Equinox Codes: Healing Deep Suffering Loops (Video)

by Kasha Rokshana

“Am I genuinely, truly ready to let go of past suffering and move into new and unknown soul and heart bigness?” — this was a powerful question that continued to arise in different ways for all of us at our SoulFullHeart Equinox Gathering this weekend.

Soul turns and healing trajectories moving us through birth canals… letting go of suffering on whatever level we feel ready for that (and to be in the genuine, deep, real, and multi-layered process of that) has been a profound theme for this Equinox passage.

In this video, I share about this theme of letting go and healing the relationship to suffering and how I relate to it personally at this time. I also share about what it means to be with it through your open and curious heart as you feel parts of you and Metasoul aspects (soul expressions in other lifetimes) too. 

I hope you’ve had a blessed and very real Equinox experience, truly moving you into a new sense of yourself, your soul, and what it feels like to be supported by the Divine through absolutely everything.




Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space-holding sessions and free 45-min intro calls, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Equinox Energies Offering Healing To Polarities Within

By Jelelle Awen

Powerful energies coming in on this Equinox Full moon passage…..inviting an inner balance, and healing of polarities within! When I meditated this morning tuning into the Equinox, I kept seeing the Yin Yang symbol over and over. When I receive this symbol, it is usually a reminder of unification of light and dark and of maintaining a flow between the two. I then felt what I have come to call my “Black Swan” and “White Swan” soul essence expressions twirling and swirling around each other in the form of the Yin Yang.

The Black Swan represents my priestess lineage, often needing to be kept in the shadows and hidden due to persecution/lack of acceptance by the patriarchy in other lifetimes. My Black Swan (called Lorna, after a High Priestess of Avalon timeline aspect) is not evil at all, yet she is able to be comfortable in the darkness, unsentimental when needed, direct and confrontal, penetrating with truth, catalytic and alchemical. Lorna becomes frustrated and irritated when people aren’t being real or authentic, with falseness, with patriarchal control (in women too), and when she isn’t able to speak her truth and ‘do her magic.’

She is balanced out by my “White Swan” essence called Grace, the embodiment of grace, purity, stillness, compassion, and light. Grace can tend toward care taking others, not bringing her truth in concern of hurting people, etc. Lorna balances her out just as Grace’s stillness (water element) evens out and soothes Lorna’s fire.

I feel that we as women have these soul essences within us (along with the Mother, Queen, and Lover) that become more accessible to us as we heal from fusions to our Inner Teenager, Inner Child, Inner Matriarch, Protector, Punisher, etc. These parts have formed in response to wounding and trauma from this life and other lifetimes. They essentially bury and densify the soul essences of our sacred feminine from coming out and expressing.

My process the last couple of years, as I deepen in parts work/soul aspect integration, has been a focus on these soul expressions and healing the trauma/karma patterns so that they can arise more and more. And, come into balance rather than be polarized against each other. These essences can also be compartmentalized ‘away’ from each other.

During my recent rest phase, I discovered that Grace was more allowed in my service work than Lorna was, as Grace was more acceptable in certain ways. This left Lorna on the ‘outside’, frustrated at times, and not able to bring her penetrable truth as needed. Yet, I trust deeply now the need for BOTH the light and the dark, the fire and the water, the comforter and the confronter. Anything that is suppressed will express eventually, yet usually in a way that can be more harmful and explosive to self and others.

Relationships, esp those more 3D anchored, can seem to require this ‘putting away’ of certain aspects that might be judged as unsavoury, too intense, controversial, and rebellious. Yet it is these very energies that make life and relationships feel ALIVE, passionate, interesting, with healthy boundaries, and also allow for catalytic growth to occur.

An interesting meditation can be to connect with your “Black Swan” or shadow aspect and see/feel/notice what comes up. And then your “White Swan” aspect that is in more outed expression in your life. Feel the difference between the two….what are their polarities to each other? Do they even know the other exists?

Do they live in two separate worlds and realities (this is often the case)?

