenager is usually hidden away in the shadows.

I have discovered that the Inner Teenager is the part of us that is often responsible for our social interface in life, even as adults. They are stuck in the trauma they experienced in social interactions and haven’t been able to mature beyond it until we connect with them and help them heal. It is often the Inner Teenager’s energy that is leading in romantic relationships, which is why so many of them can be dysfunctional and not as mature in transaction. This isn’t the fault of our Inner Teenager yet rather a reflection of where they haven’t yet matured in their expression of relationality with others.

So much intense rage, depression, and anxiety can be bleeding through from other lifetimes/timelines into your Inner Teenager’s reality. Your soul is starting to awaken and there is more coming through. The veil may be thinner during this time and there is not as much protection being provided by the Inner Protector to keep it out. Later on in adulthood, the Inner Protector and the Gatekeeper are able to create a stronger veil around your 3D Self using layers of densities from undigested traumas.

Connecting with your Inner Teenager in a conscious way allows them to receive the initiations and individuation that they most need in order to mature in all areas of life. By receiving a bridge to you in your current maturity, they are able to receive a template for who they will become and what their potential is. Like a visit with their ‘future self’ in the form of a loving mentor, they finally receive what they have most been needing and longing for.

Going into the world of our Inner Teenager brings us closer to the passion, imagination, and creativity we had to set aside for various reasons as we became adults. It is about feeling the loss of innocence that led us to so much serious, repressed, and conforming expression. They are the bridge from our youth to our maturity. They are truly seers of new worlds. Healing our Inner Teenager brings a new vision of life that has technicolor rad-ness and infinite vision. It brings a joy and lightness that seeks to learn and have fun at the same time.


Excerpt From my book Free To Be 5D about the Inner Teenager, with links to purchase as audio, print, ebook, and PDF at

Raphael and I will be exploring the world of the inner teenager in our group call coming up this Sunday, November 13th at 5:00pm GMT/London/Lisbon…Noon EST. We will also offer a guided meditation to connect with your inner teenager, deepen the healing between you, opening up the bond there that is just ‘waiting’ for you. More info to offer donation to attend at or

You can offer donation ($11/$15 USD/Euros is the usual amount) via our or via If you offer donation via paypal, please include your email.

Here is a guided meditation video to begin the connection to your inner teenager;

More info about 1:1 sessions, group call/in person events in Portugal, writing/videos and more at

Connect To Your Inner Teenager Group Call 11/13 W/Raphael & Jelelle Awen

In a week from today, we will dive into the often intense and always interesting grounds of the inner teenager! We began recognizing and working with this part of us and in others several years ago when it was clear how many sensitivities and gifts this energy within us hold! Hope you can join us and give the gift of your focus and presence to your inner teen.

Description below:

An important and often over looked part of your inner family formed during this lifetime is your Inner Teenager. Your Inner Teenager is not just the energy represented by the phase and stage after childhood and pre-adulthood, they also hold the pain and wounding of usually being the ‘black sheep’ of the family.

As your soul consciousness started to awaken in your teens, a rebellion and individuation either began to express or was suppressed….one that was necessary to separate from your family’s consciousness. Your Inner Teenager can often be found ‘stuck’ in their teenage bedroom with strong feelings of angst, depression, even suicidal feelings due the rejection they received in this rebellion.

Instead of receiving initiation in all areas of life around relationships, sexuality, spirituality, passion purpose, etc., your inner teenager received most likely invalidation in these areas…and 3D-based conditioning that fed fears, dualities, and polarizations. Instead of a healthy phase of individuating from family, there is often push-pull, over attachment and other unhealthy dynamics experienced by our inner teens. Connecting with your inner teenager allows them to receive the initiation and individuation that they most need in order to mature in all areas of life. This also helps with healthy social expression in relationships.

In a two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, November 13th at 5:00/17:00pm WET/Noon EST/9:00am PST, SoulFullHeart Teachers, Facilitators and sacred union mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen will offer an activation for you to connect with your Inner Teenager. We will share about our most current personal processes as individuals and as a sacred union pairbond related to these inner teenager energies and how we have experienced the healing of them. We will also share about how our SoulFullHeart process can serve to allow for more integration, digestion, and receiving of the Inner Teenager energies.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we will create a bridge to connect with your inner teenager in your childhood bedroom. We will offer them love and support from Divine guides and a reparenting energy of initiation and validation. We will also tune in as a group to receive codes to your and the collective inner teenager maturation and awakening process.

We recommend this guided meditation to meet your Inner Teenager prior to the group call:

You can receive these frequencies live with us (highly recommended) or take in the recording afterwards. If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us (this is totally optional). Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other souls (both women and men) in the call, which is a powerful activation of its own! More info at

This group is open to the public and to anyone over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give ($11-15 USD/Euros is the usual amount people offer us.)