Invite these aspects of your being to be together in union again. Create a loving, non-judgemental bridge for both to become in synch again. Draw in the Equinox energies to support this reunion from within.

Much Equinox blessings and love to you and both your white and black swan aspects! Jelelle Awen

More info about sessions, books (including Free To Be 5D my most recent one with more about parts/soul aspects), etc. at soulfullheart.org.

Spring Equinox & Ostara Energies: Avalon Transmission | Kasha & Aurius

by Kasha Rokshana

The day after the Equinox/Ostara, Aurius and I ventured out to the Tor to enjoy the bits of sunshine we could grab. We felt moved to offer another transmission from Avalon that day from the energy at the side of the Tor where we planted ourselves in that moment.

We had wanted to offer this transmission from the egg stone on that side of the Tor, but we’ll do that another day! Powerful energies there too!

As we walked to our ‘place’ where we felt to land for the transmission, I felt Ostara come through (I don’t have a conscious relationship with her in this lifetime, yet that’s opening out now!) and She wanted to offer some pieces about the process of awakening and how sometimes it’s rather uncomfortable, yet always Divinely supported. We offer a short guided meditation with Ostara in her ‘hare’ form and She even came through with a bit of a Kundalini activation for those who feel ready for that!

You can tune into our video to take in Ostara, the powerful and activating Tor energies, and the frequencies from which Aurius and I bring these energies through in our desires to serve love to you, with you. ❤


Kasha & Aurius


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Spring Equinox Energies: Invitation To Feel Peaking Inner Polarities

by Kasha Rokshana


Equilibrium and balance.

There’s such a strong pull to polarities, especially this past year. This is necessary, though it’s been a dark passageway and we are still in it. The poultice of C-vid and every opinion/consciousness surrounding it has been backlighting our need to heal some very dark, very stark aspects of our humanity and spirituality. It’s been so challenging to see all of this coming up and out, purging out violently and aggressively in moments energetically and physically… And it’s even more challenging (and understandably so) to truly be willing to FEEL it all and feel the cries of the aching and awakening world within and without.

We all want change for the better, yet we are also all on a sacred mission to be on our own sovereign journeys around that. And, there can be no real ‘change for the better’ without feeling where there’s a push-pull toward being in the process of healing toward that. There’s much to heal, own, and acknowledge and it’s all rather sobering.

The tendency to pull away, turn our backs on each other, set boundaries without love leading, has been strongly coming up. If we are to find our way to another way of feeling through this necessary and uncomfortable phase of conflict, we need to show up for where this tendency lives inside of us, from part to part, from us to the Divine, and then we can better feel where and how it expresses between ourselves and others.

The invitation into equilibrium is about finding more unity, especially within, between light and dark, masculine and feminine. They don’t need to merge and become one energy, but they do get to offer each other gifts as you feel too where and how they’ve been at odds.

We also get to explore this finding of equilibrium without losing our individuality inside of pair-bond/sacred union/twin flame relationships, where each being has their own experiences of life and lifetimes to bring to the bond. Each being has its own polarities to reconcile between fear and love. I feel this coming into balance more within me and that then extends to Aurius and also my beloveds and the women I facilitate too, though the journey of reconciling the light and darkness within is ongoing and always unfolding.

We have so much to feel and heal, to face and confront and come to terms with, while holding it all with love and compassion, especially on the inside. This Equinox is certainly empowering all of us to take our next steps with that process!

Much love,


Kasha Rokshana is a Divine Feminine Love Ambassador, SoulFullHeart Women’s Facilitator, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheart.org for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. 

Energy Update: Powerful September Codes Ready To Be Let IN

By Jelelle Awen

As this powerful energy month of September comes to a completion, there may be much to digest and integrate into your physical/emotional/mental/spiritual/energy bodies. The 9/9/9 portal gateway provided more access to the 4D matrix and karmic healing through lifting of the collective and personal veils. We also experienced the palindrome (same backwards as forwards) codes for over a week, a Harvest Full Moon on Friday the 13th, September 11th collective disclosure/digestion, and the Equinox gateway.

September is always a strong geomagnetic month due to cracks in Gaia’s magnetic field during Equinox that cause fissures that allow solar winds to pour through….leading to some really beautiful Aurora codes. Today, September 27, we are in the beginning of another G1 to G2 strength geomagnetic storm now with solar wind speeds already up beyond 500 km/sec. As always with geomagnetic storms, you may be experiencing disrupted sleep patterns, vision/clarities coming through, light headedness, etc. Grounding in nature and in meditative space can help with navigating these higher geomagnetics, as can sound healing.

We also had a Gaia/Schumman spike last week that went up to 99HZ for several hours with some fluctuations upwards in little pockets since then. You can read all my energy updates for September here: https://soulfullheartblog.com/category/by-jelelle-awen/energy-updates-with-jelelle-awen/

After doing remote/virtual work primarily with women over the last three years, it was amazing to get the opportunity to do emotional/physical/energy work with some of them this weekend at our Equinox Gathering. Being in the physical, I was able to stand in their auric fields, in their chakra vortices, and really feel/see what was going on with them related to these Ascension energies coming in and the deep emotional/soul work we’ve been doing together through the SoulFullHeart process. I negotiated with the Protectors/Gatekeepers that I have come to know in sessions to collaborate on what was needed now for digestion on an energetic/physical level. Even as SO much can move in the virtual (since we ARE energy after all), there is nothing quite like being in physical proximity to offer exponential healing.

What I noticed during my energy work with them was that there were ‘codes’ floating around in their crown chakra vortex, which extends far out beyond the top of the head to include the Personal Sun chakra (about two feet above your head), the Soul Star Chakra (about one foot), and the Causal Chakra (back of the head.) These codes were there ‘waiting’ to be downloaded and let in, very often to clear blockages and any disease/illness in the physical body. They were also there to support ongoing detox and activation of their light bodies. I was guided by their Star Family/guides to bring the codes ‘in’ to their crown for integration by doing a sweeping motion through their crown vortex, gathering them up, and offering them back to them.

Whatever codes you are most needing right now are very personal to you. They appear in whatever shapes, forms, colors, words, sounds, images that most work for you and your DNA/cellular/energy systems. For some people, codes float around in the field in the form of sacred geometry. For others they look like streams of numeric code like in the Matrix movie. Identifying what your codes are and what is ready to brought in (with help from your Protector/Gatekeeper and Star Family) can be very helpful to the activation of your higher timeline and embodiment of your Higher Self.

My sense is that there were many codes offered in the last two months….during the powerful geomagnetics and portals of September and the Lion’s Gateway of August. These codes seemed to offer a range of upgrades related to deeper embodiment of our sacred femininity and sacred masculinity (and healing of the wounded expressions of these); activation of our galactic DNA and healing of our Star Seed child; and clarities/visions plus experiences of our Higher Timeline self and life.

This is a guided meditation with me to help with bringing in the codes that are available to you. I will also be offering one soon specifically for this purpose: https://youtu.be/59PdVsp0TGw

As we move now into October, we can allow the codes offered in September to light us up, to inform us, and to support us. We can bring more consciously into our awareness all the support systems that are available to us….both in physical space holders, soul family, soul mates, and in etheric connections with Metasoul aspects, guides, Star Family and the Divine. As we become more and more conscious of what is being offered to us, we can let in the opportunity that is available in this NOW to truly become divinity in our human bodies.


Jelelle Awen

Join me for a women’s call over zoom on Sunday, September 29th at 10:00am PDT for two hours. We will explore sacred feminine arising through teaching, transmission, and guided meditation….plus group sharing. This women’s group is open to the public and to all women over 18. You can attend the group and/or receive the recording for an energy exchange of $15 CAD (about $11 USD). You can purchase the zoom link here to join us live for the group and receive the recording through your email – https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/…/sacred…

Or you can purchase it here through paypal: paypal.me/jelelleawen
and we will send you the zoom link via email. Please make a note that you are purchasing the September 29 women’s group and that your email is current.

Here is more info:


Taken by Alan Dyer on September 8, 2019 @ Yellowknife, NWT



The Equinox New Life Phase Flow

By Kalayna Solais

Whether you’re experiencing Fall Equinox or Spring Equinox, depending on where you are in the world, these transitional seasons bring powerful energies of inner transitions and also shed new light on your next pieces to address inside.

It can feel like you’re tumbling down a hill as you enter your next phase… like life is moving faster than you are. Your parts can be having reactions to this, understandably, as even in this next phase you could be feeling the crazy-making journey of letting go of something that has already been SO good, in search of MORE goodness. Trying to trust that you’re headed only into more love and not less, even though the letting go can feel like you’re giving up love.

But we cannot hold onto what needs to flow and move. Though parts of us may try, they cannot grasp onto love or a source of love (e.g. a relationship, food, sex, other ‘addictions’ or dependencies), control it, and manipulate to keep it forever even when it’s time to let it go, let it move on, and be with the pain of doing that while also letting in ALL of the Divine support you ALWAYS have to be with this process and move with life, not try to fight against it.

I get the picture of all of us sitting on the banks of a steadily moving river at this time. Our Inner Protectors and other parts of us know very well the momentum of changes and so on that this river represents. It feels like this current is super-activated right now during this Equinox, asking us to take the risk to step into it, to be with the unknowns that arise, and yet find our trust that we will, always, be led to a place where more love, more abundance, more self-love and appreciation is as possible to let in as we are ready for it to be.

Much love to you as you feel for yourself what it means to be exiting one beloved (or challenging) phase and entering another. ❤


Art by Wang Fine Art


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Equinox & Supermoon Live Stream & Guided Meditation

This journey of today’s Equinox and tomorrow’s incoming Supermoon has been a mega time of upheavals and transitions, changes and deep transformations, shadow illumination and possibilities for healing on all levels. During this live stream, SoulFullHeart Facilitators (and newlyweds!), Gabriel and Kalayna Solais, offer a powerful guided meditation to help call in and ground in the incoming energies from the sun and moon. They also offer a digestion of the incoming energies and what they may be pushing up for you or helping you with on your ongoing journey of transitioning to higher and higher personal timelines.

This live stream was recording live on Facebook on March 20, 2019.

Kalayna and Gabriel both wrote about the incoming energies in different blog posts, two of which can be found here:



For the latest writings, videos, and information about SoulFullHeart events, visit http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com

Kalayna serves young women under age 30 while Gabriel serves men and women of all ages. For more information on sessions with Kalayna, Gabriel, or another SoulFullHeart Facilitator and about ongoing individual and group sessions, visit

Don’t miss a thing! Get SoulFullHeart’s free weekly Museletter with all our writings and videos from the week via email through subscribing at http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/museletters

To support our offerings: http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/donations

Energy Update: Powerful Supermoon Invites Us Into EQUInox From Within

By Jelelle Awen

The moon sees me and I see the moon…went to sleep by Her intense light and woke up to Her bright like a star in the sky. Our third supermoon in a row and the final one for this year, She is tucked as close as She gets to us and to Gaia. She is beaming down in MEGA style with moonbeam codes to take into our calibrating and crystalizing cells and chakras.


This Supermoon coincides with the Equinox….bringing in spring here in the Northern Hemisphere. The Supermoon energies seem to amplify the EQUInox energies, which are quite activating usually anyway!

The EQUInox offers energies bringing us into balance…even if that means going OFF balance in order to come back to center again. OFF balance can mean letting go in order to let in, to arise our phoenix selves that are more in aligned trust with the Divine, to see and feel our shadow selves with much love…..as I wrote about yesterday.