You can offer your donation via our shop at (Credit or debit) or and we will send you the zoom link to attend and the recording afterwards. If you purchase via paypal, please include your email and what you are purchasing in the note section so that we can send you the zoom link and the recording afterwards.

Hope you can join us for this powerful exploration into your inner teenager energies!


Raphael and Jelelle

Homecoming Codes Message From Inner Earth Lemuria & Group Call 10/16 Invite (video) | Jelelle Awen

In this video, SoulFullHeart Teacher Jelelle Awen shares about her upcoming group call with Raphael Awen offering homecoming codes transmission and exploration.

Homecoming Codes are about coming home to your heart, home to your light, home to your humanity, home to your Divinity, home to all that you ARE, home to LOVE.

In a two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, October 16th at 5:00pm/17:00pm WEST/12:00pm EDT/9:00am PDT, we will offer an activation to connect with the homecoming codes that are in your field, heart, and soul to be felt and downloaded. You can join us by donation live and get the recording with more info at

Jelelle also shares a message that came through from her Inner Earth Lemuria aspect Ruma inviting you into becoming the Recoding process that is going on during this phase of Ascension. You can read this message here:

We also invite you to join us to become a member on our private, online community SoulFullHeart Portal on Mighty Networks for sharing, asking questions, and connecting with others in a meaningful way. This group call is free to portal members. Membership is $22.22 USD a month:

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit

For more information about a free intro call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, visit

Homecoming Codes Group Call 10/16 w/Raphael & Jelelle Awen

Homecoming Codes: coming home to your heart, home to your light, home to your humanity, home to your Divinity, home to all that you ARE, home to LOVE.

We are being invited collectively, as soul families and as individuals into a deeper phase of homecoming from within and with others. Homecoming brings up grief/sorrow/a sense of loss of what was missing that is now being answered.
Homecoming brings up hopes and desires, tender vulnerability, social pain/rejection fears, remembrance and possibility.

There can be parts of you who are in resistance to the homecoming process as it brings up a fear of experiencing loss again, plus the pain of the original separation from the Divine. Your inner Lone Wolf, Protector and Gatekeeper may all need bridging and negotiation to open up to and receive the deeper experiences of homecoming that are being offered during this phase of Ascension in this Now.

This invitation of homecoming to soul family is for many souls becoming very central and even critical to their ongoing awakening process. Resistance to the invitation heightens suffering, but also heightens a deeper awakening and assurance to knowing what it is that you really want and are ready to choose. Beyond the resistance, and into the surrender, offers a new world of profound next stages of growth and courageous sacred journey.

In a two-hour group call for men and women on Sunday, October 16th at 5:00/17:00pm WEST/12:00pm EDT/9:00am PDT, SoulFullHeart Teachers, Facilitators and sacred union mates Raphael and Jelelle Awen will offer an activation to connect with the homecoming codes that are in your field, heart, and soul to be felt and downloaded. We will share about our most current personal processes as individuals and as a sacred union pairbond related to how we have experienced the process of homecoming inside together, living in soul family community, and with the Divine. We will also share about how our SoulFullHeart process can serve to allow for more integration, digestion, and negotiation of homecoming within and with others.

In the guided meditation/transmission portion of the call, we will create a bridge to connect with the part/soul aspect who needs bridging support to move into homecoming. We will also create a portal to experience homecoming codes in whatever ways are ripe for you. We also tune into as a group to receive codes to assist humanity’s ongoing awakening process and homecoming collectively.

Divine guides will join us to hold a safe, higher-vibe space for this exploration and offer inspiring transmissions of Infinite love and light. We will also repeat affirmations as a group that provide a new coding of anchoring spirit into our physical bodies.

You can receive these frequencies live with us or take in the recording afterwards. If you attend the live group, you’ll have the opportunity to share with us about what you experienced during the meditation (totally optional) and receive feedback/next steps of integration from us and others as well.
Plus, you’ll be able to take in and receive sharings from other souls (both women and men) in the call, which is a powerful activation of its own!

This group is open to the public and to anyone over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy/money exchange of whatever donation you feel to give ($11 USD/$15 CAD is the usual amount people offer us).

You can offer your donation via our shop at or and we will send you the zoom link to attend and the recording afterwards. If you purchase via paypal, please include your email and what you are purchasing in the note section so that we can send you the zoom link and the recording afterwards.

This group call is included free to Portal members, our private online community on mighty networks. You can join for a monthly membership fee of $22 USD at

Timezone convertor is here:

Hope you can join us for this powerful exploration into these homecoming energies!