SOULar codes are super powerful right now too….as I’ve been taking them in for hours each day since it is finally warm here. Spring! Getting tan again! Digging in the dirt for the first time in many months, I felt the sun codes on my back/face/arms/legs (Divine Father support) and Mother Gaia close again….in my hands, walking barefoot in the grass, leaning against her trees.

IMG-1732 (1)

I’ve been guided to eat light right now….just green smoothies and some fruit….cleaning out the body and digestive system in order to let in more love! Lots of activation and clearing of the solar plexus chakras as Divine will and personal will come into EQUInox too. Clearing of the heart and throat chakras too with galactic family support to unanchor the Inner Child from 3D living and traumas and come more into EQUInox union with star family again.

All these cosmic expansion and high vibrational energies invite OUR expansion too…into our higher timeline selves in ALL areas of life. Coming into EQUInox from within between our masculine and feminine aspects…coming into balance as we heal the polarities from within.

MANY blessings and love to you on this magical, special Supermoon EQUInox!

Jelelle Awen
Gabriel and Kalayna Solais will be offering a live stream and guided meditation to celebrate the Equinox supermoon today at 11:11am PST…I’ll be sharing it on my FB feed here so join them live or watch the recording later.

1:1 bridging sessions with women over 30 available with me, openings available next week! More info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/bridging-session

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Facilitator of SoulFullHeart Healing, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about 1:1 individual sessions and group sessions (virtual and in person), events, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.

Energy Update: Geomagnetic Unrest Offers More Need For Divine Trust

By Jelelle Awen
Energy Update: Geomagnetic unrest happening today and tomorrow as SOULar winds come into our atmosphere from the huge hole in the sun’s surface. Auroras are expected too. SOULar winds right now are creeping up and starting to accelerate, which maybe you are already feeling on physical and emotional levels? It’s like an amping UP feeling.
Waking up in the middle of the night and interrupted sleep/REM cycles seem to be an aspect of increased geomagnetic activity. Intense and vivid dreams as well with veils thinning overall in BIG ways lately between dimensions, timeline possibilities, and other lifetimes. So much is bleeding through and it can be overwhelming at times.
We are prepping already for the Equinox combined with our last Supermoon of the year happening next week. I can feel the energies building UP in swirls and gusts in a way, creating a passageway. These are big energies that can collapse current lives/relationships/careers/geographies and arise new ones.
Overall, there is a sense of SO MUCH trust in the Divine during this time that is available as/if you connect to it. Feeling and being with the parts of you that are in anxiety (both existential and situational) allows it to move into more Divine trust and surrender. We are going to need a strong grounding in Divine trust in the bigger picture of Ascension as more rumblings and purges and clearings happen in 3D and lower 4D realities.
I’ll be writing more soon about lower 4D and the ‘stickiness’ of it….how it can be challenging to rise your consciousness above it in order to offer love and compassion to the energies/aspects/beings that seem ‘stuck’ there. There can be many cycles of suffering in this stickiness sense of being attacked, being punished, things being done against your will, that there are energies that can be outside of the Divine/truly evil, etc. These feelings are actually signs of parts/soul aspects being ‘stuck’ in this hell reality that need your love and compassion.
As the SOULar winds blow in as prep for the coming Equinox, allow Divine trust to fill your heart and soul in the places that it can. Transmuting traumas from this life experiences and lower 4D esp experiences opens up this space to experience yourself AS love that can respond to all of it WITH LOVE.
Here is a guided meditation that I did offering transmutation of traumas with love: https://youtu.be/H20_fT-tKYg
Jelelle Awen
1:1 powerful sessions available for women over 30 with me, and with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators too! More info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/sessions
Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Facilitator of SoulFullHeart Healing, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about 1:1 individual sessions and group sessions (virtual and in person), events, writings/books, and videos, visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com.
photo from Nasa – A Wallops Flight Facility sounding rocket team is in Alaska for a launch into an aurora.

Peak Fear: The Uphill Climb Before The Surrender Into Love

by Kalayna Solais

We are living into a big crescendo right now, especially pushed up by the coming Equinox and this trinity of Supermoons. I keep being offered to call this crescendo ‘Peak Fear’ and that’s certainly what it feels like is happening. We are living into a dark time where the rumble of awakening out of 3D slumber and into lower 4D awarenesses is understandably pushing up fear.

The fear though is not so much coming from a need to fear what’s on the outside and how what’s rumbling in the collective will affect you personally. The fear is actually a reaction to what’s been in your personal shadow and is now coming up to be witnessed, felt, and ultimately loved UP. The fear of seeing timelines/lifetimes where your personal Metasoul has been involved in some of the terrible crimes that are actually quite triggering for you in this moment… yet, it’s surfacing because it’s time to not blame others for the state of the world and to begin taking responsibility, finding forgiveness and love inside so that you can feel compassion for what’s happening outside.

This is not an easy process, to really feel through these darker timelines of which your soul has been a part. Yet, we’re all invited to inhabit this sometimes daunting and heavy task with a pace we’re ready for. It feels like opting to go on journeys via Ayahuasca or Peyote or any other methods of inducing these sort of processes could add to the trauma of suddenly being thrust into these timelines of darkness, yet, if this is something you feel drawn to it may be important to go into it this way. The only piece here is to remember to hold self-love around it and to have a self-loving plan for integration and space for processing what you’ve now unearthed.

This whole process of unearthing and remembering could be much more step-by-step and self-lovingly held and paced if you choose to access your Gatekeeper first, who holds the keys to these alternate and other lifetime realities alive and well in your soul. It’s through getting to know them and negotiating with them that you can begin the descent into your inner cave, unveiling the dark and the light in your personal Metasoul. Here is a guided meditation from Jelelle to help you meet this aspect of you and to start the process of getting to know them too:

I personally have not been drawn to the intensity of plant-induced journeys and have preferred the pace of self-negotiated steps facilitated by an open-hearted other who has also been there. Yet, this is what my soul has gravitated towards with having experienced many lifetimes of these induced journeys for the sake of being an oracle, psychic, etc. and may not be what you actually need at this time.

What we’re intending to heal as a collective cannot be healed by pointing fingers. This method of shaming and blaming hasn’t worked yet in our ‘history’ to genuinely change the world we live in and how it operates. We cannot fire guns (figuratively or literally) and expect to find prolonged, sustainable peace, unless the parts of you that are attached to gunfire being the answer are deeply felt and given the love they so desperately want and need.

We cannot continue to ask world leaders to hold and give us the answers when they themselves haven’t gone inward to find what’s really going on inside of themselves or their own souls. More and more leadership is being invited out from inside of you, starting with leading your own explorations into the shadow that continues to be illuminated by what you’re hearing about, reading about, and reacting to on the outside.

The beautiful thing about all of this, is that we aren’t being asked to do it alone. We aren’t actually being asked to go deep into the desert and suffer for our ‘sins’ or find penitence and to strive for forgiveness from outside of us. We are already forgiven. We are already loved, despite it all, because we have needed to walk all of these timelines out for the sake of discovery, learning, growth, and the path back to the love we’ve come from and simply ARE. Now though… now we have the choice about what we want to do with this information and we can choose to be curious instead of fused to the same reality of Peak Fear we’ve been witnessing and perpetuating in different ways.

Much love to you as you feel into whatever your shadow is illuminating for you… I, myself, am curious too about where this exploration will take me next, for there are ALWAYS gifts to integrate from even the darkest of places we must go within and I trust deeply that I will not be the same person (in a really good way) on the other side of each journey inward.

For more info on connecting with one of us for bridging sessions and facilitation to help you become this love ambassador to your own soul, visit: http://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com/bridging-session


Kalayna Solais is a SoulFullHeart Facilitator for women age 30 and under, energy healer, soul scribe, and poetess.  Visit https://www.soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our Patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at https://www.patreon.com/soulfullheart.