Raphael and Jelelle

SoulFullHeart Museletter: Sept 17, 2022

Feeling your Inner Masculine as a woman is a powerful, multi-faceted experience! Tomorrow, Sept 18th at 5pm WEST (Lisbon/London)/ 12pm EDT/ 9am PDT, Jelelle and Kasha will be leading a women’s call focused on connecting with your inner masculine in any expression he currently has. You can donate to attend live and/or receive the recording via our shop or PayPal and we will email you the Zoom link and recording after the call.

If you’d like more information on any of our upcoming group calls, visit our Events page.

There are a few new writings to take in this week, featuring some messages from the Divine and star family too, poetry, and other heartfelt sharings.

There is also a brand new guided meditation video from Kasha, focused on creating a ‘Safe Haven’ within you where you/parts of you can return to whenever they want to, yet especially during those times when life on the outside seems unsafe or unstable in any way.

You can find our current Museletter here.

If you’d like to subscribe to receive our Museletters and other announcements in your own inbox, you can do so on our website or you can scroll to the bottom of this issue and click “subscribe”.

Much love from all of us!

~ the SoulFullHeart Community

The Bliss-Mess Path Of Reconciling Our Soul’s Love For The Divine

by Kasha Rokshana

I don’t know if there’s anything more complicated than our souls’ love for the Divine. It leads us to such intense places within and outside of us. It brings us to new highs and unfathomable lows… 

It inspires us to pick up where ‘we’ left off in other lifetimes, pursuing justice, pursuing love, pursuing some validation of our faith that’s maybe been lost or buried, for the sake of our soul aspects who just want the world to feel safe again… safe enough to actually feel the Divine again, to reclaim our Divine son or daughter-ship fully without fear of being persecuted for that devotion, love, and need of the Divine. 

I feel the truth of this for my own soul and what it’s taken in this lifetime alone to really reclaim my Divine Daughter essence who is so deeply devoted to the Divine within her and in the world around her. I feel how much my essence, my very soul, loves the Divine and lives to serve this love in a world that doesn’t always seem to want it, be ready for it, feel worthy of it, and will do anything at times but let itself feel held and loved. 

Maybe you recognize this for yourself, this sense of your own essence being so connected even in the midst of this vast and often intense experiment of duality that has led to so much painful polarity. Maybe you’ve felt this even in the ache for Diviner reunion within and in your outer world too that all parts of you feel on some level in this lifetime, let alone how your many soul aspects have perhaps suffered for this in other lifetimes. 

Last night we had a SoulFullHeart group call focused on the persecution wound and I realized that for myself, a huge aspect of this persecution experience has been this sense of always feeling so devoted and committed to the Divine and to love, that it’s led to some very dark timelines of ridicule and backlash… and, I realize I’m not alone in that. Those of us who have chosen to awaken to this desire for deep Divine alignment, even at the cost of anything that could possibly resemble a ‘normal’ life to most, have all experienced this and continue to endure it. 

The invitation, of course, is to continue to feel where this backlash lives within us from part to part and reconcile it there, while also validating our souls’ ongoing experiences of this theme on the outside. It’s only inside of us where we can always cultivate an inner Safe Haven, and inner Divine Temple, that can never ever leave us or be taken away from us. We can only make choices that either continue to cultivate this inner world of safety or that dismantle it instead.

After the call, Raianna and I went on a walk a little walk to get some air. On the walk, we came across fields of sunflowers which inspired mixed reactions in us both. So many of these sunflowers were scorched and had died from the severe lack of rain and extremely high temperatures here in central Portugal the last couple of months, yet even amongst the dead, there were a few that were vibrant and very much alive. 

You can see one of the living sunflowers in the photo I’m posting with this writing. I feel it as a symbol of how we’re invited to continue our own path of growth and devotion and Divine embodiment of love, even if/when the others around us in our outer worlds are choosing to experience the opposite. We are ALL in the middle of a field of ‘dying’ flowers, waiting to be reborn. We also all have this field inside of us, where our essence is waiting to shine through anew, growing, flowing, and facing towards the ‘sun’ of Divine love and support, despite all the death and darkness we’ve experienced on so many levels.

Your love for the Divine is an undying seed within you. Living into alignment with this is often a bliss-mess experience, yet we are all walking this out together at varying stages of readiness to be truly devoted to this path, wherever it’s meant to lead YOUR soul. I know nothing more fulfilling and enlivening, however challenging the path, than fully going into it, embracing that this is what you came here to experience and embody, and allowing the Divine surrender you actually know so well to bring up all that it’s meant to for the sake of your healing and deep, deep, DEEP self and soul rediscovery. 

Let me know if I can support you in any way through 1:1 sessions (with women):

With so much love,



Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit for more information about space holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc.